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I. Give the plural of following nouns.

1. nucleus 6. woman
2. parenthesis 7. tweezers
3. cactus 8. antenna
4. moose 9. larva
5. medium 10. tooth

II. Identify the error/s in the sentence. Rewrite the sentences to make them
1. Aladdin was suddenly surrounded by forty man and his father, the King of
2. The town was experiencing multiple crisis at once after being hit by three
natural phenomenon in a row: first a hail storm, then a tornado, and finally, a
3. While visiting the Rocky Mountains, tourists are likely to see herds of sheeps,
mooses, and deers.
4. Cactuses and funguses thrive in totally opposite environments.
5. At a recent reunion, several alumnus recalled a time during their undergrad
when twenty mouses escaped from the science lab.
6. My trousers is on the bed.
7. Though undeniably busy, the editor-in-chiefs gladly obliged for a few minutes
of photo-op with the visitors.
8. We have specific criterions and certain limitations for the childrens’ contest.
9. You will need a can of tunas for these two recipe.
10. There were several oxes on the road and a few farmers tried to shoo them

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