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Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Image of Pharmacist to Halal Pharmaceuticals in

Malang Regency

Aristo Dema Salamadin1,*, Hajar Sugihantoro1, Ach. Syahrir1

Department of Pharmacy, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country to fulfill needs in the form of food,

goods/services and medicines tends to be in a halal state. This causes efforts in quality
assurance and quality as well as the halalness of these products, especially
pharmaceuticals. However, there are 45.8% of people who still have not considered halal
and do not know about halal pharmaceuticals. Knowledge of halal pharmaceuticals has an
impact on consumer empowerment in buying, as well as providing a guarantee of
consumer satisfaction and safety for sellers. Pharmacists as pharmaceutical personnel have
an important role in ensuring the quality and quality of drugs and the halalness of these
pharmaceuticals. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and
behavior of pharmacists towards halal pharmaceuticals in Malang Regency in 2021. This
research is descriptive. Sampling of the population of pharmacists in Malang Regency
using the Purposive Sampling method. In collecting data using a questionnaire. The results
of the study from 100 respondents showed that 42% of respondents' knowledge of halal
pharmaceuticals was in the "Enough" category, 69% of respondents' attitudes towards halal
pharmaceuticals were in the "Good" category and the behavior of pharmacists towards
halal pharmaceuticals was 51% in the "Good" category. Based on this, it can be concluded
that the description of pharmacist knowledge is sufficient, while the attitudes and behavior
of pharmacists are good towards halal pharmaceuticals.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavior Halal Parmaceuticals

Indonesia, as a country with a majority Muslim population, which is around 87.21%,
will certainly become a giant market for Muslim consumers [9]. As a country with a
Muslim majority, the fulfillment of needs in the form of food, pharmaceuticals, and
goods/services will tend to be in a state of halal necessity.
In Indonesia, the growth of the pharmaceutical industry is quite rapid with 70% of
distribution carried out by the domestic industry [7]. In addition, the awareness index of
halal labels on industrial products, including drugs, is 3.84 out of 5 with 73% of
respondents having the awareness to check the halal label on products before buying these
products [8]. In addition, Indonesia has been recorded to have spent US$ 218.8 billion for
the purchase of halal pharmaceutical products in 2017. Overall, the movement of 11
Islamic economies in Indonesia ranks 5th according to the Global Islamic Economy
Ranking Indicator [7].
The government has responded to halal products in Indonesia by participating in efforts
to guarantee halal products with Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product
Guarantee which regulates the provisions for granting halal certificates to products in
Indonesia, including pharmaceutical preparations, namely cosmetics, drugs, traditional
medicines. The law also contains provisions to include the label "not halal" for products
made from non-halal materials. Another thing that is regulated by the law is the change in
the law on the inclusion of the halal label from being voluntary to being an obligation.
In terms of logistics and pharmaceuticals resources, only 34 of the more than 30
thousand types of drugs registered with BPPOM are halal-certified [7]. This is very
counterproductive to the increasing demand and need for halal products in Indonesia.
Based on this, it appears that there are differences in the response of pharmacists at the
attitude level and at the behavioral level. This is in accordance with the concept of
behavioral level according to [3] where the individual's response to the information he or
she obtains is divided into three, namely the level of knowledge, the level of attitude, and
the level of behavior. To fill in the differences in previous studies (fill a gap) and provide a
holistic picture to policy makers regarding the response of pharmacists, as the frontline
staff in administering drugs to the public, regarding Halal drugs, the researchers wanted to
conduct research on “Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Image of Pharmacist to Halal
Pharmaceuticals in Malang Regency”.


This research is a descriptive observational research with sampling using purposive

sampling method. The sample in this study was obtained as many as 100 respondents who
met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria of this study are pharmacists who practice
in Malang regency and are willing to be research respondents. This research was conducted
by distributing an instrument in the form of a questionnaire to each respondent using a
google form. The questionnaire consists of a knowledge, attitude and behavior
Each questionnaire score is used to assess how far the respondents understand about
halal pharmaceuticals, their attitudes towards halal pharmaceuticals and their behavior
towards halal pharmaceuticals. The score for each questionnaire is classified as "good" if
the score is >75%, classified as "enough" if the score is obtained between 40%-75% and
classified as "less" if the score is <40%. Research data analysis is descriptive. Descriptive
research design aims to provide a description or description of a situation objectively [10].

