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UNIT :2 Health and Hygiene


Health education plays an important role in the community hygiene. To prevent illness and have positive health attitude, correct and

complete knowledge of health is necessary. Health is cleanliness and cleanliness is one of the main defenses against diseases, whether

contagious or self-generated. In this lesson we will discuss the actual meaning of health and hygiene, so that the aim of good health can be

achieved through sanitary habits and healthy way of living.


After reading this lesson you will be able to:

• Explain the concept of health.

• Recognize the importance of physical, mental and spiritual health.

• Appreciate the importance of hygiene.

• State the necessity of personal, environmental and food hygiene.

What is health?

Health is a positive state of well being, where every part of the body and mind is in harmony and in proper functioning balance with every

other part. In other words, when every organ of the body is functioning normally, the state of physical well being is known as health. It has

been well said that only that person can be called really healthy who has a sound mind in a sound body. Health is the characteristic of life

that enables a person to live longer. According to World Health Organisation (WHO): “Health is the state of complete physical, mental,

spiritual and social well-being and not merely absence of disease”. If a person is disease free or in a good physical state, but under stress,

tension, anger, greed etc. than that person is not considered as a healthy person. Hence, in addition to physical health, we must consider the

mental and emotional health also, only than spiritual and social health can be achieved and man can progress forward for the well being of

the society. Let us understand the various aspects of health-

• · Physical health – When the body is free from any physical ailment or abnormal condition, it is physical health.

• · Mental health – The state of absence of stress, tension, worry, negative thoughts etc. is mental health.

• · Emotional health – A balanced state of absence of anger, greed, proud, hatred etc. is emotional health.

• · Spiritual health – To live in yourself with uniformity and harmony is spiritual health. Also, to have faith in your religion and respect &

view other’s religion with equal harmony is known as spiritual health.

Community health is the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of people through organized community efforts.
Hygiene is defined as the science and art of preserving and improving health. The purpose of hygiene is to allow man to live in healthy
relationship with his environment. It deals both with an individual and a community as a whole. In order to be healthy one must realize that
hygiene and sanitation play a very important role

Regular cleaning areas

It is the responsibility of guestroom attendants and Housekeeping Attendants to maintain
guestrooms, working areas and the hotel premises and always keep them in a clean and orderly
manner. The floor supervisor is responsible for supervising room attendants to ensure an excellent
guest satisfaction and experience.

Before starting the cleaning work on the assigned area, the floor supervisor is needed to prepare
that area for cleaning. This ensures efficient cleaning and maintenance.

Prepare the work area for cleaning

The standard of property and the type of fittings and furnishings will determine the time required
for completing the cleaning task. The performance standard will vary from property to property but
their purpose remains the same, i.e., to establish the standards and procedure for cleaning items.
For example, spray the vanity top spray with an all-purpose cleaner and wipe the surface with a
clean, dry cloth, wiping it dry until it is free from spots, marks etc. Before you start cleaning, you
will need to collect all the equipment for servicing a public area. Some of the items you will need are
listed below:

(i) Cleaning supplies

(ii) Cleaning equipment, including vacuum cleaner
(iii) Duster and other linens
(iv) Public area checklist
(v) Personal protective equipment
(vi) Cleaning inventory list

A cleaning inventory list for an assigned area is a checklist that will usually—

(i) Tell which items need to be cleaned, checked and maintained in the assigned area.
(ii) Show the sequence that you should use when performing the cleaning task.
(iii) Tell you how often items must be cleaned. Generally items need to be cleaned either
daily, twice a week, weekly, monthly and so on.
(iv) Besides cleaning items on a regular basis, most areas are deep cleaned once or twice a

Handling wastebin/ trash can

“Waste Material” refers to those items that are useless, unwanted, unused, or need to be discarded.
The collection, transportation, processing, recycling and disposal of waste material is called
Disposal Management. The waste may be of solid, liquid, radioactive or gaseous. The waste material
produced as a result of various human activities casts a negative effect on the environment. The
hotel kitchen waste materials are required to be recycled, wherever possible or disposed off safely.
Organic waste can be reused for generating electricity.

Housekeeping Attendants are responsible for cleaning a hotel room during a guest’s stay and
immediately after their departure. They need to remove all trash from the hotel rooms, whether
dumped in waste baskets or on floors and counter tops. A new bag should be placed in all waste
baskets every time the room is cleaned.

