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By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules
as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in
The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in
the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the
student portal.


1. No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a
direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may
consist of direct quotes.
2. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
3. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
4. All work must be adequately and correctly referenced.
5. Begin each section on a new page.
6. Follow all instructions on the assignment cover sheet.
7. This is an individual assignment.

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Referencing Rubric
Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources is a fundamental educational principle and the
cornerstone of high-quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to develop the referencing skills of our
students in our commitment to achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high standards is referencing in a
way that is consistent, technically correct and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled differently.
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of a maximum of ten percent being deducted from the
mark awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note, however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of
copied or uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action
being taken in accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023).
Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating (circling/underlining) the information that best
describes the student’s work.
Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the overall mark – the student’s work contains five or more
errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.
Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the overall mark – the student’s work contains five or more
errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.
If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall mark.
The examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to illustrate the error.
Required: Minor errors Major errors
Technically correct referencing style in technical correctness of referencing In technical correctness of referencing
style style
Deduct 5% from mark awarded Deduct 10% from mark awarded
Consistency Minor inconsistencies. Major inconsistencies.
The referencing style is generally Poor and inconsistent referencing style
The same referencing format has been consistent, but there are one or two used in-text and/or in the bibliography/
used for all in-text references and in the changes in the format of in-text reference list.
bibliography/reference list. referencing and/or in the bibliography. Multiple formats for the same type of
For example, page numbers for direct referencing have been used.
quotes (in-text) have been provided for For example, the format for direct quotes
one source, but not in another instance. (in-text) and/or book chapters
Two book chapters (bibliography) have (bibliography/ reference list) is different
been referenced in the bibliography in two across multiple instances.
different formats.
Technical correctness Generally, technically correct with some Technically incorrect.
minor errors. The referencing format is incorrect.
Referencing format is technically correct The correct referencing format has been Concepts and ideas are typically
throughout the submission. consistently used, but there are one or referenced, but a reference is missing from
two errors. small sections of the work.
Concepts and ideas are typically Position of the references: references are
Position of the reference: a reference is referenced, but a reference is missing only given at the beginning or end of large
directly associated with every concept or from one small section of the work. sections of work.
idea. Position of the references: references are For example, incorrect author information
only given at the beginning or end of every is provided, no year of publication is
paragraph. provided, quotation marks and/or page
For example, quotation marks, page For example, the student has incorrectly numbers for direct quotes missing, page
numbers, years, etc. are applied correctly, presented direct quotes (in-text) and/or numbers are provided for paraphrased
sources in the bibliography/reference list book chapters (bibliography/reference material, the incorrect punctuation is used
are correctly presented. list). (in-text); the bibliography/reference list is
not in alphabetical order, the incorrect
format for a book chapter/journal article is
used, information is missing e.g. no place
of publication had been provided
(bibliography); repeated sources on the
reference list.
Congruence between in-text referencing Generally, congruence between the in-text A lack of congruence between the in-text
and bibliography/reference list referencing and the bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography.
reference list with one or two errors. No relationship/several incongruencies
All sources are accurately reflected and There is largely a match between the between the in-text referencing and the
are all accurately included in the sources presented in-text and the bibliography/reference list.
bibliography/reference list. bibliography. For example, sources are included in-text,
For example, a source appears in the text, but not in the bibliography and vice versa,
but not in the bibliography/reference list a link, rather than the actual reference is
or vice versa. provided in the bibliography.
In summary: the recording of references In summary, at least 80% of the sources In summary, at least 60% of the sources
is accurate and complete. are correctly reflected and included in a are incorrectly reflected and/or not
reference list. included in reference list.

Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in-text referencing and bibliography:

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Portfolio of Evidence: Teaching Experience (TEIP7319) Grade 6

The Teaching Experience module covers school-based work integrated learning (WIL) and as such, pertains
to tasks performed during your time at school and in preparation for school-based teaching. You will
complete six weeks of school-based WIL in Year 3. The POE is a collection of all tasks completed in this
module and is submitted as a consolidated record at the end of your Teaching Experience. It contributes
100% to your final mark for this module. As there are no tests, assignments, or examinations, it is expected
that the POE is developed continuously throughout the year through the guided tasks detailed in the
Teaching Experience Logs. Your POE must adhere to the guidelines stipulated in the Teaching Experience
Logs and be complete in every respect.

