Measurement of Geometric Variations of A Railway Truss Bridge (Case Study: Bh77 Railway Bridge)

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Based dalam makalah
on Constitution No.ini23
perlu diperluas.
of 2007 that Karena yangone
trains are dibahas
of theadalah
modes of transportation that has many
dimensi dari komponenso
advantages, struktur.
it needsAlangkah baiknya in
to be utilized apabila ada standar
an effort yangan
to develop diacu,
integrated transportation system at an
misalnyaaffordable costtidak
variasi dimensi by the
lebih daripurchasing
berapa persen.power.
DalamWith thus, monitoring the condition of the railway
disebutkan, on dimensi
variasi a regular basiskarena
tersebut needsadanya
to be pengecatan.
carried outArtinya
to minimize the risk of damage that may occur,
especially on the train bridge structure. Based on Bridge Inspection
dimensi asli komponen tersebut bisa jadi belum berubah. Lain halnya kalau perubahan Guidelines No. 005-01 P/BM/2011,
one of the causes of the decrease in the strength of the bridge structure can be caused by changes in
dimensi karena adanya korosi, maka dimensi strukturnya menjadi berubah.
cross-sectional dimensions. The current dimensions of a bridge structure need to be known because it
Secara umum, belum terlihat urgensinya menampilkan data variasi dimensi komponen
will affect to the steel frame profile area, where the steel frame area will affect the size or the small
struktur sedangkan
value of the asumsinya
stress karena pengecatan.
of the bridge structure. So the dimensions of the frame need to be
Urgensi mungkin
seriously considered so that the stress and memeriksa
bisa tampak apabila ada standar untuk deflection variasi
of the bridge structure remain constantly
struktur jembatan.
controlled. This research was conducted at the BH 77 Railway Bridge in Tegineneng, Tanjungkarang-
yang sifatnya grammatical
Lampung, whichditulis
a typetinta merah
frame configuration warren truss . This location was chosen
to fit the research that was also conducted by ORPPT. Based on the measurement of the dimensions
+ Noveltyofofthe
your research
bridge truss that has been carried out, the results show that there is a difference in the value of
the circumference of each rod with the standard deviation for each similar profile. The biggest difference
in the circumference of the truss is the profile of H beam, 113 and 115 rods with dimensions of
340×300×15×18, the initial circumference value is 1280 mm and after measurement it is 1289.42 mm
with a standard deviation value of 0.91 mm. While for the smallest difference, namely the H beam
profile, rod 110 with dimensions of 340×310×39×21, the initial circumference value is 1300 mm and
after measurement is 1300.33 mm with a standard deviation value of 0.24 mm

Keywords: Measurement Geometry, Railway Bridges, BH77 Bridge.

research-based sustainable development,

Introduction currently the government has established the
National Research Priority on Railways with
Based on Constitution No. 23 of 2007 that trains the coordinator from Research Organization
are one of the modes of transportation that has for the Assessment and Application of
special characteristics and advantages, especially Technology (OR PPT) including research
for transporting passengers and goods en masse, regarding the Structural Health Monitoring
saving energy, saving in use of space, having a System (SHMS) of railway bridges. SHMS
high safety factor, and a high level of low pollution intended to minimize the occurrence of
level and more efficient than road transportation accidents considering the age of the bridge
modes for transportation long distances as well as which is fairly old and its condition which has
for areas with heavy traffic. The advantages of the begun to deteriorate. In this case, Research
train need to be utilized in an effort to develop an and Innovation Center of the Sumatran
integrated transportation system at a cost that is Institute of Railways Technology involved in
affordable by the people's purchasing power. the implementation of the railway research,
Thus, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the especially in the Sumatra and in collaboration
railway track regularly periodically to minimize the with several universities, one of which is
risk of damage that may occur, especially on the Mercu Buana University. This research was
railroad bridge structure. The bridge is a path link if conducted to measure the dimensions of the
there is a field which has a fairly high elevation existing steel structure frame. The current
difference such as valleys and hills, uneven land dimensions of a bridge structure need to be
contours, as well as the presence of rivers, lakes, known because it will affect to the area of the
irrigation canals and swamps. To encourage steel frame profile, where the steel frame area
will affect the size or the small value of the
deflection and stress of the bridge structure. So
that the dimensions the frame needs to be
seriously considered so that the stress and
deflection values of the bridge structure are kept

December, 2021 1
under control. This research was conducted at
the BH 77 Railway Bridge in Tegineneng,
Tanjungkarang-Martapura, Lampung which are
using warren turss type frame
configuration. This location was chosen to fit the
research that was also conducted by ORPPT.