Benefits of effective waste management

1. Cost reduction: less purchasing, saves staff time and reduces waste disposal bills of all the green
initiatives, Recycling is most easily noticed and therefore appreciated by customers

2. Helps the environment

3. Helps the maintain the economy

Preparation of handling waste

The most important aspect of waste management is having access to comprehensive plan of action
on the processing and collection of hotel waste. Always ensure that areas of the hotel that are used
for collection of waste are kept tidy and that each area or bin is clearly marked for biodegradable or
non-biodegradable. To compress waste, machinery like balers and compactors can be used. Balers
and compactors are available in different sizes and combinations (e.g., a twin chamber baler), and
can be leased, rented or bought outright. Reuse initiatives are often put in place, which tend to be
specific to the hotel themselves, but could be put into practice if the hotel has suitable facilities.

For example:

1. Unused toiletries from guest accommodation collected by the accommodations staff and used in
staff areas

2. Envelopes stored and reused for internal staff documents

3. Internal documents printed on both sides, etc

Reason of segregation of waste material –

The reasons of segregation of waste material as listed below: 1. It is the only way to increase the
recycling rate. 2. It makes the work of the waste sorter easier and more efficient. 3. The
biodegradable waste can be fast routed for production of energy. 4. Many components or types of
waste can be recycled for re-use in another way. 5. It decreases the cost at several steps of the
disposal system. 6. Hazardous waste can cause serious health problems. 7. Proper segregation is the
basic requirement for waste incineration. To assist with segregation of waste, the following
guidelines may be useful:

Colour code different types of waste Green, Blue ,Brown, Black

Classification of waste-

From a housekeeping point of view, waste can be further classified as follows.

0 1. Wet waste

2. Dry waste

3. Sanitary waste

4. Garden waste

5. Hazardous household waste

6. Debris or rubbish

7. Electronic waste


Pests are enemy to human beings. They are always considered to be unwanted guests. Pests
will cause a lot of damage and economic loss to the hospitality industry and often cause serious
damage to the health by spreading disease causing micro organisms. You cannot avoid these
uninvited guests however clean you keep the premises. It not only will speak bad of the hotel
but also will embarrass the guests utilizing the facility. Thus, pest control is a very important
job of the housekeeping department. If anything buzzes, squeaks or eats your food and has
more legs than yours and creeps around, we don’t like them creeping around the rooms. Using
pesticides might give a solution to the problem, but you always have to remember that the stuff
that is toxic to pests is toxic to humans and other living and non-living things too.


Accurate identification of pests is required for effective pest management programme. Unless
you know the pests, never ever attempt a pest control programme. The pest control will be
easier and cost effective if you know about the pest, its growth and development and the means
by which it spreads. To identify and control pest you need to know: the physical features of the
pests, characteristics of damage, their development, whether they are continuous, sporadic or
potential pests and what are your control goals. Always control a pest only if it is causing more
harm than the reasonable limit, and use a control strategy that will reduce the number of pests
causing as little harm as possible. 3.1 Factors which encourage pests:
1. Uncovered foods

2. Unclean tables and work areas

3. Unclean floors and cupboards

4. Blocked or unclean toilets

5. Pools of water due to leaking taps

6. Overflowing drains

Indications for pest infestation:

a. Live or dead bodies including eggs and larvae

b. Insect or rodent droppings

c. Damage to food stuffs, packaging cardboard, etc

d. Slipped foods next to stacks/ cartons

e. Pungent odours, bad smell (mice/ cockroaches)

f. Leg prints on spilt flour

g. Black greasy smears on the walls or around pipes


The three main goals of pest control are:

.1 Prevention- Keeping a pest away from becoming a problem

.2 Suppression- Reducing the number of pests or reducing it to an acceptable level

.3 Eradication- Destroying the entire pest population from the premises now let us learns the
goals of pest control in detail:


should be the first goal when the pest's presence or abundance is predicted in advance.
Prevention can be done by following certain basic measures such as;

a. Sealing of all wall and floor openings or crevices

b. Ensure that all doors and windows are tightly fitted

c. Rodent proof doors, windows, pipes and ducts

d. Fly screen doors and windows

e. Clean the store areas, preparation and service areas thoroughly at the end of each working

Continuous pests can be easily predictable. Sporadic and potential pests may be predictable if
you know the circumstances or conditions that favor their growth and development. For
example flies are usually seen during the summer season

Maintaining cleaning records

The registers are used to record important information. Which is useful to the staff , clear record for what they
clean, when did clean. Most of the cleaning records records are useful to the plan of action and records reminds
us the schedules of cleaningness.

