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11-08 03:40:44.

304 1389 1433 W ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{1c25042

0:com.lenovo.anyshare.gps/u0a183} start not valid, killing pid=11083,
killedByAm=true;No entry in mProcessNames;pendingStart=false;
11-08 17:20:11.239 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 50425 tx_bad 0 rx_good
91047 tx_retry 16775 tx_retry_times 0
11-08 20:24:36.227 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2756 tx_bad 0 rx_good
5042 tx_retry 311 tx_retry_times 0
11-08 20:36:29.276 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 25582 tx_bad 0 rx_good
50421 tx_retry 6314 tx_retry_times 0
11-08 22:25:38.174 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 240986 tx_bad 0 rx_good
950429 tx_retry 84643 tx_retry_times 0
11-09 17:36:26.972 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 12826 tx_bad 0 rx_good
15042 tx_retry 3546 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 03:05:29.209 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 250428 tx_bad 1 rx_good
462574 tx_retry 22745 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 03:11:46.528 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 269096 tx_bad 1 rx_good
504258 tx_retry 23676 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 08:20:22.043 1389 4588 D _V_NotificationService:
shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x8
color=0x00000000 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE
shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0
color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
11-10 17:41:07.382 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 50427 tx_bad 0 rx_good
41592 tx_retry 5464 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 18:38:35.588 2782 22229 E ajba : Phenotype API error. Event #
brqa@25042df4, EventCode: 5 [CONTEXT service_id=51 ]
11-10 18:39:52.677 546 546 D Zygote : Forked child process 5042
11-10 18:39:52.678 1389 1433 I ActivityManager: Start proc for pre-top-activity
11-10 18:39:52.711 5042 5042 E Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
11-10 18:39:52.714 5042 5042 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam
detection failed: Invalid argument
11-10 18:39:52.742 1389 4451 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: reportShowUiSyncHandle 5042
11-10 18:39:52.746 1389 4451 I _V_SDS : pid=5042
11-10 18:39:52.746 1389 4451 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:5042,,, mProcessCreatePacknull
11-10 18:39:52.747 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:1,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:39:52.747 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:5042, uid:10146
11-10 18:39:52.753 5042 5042 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10146; state: DISABLED
11-10 18:39:52.756 5042 5042 D _V_SystemFonts: verifyDefaultFont path:
11-10 18:39:52.761 1389 1409 D _V_BluetoothManagerService:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=5042, uid=10146, foregroundActivities=true
11-10 18:39:52.762 1389 1409 D _V_FeatureService: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:
pid=5042, uid=10146, foregroundActivities=true,,
11-10 18:39:52.762 1389 1409 D _V_FeatureService: handleForgrouneAppChanged
pid:5042, uid:10146 foreground:true
11-10 18:39:52.763 1389 1739 D _V_FeatureService: notifyForgroundAppChange
pid:5042, uid:10146 foreground:true mPkgName
11-10 18:39:52.763 1389 1409 D _V_VivoUiModeMgrServiceImpl:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=5042, uid=10146, foregroundActivities=true
11-10 18:39:52.763 21425 7288 I _V_SecureService2: onForegroundActivitiesChanged()
pid = 5042, uid = 10146, foregroundActivities = true
11-10 18:39:52.764 21425 7288 D _V_DataUsageService: onForegroundActivitiesChanged
pid = 5042, uid = 10146
11-10 18:39:52.764 4259 4259 I _V_GameCube-GameDaemonService: onProcessChange put
processName =; pid = 5042
11-10 18:39:52.764 21425 7288 I _V_ForbidAppRemindTask: onForegroundAppChanged
mForegroundUid: 10199, mForegroundPid: 18839, uid: 10146, pid: 5042
11-10 18:39:52.764 21425 7288 D _V_ForbidAppRemindTask: checkNeedRemind