Figure 2. Location of the BH77 Tegineneng

Jembatan Bridge
(Source: Google Earth , accessed September 24,

2. Literature Study
In the construction of railroad tracks, we often
find terrain that has high elevation differences
such as valleys and hills, uneven ground
contours, and also the presence of rivers, lakes,
irrigation canals and swamps. This leads to the
need that bridges were made as a liaison
between the tracks. One of the commonly used
railway bridges is the steel truss bridge such as
the BH77 Bridge which is reviewed specially in
this paper. Steel frame railway bridge is a steel
bridge that serves to accommodate the traffic
load of trains that pass on the surface of the
bridge floor (Nuranita, 2019). Based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Transportation
Figure 1. Map of Lampung and Location Details No. 60 of 2012 concerning Railroad Technical
of the BH77 Tegineneng Bridge Requirements, in general the steel bridge type
(Source: Google Earth , accessed September 24, is divided into four groups like the following:
Table 1. Types of Steel Bridge
Type Girder Frame

Wall Wall girder Wall frame

Possessi Rib Rib
on/Deck Girder/deck truss/desck
(Source: PM No. 60 of 2012 Table 3-10)

The following is a description of the steel bridge


Figure 3. Details of Steel Frame Bridge

(Source: Nuranita, 2019)

December, 2021 2
Each structure will inevitably experience a
decrease in capacity which is directly
proportional to the age of the structure, one of Research Methodology
which is the bridge structure. The decrease in This research will be conducted on the existing
capacity of the bridge structure is caused by steel bridge, namely the Railway Bridge BH77 in
internal and external factors. Internal factor Tegineneng, Tanjungkarang-Martapura
referred to is a decrease in the capacity of the Crossing, Lampung. This bridge is using a
structure caused by decrease in the quality of warren type steel frame configuration, which is
the material itself. In the steel frame structure, based on as built drawing it has a vertical height
the quality of the steel material will experience a of 8 m, a lower span of 61.6 m, an upper span
decrease in stress caused by resistance/fatigue of 53 m, and a width os 4.8 m with detailed
caused by repeated and continuous loads in a drawings as follows:
certain period and time. As a result of this load,
the ultimate strength of the steel material will
The decrease in the capacity of the structure
can also be caused by external factors. External
factors can occur as a result of vehicle collisions
that result in changes in the shape of the Figure 4. Side View of the BH77 Bridge
elements, the influence of weather that can
cause corrosion, as well as the effect of vibration
resulting in loosening of the bolts in the
connection. In Bridge Inspection Guidelines
No. 005-01 P/BM/2011 there are 9 major
damage to the truss bridge structure resulting in
a decrease in capacity, that is:
1. Rust;
2. Condition of the protective system;
3. Broken/clogged;
4. Cracks; Figure 5. 3D View of the BH77 Bridge
5. Vibration;
6. Changes in shape and deflection;
7. Bend; The techniques used in this research are as
8. Loose bolts and rivets follows
9. Excessive wear 1. Conduct a literature study on previous
research related to the BH77 bridge.
In the BH77 bridge structure, the damage that 2. Prepare for the field survey.
affects the reduced capacity cross section are 3. Field survey by measuring the dimensions
vibration and changes in dimensions (shape) of each bridge’s truss.
originally due to the age of the bridge. To initiate
the implementation of this SHMS, Purnomo et al The following is a flow chart of this research:
(2020) have conducted research on BH77
railway bridge with the aim of knowing the
related permit threshold deflection and vibration
of the bridge by analyzing the strength of the
attached profile to the work force, especially the
live load on the rail. The simulation results
obtained will be used as a basis for determining
the placement point of the SHMS sensor to be
used on the BH77 bridge. In this study only
configuration data was available, but there was
no truss dimension data for the bridge structure.
In addition, Aritenang (2021) explained that
currently SHMS has been widely applied on
various types of highway bridges, but not much
further research has performed on the railroad
bridge. So that research was carried out on the
BH77 Tegineneng Lampung Railway Bridge by
applying SHMS in order to see the condition of
the bridge through the sensor signal installed.