Those cleaning records are-

1. Public are cleaning record

2. Floor records
3. Waste management record
4. Room cleaning record
5. Monthly clean plan record
6. Half yearly clean plan record
7. Yearly cleaning plan record

Some other cleaning planning record are need to maintain for hygienic hotels and restaurants.

How to Clean Glassware, Crockery and Cutlery

As a staff, you may be required to undertake the entire cleaning process for glassware, crockery
and cutlery. But, this is not applied to all restaurant or hotel. There’s a wide variation between
restaurant or hotel in this regard.

Cleaning glassware
The basic procedure is to use a glass washing machine with the procedure being:
• Empty glasses and other containers of all contents
• Load the glasses into a glass washing tray. They have to be put in upside down
• Wash the glasses in the machine when required or when the trays are full. Use the wash
cycle preferred by the establishment
• Take the glasses out of the machine and either allow to air dry or hand-polish according
to house requirements
• Put the clean glasses in their nominated storage areas ready for use.

When cleaning glassware using washing machine, there are some points you need to note:

• The correct wash cycle is chosen – where options exist

• No slices of lemon etc. are allowed to block up the plug hole in the glass washing
machine T
• he temperature of the water being used is a minimum of 70ºC The machine is being
supplied with the appropriate glass washing detergent, appropriately diluted (where

Cleaning crockery and cutlery

The basic cleaning procedure for crockery and cutlery is:

• Remove visible food debris. For example, scrape the plates

• Rinse with warm water to remove loose dirt
• Wash with a detergent
• Rinse again to remove the detergent and debris
• Apply a sanitizer to kill bacteria
• Rinse to remove the sanitizer
• Allow to air dry

Air drying is the preferred option as it eliminates using a cloth to dry surfaces, which may
inadvertently introduce bacteria to the surface that has just been cleaned and sanitized.


Food preparation businesses in the hospitality sector include hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars,
sandwich shops and similar businesses that prepare food for customers to eat on premises or
for takeaway. A key requirement for these businesses is to show that food handling and
preparation processes are safe and to keep documentation to show this.

Good food hygiene ensures that food prepared for customers is safe to eat. It prevents harmful
microorganisms that can cause serious illness from contaminating food, prevents cross
contamination, enables businesses to comply with the law, and protects the reputation of the

The US FDA has analyzed epidemiological data on food poisoning outbreaks and found that five
major risk factors occur repeatedly:

• Improper food-holding temperatures

• Inadequate cooking
• Contaminated equipment
• Food from unsafe sources
• Poor personal hygiene

Prevent Cross-Contamination
Cross-contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful bacteria from one
person, object or place to another. Preventing cross-contamination is a key factor in
preventing foodborne illness.

When preparing food -

Keep it clean-

• Wash hands and surfaces often. Harmful bacteria can spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting

boards, utensils, and counter tops. To prevent this:

• Wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food, and after using the bathroom, changing

diapers; or handling pets.

• Use hot, soapy water and paper towels or clean cloths to wipe up kitchen surfaces or spills. Wash cloths

often in the hot cycle of your washing machine.

• Wash cutting boards, dishes, and counter tops with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item and

before you go on to the next item.

Cutting boards:

• Always use a clean cutting board.

• If possible, use one cutting board for fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry, and seafood.

• Once cutting boards become excessively worn or develop hard-to-clean grooves, you should replace them.

Marinating food:

• lways marinate food in the refrigerator, not on the counter.

• Sauce that is used to marinate raw meat, poultry, or seafood should not be used on cooked foods, unless it

is boiled just before using.

Fruits and vegetables:

• Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables in running tap water to remove visible dirt and grime.

• Remove and discard the outermost leaves of a head of lettuce or cabbage.

• Because bacteria can grow well on the cut surface of fruit or vegetables, be careful not to contaminate these

foods while slicing them up on the cutting board, and avoid leaving cut produce at room temperature for

many hours.

When serving food:

• Always use a clean plate.

• Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food.

