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TL Employee ID Name Campaign

Rene 2020001457 Charmane Toriales Shopee Email

James 2021014902 LeraJoy Quidato Shopee Email

Lory 2021015281 Arlene Hualde Shopee Email

Harvey 2021015926 Shiela Pantillo Shopee Email

Ruben 2022032052 Charmir Madrideo Shopee Email

Lovely 2022034152 Kenn Villarta Shopee Email

Week Ending Metric 1 Target 1 Actual 1 Metric 2
10/2/2022 Quality 92% 90% CSAT

10/2/2022 Quality 92% 80%

rget as discussed in
the glide path provided.
She needs to make sure
90% that she can improved
62.25% her CSAT from 62.25% end of September to 90.00% by End

10/2/2022 CSAT 90% 52.17 Productivity

10/2/2022 CSAT 90% 47.14

10/2/2022 CSAT 90% 51.72 Quality

Target 2 Actual 2 Metric 3 Target 3 Actual 3
90% 50.00% Reliability 95% 98.16%
Tl should have included associated behavior that caused the p
Our QA score this week is only at 80% versus our actual target of 92%. You comm
TL could have added behaviors of the ag
m 62.25% end of September to 90.00% by End of September. For her QA she needs to maintain/improved from 95.63% running month to date. For her
TL could have added behaviors of the ag
oductivity M - The agent
1.2will have this goal
daily and should hit the target within the shift A - Lets make sure to do our action plan based on the list belo
TL should proofread as there are spelling and grammar lapses on the goal statement. (T - Our goal is to h
Your running CSAT is 47.14%. Good job on your QA for this month, but we are struggling now to your CSA
TL could have dugged deeper on the 5 why's. Why is the agent struggling with CSAT? Is not doing OB the b
ding cm needs and not
utilizing his tools To
improve on agent csat from 51.72 agent need to end at 55 by EOM of September and for Quality from 87.50
Goal Statement Enrolled In PIP
Agent is commited to hit 92% and above on quality and 99 % on reliability. No
ve included associated behavior that caused the performance and the Task
can be
Z(Date) Task should be geared towards the goal and coachi
at 80% versus our actual target of 92%. You committed that by the end of week, we will
Nobe at least at 92% and above.
TL could have added behaviors of the agent that led to such scores.
ved from 95.63% running month to date. For her to attain this number, she needs to; No1. Read and understand the context of the email to provide appro
TL could have added behaviors of the agent that led to such scores.
e sure to do our action plan based on the list below; R - We ended at 52.71% CSAT lastNoweek and 76.87 prod for the last. It is good to note that you are
lapses on the goal statement. (T - Our goal is to have an average of until end of month of October, providing a driect to the point resolution)
this month, but we are struggling now to your CSAT. Please do OBC to lessened our DSAT.No Pull out all resources and choice the correct words
e agent struggling with CSAT? Is not doing OB the behavior of the agent? We also suggest that we stick to XYZ format - Actual, Target & Date.
5 by EOM of September and for Quality from 87.50 agent need to end at 90 by eom Agent
No need to make sure to understand the needs of the cm by aski
Corrective Action Task Name 1 Task Due Date 1
na Coacing Weekly coaching session to address ongoing challen
improved. Task should be geared towards the goal and coaching as a Task, seems too generic to address the failed performance. Better to include wh
Quality Improvement 10/2/2022
Task Name can be improved i.e. Utilized paraphrasing tool/Conduct spotcheck on grammar.
DSAT Scrubbing TL will scrub the DSAT in a daily basis and provide real ti
Aside from Scrubbing DSAT, what other
Side by Side Coaching - Productivity and CSAT monitoring
of October, providing a driect to the point resolution) I think you mean, Coach will do SBS to the CSR on how she
N/A Email CSAT 9/30/2022
t that we stick to XYZ format - Actual, Target & Date. Task Name can be improved Although spot checking was mention
email analyze
Projectproject once a week to see agents opportunity and pr
Task Description 1 Task Status 1
session to address ongoing challenges and check progress on opening statements and SOP compliance
performance. Better to include what will the agent do to achieve the goal.
that you will use paraphrasing tool and I will also read it if issue, emotion and help are present in your statement. You also said that you will search for s
Can also include whent the agent needs to start doing it.
T in a daily basis and provide real time feedback to the opportunities spotted withCompleted
the agent driven surveys.
e from Scrubbing DSAT, what other measures can you and the agent take to improve CSAT?
SBS to the CSR on how to multitask on answering emails and managing their email responses timely
will do SBS to the CSR on how she multitasks on answering emails and managing their email responses timely
Posting CSAT everyday Flagging the agent Conduct spot checking
though spot checking was mentioned, could have been more specific on what to check.
k to see agents opportunity and provide feedback on the call outs. This will help improve agents performance on a weekly basis
How do we address the agent's behavior of not utilizing his tools
Task Notes 1 Task Name 2 Task Due Date 2
OP compliance

resent in your statement. You also said that you will search for some good empathy statements and save it so that you will use it on you responses.

CSAT weekly target - 65.00%

Email Case Study - Calibration 11/5/2022

mail responses timely Better Written as: Will discuss with the CSR the Email calibration provided by IH. Get the anwer of the csr on how she

e agents performance on a weekly basis

Task Description 2 Task Status 2

u will use it on you responses.

csr on how she will resolve the cases and made a correction and review after the discusssion Reviewing on the response time and resolution time on eve
the anwer of the csr on how she will resolve the concern and review after the discusssion, reviewing on the response time and resolution time on ever
Task Notes 2 Task Name 3 Task Due Date 3

sion Reviewing on the response time and resolution time Weekly

on everycoaching
to check
type improvement with performance
on, reviewing on the response time and resolution time on every transaction type
Task Description 3 Task Status 3

ur running stats MTD. Discuss action plans and target goals weekly. Real time monitoring with intervention to correct behaviors that may affect perform
Task Notes 3 Follow Up Date



with intervention to correct behaviors that may affect performance 11/5/2022


Commitment Countersign Countersign By
th your MTD running performance. I will also do my best to remind and help youYes
with the focus metrics
that we need to work on.

elp from QA to have a huddle at the start of week and discuss again the markdowns
Yes from the previous
week before starting the new evaluations for the

. Do email audit and check responses if its accurate to the issue presented. 3. DoYes
real time spot check
based on responses and see what are the agent`s

ce for this month will have progress and will continue to learn and review cs portal
Yesupdates and reading
more on how to handle emails

Will monitor my agent and provide feedback immediately. Yes charmir.madrideo

to do daily spot check to see the consistency of the agent in utilizing his tools toYes
improve his metrics.
Countersign Date Recountersign Date Created By Created Date
10/2/2022 11:17 rene.sorrilla 9/28/2022 13:16

9/27/2022 13:49 James.galve 9/27/2022 12:22

9/28/2022 19:47 Lory.Marcos 9/28/2022 19:43

10/1/2022 21:48 Harvey.DelaVega 10/1/2022 21:32

9/30/2022 16:51 Lovely.DelosReyes 9/30/2022 16:22

9/30/2022 12:42 Augusto.Guanzon 9/29/2022 16:42

Modified By Modified Date

Lory.Marcos 9/28/2022 19:44

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