Review Complex Numbers

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Review # Complex numbers

[59 marks]

Consider the complex numbers z1 = 1 + bi and z2 =(1 − b2 )−2bi, where

b ∈ R, b ≠ 0.

1a. Find an expression for z1 z2 in terms of b . [3 marks]

1b. Hence, given that arg(z1 z2 )= π , find the value of b . [3 marks]


Consider the equation (z − 1) = i, z ∈ C. The roots of this equation are ω1 , ω2
and ω3 , where Im(ω2 )> 0 and Im(ω3 )< 0.

ω1 = 1 + ei 6 is a root of this equation. [2 marks]

2a. Verify that

2b. Findω2 and ω3 , expressing these in the form a + eiθ , where a ∈ R and [4 marks]
θ > 0.

The roots ω1 , ω2 and ω3 are represented by the points A, B and C respectively on

an Argand diagram.

2c. Plot the points A, B and C on an Argand diagram. [4 marks]

2d. Find AC. [3 marks]

Consider the equation (z − 1) = iz 3 , z ∈ C.

2e. By using de Moivre’s theorem, show that α 1 [3 marks]

= i
π is a root of this
1−e 6

2f. Determine the value of Re(α). [6 marks]

3. Consider the equation
= i, where z = x + iy and x, y ∈ R. [5 marks]

Find the value of x and the value of y.

Consider the equation z 4 = −4, where z ∈ C.

4a. Solve the equation, giving the solutions in the form a + ib, where [5 marks]
a, b ∈ R.

4b. The solutions form the vertices of a polygon in the complex plane. Find [2 marks]
the area of the polygon.

= 4e 2 i , giving your answers in the form

Solve z 2

5a. reiθ where r, θ ∈ R, r > 0. [3 marks]

5b. a + ib where a, b ∈ R. [2 marks]

Let z = a + bi, a, b ∈ R+ and let arg z = θ.

6a. Show the points represented by z and z − 2a on the following Argand [1 mark]

6b. Find an expression in terms of θ for arg (z − 2a). [1 mark]

Find an expression in terms of θ for arg ( z−2
z ).
[2 marks]

( )
Hence or otherwise find the value of θ for which Re ( z−2
z ) = 0.
[3 marks]

7a. Find the roots of the equation w3 = 8i, w ∈ C. Give your answers in [4 marks]
Cartesian form.

7b. One of the roots w1 satisfies the condition Re (w1 ) = 0. [3 marks]

Given that w1 = z , express
z −i
z in the form a + bi, where a, b ∈ Q.

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