More about Cross contamination:

Food contamination - Food becomes contaminated through a variety of mechanisms. Some things that can

contribute to foodborne illness are: inadequate handwashing, cross-contamination, storage and cooking

temperatures, and contamination of food by animal waste

USDA: Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart. Don’t Cross-Contaminate

USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

What is HACCP HACCP is a framework for ensuring that the end product food, ready for consumption, is
safe to eat. Or more specifically, it looks to introduce checks and standards that reduce risks as far as
possible. It does this with the aim of reducing chemical, physical and biological risks to people.

It’s also useful to know that HACCP was designed so that it can be used at any stage of the food
production process. If we think of all the work, processes, and parties involved in production of a single
ready meal sold in a supermarket, it becomes clear how many opportunities there are for risk to be
introduced, and it’s essential that they’re all considered. There are potential risks where the raw foods are
produced, where they are cooked and combined, where they are packaged, and where they are stored ready
for sale. HACCP aims to deal with all of these, and is a structured approach that can fit with most processes.

Why is HACCP so important in the food industry?

HACCP can be really important because food borne illnesses and allergic reactions can be severe health
issues, and they very often result from poor hygiene in food preparation areas and processes.

Where bacteria is allowed to multiply and ultimately enter a person’s body, it can range from causing mild
discomfort to causing a life threatening illness. The only way to guard against this is by ensuring that
bacteria is killed and not able to reproduce in large enough numbers, and that it cannot easily be
transferred between foodstuffs. This is one of the core functions and most important elements of HACCP,
and can only be learned through proper training.

Similarly, allergic reactions, especially in cases of anaphylactic shock, can be life threatening, and they can
only be prevented if people know exactly what they’re eating. And this can only be known if food
producers and preparers can ensure that foodstuffs don’t come into contact or mix when they shouldn’t.
HACCP can prevent this, which is why it’s so important.

What are the main principles of HACCP?

In order to understand how important HACCP is, and what it does, it helps to know the main principles of
the approach. HACCP is now an international standard, (ISO 22000 FSMS 2011) and within this there are
seven clear principles which must be adhered to in order to be correctly abiding by HACCP. They are the

Conduct a hazard analysis

As with most hazard reduction frameworks, the very first step in HACCP is in conducting a full hazard
analysis, or risk assessment, of the processes that you’re responsible for. This means looking for any
biological, physical or chemical risk that might arise during the food production, storage, packaging or any
other process. Could bacteria pose a problem? Could foreign bodies find their way into the food? Could
allergens find their way into mislabeled products? There are many questions to ask at this stage if the
hazard analysis is to be thorough and effective.

Identify critical control points

Once risks have been noted and evaluated, it’s time to identify the exact points in the food manufacturing
process at which the risks may arise, and could ultimately be controlled. These CCPs (critical control points)
can be anywhere where you’re able to introduce any controls. For example, if you’re cooking a piece of
meat that needs to be a certain temperature to be safe, a CCP could be the point at which you decide
whether or not the item has been cooked safely and is ready to be served to a customer.

Establish critical limits for each critical control point

At the critical control points, it must be decided what exactly the critical limits are, and how the risks can be
controlled by this. If we go back to the example of cooking a piece of meat, the risk is that undercooked
food could contain harmful bacteria, which means the meat has to reach a certain temperature to kill this
bacteria. Establishing a critical limit means deciding the exact temperature that the item must reach.

Establish critical control point monitoring requirements

The way in which the CCP is monitored is very important indeed, and in some cases it’s much trickier than
in others. In our example, using the appropriate thermometer and reading method is all it takes to ensure
that food is cooked to the right temperature. However, monitoring may be more complex, for example in
food production facilities where high tech solutions are used to determine whether foreign bodies have
found their way into foods, and whether they’re at or above the critical limit.

Establish corrective actions

Where monitoring has established that critical limits at a CCP have been exceeded, it’s essential that
corrective action is taken to ensure that the hazard does not become a problem. This might mean disposing
of any items that are not cooked properly, withdrawing from sale items that might have been compromised,
or taking any other action that prevents a hazardous item from being consumed.

Establish procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as intended

Policy and process is only effective if it is achieving its aims. Good HACCP protocol means regularly checking
to make sure that the checks put in place at the CCPs are working as they should. Have there been any
incidents with hazardous food? Similarly, HACCP should not prove overly restrictive to the normal
production of food unnecessarily. Are the procedures at a reasonable level?
Establish record keeping procedures

The final element of HACCP is keeping records of everything that has been documented. Traceability is
important in order to resolve problems if they arise later, as well as helping with the evaluation process. As
an example, many restaurants will record all temperatures that they measure, whether this is in terms of
cooked food or refrigerated food. This helps ensure that everything is working as it should, and provides a
backup if there are queries later.


