OpenKM User Guide

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User Guide

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat

(SEAMEO Secretariat)
Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building
920 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
Tel: +66 (0) 2391-0144
Leading Through Fax: +66 (0) 2381-2587

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 3
Working Space......................................................................................................................... 4
Folder ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Document Type ....................................................................................................................... 7
Upload Document ................................................................................................................... 8
Upload Multiple Documents ............................................................................................... 11
Move the Documents............................................................................................................ 13
Keywords ............................................................................................................................... 15
Categories ............................................................................................................................... 17
Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Relations ................................................................................................................................. 21
Forum...................................................................................................................................... 23
Text Extracted ........................................................................................................................ 25
Download Documents.......................................................................................................... 26
Edit Documents ..................................................................................................................... 27
Search ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Search with single word................................................................................................... 30
Search with keywords ...................................................................................................... 31
Search with document name ........................................................................................... 32
Search with content........................................................................................................... 33
Save Search......................................................................................................................... 35
Search with keyword map ............................................................................................... 36
References .............................................................................................................................. 37
Inquiry .................................................................................................................................... 37
OpenKM User Guide

OpenKM is an Electronic Document and Record Management System
(EDRMS). OpenKM helps you to:
 Day-to-day data capture.
 Storage.
 Modify and share physical and/or digital documents within the organization.
 Apply retention periods to stored items.
 Identify the owner of each record series and documents.
 Set a chain of custody and proper audit trail.
 When needed apply legal records holds.
 Managing records disposition.
 Preserving records through their life cycle.

Some of the OpenKM goals are:

 Increase efficiency. Faster documents approval, reduced manual data entry,
automated recurring tasks among others.
 Set compliance levels. The system helps the organization to avoid penalties when
regulators, auditors and other government authorities summons them for
 Preserve historical content. Follow the status of the document (determined by the
different phases of the lifecycle).
 Consolidate the company knowledge on a single access point.
Working Space

There are four tabs provided by OpenKM, there are Desktop, Search, Dashboard and
Administration. Most user's activity is done in Desktop, Search and Dashboard tab.
In the Desktop tab, users can work directly on folders, documents, mails or records.
The desktop is distributed in tree sections:
 Navigation panel at left hand side.
 Browser panel at top center.
 Properties panel at bottom center.


Navigation Properties

The first step should be analyze the company organization and define a set of folder
hierarchy to store the documents organized.
To create a folder :
 Select a node from Taxonomy where to create the folder.

 Right click on that node, click Create Folder.

 Or click on Create Folder icon in the tool bar.

 Set the name.

 Click on Accept button.
 The folder will appear in Navigation and Browser panel.

To delete a folder :
 Select a node from Taxonomy where to create the folder.

 Right click on that node, click Delete.

 Or click Delete icon in the tool bar.

 Confirm the deletion in Confirmation dialog box.
Document Type

OpenKM support any type documents to be uploaded. Although, we will recommend

the document that contain text to be extracted by the program so that it will be easier
to be search later. Recommended document type are below:
 Text (.txt)
 Word Document (.doc, .docx)
 Excel Document (.xls, .xlsx)
 Power Point Document (.ppt, .pptx)
 PDF Document (.pdf)
Upload Document

To upload a document :
 Select a node from Taxonomy where to upload the document.

 Right click on that node, click Add document.

 Or click Add document icon in the tool bar.

 Select the document from your computer.

 Click on Upload button.

 Wait for file to be uploaded successfully.

 Click on Close button to end upload step.

 Or click on Add another file button to upload another one.
 The document will appear in selected folder in the Browser panel.

To delete a document :
 Select a the document.

 Right click on that document, click Delete.

 Or click Delete icon in the tool bar.

 Confirm the deletion in Confirmation dialog box.

To delete multiple documents :

 Tick the documents in the checkbox.

 Right click on that node, click Delete.

 Or click delete icon in the tool bar.

 Confirm the deletion in Confirmation dialog box.

To delete all documents :

 Click on Select icon, pick Select all documents.

 This will tick all document’s checkboxes.

 Right click on that document, click Delete.

 Or click delete icon in the tool bar.

 Confirm the deletion in Confirmation dialog box.
Upload Multiple Documents

It is convenient to upload multiple documents in one step. OpenKM provide the

feature to upload a zip file with auto-extraction in the selected folder. To do this, first
compress the files to be .zip.

To upload multiple documents :

 Select a node from Taxonomy where to upload the documents.

 Right click on that node, click Add document.

 Or click Add document icon in the tool bar.

 Select the .zip from your computer.
 Remember to tick Import Documents from ZIP checkbox.
 Click on Upload button.

 It will take a while depending on the size of the .zip file.

 Click on Close button to end upload step.

 The documents will automatically extracted within the selected folder.
Move the Documents

To move the documents :

 Tick the document’s checkbox to be moved.

 In case all documents need to be moved, use Select icon to tick all documents.

 Right click on that document, click Move.

 Or click Edit > Move icon in the Menu bar.

 Select destination folder.
 Click on Accept button.

 Documents are already moved.


To define keywords of a document :

 Select the document in Browser panel.
 In the Properties tab, find the Keywords input field.