Summative Portfolio of Evidence (PoE)

Weighting 100%
Duration Year module
Submit after Teaching Experience
Learning Units covered All
Resources required Learn; Lever-arch file; File dividers
PoE Weighting
Observation Learning Log 20%
Service-learning Log 15%
Teaching Experience Learning Log 50%
School Report 5%
Institutional Assessment Log and Report 10%

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Submission Guidelines
Portfolio of Format of the Assessment Preparation Hints
Evidence (How to Prepare, Resources to use,
(PoE) etc.)
The purpose of a portfolio is to track ● Use the checklist provided to
and document all learning assist you in submitting each Log
experiences. For this module, you and associated tasks in the
are required to submit the following: correct format:
o My Portfolio on LEARN
• Administrative File Or
• (Hard copy PoE) and o POE Hard Copy File
• My Portfolio ● File all forms, lesson plans,

• (Online submissions) resources, and Lesson Feedback

Forms in your Administrative File.

You will be assessed solely on the ● Clearly label your file.

contents of this portfolio for this ● Ensure you have familiarised

module. yourself with the Appendix:

Protection of Personal
Information Guidelines (TE316).

Summary of Teaching Experience 3 Logs and Tasks

Your completed Portfolio of Evidence comprising of both hard copy Teaching Experience Logs and
submissions on Learn, will be handed in for assessment at the end of the Teaching Experience period. The
date will be communicated via your Programme Assessment Schedule. Your PoE will count 100% towards
your Teaching Experience mark and counts as the ‘examination’ for this module. Failure to submit this PoE
will result in failure of the module, and the risk of adding a year to your studies.

All Teaching Experience Logs will be marked by either the mentor teacher Confidential School Report
(TE310) or the Supervisor (Institutional Assessment Log and Report (TE311) using the rubrics provided.

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Assessment Logs and Marking Rubrics

Confidential School Report (TE310)
Institutional Assessment Log and Report (TE311)

How to prepare your hard copy Teaching Experience POE File

All B.Ed. students will be expected to keep a hard copy Portfolio of Evidence. This file will be evidence of
your professional development throughout the year. You will need:

• An A4 lever-arch file
• File dividers, labelled:

The front cover of your Teaching Experience File needs to have the following information:

• Your full name;

• Your student number;
• Your phase specialisation (B.Ed. Intermediate Phase Teaching); and
• Your campus.

NB! Your Administrative File should be kept with you at all times on Teaching Experience and should be
organised under the specified sections (use the table below).

! Submissions on Learn

• Please ensure that you have submitted the correct tasks in the correct link.
• If your task is not accessible under the correct link it will not be marked.

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Please take note:

No POE will be marked without the inclusion of the following two completed documents:

If you have not included these two signed and stamped documents, you will have an opportunity to provide
these missing documents within 48 hours of notification thereof.

The mark will then be capped at 50 %.

* Mentor/Mentee Agreement
** Attendance Register

NB: Failure to submit your final portfolio of evidence by the prescribed time and date (as per your
Programme Assessment Schedule) will be treated as an absence from examination, and not as a late
assignment. Please refer to the IIE 009 Assessment Strategy and Policy for further details.

