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MY FUTURE SELF AS: I imagine my future career, I imagine myself

owning a business. My future business will be a trendy fashion

clothing company and I will be the owner of the clothing company
called RICH CLOTHES. There will be about 3 employees working
during the week and 4 on the weekends. One will be a cashier
throughout the shift and helping putting back unwanted items
where they belong; while the other two will be folding or hanging
clothes and helping out our customers. RICH CLOTHES is a very
friendly, helpful and trendy company, where we care and treat
our employees like family and we also understand our customers
like friends. There will be one manager on duty to keep the store
in control and to do all inventor paper works at the end of the
day. Task means believing and understanding in the company’s
mission and goals. I want my employees to enjoy what they’re
doing and to trust in the mission and goals of the company. Which
our mission is to help every customer feeling more beautiful,
vibrant about themselves. We offer clothes not to cover who the
person is but to embrace their real self. The goal of the company
is to increase revenue and customers. By following the tasks every
day at work, it will provide a positive working flow and high sales.
If you’re having a bad day, which we all have bad days, which
effects our feelings and can unmotivated us to want to come to
work or be surround by people. If you are upsets then it will bring
the negativity to work then you won’t want to deal with the
customer, and the customers will feel your energy and be
affected by it. RICH CLOTHES is a peaceful and full of spirit
company and we want to focus on it being like that every day.
Everyone has different emotions, every single day and it is hard to
control your emotions. As the owner I understand that, I will train
my managers to know what to do when the employees come in,
in a bad mood. I believe in trying to help our employees, and
make them feel better. We all have different lives and different
problems so I want my employees to know they can always feel
open to talk to us. Motivation can make employees work better
and enjoy coming to work. If you have employees motivated to
reach a goal and for that they will be earning something. They will
feel like they are accomplishing something and acknowledged for
Reference: Life Skills for Employability_Project of Life_Activity, page 38-45.
By Consuelo Foundation and International Youth Foundation
their hard work. As the owner of Dasoulz, I want my employees to
enjoy being at work and it all about helping each other as a team
to reach the goal.

Reference: Life Skills for Employability_Project of Life_Activity, page 38-45.

By Consuelo Foundation and International Youth Foundation

Reference: Life Skills for Employability_Project of Life_Activity, page 38-45.

By Consuelo Foundation and International Youth Foundation

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