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Chapter 3

Early the next morning.

After Charlie finished cooking, he rode his little ebike to the Emgrand Group.

He parked the little ebike next to the parking lot of the Emgrand Group. As
soon as the bike was locked, a black Bentley car slowly parked in a parking
space opposite.

Charlie looked up inadvertently and saw a pair of young man and woman
walking down the car.

The man is dressed in high-end suits, they look very stylish, and the women
are coquettish. Although a bit gaudy, they are also rare beauties.

It turned out to be Claire’s cousin Wendy, and her about to be engaged fiance,
Gerald, the eldest of the White family.

Charlie didn’t know what Wendy and Gerald were doing in the Emgrand
Group, but in order to avoid trouble, he still prepared to hideaway.

Unexpectedly, things are hiding more and more.

The sharp-eyed Wendy immediately saw him and shouted loudly: “Oh,

Wendy’s brother-in-law yelled extremely cordially, but Charlie couldn’t help

but he strode faster after hearing it.

Out of courtesy, he could only stop, and when the two approached, he smiled
and said, “Wendy, why are you here?”

Wendy giggled: “I and Gerald came over to meet with Doris, the vice chairman
of Emgrand Group!”
After that, she looked at Gerald with admiration and said, “Gerald’s family has
a lot of cooperation with the Emgrand Group. In the future, not only will it
help the White family, but also our Willson family.”

Charlie didn’t know that the White family had a cooperation with the Emgrand
Group. After all, the Emgrand Group had just become his industry and had not
had time to understand it.

But he didn’t show it, just smiled and said: “The Prince has an extraordinary
temperament and a good strength. You are really talented and beautiful!”

Gerald White looked at Charlie contemptuously, and couldn’t help feeling

injustice in his heart.

This stinky rug was scolded by Mrs. Willson yesterday as a dog, and today he
has a hippy smile like a okay person.

Why would a stunning beauty like Claire marry such a useless waste?

If it weren’t for this useless man, he would definitely pursue Claire desperately,
and how could he be engaged to this inferior Wendy in every respect?

Thinking of this, Gerald was upset, and deliberately asked, “What did brother-
in-law come to the Emgrand Group for?”

Charlie said casually: “I’m looking for a job.”

“Looking for a job?” He sneered and said, “Why do you want to find a job in
the Emgrand Group?”

Charlie frowned: “What does my job search have to do with you?”

Wendy called Charlie to stop, just trying to sarcastically sarcasm him. Seeing
that Gerald had started first, she immediately sneered: “Why, is Gerald

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