FSSAI role in food quality

The FSSAI role in food quality is to ensure safety and providing satisfaction to every customer. Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI) deals in providing the controlling procedures for the same. FSSAI was set up under the Food
Safety and Standards Act, 2006. This organization formulates the measures in order to eliminate the toxic and hazardous
elements of the environment. As a resultant of this, every customer receives an equal level of assurance of food safety.

The packaging of the product informs about the product quality and in this way, it informs the customer about the safety
standards. The manufacturers of food must apply these standards to control food degradation. This is great to attain the
confidence of the customer and also keep the food authorities satisfied. You might also be interested in knowing the new
quality standards by FSSAI for chocolates.

Consumers of food products can also submit some specific scientific techniques to the Government. The strict standards
require more finance which is why the government needs to implement those standards that come under its budget.

There are different standards for different food products. The aim is to ensure that those measures are implemented that are
necessary for that particular food product. The public health should be of primary importance for the FBOs. Other
malpractices involved such as fraud, adulteration and the misleading claims to double-cross consumers must be prohibited.

Objectives of FSSAI role in food quality

• FSSAI frames regulations to lay down the standards and guidelines in relation to food articles and set up an
appropriate system of enforcing various standards.
• It also lays down mechanisms and guidelines for the accreditation of certification bodies that are working in the
certification of food safety management system for food businesses. Read more on regulatory guidelines for
proprietory food in India.
• One of the major functions includes laying down procedures and guidelines for accreditation of laboratories and
notification of the accredited laboratories.
• FSSAI also provides scientific advice and technical support to the Central Government and State Government in
the matters of framing the policy and rules in areas that have a direct/indirect bearing of food safety and nutrition.
• It is also responsible for collecting data regarding food consumption, incidence, and prevalence of biological risk,
contaminants in food, residues of various contaminants in food products, identification of emerging risks and
introducing the rapid alert system.
• This organization is responsible for creating an information network across the country so that the public,
consumers, panchayats, etc. are able to receive rapid, reliable and objective information about food safety and
issues of concern.
• Initiating and handling training programs for people who are or wish to get involved in the food business.
• It plays a huge role in the development of international technical standards for food, sanitary and phytosanitary
• Along with this, it also promotes general awareness about food safety and food standards.

Research and quality assurance

Research: The R&D department is responsible for research in the following objectives:

• Generation of new knowledge which would aid in continuously updating and upgrading food safety standards that
are compatible with international organizations.
• FSSAI role in food quality is to carry out evidence-based studies to build or improve policies.

Quality assurance: The committee has recommended that it should perform various functions related to quality and
standards of food. For this, FSSAI has set up various laboratories that are classified as:

• FSSAI notified NABL accredited labs- 112

• State Labs- 72
• Referral Labs- 14

Initiatives by FSSAI role in food quality

• Heart Attack Rewind: Heart Attack Rewind is an initiative by FSSAI to eliminate trans-fat from India by the year
2022. This initiative was campaigned across India.
• FSSAI- CHIFSS: It being a collaboration between FSSAI and CII-HUL, it aims to promote collaborations between
Industry, Scientific Community, and Academia for food safety.
• Swasth Bharat Yatra: It is a pan-India movement called ‘Eat Right India’, which was aimed to create consumer
awareness about eating safe and nutritious food.
Customers part in food safety
1. You must perform safety steps like washing hands before handling
2. Keep raw materials separate from the processed food
3. Consuming the food articles within the prescribed time
4. Analyzing the food ingredients according to their needs

The need of the hour

• There should be frequent appointments of Food consultants to ensure safety levels.

• The food consultants should conduct audits to check whether the food industry is complying with the food
standards or not.
• The government should communicate with both the customers and the manufactures to assure common
understanding and for minimizing the misconceptions.

The food control safety measure is the requirement to bridge the gap between safe food and adulterated food. The food
industry needs standards that are more flexible and which is also efficient in producing and marketing food and thus
ultimately serving the consumers with a protective sheet. FSSAI’s role in food quality is important for smooth functioning.

