Act 2

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Saint Michael the Archangel Academy Inc.

San Vicente, Orion, Bataan

NAME: Mark Anthony P. Feliciano DATE: September 08, 2022
I. From the given pictures of rock and minerals below. Choose at least 3 examples
and search at least 2-3 facts/trivia’s about them.

Feldspar Granite:
 The principal constituent of granite is feldspar. Both plagioclase feldspar and alkali
feldspar are usually abundant in it, and their relative abundance has provided the basis for
granite classifications. In most granite, the ratio of the dominant to the subdominant
feldspar is less than two.
 The white mineral grains that you see in granite are feldspar, which is the most abundant
rock on the planet, comprising around 60% of the earth's surface.
 The word “granite” comes from the Latin word “granum,” which means “a coarse grain.”
Granite got its name because of the grain-like patterns formed by its densely packed

 It is a type of rock that forms when grains of sand are compacted together over significant
periods of time. Normally this sand is rich is quartz but can also contain other minerals
and materials such as calcium carbonate and silica. Sandstone comes in a variety of
colors including red, yellow, gray, and brown.
 Sandstone is a versatile building structure and has been used to construct buildings,
statues, and fountains.
 Sandstone is porous that serves as a filter in nature by filtering out pollutants from
running water.
 Quartzite is a type of sandstone that contains quartz. Quartzite is nonporous with a
smooth fracture when broken. Although it would seem their surface would be grainy,
quartzite has a smooth surface.
 Quartzite is the result of sandstone and the mineral quartz being put under extreme heat
and pressure.
 The shade of quartzite is dependent upon the amount of iron oxide that is present.

II. Complete the table below. Write your answer on the space provided.
What type of rock How does this What are the Where can we find
is it? rock form? characteristics of this type of rock? Examples
this type of rock?
Igneous rocks  The igneous Igneous rocks form  Granite
form when hot, form of rocks when magma  Pumice
molten rock does not include (molten rock) cools  Basalt
crystallizes and any fossil and
solidifies. The melt deposits. crystallizes, either
Igneous originates deep  They can be at volcanoes on the
within the Earth either glassy or surface of the Earth
near active plate coarse. or while the melted
boundaries or hot  These usually do rock is still inside
spots, and then not react with the crust. All
rises toward the acids. magma develops
surface.  The mineral underground, in the
deposits are lower crust or
available in the upper mantle,
form of patches because of the
with different intense heat there
Sedimentary rocks  Sedimentary Chemical  Sandstone
are formed from rocks are sedimentary rocks  Limestone
Sedimentary deposits of pre- permeable and can be found in  Shale
existing rocks or porous but a few many places, from
pieces of once- are also non- the ocean to deserts
living organism porous and to caves. For
that accumulate on impermeable. instance, most
the Earth's surface.  They are formed limestone forms at
If sediment is in layers. the bottom of the
buried deeply, it  Two natural ocean from the
becomes textural precipitation of
compacted and groupings exist calcium carbonate
cemented, forming for sedimentary and the remains of
sedimentary rock. rocks: clastic marine animals
and nonclastic with shells.
Metamorphic rocks  They We often find  Quartzite
form when rocks are crystalline metamorphic rocks  Marble
Metamorphic are subjected to and often have a in mountain  Soapstone
high heat, high “squashed” ranges where high
pressure, hot (foliated or pressures squeezed
mineral-rich fluids banded) texture. the rocks together
or, more  The features of and they piled up to
commonly, some metamorphic form ranges such as
combination of rocks are certain the Himalayas,
these factors. planar features Alps, and the
Conditions like that are often Rocky Mountains.
these are found termed s- Metamorphic rocks
deep within the surfaces. are forming deep in
Earth or where  Metamorphic the core of these
tectonic plates rock can be mountain ranges.
meet. either foliated or

III. Classify the following rocks as Igneous, Sedimentary or Metamorphic.

basalt phyllite limestones iron

breccia gneiss gabbro siltstone

dolomites chert conglomerate pumice

obsidian rhyolite marble quartzite


 Basalt  Breccia  Phyllite

 Obsidian  Dolomites  Gneiss
 Rhyolite  Chert  Marble
 Gabbro  Limestones  Quartzite
 Pumice  Conglomerate
 Iron
 Siltstone
IV. Study the diagram below. Explain the process of ROCK CYCLE in your own words.

First, when magma cools it will turn into igneous rocks like granite, pumice, or basal, etc. Then, when
igneous rocks experience weathering and erosion, it will turn into sediments. But, if igneous rocks were
put in heat and pressure, it will turn into metamorphic rocks. Then, if igneous rocks undergo weathering
or erosion, it will turn into sediments that will lead in the cementation and compaction of sediments and
it will form sedimentary rocks. When it experiences erosion, it will turn back again as sediments. But, if
sedimentary rocks were put under heat and pressure, it will now turn into metamorphic rocks. When
metamorphic rocks also experienced erosion and weathering, it will also turn into sediments. Lastly, if
both igneous and metamorphic rocks melt, they will turn into magma. And the process will be repeated
over and over again.

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