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The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recognize the Constitution of the
Republic as a legitimate expression of the peoples will. It is mandated to serve and
protect the people and secure the sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the
national territory form internal and external threats. In view thereof, the AFP pledges
allegiance to the Filipino people adheres to the principle of the supremacy of civilian
authority over the military at all times and vows to uphold and defend the
The AFP is duly created by law as an integral part of the Executive Branch of
the Government. It is well organized and disciplined body composed of a citizen
armed force necessary for the Defense and Security of the state. It is headed by the
President as the Commander in Chief who exercises control, supervision and
authority through a chain of command headed by the Chief of Staff.
For operational efficiency and effectiveness, the AFP is presently composed
of three (3) Major Services: The Philippine Army (PA) which conducts ground combat
operations. The Philippine Air Force (PAF) which secures the Philippine Air space
and the Philippine Navy (PN) which secure the Philippine territorial waters. Each
service considers the other services as brother-in -arms and members of the big
family. All AFP services maintain harmonious and mutually supportive relationship
with each other and other government entities.
The AFP shall maintain a high level of credibility to gain the trust, confidence
and respect of the Filipino people. It shall manifest a high level of competence and
standard of performance in all its undertakings.
Historical Perspective - The AFP identifies with the Filipino people's historical
struggles for freedom and justice and their vigilance against any attempt to violate
the countries integrity and sovereignty. In retrospect, it recognizes the role of our
forefathers and honors them for their democratic aspirations.
The AFP as the impediment of the cherished Martial values and traditional of
the Filipino people, traces its root to certain historical events foremost of which is
the Battle of Mactan on 27 April 1521 where Lapu-Lapu, the acknowledge father of
the AFP, first signalled our love for freedom; the Dagohoy revolt in 1744, the muslim
resistance and other similar uprising against domination; the founding of Katipunan
on 07 July 1892 by Andres Bonifacio, considered as the father of the Philippine Army,
who exemplified Filipino Solidarity; the Tejeros convention on 22 March 1897 which
proclaimed officially our desire for complete independence and thereafter gave birth
to the Philippine Army. Subsequently, the Philippine Navy was created on 20 May
On 12 June 1898, the Philippine Independence was declared at Kawit Cavite,
and for the first time, the Philippine Flag was unfurled by General Emilio Aguinaldo
and our National Hymn was played. The Filipino-American hostilities between
1898and 1899 further demonstrated the Filipino soldier's best in terms of honor,
valor, loyalty, duty and solidarity despite the overwhelming superiority of the enemy
To hasten the Philippine campaign on peace and order, The Philippine Military
Academy was organized on 25 October 1898, followed by the Philippine
Constabulary on 08 August 1901.
On 21 December 1935, the National Defense Act was enacted officially to
create the AFP. The defense of Bataan and Corregidor from the outbreak of World
War II until 09 April and 06 May 1942 respectively against the Japanese invasion
forces, the active guerilla movement and the successful Anti-Huk campaign also
best exemplified the Filipino Soldiers heroism and love of the country. The Philippine
Air Force was later established on 01 July 1947. Moreover, it is also noteworthy that
the AFP have Participated in International peace keeping effort as its commitment to
the United Nation such as the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) in
the early 50's the Philippine Air Force Contingent in Congo, Africa in the early 60's
and the Philippine Civic Action Group (PHILCAG) in south Vietnam in the late 60's.
After the EDSA event, the AFP has vigorously pursued a national reconciliation for
effort for peace and progress.
Lessons learned from the dark pages of AFP history. The AFP recognizes and
resolves to correct misdeeds of some of its members who sacrificed national
interest for individual gains, committed graft and corruption, perpetuated the ill
effects of martial law including the deteriorating effect on the AFP and national
economy caused by the unsuccessful coup attempts which betrayed the AFP's
tradition of ethical and professional conduct. These misdeeds tainted the good
image of the organization. Therefore, the AFP recognizing these shortcomings and
misdeeds, vows to evoke from its members the will to put the interest of the country
and the service above self, to enhance solidarity, to promote professionalism, and to
inculcate vigilance and preparedness against all threats to the Republic.


A reformed, highly motivated, professionalized and disciplined AFP is one of
the most vital components of our organization to win the people's war on democracy
to attain if those at its forefront, the military, enjoy the trust, confidence and respect
of the people. Such are not from their voluntary offered; they must be craned by the
AFP by exemplary conduct and dedicated public service.
To such ideals from the AFP their dreams to have an ideal Filipino Soldier.
Then it will not be difficult to accept the…
A. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will defend support and defend the
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.
Art II. Sec of the Philippine Constitution states that AFP is the
protector of the people and the states.
Its goal is to secure the sovereignty and integrity of the national
territory from internal and external threat.
B. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will fight all forces that would destroy the
freedom and independence of the Filipino people.
AFP identifies itself with the Filipino people's historical struggles from
freedom and justice and their vigilance any against any attempt to violate the
countries integrity and sovereignty. In retrospect it recognizes the role of our
forefathers as freedom fighters and honors them for their democratic and national
C. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will obey the laws, legal orders and
decrees of my lawful superiors at all times.
All members of the AFP shall morally bound by the Divine Laws,
oath of office, AFP custom and tradition, the AFP Code of Ethics from various
protocol of the Geneva Convention, the Philippine Constitution, Congressional Acts,
the Executive AFP Code of Conduct, AFP Regulation, AFP Directive, Circulars,
Memoranda, and the Military Custom and Tradition. The AFP are obliged to obey
laws, legal orders only to their respective superior through Chain of Command.
D. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will uphold the supremacy of the civilian
authority over the military in war and in peace.
The supremacy is that of civil authority over the military not for any
civilian citizens. Thus civil authority refers to the president who as the commander-
in-Chief of Staff of the AFP, exercises direct control and authority over the military
through his representative. The Secretary of the National Defense (SND). Other
branches of the government also appear in aid legislation (Congress) …Judicial Writs
or (Judiciary) , deputation during election (COMELEC), and so on. Civilian authority is
a at all times supreme over the military. No politicking, and no civilian position.
E. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will live and die in the true Filipino
tradition of valor and honor, duty and loyalty.
Filipino soldiers has exemplified himself throughout the history as
dedicated public servants who performed their task with a deep sense of


A. The AFP Creed - The profession of arms, as a noble calling demands from
its member not only specialized knowledge and skills but also a distinct lifestyle
governed by a commonly held belief -system containing non-negotiable enduring
core values of honor, loyalty, valor, duty, and solidarity. This system guides the way
member live their lives, perform their duties, and account for their behavior under all
circumstances of peace and conflict situation. Every member of the AFP voluntarily
bind himself to build and sustain his character and life-style with the core values as
foundation, otherwise he shall have no place in the military service.


1. We believe in HONOR as our crowning value as its's more precious
than life itself. It is the hallmark of our military conduct, which implies our clear
consciousness of personal… dignity and worth. We associate it with good reputation,
and is the immortal, sacred heart of the character, the violation of which should bring
about shame in us and the dignity to impose on ourselves the requisite restitution.
In peace or war, our word shall be our bond. Thus, to us honor also
means truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, uprightness, credibility and avoidance of
deception so that our written or spoken word maybe accepted without question. Our
facts shall be identified as facts, and our opinions for what they are. To, us honor
means integrity, for we commit ourselves to live a modest and decent life. We shall
not lie, cheat, steal, violate moral and ethical codes nor tolerance to the violations of
same. As honorable soldiers, we shall rise and live above the frailties of other men in
less exacting professions.
Honor animals from us a commitment to also act according to the
other values in this creed. For it is on the basis of trust and confidence that all of us
shall exist as a member of the AFP.
2. We believe in unfolding LOYALTY. Our oath of Office requires us to be
loyal to our nation and to obey the mandate to support and defend the Constitution.
We shall be obedient to the duly constituted political order. We shall support the
chain of command and obey all lawful orders of those legally appointed over us.
To us, loyalty to the unit shall imply that we express in words and in
deeds, strong support to those who lead us, those whom we lead and all those who
serve with us. To us loyalty enhances dedication and pride in our unit, fosters
cohesion, and promotes sincere concern for the well being of our fellow soldiers. It is
the best expression of our fidelity to God, our country and fellowmen, and our
adherence to democratic principles, constitutional mandate and legal authorities.
3. We believe in VALOR as the power and strength, courage and ability to
overcome fear to carry-out our mission and to accomplish what is seemingly
impossible. To us, valor goes beyond the physical dimension of boldness and
endurance to pain and hardships. With this value, we shall have the moral courage
to stand for what it is right and persevere to make it difficult for friends, superiors,
peers and comrades alike to do the wrong thing.
We also recognize the spiritual aspect of valor is shown by composure,
calmness and presence of mind. In situation demanding from us an act of
exceptional bravery, we shall remain ever serene and never allow ourselves to be
taken by surprise. In the heat of battle, we shall maintain presence of mind, in the
presence of menacing danger or death shall retain self-control, we shall benevolence
for those who are suffering in distress, for the weak, the loser and the vanquished.
We shall be polite at all times for it is the outward manifestation of our self-respect
and respect for others, and in it, we find a reserved force, which we will tap and
unleash only at the most appropriate times.
4. We believe in DUTY as the value of obedience and disciplined
performance despite difficulty and danger. To us, duty is a personal act of
responsibility manifested by accomplishing all assigned tasks to the fullest of one's
capability, meeting all out commitments and taking opportunities to improve
ourselves for the good of the service. We believe that duty requires acceptance of
responsibility not only for our own actions but also for the actions of those entrusted
to our care. To us, duty subsumes professionalism and competences, which are
prerequisites to confidence, pride and esprit -de-corps. Our units will function
effectively when we know and execute our jobs properly.
We believe that duty is selfless service in which the welfare and the
accomplishment of the mission come ahead of our individual desires. We best serve
the nation when we resist the temptation to pursue our self-interest, for the AFP
cannot function effectively if it becomes merely a collection of self-serving
To us duty is rendering service that demands our willingness to
sacrifice even if mans giving up our lives in defense of our country.
5. We believe in SOLIDARITY for it is the consolidating and integrating
value to which all of us bind ourselves with the rest of our comrades-in-arms. With it
we reject divisive fraternal organizations within the AFP. We believe that all well
trained well lead military unit shall develop pride and esprit-de-corps. Our leader shall
foster esprit -de-corps by ensuring that we will know the importance of our mission.
When lead others, we shall establish a strong bond showing them our personal as
well professional example of excellence. For we recognize that our organization as a
whole relies on our ability to do our job to best of our ability in teamwork with others.
Indeed, solidarity to us is the value that links us in a constantly, self-rectifying,
harmonious and dynamic system bound by the motto: "MAKA-DIYOS, MAKA-BANSA,
B. The AFP stand on Basic Issues - The employment of the AFP in many
areas of national concern which lie beyond the traditional martial role of the
organization, both in the country and abroad, has ushered in a lot of
misunderstanding and confusions not only in the mind of the soldier but also in that
of the ordinary citizen. It is therefore very necessary and important for the AFP to
clearly define its stand on the following issues:
1. The AFP Organization - The AFP organization shall be so designed,
structured, staffed and manned as to be able to carry out its mission and functions
effectively through the optimum use of resources. It shall allow full development and
equipage of both active and reserve forces, and the greater involvement of citizenry
not only in the defense of the state but also in civil assistance activities during
disasters, calamities, and national emergencies.
2. Supremacy of Civilian Authority.- The AFP shall at all times uphold the
supremacy of civilian authority over the military. The President as Commander-in-
Chief of all the Armed Forces shall exercise command and control over the Armed
Forces. The AFP shall respect laws enacted by Congress, enforced writs issued by
the judiciary, carry out directives of the COMELEC under circumstances provided by
law…. And subscribed to regulation enacted by the Commission on Audit concerning
the management of fund.
