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Communication via Electronic Media

3. Communication History
Hasan Hüseyin Erkaya

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi


3. Communication History
• When did humans develop the ability to
• What were the forms of early communication?

3. Communication History
Verbal Communication History:
• “Talking Era” (180,000 BCE to 3500 BCE) talking was the main
medium of communication, aside from gestures.
• “Manuscript Era” (3500 BCE to 1500 CE) marked the turn from
oral to written culture.
• “Print Era” (1450 to 1850) by the invention of the printing press
(mass production of texts)
• “Audiovisual Era” (1850 to 1990) via telegraph, telephone, radio,
and television
• “Internet Era” (from 1990 to the present)

Source: Creative Commons, a Primer for Communication Studies, 3
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cave and Rock paintings
(since 40000 BCE)
– Petroglyphs
– Geoglyphs

A 1,500-year-old cave painting from South Africa.

(N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later) 4
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cave and Rock paintings
(since 40000 BCE)
– Petroglyphs
– Geoglyphs

Some petroglyphs.
(Source: 5
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cave and Rock paintings
(since 40000 BCE)
– Petroglyphs
– Geoglyphs

Some petroglyphs.
(Source: 6
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cave and Rock paintings
(since 40000 BCE)
– Petroglyphs
– Geoglyphs

Some geoglyphs.
(Source: 7
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cave and Rock paintings
(since 40000 BCE)
– Petroglyphs
– Geoglyphs ad in 8
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Pictography
– Ideogram
– Logogram

Native American pictographs from a rock wall in Arizona. 9

(N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later, 2nd Ed)
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Pictography
– Ideogram
– Logogram

Some ideograms.
(Source: 10
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Pictography
– Ideogram
– Logogram

Some logograms.
(Source: 11
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Cuneiforms
World's earliest systems of writing
Invented 5000 years ago by
Sumerians in southern Iraq

Some cuneiforms. 12
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Hieroglyphs
 A writing system used by the
Ancient Egyptians
 Contained a combination of
logographic, alphabetic, and
ideographic elements.
 Emerged from the
preliterate artistic traditions
of Egypt.

Hieroglyphics from inside a temple in Egypt.

(N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later) 13
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• The alphabet
– Emerged around 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt,
as a representation of language developed
by Semitic workers in Egypt.
– Alphabetic principles had already been
inculcated into Egyptian hieroglyphs for
a millennium.
– Most other alphabets in the world today
either descended from this one discovery,
or were directly inspired by its design,
including the Phoenician alphabet and
the Greek alphabet.

Size: 112 by 76 by 28 cm

The Rosetta Stone shows the co-existence of Hieroglyphics, Hieratic

script and the Greek Alphabet in Egypt in the third century B.C 14
3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• The Greek Alphabet
– The source for all the modern scripts of Europe.
– Started with Phoenician letterforms and
continues to the present day.
– The Phoenician alphabet had only consonants.
Several of the Phoenician consonants,
representing sounds or distinctions not present
in Greek, were adapted to represent vowels;
consequently the Greek alphabet can be
considered to be the world's first true alphabet.

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• The Roman Alphabet
– Several hundred years later,
the Romans used the Greek
alphabet as the basis for the
uppercase alphabet that we
know today.
– They refined the art of
– They developed a formal script
for important manuscripts and
official documents and a
quicker, more informal style for
letters and routine types of writing.
– Romans made important
contributions to type design

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Book
– Romans invented the book (codex)
– The codex gradually replaced the scroll.
– By A.D. 100, the Romans had developed
a flourishing book industry

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Printing Press
• Movable Type
– Individual letters were put together to form the text
– Dutchman Laurens Janszoon Coster was the first European
to invent movable type.
– Johannes Gutenberg (1398 – 1468) was a German
goldsmith and inventor who achieved fame for
his invention of the technology of printing with
movable types during 1447.
– Antimony (Sb) + Lead (Pb) + Tin (Sn)
alloy is used

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Photography
– The first photograph: in 1826 by the French inventor Nicéphore
Niépce on a polished pewter plate with a camera.
– Niépce and Louis Daguerre announced the Daguerreotype in
– 1852 William Fox Talbot produced halftone photographs for
printing press
– In 1884 George Eastman developed photographic film
– In July of 1888 Eastman's Kodak camera went on the market
with the slogan "You press the button, we do the rest".
– Photography became available for the mass-market in 1901
with the introduction of Kodak Brownie.