December, 2021 3
Around (mm)
Start Truss Measurement result
No. Profile Dimension Initial Mean
Value Standard
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9,
1 HR 690×300×27×14,5 1980 1989,02 2,11
10, 11, 12
Literature review and previous 2 HR 21 152×160×6×9 624 629,25 0,66
studies 3 HR 95, 96, 97 133×140×8,5×5,5 546 549,8 0,49
4 HR 98, 99, 100, 101 133×140×8,5×5,5 546 549,9 0,78
Survey preparation 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41,42, 43,
5 C 680×160×30×30 1680 1683,2 3,29
50, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56,
Field Survey 64, 65, 66, 67,
6 C 70, 71, 72, 73, 490×170×35×35 1320 1320,6 0,82
(Measurement of the dimensions of the truss structure
89, 90, 91, 92
of the bridge)
7 H 13, 14 680×320×40×25 2000 2004,23 1,81
8 H 103 340×420×35×20 1520 1523,17 4,04
9 H 105 340×350×35×20 1380 1380,92 0,60
10 H 107 340×420×30×20 1520 1523,33 2,71
11 H 109 340×300×21,5×12 1280 1288,83 0,55
12 H 110 340×310×39×21 1300 1300,33 0,24
13 H 111 330×300×16,5×9,5 1260 1266,42 0,60
Survey data 14 H 113 dan 115 340×300×15×18 1280 1289,42 0,91
verification 15 Siku 29, 32, 34, 35 120×120×12 417 418,91 2,00


Figure 6. Research Flowchart

Results and Discussion

After conducting field measurements, the following

results were obtained:

Table 2. Bridge Frame Configuration

Bridge Result
No Dimention
Detail Dimensions
1. 61,6 61,8
2. 53 53,2
3. 8 8,1
4. 4,8 4,92

Table 3. Results of Measurement of the

Dimensions of Each Rod

Figure 8. Dimension measurement activitie

Concluding Remarks
• Based the results of measurements of the
bridge truss that have been carried out,
there are many values of circumference
of the rods that has a value greater than
the stated value based on as built
drawing with a standard deviation that
varies in each variation of its dimensions.

December, 2021 4
• The biggest difference in the [6] Nuranita, Badriana. (2019). Performance
circumference of the truss is the profile of Analysis of Closed Steel Frame Railroad
H beam, 113 and 115 rods with Bridge Based on the Draft Technical
dimensions of 340×300×15×18, the initial Requirements of the Railroad for Heavy
circumference value is 1280 mm and Trains ( Heavy) Trains )
after measurement is 1289.42 mm with a 1435MM. Bandung Institute of
standard deviation value of 0.91 mm. Technology, Bandung.
while for the smallest difference, namely [7] Government of the Republic of Indonesia,
the H beam profile, rod 110 with (2007). Law No. 23 of 2007 About railway.
dimensions of 340×310×39×21, the initial [8] Kementerian Perhubungan. (2012).
circumference value is 1300 mm and Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor:
after measurement is 1300.33 mm with a PM. 60 Tahun 2012.
standard deviation value of 0.24 mm. [9] Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. (2011).
• This happens because the bridge frame Pedoman Pemeriksaan Jembatan No.
has been painted several times to avoid 005-01/P/BM/2011. Direktorat Jenderal
corrosion of the steel structure. With Bina Marga.
varying measurement results obtained, it [10] Purnomo, DA, Aspar, WAN, Barasa, W.,
is necessary to do structural modeling to Harjono, SM, & Sukamdo, P. (2021). Initial
include wide variations cross section so Implementation of Structural Health
that the minimum strength of the bridge Monitoring System of a Railway
structure can be determined which is Bridge. Center of Technology for
affected by changes in the cross- Transportation System and Infrastructure,
sectional area. Department of Civil Engineering Mercu
Buana Unoveristy. Presented at the 3th
Global Congress on Construction,
References Materials and Structural Engineering
(GCoMSE), 2021. Malaysia.
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01/P/BM/2011. Directorate General of

December, 2021 5

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