3. Chain of Command - The AFP shall follow the chain of Command.
Every officer and soldier shall obey the lawful orders of his immediate superior.
Anyone who shall refuse or fail to carry out a lawful order from the military chain of
command shall be subject to military discipline. On the other hand, commanders
shall exercise their authority over their subordinates with prudence and shall accept
responsibility shall extend to the level as determined by an appropriate and
competent board.
4. Military Leadership - The military leadership shall have ability to
influence members of the organization in the fulfillment of its roles, obligations and
functions. It shall have a sincere concern towards the morale and welfare of the
members. It shall also be credible and able to promote opportunities for genuine
reconciliation and solidarity for the sake of peace.
5. Research and Technology. - The AFP shall be the prime mover of
research and technology in the manufacture of armaments and electronic hardware,
in aircraft and shipbuilding and full utilization of indigenous defense materiel based
on our belief, care and attitude in the preservation, development and protection of
our natural resources.
6. People's Support - The AFP shall be firmly acknowledges people's
support as a vital to achieving peace and order. Thus it shall respect living
conditions, beliefs, ways of life, and the totality of the environment of all sectors to
ensure their acceptance of the AFP as their own.
7. National Development - The AFP shall be the people's partner in
promoting peace, national development and progress.
8. Partisan Policies - The AFP recognizes the sanctity of its insulation
from partisan politics. Its involvement in politics shall be strictly limited to the
exercise of its member's right of suffrage and in ensuring the security and delivery of
ballot to the concerned government entities during election if and when deputized to
do so. The AFP therefore pledges not to interfere nor be an instrument of any
politically motivated activities. AFP members required to through the Commission on
Appointments shall conduct their self honorably, resisting the temptation to resort to
behavior that seeks political favor in exchange for subservience.
9. Mass Media - The mass media is an effective vehicle of change and
progress. The AFP shall maintain an "open-media policy". It shall respect the
media's freedom of movement and access to vital sources of information and
freedom of expression limited only by the law on classified information. It shall
develop a working relationship with the media in order to broaden popular
understanding, draw appreciation of the national security programs and seek elf-
improvement. However, Only the CSAFP, Major Service Commander and their
respective authorized representatives shall be allowed to make official media
10. Spiritual Life - The AFP shall encourage to practice of one's religious
faith for the good of the service. The constitutional provision of the separation of
church and state shall not only allow but shall promote the free exercise of religion in
the AFP.
11. Family Life - The AFP shall recognize that its members are human
being with the same family obligations as other people It shall therefore support
activities that will strengthen husband-wife, parents-children and family community
relationship; provide facilities conducive to a wholesome home and community life
and protect military dependents especially minors, from exploitation and drug abuse.
12. Democracy - The AFP adheres to the principle of democracy that the
government is of the people, by the people and for the people. The real power and
authority in the governance of the nation emanates from its citizens. The AFP
recognizes its role to protect the people and assert its right to participate in the
democratic process in which is legally allowed to do so, But it shall never allow itself
to be used to subvert the sovereign will of the majority neither would it lend its
power to stifle the rights of the majority.
13. National Interest - Foremost in the mind of the AFP shall the realization
that the national interest serves the common good of the citizenry. This shall be the
overriding factor to which the AFP fully commits itself in all mission it shall
14. Peace - Peace is priceless gift to mankind which connotes freedom
from any hostilities such as political, social, and economic ills. It is the tranquility,
orderliness and harmony among people based on justice. The AFP as a vanguard of
peace shall ensure its preservation, restoration and enhancement, for change and
development can only be attained through peaceful environment.
15. War - War is defined as the use of organize military force by a state to
achieve its ends against physical opposition of hostile state or states. War in
developing counties, however, has gained a new dimension as holistic and total
approach to the solution of socio-political conflicts. War is resorted to only when
peaceful means shall have failed and no other option is left to resolve the conflict.
The AFP, thus prefers peace to war. Hence, it is strongly supports any
activity or program geared towards reconciliation. But in the conduct of war, the AFP
shall be able and willing to perform hazardous missions with the right use of force,
the least lost lives and the swiftest favorable outcome. It shall maintain a high state
of readiness to sustained training and updating of its logistical needs to ensure
The AFP shall be always ready to defend and suppress any external or
internal threats. It must be vigilant without being oppressive.
16. Use of Armed Force - The AFP shall exercise the utmost restraint and
precaution in the use of armed force to implement policies. If the use of arms is
inevitable, it must be sanctioned by the duly established political system only
reasonable force is necessary to fulfill its mission. It shall be directed only against
the enemies of the state, not against innocent civilians’ nor-combatants, and most of
all not against its all people and government.
17. Social Justice - The AFP shall subscribe to the promotion of social
justice. It shall understand that the humanizations of social and economic forces
are means to maintain equilibrium of relationship in the community.
18. Human Rights - The AFP shall respect the inherent dignity of a human
being and alienable and other declaration of "Human Rights" and other declaration
which our country is our signatory. As such as the AFP pledge itself to protect and
promote these rights.
19. Enemies of the State - The AFP shall consider as enemies of the state
those who shall violate the sovereignty of the Philippines as an independent and
democratic state. Those who shall subscribe to violence as means to achieve their
ends and those who do not adhere to the internationally accepted principles of peace;
equality justice, freedom and friendship; those who shall not accept the supremacy
or civilian authority over the military; Those who shall dismember the country of any
part thereof; those who shall foment chaos and disorder and obstruct the
achievement of the common good; those who shall engage in organized crimes that
threaten the security of the state; and who shall organized the populace for the
purpose of alienating their allegiance from the state.
The AFP shall control and suppress the enemies of the state and in
coordination with other government agencies, shall try to bring them back to the
mainstream of the society through rehabilitation. It shall threat the enemies of the
state according to the laws of the land.
20. Principled Critiques/Cause Oriented Groups - The AFP shall not stifle
dissent or label the principled critiques and/ or cause oriented group as threat to
national security and/or enemies of the state as dissent and opposition are
important features to ensure healthy dynamic democracy.