ConnectivityManager not null, uid = 10146, pid = 5042
11-10 18:39:52.764 2228 27322 I _V_SLService2: HAHA2 pid = 5042, uid = 10146,
foregroundActivities = true, mSoftwareLockOnFlag = false
11-10 18:39:52.765 1754 6390 I _V_UsageAppManager:
11-10 18:39:52.765 1754 6390 I _V_UsageAppManager:
11-10 18:39:52.765 2228 27322 D _V_SLService2: applock AppLockProcessMonitor
onForegroundActivitiesChanged start, foreground:true pid:5042
11-10 18:39:52.765 2228 27322 D _V_SLService2: applock
getAppForegroundLockProcessRecord pid:5042 size:1
11-10 18:39:52.766 21425 7288 D _V_ForbidAppRemindTask: getUidRemindType isWifi:
true, uid: 10146, pid: 5042, should show remind: false
11-10 18:39:52.771 2228 27322 D _V_SLService2: applock handle start foreground
start. record:AppLockProcessRecord{pid=5042,
11-10 18:39:52.772 2228 27322 I _V_ProxCoverNoticeService:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged, pid = 5042, uid = 10146, pkg =, foregroundActivities = true
11-10 18:39:52.922 5042 5042 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-10 18:39:52.929 5042 5042 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for
'' set to: 'default'
11-10 18:39:52.930 5042 5042 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
11-10 18:39:52.932 5042 5042 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
11-10 18:39:52.935 5042 5042 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
11-10 18:39:52.988 5042 5042 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10146; state: DISABLED
11-10 18:39:52.991 5042 5042 I _V_VG_VivoGalleryFileMetaProvider: onCreate
11-10 18:39:52.991 5042 5042 I _V_VG_RecycleProvider: create2
11-10 18:39:53.007 5042 5042 I _V_VG_RecycleCopy: shallCopy
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ exists!
11-10 18:39:53.010 5042 5042 I _V_VG_RecycleCopy: shallCopy
databases/external_rec.db exists!
11-10 18:39:53.032 5042 5042 I _V_VG_PerformStat: provide-create = 21
11-10 18:39:53.032 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryAppImpl: onCreate
11-10 18:39:53.050 5042 5042 I _V_VCodeI/a: start activity observer
11-10 18:39:53.051 5042 5073 I _V_VPM : isOverSeas yes
11-10 18:39:53.051 5042 5073 I _V_VPM : getProjectName
11-10 18:39:53.051 5042 5073 I _V_VPM : getOSVersion mOSVer=11.5
11-10 18:39:53.052 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBKGalleryUtils: [isSupportVirtualKey]
mIsSupportNavigationBar = true
11-10 18:39:53.055 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/TrackerConfig: init sdk :2431
11-10 18:39:53.058 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBKGalleryUtils: [isSupportEarPhone]
mIsSupportEarPhone = true
11-10 18:39:53.058 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBKGalleryUtils: [initNaviGestureHeight] get
gesture bar height, mNaviGestureHeight = 72
11-10 18:39:53.062 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/TrackerConfigImpl: moduleId init cost =
11-10 18:39:53.074 5042 5042 I _V_VG_CameraExtraUtils: loadBucket start
11-10 18:39:53.089 5042 5042 I _V_VG_CameraExtraUtils: loadBucket end
11-10 18:39:53.096 5042 5081 I _V_VG_GalleryAppImpl: getGAID start
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 E linker : normalize_path - invalid input: "D", the
input path should be absolute
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 W linker : Warning: unable to normalize "D"
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 E linker : normalize_path - invalid input: "\
lib\linux\arm", the input path should be absolute
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 W linker : Warning: unable to normalize "\android-
arm" (ignoring)
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 E linker : normalize_path - invalid input: "D", the
input path should be absolute
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 W linker : Warning: unable to normalize "D"
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 E linker : normalize_path - invalid input: "\
lib\linux\arm", the input path should be absolute
11-10 18:39:53.109 5042 5071 W linker : Warning: unable to normalize "\android-
arm" (ignoring)
11-10 18:39:53.110 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryAppImpl: onCreate end!
