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Identification of Carbonation Induced

Corrosion using Petrographic analysis

Submitted by-
Shriyansh Shukla – 21ID60R13
Tamidala Anupama – 21ID60R14

• Underground Structures utility vaults play a crucial role in Urban centers and are mostly
subjected to harsh environmental conditions which ultimately leads to structural damage.

• These structures are utilized for various applications such as vaults used for housing
electrical, gas , telecommunication cables etc.

• In the early years precast industry, calcium chloride admixtures are used. But later when it is
known that it is causing detrimental effects, use of calcium chloride admixtures was

• The utility vaults that are described in this study are taken from southwestern United States,
where there is known to be on the order of around 50,000 of these types of structures.

• Calcium hydroxide in the cementitious paste reacts with CO2 or CO in the atmosphere or in the soil
to produce calcium carbonate.

• The consumption of calcium hydroxide and the resulting product of calcium carbonate (zero
hydrogen ions) leads to a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions and, therefore, a
decreased pH of the cement paste.

• Moreover, if chlorides were present in the original concrete mix, some of the chloride ions that were
once bound chemically with cement components can be freed as the concrete carbonates and can
contribute to the corrosion of reinforcement.

• In general, the carbonation process is the slow process. It increases at a progressively slower rate.
Carbonation is dependent on the relative humidity of the environment, with the highest rates
occurring between 50% and 75% humidity.

• At high humidity levels i.e., >75% the moisture in the pores will restrict the penetration of carbon
dioxide or monoxide

• At low humidity levels i.e., <25% the carbonation rate is considered insignificant.

• Given the necessary moisture conditions to induce carbonation, however, the carbonation rate will
increase with any factors that increase permeability to carbon dioxide.

• To evaluate the extent of distresses 18 core samples were extracted from seven different
underground structures.

• Eight of these cores underwent petrographic examination, along with supplementary tests to
determine the extent of carbonation.

• The details of the samples tested can be seen in the table 1.

• The interior surface has had most severe damage as the corroded reinforcing bar is exposed and the
surrounding concrete has spalled off.


Structure ID Sample ID Extraction location Type of construction Install year Age when extracted (years)
1 1-A Ceiling Precast 1971 48
1 1-B Wall Precast 1971 48
1 1-C Wall Precast 1971 48
2 2-A Ceiling Precast 1971 48
2 2-B Floor Precast 1971 48
2 2-C Wall Precast 1971 48
3 3-A Wall Precast 1974 45
3 3-B Ceiling Precast 1974 45
4 4-A Wall Cast-in-place 1937 82
4 4-B — Cast-in-place 1937 82
5 5-A Ceiling Cast-in-place 1973 46
5 5-B Wall Precast 1973 46
5 5-C Wall Precast 1973 46
6 6-A Ceiling Precast 1979 40
6 6-B Wall Precast 1979 40
7 7-A Ceiling Precast 1983 36
7 7-B Wall Precast 1983 36

Table 1. Samples extracted for testing 6

Interior of Structure 1 prior to removal: Exterior of Structure 1 prior to removal: Interior of Structure 1 prior to removal:
ceiling and exposed corroded reinforcing ceiling and side of access opening walls

Different location where cores were taken.


• Petrographic examinations of concrete are typically performed to determine the current quality of
the concrete by analyzing the volumetric proportions of the concrete and detecting if any deleterious
reactions within the concrete have occurred.

• In this study petrographic examinations were performed by an experienced petrographer in

accordance with ASTM C856

• Based upon the microscopic examinations of chemical and mechanical composition of concrete
samples the assessment of the current quality of the concrete and presence of the deleterious
reactions was done.

• For the assessment thin concrete sections about 20–30 μm thick were prepared. 8

• To get an better understanding about the extent of carbonation. An additional test was performed to
determine the carbonation depth.

• In this regard Phenolphthalein was utilized as a pH indicator to determine the extent of carbonation
throughout the length of the core.

• Phenolphthalein is widely used as acid-base indicator as it is colorless when pH is below 9 while it

turns pink as the pH exceeds 9. Here the colorless solution will indicate the presence of carbonation
which will in turn suggest the probable corrosion.

• The phenolphthalein solution was applied to the surface of the core.


• The petrographic examination included microscopic observations of select samples in plane-

polarized light (ppl) and cross-polarized light (xpl) .

• Evidence of an acid attack is observed in the cement paste in some samples in the form of calcite
crystals, which become visible in the cross-polarized photomicrograph.

• For few of the samples calcium hydroxide depletion in the cement paste was observed which results
in a lowered pH of the cement. This can be related to the apparent carbonation of the samples and in
turn can be related to the corrosion.

• No significant sulphate attack was observed as cracking associated with the ettringite deposits was
not seen. 10
Photomicrograph in ppl of thin section Photomicrograph in xpl of thin section from
from a sample at 200 x magnification a sample at 200 x magnification

Petrographic Analysis

• The sample which turned to pink has the pH still greater than 9.

• The results from the carbonation tests are given in table 2.

• The depth of carbonation measured from the interior surface of the

structure as well as the depth measured from the exterior surface of
the structure. Using those two depths, a percentage of the
carbonation depth from the exterior to the depth from the interior is

• To calculate the rate of carbonate penetration linear relation with time

is assumed. In this regard the carbonation depth from the interior of
the structure by the age of the structure and multiplying the result by

Carbonation depth
Percentage of exterior
Corrosion Minimum Carbonation depth Carbonation depth per 10 years10 years from
Sample ID to interior carbonation
visible? cover (mm) from interior (mm) from exterior (mm) interior (mm/10 years
depth (%)
mm/10 years)

1-A Yes 38 20 0 0 4.1

1-B Yes 38 15 0.3 2 3.2
1-C — — 15 2.3 15 3.2
2-A Yes 25 25 0 0 5.3
2-B — — 14 0.3 2 3
2-C Yes 24 15 1.3 8 3.1
3-A Yes 38 24 0 0 5.4
3-B No 29 18 5.3 29 4.1
4-A Yes 76 76 1.3 2 9.3
4-B Yes 59 49 9.1 19 5.9
5-A Yes 12 7.1 5.1 71 1.5
5-B Yes — 10 5.3 53 2.2
5-C No 62 28 8.9 31 6.2
6-A No 48 0 5.1 — 0
6-B — — 23 12 54 5.7
7-A Yes 16 37 0 0 10
7-B — — 31 0 0 8.7
7-C Yes 66 33 0 0 9

Table 2. Carbonation results 13


• Through the visual inspection it is observed that the underground structures are to be replaced.

• The humid environment with wet-dry cycles within the structures are ideal conditions for
carbonation of the concrete. Moreover, the water entering the structures can become a medium for
transporting chemicals into the concrete that can be harmful to the concrete and/or the reinforcing

• The cored samples which are subjected to petrographic examination determined that there was
carbonation of concrete which occurred at higher rate in the interior part of the structure to lower
rate in the exterior part.

• With the lowered pH due to carbonation, the reinforcing steel that was within the carbonation layer
near the interior surface of the structure is left vulnerable to corrosion.

• Carbonation appears to have reached the level of reinforcement in some samples where the
reinforcing steel is corroded.

• The rate of carbonation from the samples in this study indicated that for a structure with 40 mm of
concrete cover, the carbonation layer may reach the reinforcing steel in 50  years, which will leave
the reinforcing steel vulnerable to corrosion in the presence of oxygen and moisture.


▪ Michelle C. Chen, José I. Restrepo, (2019) Service-Life Performance Case Studies of Underground Reinforced Concrete Utility
Vaults. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities Vol 35, Issue 2.


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