1. General Statement - The members of the AFP are public servants who
are oath-bound to fulfill the lofty mandate of the constitution. The peculiarity of the
military service, which requires the right to bear arms, calls for corresponding
assurance of professionalism from every military man.
2. Professionalism - The expert application of specialized skills based on
an organized body of knowledge and in accordance with laws and/ or Code of Ethics
with the highest degree of excellence in accomplishment of the mission.
3. Standard of Military Professionalism - Every member of the AFP shall
observe the following as guidelines in the discharge of their official duties.
a. Standard of Loyalty - All military personnel shall be loyal and true
to the Republic of the Philippines, the Constitution, the AFP and to the people at all
times. They shall obey the duly constituted authority and abide by laws, legal orders,
good morals, good customs, and promote order and public safety.
b. Standard of Competence - All military personnel must possess
the knowledge, skill, physical attributes and character traits necessary to attain
outstanding performance of duty and accomplishment of the mission.
c. Standard of Ethics - The military community is a part of a larger
society- the Filipino society. Hence, every military personnel must observe and
conform to the accepted principles of right conduct being observed in the society of
which he/she is a part. Among these principles of right behavior expected in the
Philippine society and other civilized societies are honesty, justice, truthfulness and
concern for others. Honesty should be practical in all dealings with persons and
material resources. Military personnel shall render service to everyone regardless of
his status in life. His/her word is taken on face value because he is not supposed to
tell a lie. He/she should show concern for the well being of others to include enemies
who have surrendered or have been captured. He/she should be trusted steward of
resources under his care.
d. Standard of Morals - Man is a national being. Man is also a
moral being who is given capacity to determine what is right and do it what is wrong
and avoid it. In a society, there are accepted practices, custom and traditions which
are necessary in the ordering of community such as respect for elders and authority,
fidelity to an oath and/or vow.
It is therefore expected of a soldier to respect his superiors,
peers and subordinate. He must be faithful to his pledge as a soldier to serve his
country above self. When married, he/she must be faithful and to hi/her vow of
fidelity to wife/husband. He must not only protect his personal honor but that of
others as well. Transparency and openness must characterize the
dealings/transactions of every soldier. However, in such situation, he must not lose
sight of the fact that there are certain matters/information which must be safeguard
because they involved the security of the state.
e. Unprofessional Act - Behaviors that fall short of the professional
standard set forth in this code are considered unprofessional acts. Specifically, the
following constitute offenses falling under this category:
(1) Acts of Disloyalty - Acts of omissions betraying one's
faith, duty and commitment to God, country, people, constitutional government, AFP
chain of command, unit or office and its mission. The following are examples:
(a) Any form of cowardice desertion or abandonment
of post without leave and with the intent not to return for any reason; or advising,
aiding a deserter to commit such acts, or entertaining him without informing the
latter's commander or unit, such as; when an officer, who having tendered his
resignation and prior due notice of its acceptance, quit his post or duties without
leave and with intent to absent himself permanently; when an enlisted personnel,
without having first received a regular discharge, again enlist in the AFP or in any
foreign Armed Forces, when he quits his organization or place of duty to shirk
important service; or abandon his post; or advises or aids another to desert, or
entertains a deserter.
(b) Contempt or disrespect by words or deeds
towards the Commander-in-Chief and appropriate civilian authorities one's superior
officer or non-commissioned officers, such as when one uses contemptuous or
disrespectful words; behaves with disrespect; neglects customary salute; exhibit
undue familiarity, marked disdain, indifference, insolence, impertinence; display
rudeness in the presence of a superior officer; commits character assassination; by
passes chain of a command 9or usurp/deprives authority; or prevents superior
officers in the lawful exercise of their functions without reasonable justifications;
strikes a superior officer; draws or lifts any weapon against a superior; offers any
violence against a superior, willfully disobey any unlawful command of a superior;
strikes or assault an NCO; willfully disobeys the lawful order of an NCO; uses
threatening or insulting language; behaves in an insubordinate or disrespectful
manner toward an NCO;
(c) Any attempt to create or participate in any violent
action against the duly constituted government, or its subdivisions; agencies and
instrumentalities, or engaging in any mutiny or sedition in any company, party, post,
camp, detachment, or other command, such when one conspires and proposes to
commit treason, coup de-tat; attempts to create a mutiny or sedition; causes or
excites a mutiny or sedition.
(d) Giving or attempting give aid, protection, comfort,
information or any form of support to the enemy or his allies or fronts, such as when
one relieve the enemy with arms, ammunitions, supplies, money or other things;
knowingly harbors or protects enemy; gives intelligence to the enemy; discloses
classified information; causes a prisoner to escape through design; or espionage.
(e) Refusal to execute duty or take appropriate action
during times of crises or siege, uprising, mutiny and similar occurrences for a
perceived personal advantage, such as: fence-sits or is an opportunist indicative or
indecision or neutrality with respect to conflicting situations; when subordinate
compels or attempts to compel a commander to surrender, refuses to obey or to do
his duty, or to participate in any measure of defense.
(f) Acts of incompetence - Refers to the lack of
required knowledge, skills, physical attributes and character traits necessary for
adequate performance of duty and accomplishment of mission. The following are
- Failure to attain the minimum passing in
any AFP training and education program.
- Inability to meet the physical, medical
mental and moral fitness test requirements of the service.