 Type in each keyword and press Enter.

 Once the Keywords are already added, there are Keywords list and cloud.
 Using this Keywords, we can search particular document using Search or
Keyword map features (will be explained later).

To create a category (in case does not exist yet) :

 In the Navigation panel, select Categories.

 Right click on selected node, click Create Folder.

 Or click on Create Folder icon in the tool bar.

 Set the category name.

 Click on Accept button.
To define categories of a document :
 Select the document in Browser panel.
 In the Properties tab, find the Categories input field.

 Add category by click on Categories icon.

 Select category in Add category dialog box.
 Click on Add button.

 You can add multiple categories within a single document, select other category
in Add category dialog box and click on Add button.
 You can view documents that have same category in the Navigation panel >
Category and select the category.

To define notes of a document :

 Select the document in Browser panel.
 In the Notes tab, add a notes in the input field.
 Click on Add button.

 The notes and username is displayed in the Notes tab.

 You can add multiple notes of a single document.

OpenKM provide relation link among documents. To define relation of a document :

 Select the document in Browser panel.
 In the Relations tab :
 Select Relation type, there are :
 Equivalent
 Is parent of
 Is child of
 Many to many
 Select Relation. (To add new relation name, please contact designated staff in
SEAMEO Secretariat at the end of this user guide).

 Click on Find Document icon to relate the document to other document.

Select the document.

 Or Click on Find Folder icon to relate the document to folder.

Select the folder.
 Click on Add button.
 After that, you can navigate to related document by click the document in
Relations tab.

 Move back to origin document by click the related links.


OpenKM provide the Forum to make convenient way for user to discuss the issue for
particular document.
To create topic in the Forums of a document :
 Select the document in Browser panel.
 In the Forum tab, click on New Topic button.

 The editor will display. Type in the issue related with the document.
 Click on Create button.
 Other user can response to the forum by Quote the thread.
Text Extracted

The content of the document uploaded to the OpenKM, will be extracted

automatically. To inspect the content of the document :
 Select the document in Browser panel.
 Click on the Text Extracted tab.
Download Documents

To download the document :

 Select the document in Browser panel.

 Right click on that document, click Download.

 Or click Download icon in the tool bar.

 Document will be downloaded immediately.

Edit Documents

To edit the document :

 Select the document in Browser panel.

 Right click on that document, click Edit.

 Or click Edit icon in the tool bar.

 This step will download a Java program.

 Click on Keep buton on the browser and execute live_edit.jnlp file.

 System will download required application.

 System prompted permission to run OKM LiveEdit application.

 Click on Run button.
 The OKM LiveEdit now run with Status “Downloaded”.

 The system automatically open the document (in this case with Microsoft Word).
 Revise some document, save and close the documents.

 The OKM LiveEdit run with Status “Uploaded @ uploaded time”.

 Back to the OpenKM web, select the revised document. Take note that the

document being update is the document with icon.

 Right click on that document, click Update.

 Or click Update icon in the tool bar.

 To discard the edit, right click on that document, click Cancel edit.

 Or click Cancel edit icon in the tool bar.

 Give some comment regarding the update.

 Click on Upload button.

 Tick Increment major version checkbox to increase the version (ex. 1.0 to 2.0)
 If not, the minor version of the document will increase (ex. 1.0 to 1.1).
 Check the history of a document in History tab.
Search with single word
To search the document with single word :
 Select the Search tab.
 Type in the single word to be searched.

 Click Search button.

 The result will be display in the bottom panel.
Search with keywords
To search the document with keywords :
 Select the Search tab.
 Tick the View advanced mode.
 Type in the keywords to be searched in Keywords input field.

 Click Search button.

 The result will be display in the bottom panel.
Search with document name
To search the document with name :
 Select the Search tab.
 Tick the View advanced mode.
 Type in the keywords to be searched in Name input field.

 Click Search button.

 The result will be display in the bottom panel.
Search with content
To search the document with content (this is related to content of the document
extracted by OpenKM in Text Extracted tab) :
 Select the Search tab.
 Tick the View advanced mode.
 Type in the keywords to be searched in Content input field.

 Click Search button.

 The result will be display in the bottom panel.

 You can view the result in compact view by tick Results compact view.
Save Search
To save the search phrase, OpenKM provide save search features:
 Do search by type in some phrase in Advanced Mode.
 Type in the save search name.

 Click Save Search button.

 Save search name will display in Stored searches in the left panel.
 Click on the name to display the result.
Search with keyword map
To search the document with keyword map :
 Select the Dashboard tab.
 Click on Keyword Map icon.
 Type in some keyword in Keywords input field.
 Or click keywords in the Keyword cloud/map.

 The result will be display in the bottom panel.

 To add other keyword, type in in the Keyword input field or click keyword in

the result list to be more specific, for example . Remove some keyword
to be more general .

 To clear Keyword search, click on Clean keywords icon.



If you have any question in relation with this application usage or demand to ask
further information, please kindly contact designated staff :

Mr. Thanit Promsalee

Mr. Anusorn Dusitpirom

Ms. Kanokwan Arreenich

Mr. Ahmad Wisnu Mulyadi

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