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MBBS II 2019 Batch
1. Regarding the risk factors for CAD all are true except.

a. Regular aerobic exercise protects against CAD

b. Blood Pressures howering reduces the risk of CAD
c. Women on hormone replacement therapy are protected against CAD
d. Elevated serum Homocysterino Level is an independent risk factor

2. The Following symptoms are suggestive of Angina pectoris except

Chest pain on climbing 2 flights of stairs
a. Chest pain after meals.
b. Shortness of breath and chest tightness on moderath cerhon
c. Left sided Chest pain that aggravates by cough and deep inopiration

3. Describe the Typical PND

4. In a patient with history of Jaundice, Pruritis and Clay colored stools, suggests
a. Hemohylic Jaundice.
b. Obstructive Jaundice.
c. Heparin Jaundice.
d. Drug indcued Jaundice.

5. A 40 year old diabetic man presents with history of pain Right loin associated
with fever with chills and vomiting. On examination tenderness present in Right
renal angle. The most likely diagnosis is.

a. Acute Appendictis.
b. Acute Cholecystitis.
c. Right Pyelonephritis
d. Diversiculitis.

6. A 60 year old male smoker, presented with progessive dysphagia to solid then
followed by Liquids also associated with wieghtloss and anorexia, most likely
diagnosis is.
a.Achalasia cardia
c.Carcinoma esophagus
d.Esophagial motility disorders
7. A 40 year old male present s with history of chronic productive cough that is
worsens in the morning and brought on by changes in posutre. Sputum is copius
and yellow. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Br. Asthma
b. Chr. Bronchitis.
c. Bronchiectasis.
d. Pulmonary Tuberclosis
8. In a patient with history of shortness of breath, which of the following sign
indicates left heart failure.
a. Dependent edema
b. Engorged neck veins
c. Basal crepitations
d. Ascites.
9. All are features of UMN lesion except
a. Hypertonia
b. Exaggerated DTRs.
c. Extensor plantar: Reflex
d. Neck stiffness
10. A 30 year old female known Rheumatic mitral valvular disease with atrial
fibrillation now presents with weakness of Right sided limbs with aphasia, the
likely etiology is,
a. Hemorrhagic Stroke
b. Thrombotic Stroke
c. Embolic Stroke
d. Venous Stroke

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