- Apathy, indifference, or half-heartedness
towards duty or the imprudent or negligent execution thereof such as; failure to
report on time to the properly appointed place of duty leaving one's place of duty
without proper leave absenting one self from one's command guard, quarters,
station, or camp without proper leave; failure to do one's utmost to suppress mutiny
or sedition, failure to give information of mutiny sedition; refusal to receive or keep
prisoner committed his charge; misbehaving before the enemy; running away from
the enemy; shameful abandoning or delivering up any command; endangering the
safety of the command by any misconduct, disobedience or neglect, speaking words
inducing others to misbehave, run away, or abandon or deliver up or endanger the
safety of the command; casting away arms or ammunition, quitting one's post or
colors to plunder or pillage; causing false alarms; refusing to engage the enemy in
combat; displaying acts of cowardice; making known the watchword/passwords/
countersigns different from the received; neglecting to secure captured property ;
failure to turn over such property without delay when the same comes to his
profession; selling or wrongfully disposing military property; being drunk on duty;
misbehaving as sentinel; committing any kind of depredations or riots; committing
any wastes or spoiling; willfully destroying property; refusing or omitting to see
reparations made; using reproachful speech or gesture disorders and neglects
prejudicial to good order and military discipline; conduct of a nature bringing
discredit upon the military service; disregard of policies, regulations or directives; by
passing the chain of command; improper display of insignia awards and decorations;
disregard of military custom and protocol; dereliction and negligence of duty;
malingering; allowing prisoner to escape through neglect; refusing or willfully
neglecting to deliver over an accused person; refusing or willfully neglecting to aid an
officer of justice in apprehending and securing an accused person.
f. Unethical Acts - Refer to all acts or omissions which deviate
from established an accepted ethical and moral standard of behavior and
performance as set forth in this code. The following are examples:
(1) Directly or indirectly engaging oneself in outside
employment or business sidelines using government time, unless authorized by
proper authority.
(2) Arrogance in words, ways and deeds including, but not
limited to, unnecessary use or display of firearms or uniforms or unwarranted
assertion of rank, position or authority.
(3) Allowing any wrong doing or irregularity in the military
service or refusing or failing to take action thereon or to report same to the
appropriate authorities.
(4) Occupying other position in concurrent capacity to obtain
influence, privileges, honoraria and other benefits incidental to said position.
(5) Lobbying for any favor, including but not limited to
promotion assignments, positions and other privileges, personally or other persons.
(6) Any act of circumventing AGF rules, regulations, circulars,
directives for purposes of procurement, promotions, schooling, assignments, awards
and decorations to the damage or prejudice of any applicant or member of the AFP
committed by any member of the board, committee or office, created for the
purpose mentioned.
(7) Allowing/tolerating spouses and dependents to interfere
middle in official functions.
(8) Fornication (i. e; Adultery, concubinage, homosexuality,
pedophilia, etc).
(9) Engaging in vices including but not limited to excessive
gambling, womanizing, excessive drinking of intoxicating liquor, use of prohibited
drugs and alike.
(10) Sexual harassment is defined as: 1) influencing offering
to influence, or threatening the career, pay or job of a person in exchange for sexual
favors. 2) Deliberate, repeated offensive comments, gestures or physical contact of
sexual nature in a work related environment.
(11) Forum shopping - Filing charges to different investigative
agencies thus resulting to disregarding the AFP chain of Command.
(12) Airing grievance/seeking to Redress Grievances directly
or indirectly seeking redress or grievances thru the use of tri-media that will destroy
the image of the AFP.

g. Corrupt Acts - All acts or omissions described and characterized

a crimes against public interest, public morals, property, chastity, civil status of
persons, and honor under the pertinent provisions of the Revised Penal Code and
Acts No's 3019 and 6713 and other special penal laws, including the articles of War
AFP Rules, regulations and directives which involved dishonesty injustice and
immorality, committed by any military personnel in connection with his office,
position, rank or influence to obtain material gain or material interest or advantage
causing damage to any party including the government. The following are examples.
(1) Any form of conversion, sale, application or use of
government funds or properties other than what they are intended for including, but
not limited to POL allocations, firearms, ammunitions and other supplies.
(2) Any form of manipulation of unit or individual funds
including, but not limited to maintenance and operating expenses (MOE), project
money, pay and allowances, remittances to GSIS, PAG-IBIG and the like.
(3) Any participation in or toleration of rigged bidding.
(4) Falsification/alteration of records/documents to justify
unwarranted acquisition or disposal/sale of government equipment to favor any
party including himself.
(5) Allowing/tolerating military spouses and dependents or
dummies to deal or participate in any form of transactions with the AFP including but
not limited to bidding and the alike. Utilization/disposition/employment of AFP
including but not limited to family/personal driver, houseboys, security guards and
the alike. Utilization/disposition/employment of AFP material resources for
personal/family use including but not limited to vehicles, office supplies, POL
products and the like. Receiving/accepting/demanding or insinuating to receive gifts
in any form of any occasion.
h. Penalties and Administrative Sanctions - The penalties for the
foregoing disloyal, incompetent, unethical and corrupt acts mentioned in this Code
shall be those which are provided in the Revised Penal Code, the Articles of WAR,
Special Laws and pertinent AFP rules and regulations and punishment of the
offender shall not be waved or cordoned.


Ano ang sundalo?
Ang sundalo ay isang mamamayan na pumiling maglingkod sa
pagdepensa ng Republika ng Pilipinas.


Ano ang Oath of Enlistment? Ito ay panumpa sa katungkulan bilang Kawal
“I,…hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily enlisted …as a soldier of the
Regular Force, Armed Forces of the Philippines…under the conditions prescribed by
law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority; and do agree to accept from the
Republic of the Philippines such pay, allowances rations and clothing as are or may
be established by law. And I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines; that I will serve it honestly and
faithfully against all its enemies whomsoever; that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines; that I will obey the orders of the
President of the Republic of the Philippines, and the orders of the officeres
appointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war; and that I imposed
this obligation upon myself, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. SO

(First name-Middle initial-Last name)

Ito ay higit pa sa isang kontrata dahil hindi ito pwedeng buwagin ninuman at
kailangan panindigan sa anumang sitwasyon habang naglilingkod sa bayan. Ang
paglingkod niyo ay kusang loob; tapat sa Republika ng Pilipinas at sa kanyang
Saligang Batas, at alinsunod sa mga kautusan at mga kaatasan ng Presidente ng
Pilipinas at lahat ng mga nakapangyayari sa iyo.