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Motion Pictures
From ancient times to 1894: motion picture technologies before film
– 1831–1848: Early stroboscopic animation
– 1849–1870: Photography in motion
– 1874: Janssen's photographic revolver
– 1876–1878: Donisthorpe's early film concepts
– 1878–1881: Muybridge and the horse in motion
– 1882–1890s: Marey and chronophotography
– 1886–1895: Anschütz' Electrotachyscope
– 1884-1900: paper and gelatin films
– 1886–1889: Le Prince's "animated pictures of natural scenery and life"

3. Communication History
Visual Communication History:
• Motion Pictures
From ancient times to 1894: motion picture technologies before film
– 1888–1900: Reynaud's Théâtre Optique
– 1889–1896: Early celluloid films
– 1891–1896: The Kinetoscope
– 1894-1896: Early film screenings
– 1896-1910s: Early movie industry
– 1899: Color films
– 1906: Kinemacolor
– 1922: Technicolor
– 1923: Sound era
– 1996: Digital film

3. Communication History
Electronic Communication History:
• 1844 Telegraph
• 1876 Telephone, phonograph
• 1894 Wireless telegraph
• 1922 Radio broadcasts
• 1927 Sound movies
• 1930 Magnetic recording tape, full-color printing
• 1940 Black-and-white TV broadcasts
• 1945 Modern computers
• 1947 LP (long-playing) records
• 1954 Transistor radios
• 1960 Color TV broadcasts, photocopiers

3. Communication History
Electronic Communication History:
• 1962 Satellite communications, cassette tapes
• 1965 Local cable TV
• 1972 BETA VCRs
• 1973 Fax (facsimile) machines
• 1975 First personal computer
• 1976 VHS VCRs
• 1977 Apple II home computers
• 1978 Laser disks
• 1979 Personal stereos (Walkman)
• 1980 Home laser printers, portable video recorders
• 1983 CDs (compact discs), fiber optics, camcorders, cellular phones

3. Communication History
Electronic Communication History:
• 1984 Stereo TV
• 1988 Digital audiotapes
• 1990 High definition TV invented, digital photography
• 1991 CD-ROM, CD-I
• 1992 MiniDiscs
• 1993 Videophones, digital radio
• 1994 On-line services, PCS (Personal Communications Services)
• 1996 High definition TV broadcast, vast expansion of the Internet
• 1997 DVD players
• 1999 High speed Internet

3. Communication History
Electronic Communication History:
• 2001 DVD burners widely available
• 2002 MP3 data compression
• 2003 PC Tablets with handwriting to text, video email, personal video
• 2005 Holographic 3D Projection
• 2006 My Space, YouTube, Touch Light Interface
• 2007 MacSpeak
• 2010 IPad

3. Communication History
Technology Timeline

(Source: N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later, 2nd Ed.)
3. Communication History
Mass Communication:
• Public communication becomes mass
communication when it is transmitted to
many people through print or electronic
• Print media: newspapers and magazines
and alike
• Electronic media: radio, television, internet
(podcasts, websites, blogs, and social

(Source: N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later,27
2nd Ed.)
3. Communication History
Mass Communication:
• Public communication becomes mass
communication when it is transmitted to
many people through print or electronic
• Print media: newspapers and magazines
and alike
• Electronic media: radio, television, internet
(podcasts, websites, blogs, and social

(Source: N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later, 3rd Ed.)
3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1500s: Hand-written news sheets in Rome
and Venice
• 1580s: Printed news periodicals
Messrelationen ("trade fair reports") for
book fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig,
• 1605: Relation aller Fürnemmen und
gedenckwürdigen Historien, by Johann
Carolus in Strasbourg, is commonly
accepted to have been the first newspaper.
• 1618: Dutch Courante uyt Italien,
Duytslandt, &c., founded by Caspar van
Hilten in Amsterdam

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1618: The Wöchentliche Zeitung aus mancherley Orten (Weekly news
from many places) in Gdańsk (the oldest newspaper in Poland and the
region of the Baltic Sea).
• 1620: The first English-language newspaper, Corrant out of Italy,
Germany, etc., was published in Amsterdam
• 1631: The first newspaper in France -- La Gazette (originally published
as Gazette de France)
• 1641: The first newspaper in Lisbob, Portugal -- A Gazeta da Restauração
• 1661: The first Spanish newspaper -- Gaceta de Madrid
• 1661: Merkuriusz Polski Ordynaryjny published in Kraków, Poland
• 1665: The London Gazette (at first called The Oxford Gazette)

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1690: In Boston, Benjamin Harris published Publick
Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick -- the first
newspaper in the American colonies.

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1690: The first colonial newspaper in
Boston, Publick Occurrences Both Forreign
and Domestick, was shut down by the

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1702 to 1735: The first successful English daily, The Daily
• 1704: The governor allowed The Boston News-Letter, a
weekly, to be published, and it became the first
continuously published newspaper in the colonies.
• 1795: Bulletin de Nouvelles, a French newspaper in
• 1814 The Times acquired a printing press capable of
making 1,100 impressions per hour
• 1830: the first penny press newspaper came to the market:
Lynde M. Walter's Boston Transcript
• 1831: Takvim-i Vakai, Istanbul, Official newspaper of
Ottoman State.

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1840: The first non-official Turkish
newspaper, Ceride-i Havadis (Register of
Events), published by an Englishman,
William Churchill
• 1906: Transmission of voice over radio
• 1909: Radio broadcast station
• 1936: Television Broadcast
• 1950: Color Television Broadcast
• 1990s: Direct Satellite TV
• 1990s: World-Wide-Web

3. Communication History
Mass Communication History:
• 1990s: World-Wide-Web

(Source: N. J. Medoff & B. Kaye, Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later, 3rd Ed.) 35
Next Presentation: 4. Telecommunication Systems

Thanks for your attention

Hasan Hüseyin Erkaya

Eskişehir Osmangazi University


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