Importance of ISO 22000

What is ISO 22000?
ISO 22000 is a globally accepted international standard, which specifies the requirements for food safety management systems.
Established in 2005, ISO 22000 is applicable to all organizations involved in the food chain, whose main objective is to ensure food
safety. The standard outlines a framework which harmonizes all parts of the food supply chain, from producer to consumer, and
helps you reduce food hazards, control the risks and prevent contamination.

Why is Food Safety Management important for you?

Food Safety Management has become the headline of many articles worldwide and if businesses choose to ignore it, they will have
you bear the consequences. By obtaining an ISO 22000 certification, you will prove your commitment to food safety and adherence
to respective food safety regulations.
By obtaining an ISO 22000 certification, you will prove your dedication to food safety to your customers and stakeholders. Moreover,
you will gain a worldwide recognized certification on Food Safety Management, where you will learn all the processes and policies
needed to mitigate risks and enhance accountability and transparency. This will, in turn, will you a competitive advantage by
improving your brand's reputation and leading to potential increases in business volume.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Food Safety Management

By becoming ISO 22000 certified you will be able to:

• Increase the profits

• Control and eliminate food safety risks
• Continually improve the processes needed to provide safe food
• Built customer’s confidence on your ability to control any food safety hazards
• Ensure sustainable food safety
• Promote international trade

Knowledge about the PPE and its applicability in food production

operation –
A food manufacturing facility’s productivity and profitability go hand in hand with a healthy and safe work
environment. A safe and healthy workplace improves worker performance and human health through a
balance of organization, technology, environment, and tasks. However, realizing a safe work environment
around food processing equipment is not without its challenges. Herein is a brief but comprehensive
overview on some of the aspects of food production safety.

Importance of Safety Implementation in Food Manufacturing Facilities

Workers in a food processing plant have a considerably higher likelihood of being injured on the job than
the workers in many other industries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that a wide variety of injuries in
the food manufacturing industry include cuts, bruises, fractures, burns, amputations and musculoskeletal

It is not easy to fully comprehend the loss that workers experience due to a workplace injury. Food
manufacturing workers may experience physical and emotional pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity,
loss of job skills, permanent physical effects on health, reduction in earnings while recuperating and
financial hardships on their families.

The effects to the food manufacturing plants include increased medical expenses, vocational rehabilitation,
increased workers’ compensation insurance premiums, injured employee wages, reduced production, the
effect of injury on the company’s image and public relations, recruitment and training of new employees
to replace injured workers and adverse effect on employee morale.

Food production safety practices provide a foundation for preventing occupational injury or illness. This
can assist in a number of aspects. These include but are not limited to increase safe behaviors among
workers, increase early reporting of potential hazardous before disasters occur, improve employee morale,
reduce absenteeism, decrease time loss claims and on the job injuries and enhance the relations between
management and employees.

Selection of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment AKA PPE is a very important aspect in ensuring safety in food manufacturing
plant. As food handling safety tools, they provide a barrier between the contributing factors and the
workers. This is crucial in the food processing industry where most operations are done by hand. Below are
some of the factors that should be considered before acquiring PPE.

• 1. Cut Resistance
Cuts make up the majority of injuries in a food manufacturing facility setting. The risk factors that
should be taken into consideration and in this case include cutting machines, blades, and knives.
Additional factors that may contribute to injuries are grip, type of objects being handled and
proximity of workers. The cut resistance qualities of safety gloves will be determined by material
make up and thickness. Procurement official must check with the manufacturer to ascertain what
the safety gloves are designed for.

• 2. Thermal Resistance
Due to the risk involved with temperature extremes, thermal protection is crucial for
effective worker safety.
Thermal protection will be determined by the tasks to be performed, length of contact
with excessive heat or cold and the nature of the materials being handles Thermal
protection. Properties of safety gloves are dependent on the material components, weight
and thickness of the gloves.

• 3. Liquid protection
The substances present in food processing plant environments may make it difficult for
workers to handle materials thus creating protection and productivity problems. In this
regard, the working surface and protection material should work to provide maximum
grip while maintaining functionality.
Proper PPE and Food Production Safety Training Will Help Prevent Injury
PPE supplies selection must take into consideration the factors described above and more.
Proper training on the purpose and importance of food handling safety should be implemented
early and continually updated and revised as needed to take new safety considerations into
account. As you shop for the right PPE for your food processing laborers consider exploring
Techniclean's wide array of products designed specifically for the food production industry.

Prepared by : K MANOHAR

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