1. Ang Operational Imperative: Tagumpay sa misyon ang layunin
ng bawat sundalo. Ang Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas (SLP) ay umiiral upang
magsagawa ng mga pampakilusang gawaing nauugnay sa pandepensa ng
soberenya at ingegridad ng Republika ng Pilipinas at suportahan ang mga
inisyatibong nauukol sa pangbansang pagsulong. Ang Hukbo ay naatasang mag-
organisa, magsanay, bigyang kagamitan at maglaan ng pwersang Katihan para sa
pagsasagawa ng maagap at tuluy-tuloy na operasying panseguridad, ng nagiisia o
kaanib ang iba pang sangay ng SLP.
Bawat Kawal Pilipino ay kasama sa Hukbong Katihan na siya lang may
karapatan magtanggol sa bayan laban sa lahat ng kaaway ng kalayaan, kasarinlan at
kabuuan nito.
Dahil mabigat ang tungkulin ng nagdadala ng baril at gumagamit ng
pwersang militar sa kaligtasan ng bayan, kailangan sumunod ang Kawal Pilipino sa
Philippine Army Core Philosophy o paniniwalang naaayon sa pinakamataas na antas
sa paglingkod dito.
Ito ay binubuo ng anim na core values at anim na standards of conduct.
Ang core values ay inyong didibdibin nang inyong gampanan sa buhay ng tuwid na
pagsusundalo. Ito ang proteksyon sa buhay niyo at ng iyong mga kabalikat sa
Philippine Army.
2. Army Core Values:
a. Love of Country- Pagmamahal sa Inang Bayan
Ang Pilipinas ay ating lupang sinilangan at tahanan ng
ating lahi. Pagmamahal sa Pilipinas ay buong paniniwala sa Sambayanang Pilipinas
at sa kapwa Pilipino. Ang batang heneral na si General Gregorio del Pilar ay isang
taong matatag ang puso sa kalayaan at kasarinlan ng Pilipinas kahit kamatayan ang
kapalit nang ipagtanggol ang Tirad Pass laban sa mga Amerikanong sundalo. Ito ang
tinuturo sa inyo sa paaralan. Ang pagsundalo ay isang magandang pagkakataon
para ipakita ang pagmamahal niyo sa bansa.
Ang kalayaan, kasarinlan at kabuuan ng bansang Pilipinas
ang pinakaimportanteng bahagi ng buhay ng bawat Pilipino. Kaya Pilipino lang ang
tagapagligtas sa kanya.
b. Valor- Kagitingan
Kagitingan ng ating mga bayaning Pilipino ang batayan ng
paglilingkod ng Kawal Pilipino saanman siya makarating at anumang ginagampanan
sa buhay. Higit pa ito sa pangkaraniwang katapangan at kailangan ng tibay ng loob
para makamtan ang misyon sa pagtanggol ng buhay at bayan.
Isang halimbawa dito ay si Captain Conrado Yap, Gawad
ng kagitingan. Dahil sa kagitingan, hindi siya umurong sa labanan at sinuguran ang
masmalakas na kaaway para kunin ang isang yunit na nahiwalay sa giyera kasama
na rin ang mga bangkay ni Lt. Artiaga at tatlong sundalo kahit matindi at
nakakamatay ang putukan na dinatnan niya.
c. Honor -Karangalan
Karangalan ang pinakamataas sa mga katangian ng
isang tapat na sundalo. Nakikita ito sa kanyang isip, salita at gawa para sa
kapakanan ng madlang tao. Ito na rin ang isa sa mga batayan ng kahusayan ng
Hukbo sa kamalayan ng masang Pilipino. Dahil dito, maintinidihin din natin na ang
Kawal Pilipino ay nangangatawan sa buong Hukbong Katihan ng Republika ng
Pilipinas. Ang mabuting asal ng bawat Kawal Pilipino ay makapupuri sa Hukbo at
ang masamang asal ay siya na ring magbibigay ng kahihiyan at bubuwag sa kabuuan
Ang integridad o katibayang-moral ng Kawal Pilipino ay
bahagi din ng halaga na karangalan. Maraming tukso sa pagkamit ng pera o mataas
na position sa hindi magandang paraan pero mawawala din ang mga ito di tulad ng
integridad at ang pagtiwala sa tunay na kakayahan ng isang tao. Alisin ang
pandaraya at pairalin ang katotohanan sa sarili at sa ibang tao. Ang gantimpala nito
ay tulong ng madlang bayan sa mga lingkod militar at sa hangaring pangkapayapaan
ng Hukbong Katihan.
Pinanindigan ni Captain Arturo B. Ortiz ang karangalan ng
Kawal Pilipino nang talunin ang isang rebeldeng kampo, habang tinitiyak ang
mabuting kalagayan ng mga asawa, anak at ibang taong naninirahan doon.
d. Loyalty - Katapatan
Katapatan sa sumpa sa tungkulin o Oath of Enlistment ay
kusa at buong-loob. Kasama dito ang mahigpit na pagsunod sa Chain of Command
kung saan dumadaan ang utos sa misyon mula sa Presidente ng Pilipinas hanggang
sa pinakapinuno ng pinakamaliit na bahagi ng Hukbo. Katapatan din sa Saligang
Batas, at pagsunod sa batas ay mahalaga sa dahilan na itong mga batas ang siyang
nagbigay ng karapatan sa Hukbong Sandatahan ng Pilipinas kasama na ang
Hukbong Katihan na gumamit ng pwersang military sa pagtanggol ng bansa sa
kanyang mga kaaway.
Ito ay binubuo ng isang kasamahan ng lalong tumitibay
sa mga karanasan sa larangan ng digmaan o kapayapaan. Dito nakasalalay ang
buhay ng bawat Kawal Pilipino dahil katapatan sa tungkulin at ang kasamahan ang
nagdadala sa pagtamo ng layuning militar at pagtagumpay sa digmaan. Hindi
pwedeng paglingkuran ang dalawang amo kaya ang katapatan na ito ay di mahahati.
Hindi pwedeng mangibabaw ang pansariling hangarin dahil buhay at malayang
kabuhayan ng ibang tao, pangkat, at bayan ang maapektuhan.