11-10 18:39:53.113 5042 5071 D VCodeSDK/native: nativeInitVCodeSdk
11-10 18:39:53.113 5042 5055 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 10146; state: ENABLED
11-10 18:39:53.115 5042 5071 D VCodeSDK/native: verify ret = 0
11-10 18:39:53.115 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/SecUtils: init ret = 0
11-10 18:39:53.115 5042 5071 E _V_VCodeI/IdentifierManager: JLibrary class not
11-10 18:39:53.116 5042 5042 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName =,
Get anr service =$Stub$Proxy@6e562c7
11-10 18:39:53.116 5042 5079 I _V_VG_ConfigUtil: file =
/data/vivo-common/gallery_res/assets/all_model_asset/config.xlx, parent =
11-10 18:39:53.117 5042 5042 I _V_ANRMonitor: ANRMonitor initialized
11-10 18:39:53.118 5042 5079 I _V_VG_ConfigUtil: config file exists = true
11-10 18:39:53.119 5042 5079 E _V_VG_ConfigUtil: getValue
11-10 18:39:53.121 5042 5042 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-10 18:39:53.123 5042 5079 I _V_VG_SDKLoader: needCopy appCommonDataVersion = -
11-10 18:39:53.123 5042 5079 I _V_VG_SDKLoader: loadSDK no appCommon
11-10 18:39:53.125 5042 5079 I _V_VG_SDKLoader: loadSDK cost time: 11
11-10 18:39:53.131 5042 5042 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-10 18:39:53.133 5042 5079 I _V_VG_FaceGroupSpeicalData: init:
sCommonGroupDispCount= 15, sDoneNumberBeforeNextCharge= 0,
sFaceGroupCoverThumbMinWidth= 288
11-10 18:39:53.134 5042 5079 I _V_VG_AppCloneUtils: getSelfDevelopedCloneUserId
propString ===true
11-10 18:39:53.138 5042 5079 I _V_VG_AppCloneUtils: getSelfDevelopedCloneUserId
appUserId ===
11-10 18:39:53.139 5042 5079 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2: initPlatformInfo :
Build.HARDWARE=mt6768 Build.PRODUCT=1907
11-10 18:39:53.157 5042 5089 I _V_LIB-Security-MobileAgentManager-,so_sha256=773D5523BCAB7B90196FB923271149BBA8433A87D8D60BB5E49F4A17
11-10 18:39:53.164 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2: isFirstOpen = true
isSupportCloud = false IsExported = true isSupportAICutEx = false
11-10 18:39:53.168 1389 4451 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10146 pid=5042
11-10 18:39:53.176 5042 5079 I _V_LIB-Security-MobileAgentManager- sdk_version=securitysdk-v1.4.7-cb22b50,initialize use_time=36 ms
11-10 18:39:53.179 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/d: skip read vivo damons file
11-10 18:39:53.181 5042 5079 I _V_VG_SensorRecognizer: initSettingFiled :
11-10 18:39:53.182 5042 5079 I _V_VG_SensorRecognizer: Gesture sensor type is 31
11-10 18:39:53.183 5042 5079 E _V_SuperResolutionManager: getService: return
11-10 18:39:53.192 5042 5079 I _V_VG_VideoEnhanceStateManager: mSupportSR: false
11-10 18:39:53.193 5042 5079 E MemcManager: getService: mService != null
11-10 18:39:53.196 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
AbstractGalleryActivity:onCreate this =
11-10 18:39:53.197 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2: CUR_MODEL = 100
11-10 18:39:53.202 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: 021lastTime is
11-10 18:39:53.206 5042 5079 I _V_VG_GalleryAppImpl: size = 3, RECYCLE_ON =
true, whenOff = true
11-10 18:39:53.206 5042 5079 I _V_VG_CameraExtraUtils: loadExtraBucket
11-10 18:39:53.207 5042 5079 I _V_VG_GroupAlbumManager: loadGroupList start is =
