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Full Name : Kajela Kayeso Bibbawa

ID Number : UGR/36223/12
Admission Year
: 2019/2020
:B.Sc in Agricultural Economics (Undergraduate Regular)
Undergraduate Regular Full Time
Class Year: 4th Year
Section: Section 1
Registration Status: Pending Confirmation
Cafe Status: Cafe
CBE Bank Account:

Course Title Course CodeCredit HoursInstructor

Econometrics AgEc-312 4 Gemechu Ordofa Jara
Computer Applications in Agricultural EconomicsAgEc 322 3 Kibru Bogale Bose
Operations Research in Agricultural Economics AgEc 332 3 Getachew Tulu Garedo
Agricultural Credit and Finance AgEc 342 3 Hana Duguma Tolesa
Farming Systems and Livelihood Analysis AgEc 35 3 Amansisa Yadate Ketema
History of Economic Thoughts AgEc 362 2 Kibru Bogale Bose
Senior Research Proposal AgEc 372 1 Ilfinesh Fentahun Abeba
Total Semester Load 19

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