Katapatan ay ginagawad at tinatamo ng bawat Kawal
Pilipino sa bawat rango ng Hukbong Katihan. At dahil sa buong loob na katapatan
matatamo din ang matibay na pagkakaisa ng samahang militar. Sa larangan ng
digmaan, ang pagkakaisa na ito ay maaasahan sa madaliang paglunsad ng depensa
at pagtamo ng tagumpay para sa kabutihan ng bayan. Dahil dito, bawat Kawal
Pilipino ay maalam at mausisa at ang kanilang mga pinuno marunong at maingat sa
pagutos sa mga sundalo.
Tiwala at compiyansa ay bunga ng katapatan ng bawat
sundalo, at siya na rin ang magbibigay tibay sa kasamahan ng mga Kawal Pilipino
sa anumang karanasan na haharapin sa propesyon.

Bawat sundalong nagmamalasakit sa pagkakaisa ng Hukbong Sandatahan ng

Pilipinas at pagtagumpay laban sa mga kaaway ng bayan ay halimbawa ng
e. Duty – Katungkulan
Ang Kawal Pilipino ay laging may misyon. Kaya tapat siya
sa tungkulin ng sundalo na higit pa sa pangkaraniwang naglilingkod sa bayan.
Nangingibabaw palagi ang paglingkod sa kapwa sundalo, ang pagsunod sa utos ng
mga pinununong military at pagganap ng kanyang mg tungkulin na walang pag-
iimbot at ng buong kakayahan.
Ang sundalo ay laging handa, anumang oras, lugar at
misyon. Ang tagumpay ng sundalo ay tagumpay rin ng taongbayan laban sa mga
bumabalak manira sa demokrasya, kalayaan at kabuuan ng sambayanang Pilipinas.
Magandang tularan si Sergeant Cuenca, na kahit may
tama at kulang sa tao, ay ipinakilos ang mga sundalo niya laban sa isang daang
rebelde. Pagkatapos ng tatlong oras, umatras ang kalaban na may siyam na patay.
Buhay lahat sa panig ng gobyerno.
f. Solidarity – Katatagan/Pagkakaisa
Ang pagkakaisa sa loob ng Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas
ang sumasakop sa lahat ng gawain, pag-unlad at katatagan ng Hukbo habang
impinagtatanggol at isinusulong ang kaunlaran ng bansa. Ang pagkakaisa ang
nagpapagalaw mula sa pinakamaliit na yunit hanggang sa pinakamalaking batalyon
ng Hukbo.
Kung palalawakin upang maging pambanasang batayan,
maging isang modelo ang katatagan ng Hukbong Katihan at magiging mabisang
insrumento ng pamahalaan ang Hukbo tungo sa pambansang kaunlaran. Ang
pagkakaisa rin ang magtatanggol sa sundalo laban sa anumang banta panloob man
o panlabas, sa pagtupad sa misyon.
D. Pamantayan ng Pag-uugali (Standards of Conduct)
Ang Core Values ay nasa kalooban ng bawat sundalo nguni’t makikita
ito sa kilos, salita at gawa sa buhay militar ayon sa mga sumsusunod na batayan:
1. Pursuit of Excellence – Pagtatamo ng Tagumpay
Bawat sundalo ay may kakayahan at kaalaman para matamo
ang kahusayan sa anumang bagay na kanyang pinasukan. Bukod sa lakas, talino at
katatagan sa labanan, hangad din ng isang sundalo na makamtan ang kahusayan sa
lahat ng kanyang gawain at saanmang larangan. Dahil dito, walang tigil din ang
pagsasanay sa mga araling pandigma at tuloy-tuloy na pinakikinabangan ang lahat
ng abilidad ng sundalo.
Dahil dito, kinikilala ang tulong ng Kawal Pilipino sa pag-unlad ng
mga komunidad na pinaglingkuran nila. Habang kahusayan sa gawa ang hangad ng
sundalo, maasahan din siya sa pagtagumpay ng kanyang misyon.
2. Pride in Uniform – Pagpapahalaga sa Uniporme
Ang uniporme ng Kawal Pilipino ay simbolo ng lahat ng
mahalaga sa Hukbong Katihan ng Republika ng Pilipinas gaya ng watawat ng
Pilipinas. Ikinararangal ang pagsuot nito dahil ito rin ang simbolo ng katapatan at
disiplina na ipinatutupad sa buhay militar. Dahil dito, mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang
maling paggamit o paggalang sa uniporme kasama na ang lahat ng insigniya o
sagisag ng rango na bahagi nito. Mahalaga na alamin ang kahulugan ng bawat
bahagi at sagisag na nakakabit dito dahil ito ang nagbibigay buhay sa diwa ng tunay
na sundalo. Ang uniporme ang koneksyon natin sa kasaysayan ng lahing Pilipino at
sagiisag ng maaari pang likhain para sa kapakanan ng baying Pilipinas. Ito ang
simbolo ng pagkakaisa sa taongbayan sa lahat ng hangarin ng isang magandang
kinabukasan para sa lahat.
3. Disicpline – Disiplina
Para sa kaunlaran ng bayan, disiplina ang kailangan. Disiplina rin
ang ipinatutupad sa isip, salita at gawa ng Kawal Pilipino. Kasama dito ang
pagsunod sa utos ng mga opisyales ng bawat antas ng Hukbong Katihan ng
Pilipinas. Mahigpit man ang disiplina na pinaiiral sa buhay militar, maasahan naman
na maiiwasan ang pagkawala ng buhay sa larangan ng digmaan at mapapatibay ang
mabuting kasamahan na mahalaga sa pagtagumpay sa anumang misyon ng sundalo.
Maaring mawala ang lahat ng kasangkapan at kasama ang isang sundalo, ngunit
gaganapin pa rin ang misyon dahil disiplina ang magdadala sa kanya.