Use the Task Checklist below to ensure you have included all necessary components:

Task Checklist
TE File (Paper-based) Learn (Online)
• Attendance Register TE303 Note: Documents to be
• Institutional Assessment Log TE311 acknowledged on Learn
and Report TE301c
• Confidential School Report TE310 • The Lecture Attendance
• The signed Requirements for modules TE306
Acknowledgement of School TE301b aligned to School-based WIL TE314
Placement Form • The IIE Code of Ethics for
• The signed Mentor/Mentee TE302 Teaching Experience
Agreement • The Rules and Regulations
• Other Administrative Items for Leave of Absence from
E.g. Timetable, Calendar. Teaching Experience
Service-learning Log (TE313)
Part A: Addendum A: Service- TE313 Part B: Service-learning Personal
learning Memorandum of Goal Statement
Agreement Part D: Service-learning Reflection
Part C: Service-learning Record
Observation Learning Log (TE307)
Section A: Teaching and Learning TE307
• School Assessment Policy

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• Observe Assessment
• Identify a Learner who
Requires Intervention
• Classroom Management

Section B: School Management

• School’s Organogram

Section C: Reflection
• Beginner Teacher Readiness
Teaching Experience Learning Log (TE308)
Part A: Lesson plans for subject TE305a Part B: ICT Integrated Lesson Plan TE308
teaching in Grade 6 TE304 Part D: Reflections
(Filed in order with Lesson Task 1: Teaching Philosophy
Feedback Reports attached to each Task 2: Reflections on TE
lesson) TE308
Part C: Lesson Observation Tasks
Section A: Pre-Observation
Section B: Observation
Section C: Post-Observation

You are expected to work through each task and compile your final POE based on the tasks as
they are presented in your Learning Logs.

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Below is a list of the appendices that will form part of your final PoE.

Acknowledgement of School Placement Form TE301b
The Lecture Attendance Requirements for Modules Aligned to School-based Work TE301c
Integrated Learning (i.e. Teaching Experience) on The IIE Faculty of Education
Programmes. (Compulsory acknowledgement on LEARN)
*Mentor/Mentee Agreement (compulsory inclusion in final POE) TE302
**Attendance Register (compulsory inclusion in final POE) TE303
Lesson Feedback Report TE304
Lesson Plan Template TE305a
The IIE Code of Ethics for Teaching Experience (Compulsory acknowledgement on TE306
Observation Learning Log IPT TE307
Teaching Experience Learning Log IPT TE308
Marking Rubrics TE309
Confidential School Report TE310
Institutional Assessment Log and Report TE311
Consolidated Mark sheet (i.e., Marking Spreadsheet for the final calculation of your TE312
Service-learning Log TE313
Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience TE314
(Compulsory acknowledgement on LEARN)

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Teaching Experience (TE) Portfolio of Evidence (PoE): Subminimal and Access to the Supplementary
Opportunity to Resubmit

• A contact undergraduate student who receives between (30-49 %) for the Teaching Experience
PoE summative assessment is permitted a second opportunity to resubmit particular parts (as
detailed below) of the summative assessment i.e. Portfolio.
• The resubmission mark is capped at 50% and becomes the final module mark.

Students that qualify for access to the Teaching Experience Supplementary opportunity may only
resubmit the following reworked sections as indicated in the table below. The remainder of the
components that make up the Teaching Experience POE are requirements that needed to be
completed while on the original Teaching Experience period. Students do not go back into the
schools to rework the sections that are not indicated below.

• The sections, which can be reworked and resubmitted in the supplementary opportunity

Administrative File (Paper-based PoE) Learn (Online)

Service-learning Log (TE313)
Part D: Service-learning Reflection TE313
Teaching Experience Learning Log (TE308)
Part B: ICT Integrated Lesson TE308
Part D: Reflections
Task 1: Teaching Philosophy
Task 2: Reflections on TE

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• The documents which were omitted can be inserted in the supplementary opportunity. The
dates indicated on these forms will be carefully noted, in order for them to be considered as
valid as part of the resubmission:

Administrative File (Paper-based PoE) Learn (Online)

• Confidential School Report TE310
(the date can fall outside of
the original TE period, as this
may be because the mentor
teacher did not complete it

Teaching Experience Learning Log (TE308)

Part A: TE304
Lesson Feedback Reports (the dates
should fall within the original
Teaching Experience period)

On resubmission, the original PoE must be submitted with:

1. Both original and reworked sections.

2. And/or the omitted documents.


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