11-10 18:39:53.209 5042 5079 I _V_VG_CameraExtraUtils: loadBucket start
11-10 18:39:53.217 5042 5079 I _V_VG_CameraExtraUtils: loadBucket end
11-10 18:39:53.218 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: updateConfig 021
11-10 18:39:53.219 5042 5071 E _V_VCodeI/a: sqlcipher class not found
11-10 18:39:53.223 5042 5079 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
VivoGalleryFolderFilterProvider query 0 uri =
content:// 7
11-10 18:39:53.223 5042 5042 D _V_VivoPhoneWindowImpl:
DEBUG_ALIENSCREEN:getRotation mRotation=0
11-10 18:39:53.223 5042 5042 I _V_PhoneWindow: initSystemUIColor
11-10 18:39:53.229 5042 5079 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
VivoGalleryFolderFilterProvider query 0 cursor =
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@d082d4a 0
11-10 18:39:53.232 616 3441 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client]
NEW(0xb400006f1b97ab50) for (
11-10 18:39:53.233 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/d: init: complete
11-10 18:39:53.233 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/TrackerConfigImpl: core init cost = 72
11-10 18:39:53.234 5042 5079 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
VivoGalleryFolderFilterProvider query 0 uri =
content:// 7
11-10 18:39:53.239 5042 5042 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory =
11-10 18:39:53.241 5042 5079 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
VivoGalleryFolderFilterProvider query 0 cursor =
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@ee43197 1956
11-10 18:39:53.250 5042 5042 W _V_VG_BBKGalleryUtils: getNavHeight
rootWindowInsets == null ! activity =
11-10 18:39:53.252 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryUtils: setFromThirdApp
11-10 18:39:53.252 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryTabActivity: initView mBottomBar ={24bb152 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0
#7f090106 app:id/bottomBar}
11-10 18:39:53.253 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/QualityManager: ready to tryReport by
11-10 18:39:53.255 5042 5071 E _V_VCodeI/a: aie not support mobile status
11-10 18:39:53.255 5042 5071 E _V_VCodeI/a: failed! aie not support mobile status
11-10 18:39:53.256 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/TrackerConfigImpl: init cost = 198
11-10 18:39:53.292 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryTabActivity: onCreate, this=
11-10 18:39:53.297 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBKGalleryUtils: initPlatformInfo :
11-10 18:39:53.314 5042 5042 D TitleView: insertViewInfo Count : 1
11-10 18:39:53.314 5042 5042 D TitleView: insertViewInfo Count : 1
11-10 18:39:53.320 5042 5109 I _V_VG_BitmapHelper: getImageCacheAppend
supportDisplayP3 = 1 sCurrentMode = 1 sSupportP3 = false append = none
11-10 18:39:53.320 5042 5042 D _V_startPhysical: mEnableFlingEffect=false
11-10 18:39:53.321 5042 5042 I _V_VG_StateManager: startState class
11-10 18:39:53.328 5042 5042 D TitleView: insertViewInfo Count : 2
11-10 18:39:53.329 5042 5042 D TitleView: insertViewInfo Count : 3
11-10 18:39:53.345 5042 5109 W _V_VG_BlobCache: blob checksum does not match:
11-10 18:39:53.353 5042 5122 W _V_VG_RecycleAlbumSet: checkfile filepath exists!
