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The Major Differences Between Traditional Media and

New Media

Name: Adeleke Ogunlaja

Student Number: 21907737
Major Differences Between Traditonal media and New Media

There are several distinctions between Traditional Media and New Media, but let me first
define both:

 Traditional Media:

Traditional media, often known as old media, refers to media sources that existed before to
the internet, such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and billboards. Through
billboards, newspaper advertising, television ads, and other forms of traditional media,
businesses may reach a large number of people.

 New Media:

New media, often known as digital media, comprises of approaches that are largely or entirely
online or incorporate the Internet in some way. New media are kinds of media that are
computational, native to computers, and reliant on computers for dissemination. Many of
these strategies have been around for a while but have just recently acquired popularity.
Search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, social media, and
email marketing are all examples of new media formats.

 Media Evolution

There are significant distinctions between traditional and new media. Traditional media has
been declining but is still there, whilst new media has been rising as change and innovation
are continual, and new media also costs less than traditional media due to a smaller audience
and more targeted advertising channels.

Despite the fact that conventional and new media have significant differences, firms may
benefit from utilizing both tactics for marketing to reach their target audiences. The great
majority of people choose to consume several types of media during the course of their day,
making it critical for a company to distinguish its marketing methods. Spreading an
organization's advertising budget across many mediums can help groups expand their overall

While advanced publicizing is unquestionably growing at a rapid pace, traditional media can
reach a large number of people quickly. These traditional mediums frequently contain
credibility within a local region, which might be beneficial to specific enterprises. However,
utilizing computerized media allows a business to review campaign data gradually and push
out significant modifications immediately. This type of advertising also includes direct
communication with a group of individuals, which can result in higher levels of commitment
and brand awareness. An in-depth review of client behavior and trends may aid a company in
determining which directions to remember for its advertising efforts.

Despite their unavoidable proximity, old and new media do not have to compete. Both
platforms might be used in tandem to make your promoting attempt more grounded than ever
before. Traditional and modern media can complement one other, with each playing an
important role. Take a percentage of your radio and print money and redirect them into
targeted adaptable commercials, sponsored virtual entertainment postings, and pennant
promotions, and you will significantly increase your reach.

Major Difference between Traditional and New Media:


Digital technology, in conjunction with new media platforms, has transformed the way people
consume information, allowing for more interactive options such as multimedia products and
two-way conversation. Furthermore, websites are no longer only a communication medium,
but also a marketing platform for marketers to capture the attention of their target consumers.
Because of digitization, material is now reaching audiences faster than ever before. This also
ensures that advertisers not only spend less for advertising, but also pay less per person


Interactivity is a major role in communication, while behaviors such as watching movies,

listening to audios, and so on are also forms of interaction, although digital and largely online.
New media has made interaction simpler, giving advertisers and marketers a wider reach and
bringing them closer to their target audience. Interactivity has been a hot subject in mediated
communications. (Ha and James, 1998) stated that interactivity should be characterized by
how willing communicators and audiences are to respond and participate. Traditional media is
far less interactive than new media. Social media, for example, enables direct connection and
engagement between businesses and consumers.

Simple and easy internet access

New media is centered on internet access, which makes it particularly data-driven; it is the
only and fastest method for new media channels to function. As previously said, digitization
has improved these channels as well, but the single instrument for it all is internet connection.
This is the primary distinction between traditional and new media. Traditional media is more
effective than new media without access to the internet, which is why having access to the
internet is crucial, and this age with the ease with which people can use the internet gives
birth to the usage of new media channels. New media alongside the way the internet is set
gives one may also search through data that show one how many people saw ones ad, how
long they saw it for, and whether or not it resulted in a click-through.

Democracy & Freedom of Speech

New media fosters free expression far more than traditional media. With the availability of
internet access and living in a lot more digitalized world, freedom of speech is much more
acknowledged, and many people may speak and put what they want out there through these
means. When it comes to democracy, new media through social media platforms give power
to the general masses, making the new media world a democratic world. Everyone has the
freedom to express their own thoughts. It makes place for politics and other things. Because
of the advent of digitization, new media even permits online voting from people all over the
world in real time. It also allows electronic voting.


In summary, New Media is far superior and the way ahead in media, but it does not replace
Traditional Media, as traditional media will always be used and have its own advantages.


Ha, L., & James, E. L. (1998). Interactivity reexamined: A baseline analysis of early business
web sites. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 42(4), 457-474.

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