4. Professionalism – Propesyonalismo
Ang propesyonlaismo sa propesyong military ay
nangangahulugan ng katapatan sa tungkulin, kaalaman at kasanayan at
naihahahayag sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay atensyon sa tungkulin na
nangangailangan ng disiplina at kagalingan. Ang Kawal ay ginagabayan ng
pamantayan ng propersonalismo-militar na kaumakatawan sa batayang halagahan
ng Hukbong Kathihan ng Pilipinas at particular sa mga inaatas ng SLP at sa mga
sangay ng pamahalaan. Ang propersyonalismo ay nagmumula sa patatamo ng
tagumpay ng Kawal; ang kanyang disiplinadong paagsasagawa ng tungkulin,
kailanman, saanman at papaano; ang pagkilala sa indibidwal na merito;
pagpapakumbaba ng nagkakamit ng respeto; at higit sa lahat, ang kalooban ng isang
tao. Ang ganitong pahayag ay nagmula sa isang heneral ng puno ng karanasan sa
larangan ng digmaan at nagmula sa mga Enlisted Personnel. Pinaniniwalan niya na
ang propersyonlaismo-militar ay magbibigay-daan para sa kapayapaan at istabilidad
sa bansa.
Sa propesyonalismo, walang papanigan upang suportahan ang
kinabutihan ng nakararami. Pagtitiwala sa kakayahan at di personalidad ang
importante. Ang propersyonalismo at pagkakaisa sa military ay nagtuturo sa Kawal
ng magandang pananaw sa kakaibang misyon niya. Properyonalismo ang siyang
basehan sa suporta ng sibilyan at pagtanggap nila ng inisyatibong militar.
5. Adherence to Law – Pagsunod sa Batas
Ang Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas ay kukuhs ng direksyon
mula sa National Command Authority. Bilang isang linkurang panlarangan ng SLP,
ang Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas at ang Kawal nito ay mararapat na sumunod sa
mga kautusan base sa tuntuning nasasaad sa pambansang polisiya. Ang
pamunuang militar sa chain of command ang siyang nagdedesisyon kung paano
isasagawa ang isang tuntunin, hindi ang indibidwal na sundalo. Bawat kawal ay
mamamayan ng Pilipinas kaya’t bilang kawal, nasasakop siya ng parehong batas at
marapat na sumuno gayong bahagi ito ng kanyang paglilingkod sa bayan. Ang
Konstitusyon, ang Artikulo ng Digmaan, ang mga kodigo ng batas, ang batas ng
Ethical Standards and Public Accountability at iba pang mga espesyal na batas ay
marapt ding sundin bilang pinakamaliit na pamantayan ng pag-uugali na inaasahan
sa isang Kawal.
Sa panahon ng paglalaban, ang pinakamataas na pamantayan
ng pag-uugali ang mahalaga at siyang susundin. Gayundin, kung walang utos o
kulang sa utos o kaalaman sa pagkilos, o kaya sa dipangkaraniwan na sitwasyon o
ditradisyonal na ginagampanan, ang system ang halagahan at pamantayan ng pag-
uugali na nakapaloob dito ay marapat na tuwirang sundin.
6. Deference to Authority – Pag-ayon sa Autoridad
Ang kapapangyarihang militar ay ginaganap sa chain of
command. Ang mga taong nasa kapangyarihan sa bawat lebel sa Hukbong Katihan
ay inpinagkakatiwala sa pagsasagawa ng mga pangangailangang pampakilusan at
ang disiplina para maniguro na ito’y masusunod. Isa rin itong sanhi ng pagkakaisa
dahil kapag ang namuno’y may pagkakilanlan sa kanyang mga ginagawa, sa kanyang
tagumpay, kasama ang kanyang mga tauhan. Ang mga seremonyang militar,
tradisyon, mga kaugalian at nakagawain ay nagpupugay sa chain of command at
ipinapakita ang pinakamahusay na panig ng disiplina na siya ring ipinamamalas ng
Ang pag-ayon sa kapangyarihang sibil ay kinakailangan sa Kawal
bilang bahagi ng kanyang responsibilidad, dahilan sa ang kanyang pagtugon ang
magsisilbing ipluwensya sa kalalabasan ng isang kritikal na sitwasyon o
magdedetermina sa istabilidad ng kapangyarihan na nakaposisyon. Sa puntong ito,
ang Kawal, kahit limitado ang pagkilos sa isinasagawa dulot ng kanyang misyon, ay
maaring dumipende sa kapangyarihang sibil hanggang sa puntong ang buhay ay
mapangangalagaan at makuha ang objective ng misyon. Ang propesyonal na kawal
na kumikilos ayon sa pinakabuod na pilosopiya ng Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas ay
makagagawa at makapagdadala ng responsibilidad upang magdesisyon sa punto ng
tungkulin at base sa pangangailangan ng sitwasyon. Ang kanyang propesyonalismo
ang magbibigay proteksyon at magsisilbing gabay para sa kanyang aksyon. Sa
pagiging totoo sa sarili at sa mamayan na kanyang pinaglilingkuran, ang kawal ay
maububuhay ng tapat sa tungkulin dahil maging simple lang ang misyon, ito’y dakila,
malawak man nguni’t dagliang magagampanan.
Ang lakas at pagkakaisa sa loob ng HKP ang nagbibigay-kahulugan sa
kakayanan nitong maisakatuparan ang kanyang masalimuot na tungkulin. Ang
pagtatanggol sa bansa ay pagtatanggol sa taumbayan. Mauunawan ito pati na ang
kahalagahan na makamit ang kalooban at isip ng mga tao kung nakatuon ang isip at
puso ng Kawal sa pinakabuod na pilosopiya ng HKP.
May tatlong katangian ang nangingibabaw sa buhay ng Kawal Pilipino:
ang kanyang kakayanang maging masaya sa panahaon ng ginhawa o hirap;
pagkamalikhain at akakayanang mag-analisa ng mga bagay kahit labas ito sa
kanyang kasanayan, at ang di-mapapantayang pananampalataya sa Dibino.
Sa lahat ng ito, ang Kawal Pilipino na kumikilos ayon sa mga naunang
Pinakabuod ng Pilosopiya ang siya na ring Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas, kayang
isagawa ang misyon ng militar kahit nag-iisa maging sa larangan ng digmaan o kaya
ng kapayapaan.

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