Result and Discussion

Characteristics of Respondent
Characteristics of respondents is a description of the respondents in this
study. Descriptions of the characteristics of respondents are grouped into several groups
including gender, age, religion, last education and length of work as shown in table 1.
Based on gender, the majority of respondents are female as much as 70%. This is in
accordance with the literature of [1] which states that the number of students majoring in
pharmacy at UIN Alaudin Makasar male compared to female is 1:3 so that pharmaceutical
work requires a high level of accuracy, patience and even in certain cases also requires
logical conformity based on evidence-based medicine. It can be concluded that
pharmaceutical work that emphasizes accuracy is more suitable for the female gender. This
is supported by data from [5] which states the number of male pharmacists is 690 people
while female pharmacists are 3,096 people.
Based on age, the majority of respondents aged 26-35 years as much as 59%. According
to [4] , pharmacists who are young or still relatively new. Due to the age of the
respondents, it shows that most of the respondents are of a productive age and have more
interest in choosing a product.
Based on religion, the majority of respondents are Muslim as much as 80%. This is in
accordance with data from [2] which states that the majority of the population of Malang
Regency is 87% Muslim. In line with this, the majority of patients are Muslim, although
there are non-Muslim pharmacists who at least know the needs of patients who are Muslim
to create trust and comfort for patients during treatment.
Based on the education of the majority of respondents with undergraduate education,
92% of the respondents are pharmacists. This is in accordance with [6] which states that a
pharmacy graduate who has graduated from pharmacist education and has the right to do
pharmaceutical work. The pharmaceutical work carried out by pharmacists includes the
distribution of pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmaceutical preparations include
medicines, medicinal ingredients, traditional medicines, and cosmetics [14]. In line with
this, someone who has graduated as a pharmacist immediately practices in a pharmacy,
hospital or other health service and usually the age of someone who graduated pharmacist
is 24-26 years old.
Based on the length of work, the majority of respondents worked for 1-10
years. According to [11] which states that a person's tenure can be related to the experience
gained at work. The longer a person works, the more experience and the higher his
knowledge and skills. Pharmacists who are active in doing pharmaceutical work and are
present every day at the pharmacy practice, the pharmacist will increasingly know the
types of halal drugs and the types of services needed by patients. In addition, respondents
work in the range of 1-10 years, the average age is 26-35 years. This means that young
pharmacists are more aware of technology because this study uses the G-Form .

Table 1 Distribution of Respondents Characteristics

No Characteristics Total (N) Precentage (%)
1. Gender
Male 32 30
Female 73 70
Total 105 100
2. Age
17-25 Years 13 12
26-35 Years 62 59
36-45 Years 24 23
46-55 Years 6 6
Total 105 100
3. Religion
Islamic 83 80
Chatolic 11 10
Chritian 11 10
Hindu 0 0
Budhist 0 0
Confisius 0 0
Total 105 100
4. Education
S1-Pharmacist 97 92
S2-Pharmacist 8 8
S3-Pharmacist 0 0
Total 105 100
5. Lenght of Working
1-10 Years 81 77
11-20 Years 24 23
21-30 Years 0 0
Total 105 100

Pharmacists' knowledge of halal Pharmaceuticals consists of 5 questions with 4

indicators, first the definition of halal pharmaceuticals, secondly the composition of drugs
that are forbidden for Muslims, the third alternative to halal pharmaceuticals and the fourth
patient approval of halal pharmaceuticals. Based on table 2, it can be explained that the
majority of pharmacists' knowledge about halal pharmaceuticals is 42% with a frequency
of 44 respondents, namely in the "enough" category. This is different from the research
of [12] which got the results of the majority of knowledge in the good category with a
percentage of 96%. This is in accordance with the literature [13], which states that
knowledge can be influenced due to differences in internal factors such as gender, age and
education that are not the same.
Table.2 Categories of Pharmacists Knowledge of Halal Drugs
No Score Range Frequency Percentage Category
1 X <2.2 24 23% Less
2 2.2 ≤ X ≤ 4.9 44 42% Enough
5 X > 4.9 37 35% Good
Total 105 100%


The attitude of pharmacists towards halal Pharmaceuticals consists of 8 questions with 4

indicators, firstly communicating to patients about halal pharmaceuticals, secondly
educating patients about halal medicinal ingredients, third choosing halal products in
practice and fourth giving advice on buying halal drugs. Based on table 3, it can be
explained that the majority of pharmacists' attitudes towards halal pharmaceuticals are 69%
with a frequency of 72 respondents, namely in the "Good" category. This is similar to [12]
which found the majority of knowledge in the good category with a percentage of
97%. This is because pharmacist awareness of halal pharmaceuticals is very important for
the healing of patients, especially Muslim patients. Attitude has a relationship with aspects
of motivation and feelings or emotions of a person.

Table 3. Categories of pharmacist attitudes towards halal pharmaceuticals

Category Total Score Range Frequency Percentage
Good 27 – 32 72 69%
Enough 22 – 26 22 21%
Less 17 – 21 11 10%


The behavior of pharmacists towards halal drugs consists of 7 questions with 4

indicators, the first is the pharmacist's service to halal drugs, the second is to check the
composition of the drug, the third is to place halal drugs separately and the fourth is to
provide information on the halalness of the drug. Based on table 4, it can be explained that
the majority of pharmacists' behavior towards halal drugs is 51% with a frequency of 53
respondents, namely in the "Good" category. This is similar to the research of [12] which
obtained the results of the majority of knowledge in the good category with a percentage of
100%. This is because pharmacist awareness of halal drugs is very important for the
recovery of patients, especially Muslim patients.
Therefore, consulting services related to halal information on pharmaceutical
preparations are part of the skills that must be possessed by pharmacists, especially if the
practice is carried out in areas where the majority are Muslims.

Table 4. Ctaegories of pharmacist behavior towards halal pharmaceuticals

Category Total Score Range Frequency Percentage
Good 23 – 28 53 51%
Enough 19 – 22 40 38%
Less 15– 18 12 11%


Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that:
1. The description of the knowledge of pharmacists in Malang Regency about halal drugs
is that most of the respondents (42%) are in the "Enough" category.
2. The description of the attitude of pharmacists in Malang Regency towards halal drugs is
that most of the respondents (69%) are in the "Good" category.
3. The description of the behavior of pharmacists in Malang Regency towards halal drugs
is that most of the respondents (51%) are in the "Good" category.


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