11-10 18:39:53.354 5042 5122 I _V_VG_RecycleSQLiteOpenHelper: -db = null, mName =
11-10 18:39:53.358 5042 5122 I _V_VG_RecycleSQLiteOpenHelper: -version = 3,
mNewVersion = 3
11-10 18:39:53.361 5042 5109 W _V_VG_BlobCache: blob checksum does not match: -
11-10 18:39:53.363 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: retryTimes is 180000
11-10 18:39:53.363 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: syncConfigFromServer: 021
11-10 18:39:53.363 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: 021lastTime is
11-10 18:39:53.363 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: versioncode is
7100111modulever is 7100111configInterval is 435600000spTime is37170461
11-10 18:39:53.363 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: 021lastTime is
11-10 18:39:53.364 5042 5071 I _V_VCodeI/e: startDelay: 021
11-10 18:39:53.370 5042 5120 I _V_VG_MtpDeviceSet: loadDevices: [], size=0
11-10 18:39:53.386 5042 5123 I _V_VCodeI/SystemUtil: availableMemorySize =
11-10 18:39:53.389 5042 5123 I _V_VCodeI/c: entity data size:504
11-10 18:39:53.390 5042 5122 I _V_VG_RecycleAlbumSet: -imagesInt.size() = 0,
videosInt.size() = 0, imagesExt.size() = 0, videosExt.size() = 0
11-10 18:39:53.390 5042 5122 I _V_VG_RecycleAlbumSet: -ItemsLoader run
items.length = 0
11-10 18:39:53.394 5042 5042 I _V_VG_AbstractGalleryActivity: onStart,
11-10 18:39:53.394 5042 5079 I _V_VG_GalleryTabActivity: [shareInit] 共享开关:
11-10 18:39:53.407 5042 5127 I _V_VG_GalleryTabActivity: [updateType] 3,
bUpdateRedPoint = false
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5042 I _V_VG_Gallery.MultiSetSync: onSyncDone:
*********** #pending=1
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5042 I _V_VG_Gallery.MultiSetSync: onSyncDone:
************ #pending=0
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5042 I _V_VG_VivoAlbumSetPage: clearLoadingBit
mLoadingBits=1 mIsActive=true mAlbumSetDataAdapter.size()=0
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5042 I _V_VG_VivoAlbumSetPage: clearLoadingBit
mActivity.getStorageStatus()=true mActivity.getStorageMemoryStatus()=true
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5131 I _V_VG_ClassifyMoreSet: reload <<<
11-10 18:39:53.408 5042 5131 I _V_VG_ClassifyMoreSet: loadAlbums<<<
11-10 18:39:53.411 5042 5109 W _V_VG_BlobCache: blob checksum does not match: -
11-10 18:39:53.413 5042 5131 I _V_VG_VivoFaceGroupProvider:
11-10 18:39:53.414 5042 5109 W _V_VG_BlobCache: blob checksum does not match:
11-10 18:39:53.423 5042 5042 I _V_AccountSDK-BBKAccountManager: BBKAccountSDK
Version: BBKAccountAPK version: 6205
11-10 18:39:53.425 5042 5042 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
AbstractGalleryActivity:onResume, isLowMemory=false, isNoStorage=false,
11-10 18:39:53.425 5042 5042 I _V_VG_GalleryUtils: setFromThirdApp
11-10 18:39:53.628 5042 5085 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support,
cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS
11-10 18:39:53.689 5042 5085 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
11-10 18:39:54.046 5042 5085 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyFrameComplete error:
undefined symbol: fbcNotifyFrameComplete
11-10 18:39:54.051 5042 5085 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyNoRender error: undefined
symbol: fbcNotifyNoRender
11-10 18:39:54.606 5042 5042 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
11-10 18:39:54.607 5042 5042 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:38
11-10 18:39:54.965 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : -1 => 60
11-10 18:39:54.965 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:39:54.999 5042 5042 E _V_icupgrade_v: AppStoreInstallUtils:
mHasAppStoreTool error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
11-10 18:39:55.965 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : 60 => -1
11-10 18:39:55.965 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:39:56.965 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : -1 => 60
11-10 18:39:56.965 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:39:57.660 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:1,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:39:57.693 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:39:57.797 5042 5317 E _V_VG_LightCountDownLatch: PriorityThread-
permission denied
11-10 18:39:57.822 5042 5321 E _V_VG_LightCountDownLatch: PriorityThread-
permission denied
11-10 18:39:58.190 5042 5121 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
11-10 18:39:58.304 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:39:58.456 5042 5320 E _V_VG_MediaExtraOperationHelper: <queryFavoriteId>
e:android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size
of 0
11-10 18:39:59.089 5042 5320 E _V_VG_MediaExtraOperationHelper: <queryFavoriteId>
e:android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size
of 0
11-10 18:39:59.524 5042 5357 E _V_VG_ReverseGeocoder: lookupAddress: e=
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: latitude is out of range of [-90.000000,
90.000000] (too low)
11-10 18:40:03.966 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : 60 => -1
11-10 18:40:03.967 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:40:04.967 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : -1 => 60
11-10 18:40:04.967 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:40:14.766 5042 5042 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7]
11-10 18:40:14.766 5042 5042 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[9]
11-10 18:40:14.767 5042 5042 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[10]
11-10 18:40:14.787 5042 5042 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={be613ac V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-1080,180
#7f0907f8 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/BbkTitleView; (declaration of
'' appears in VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex)
11-10 18:40:14.787 5042 5042 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={be613ac V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-1080,180
#7f0907f8 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/TitleView; (declaration of
'' appears in VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex)
11-10 18:40:14.788 5042 5042 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={be613ac V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-1080,180
#7f0907f8 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout; (declaration of 'android.widget.RelativeLayout'
appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex)
11-10 18:40:14.788 5042 5042 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={be613ac V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-1080,180
#7f0907f8 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class
Landroid/view/ViewGroup; (declaration of 'android.view.ViewGroup' appears in
11-10 18:40:14.788 5042 5042 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={be613ac V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-1080,180
#7f0907f8 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e=
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Landroid/view/View;
(declaration of 'android.view.View' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!
