Gep l5b - Nef Final Exam

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……………………………………………………… WESTERN %
Level: ……………………………… INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
General English Program

Date: ________________________

New English File Final Exam

A. SOMETHING, ANYTHING, NOTHING, and EVERYTHING: Fill in the blanks with
something, anything, nothing, or everything. (10 marks)
1. Is there _________________ special in this dish? I can’t believe that you can get such
a taste from such common ingredients.
2. Do you have any time? I want to tell you _________________ important about our
next exam.
3. No person in the world knows _________________. The more we study the more we
need to learn.
4. You do not need to do _________________ extraordinary. I am just asking you to
tidy up your room.
5. What do you want to drink? _________________, I'm not thirsty.
6. The students know _________________ useful on the topic but it is not enough for
their practical training.
7. Calm down. _________________ that could happen has already happened.
8. We can see _________________ in the dark room. Let’s switch on the light.
9. Let’s go home now. There isn’t _________________ interesting in this show.
10. There is _________________ special in his suitcase — just some shirts, notebooks,
and a first-aid kit.

B. POSSESIVE PRONOUNS: Replace the personal pronouns with possessive pronouns. (10
1. These pencils are (you) ________________.
2. The blue ball is (I) ________________.
3. The blue car is (we) __________________.
4. That diamond ring is (she) _________________.
5. We met the famous singers Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they)
6. The luggage on the counter is (he) _________________.
7. The pictures on the wall near the pillar are (she) _______________.
8. In our garden in the summerhouse is a bird. The nest is (it) __________________.
9. This smelly good for nothing cat is (we) _______________.
10. Honestly, this was not my fault. It was (you) ________________.
A. QUANTIFIERS: Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few.
(10 marks)
1. It seems we have had __________________ assignments in English this year.
2. How __________________ do we have to read this week?
3. __________________ Americans don’t like George Bush
4. There aren’t very __________________ books in the library.
5. I think he drank __________________ wine last night.
6. I have had __________________ headaches already because of the stress.
7. I didn’t use ________________ fertilizer last spring, that’s why we had so _________
8. It has rained very __________________ this summer, that’s why the grass is so brown.
9. __________________ people know as much about computers as Jack does.
10. I’m having __________________ trouble passing my driving test.

B. ADVERBS OF MANNER: Complete the sentences using the adverbs from the box below.
(30 marks)

Transform these adjectives into Adverbs:

accidental, bad, basic, beautiful, bold, busy, careful, careless,

cautious, clear, deliberate, eager, easy, enthusiastic, faithful, exact,
fortunate, gentle, generous, happy, honest, impatient, just, kind,
lucky , mad, nervous, patient, poor, quick, reluctant, rude, rough,
sad, safe, selfish, sensible, shy, silent, slow, smooth, sudden,
suspicious, tender, tight, truthful, unexpected, violent, warm, wild,

1. My friend was furious so she answered the phone ……………

2. Laura kissed her son ……………….. and she left for work.
3. Her essay was ………………. written so the teacher didn’t liked it.
4. I opened the door …………… because it was very early in the morning.
5. My neighbor is an old woman so she walks ………… along the street.
6. The teacher explained the lesson ………………….because it was a bit late.
7. The prisoners fought ……………… for half an hour. Later they were punished.
8. It’s difficult to guess. He sometimes comes ………………………
9. The student received his university degree ……………………..
10. Your handwriting is awful. You should write ……………………..
11. Stephen opened the bottle of wine ……………………
12. The girl was waiting at the dentist ………………..
13. Mrs. Harrison is my mother’s friends. She always acts ……………….
14. Thomas is reading the novel …………………………. in his bedroom.
15. The waiter dropped the tray because he worked …………………..

C. GERUND or INFINITIVE: Complete the sentences with either a gerund or infinitive. (20
1. I can’t imagine __________________ at home. (work)
2. We have decided against __________________ a new car. (buy)
3. She seems __________________ her new job. (like)
4. The students hope __________________ the exam. (pass)
5. He won’t go by plane. He is afraid of __________________ . (fly)
6. I am lazy. I don’t feel like __________________ any work. (do)
7. Remember __________________ the letter. Otherwise they won’t get it by Saturday.
8. Have you ever learned how __________________ such a plane? (fly)
9. They were too lazy __________________ out with us. (go)
10. I always enjoy __________________ to my grandfather. He always tells me great

C. WRITING: Look at the problems below and write advice for both. (20 marks)


I’m writing to ask for your advice.

My parents don’t like my friends. They blame them for everything that goes wrong. They say I have to stop
going out with them. We really get on well, so I don’t want to stop talking to them.

What should I do?


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