11-10 18:40:14.969 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : 60 => -1
11-10 18:40:14.970 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:40:15.970 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : -1 => 60
11-10 18:40:15.970 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 18:40:16.970 581 678 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(5042) : 60 => -1
11-10 18:40:16.971 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:40:18.848 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:40:20.252 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0,
pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:-1
11-10 18:40:20.272 5042 5042 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
11-10 18:40:20.272 5042 5042 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
11-10 18:44:50.192 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 03:0xafafa9d0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.0336 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.235 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 11:0xafafe7b0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.0669 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.247 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 11:0xafafe7b0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.0669 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.343 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 19:0xafac58c0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.1669 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.365 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 04:0xafaf5cd0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.2002 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.376 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 04:0xafaf5cd0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.2002 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.401 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 13:0xafafaea0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.2336 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.412 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 13:0xafafaea0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.2336 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.476 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 01:0xafaf7c70
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.3002 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.510 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 20:0xa0801140
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.3389 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.542 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 10:0xa0800010
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.3722 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.575 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 05:0xafafc290
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.4056 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.607 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 07:0xa0809cd0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.4389 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.640 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 14:0xf3667b50
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.4722 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:50.672 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 16:0xa0818ab0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.5056 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:51.011 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 19:0xafac58c0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.8442 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:51.046 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 11:0xafafe7b0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.8776 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:51.078 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 00:0xafafb580
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.9109 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:44:51.110 18839 7039 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 13:0xafafaea0
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=165042.9442 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
11-10 18:51:26.513 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 205205 tx_bad 0 rx_good
504215 tx_retry 57021 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 18:51:29.529 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 205206 tx_bad 0 rx_good
504227 tx_retry 57021 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 18:51:32.562 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 205270 tx_bad 0 rx_good
504292 tx_retry 57032 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 18:55:53.381 985 1025 E Situation: +634 motiondata 2.000000,
11-10 19:41:14.213 985 1025 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 7.850427 18.631887 31.898706
11-10 19:43:16.281 985 1025 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 12.125042 14.928299 37.097664
11-10 19:49:07.469 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:3, pid:5042, uid:10146, fps:60
11-10 19:49:07.469 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:5042, STATE_DEAD
11-10 19:52:44.355 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:115042
hint:1159 pid:605 duration:100 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:115042
11-10 19:52:44.456 581 695 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
11-10 19:52:44.456 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:115042, idx:3
11-10 19:52:44.475 605 12819 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:115042,
11-10 19:52:44.476 581 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:115042, idx:-1
11-10 19:54:45.493 980 980 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 294329 tx_bad 0 rx_good
768068 tx_retry 75042 tx_retry_times 0
11-10 19:55:48.337 21959 21959 D NotificationViewHierarchyManager: toShow.add 0||-1|p#|10135;
isSuppressedSummary = false; isKeyguardSuppressedSummary = false; isGroupSummary =
false; Group key = 0||
11-10 19:55:48.341 21959 21959 D allowedOnKeyguard: return FALSE,
isKeyguardNotiEnable = false; isOnging = false; isSystemApp = false; key = 0||-1|p#|10135

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