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PHYSICAL EDUCATION develop both agility and speed.

COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Balance enables to keep upright or make the body stable to
avoid falling off while at rest (static balance) or in motion
Physical Fitness (dynamic balance). Half-kneeling and tall kneeling are
exercises that enhance static balance, walking on balance
Is achieved by eating the right variety of nutritious foods, beam, playing hopscotch and kadang-kadang/tiyakad enhance
engaging in moderate to vigorous exercise, and having enough dynamic balance.
rest. A person is physically fit if he/she:
Power means the ability to exert maximum one-time force or
- does not easily get tired when engaged in any physical strength in the shortest possible time. Power development
activity, be it exercise, work or play because he/she has activities include throwing a baseball, kicking a soccer ball,
cardiorespiratory endurance sprinting and jumping.
- is not prone to lifestyle disease because he/she has healthy
body composition
- moves easily during physical activity because he/she has
enough flexibility Reaction Time refers to the ability to respond quickly to a
- succeeds in doing his/her physical activities without undue stimulus (something seen, heard, or felt) in the shortest
fatigue because he/she has enough muscle strength and possible time. Reaction time is enhanced by activities that
endurance require to respond to a whistle, a drum beat or a “GO” signal
- performs well in daily tasks, games and other physical
activities because he/she has acquired enough power and
Coordination refers to an individual’s ability to use his/her
speed and developed skills in coordination, agility, body
senses (specially sight and hearing) and body parts together or
balance and prompt/timely reaction to stimuli.
two or more body parts together at the same time during
movement. Coordination activities include dancing, kicking or
Physical fitness components fall under two categories: health- dribbling a ball, racquet sports, throwing and catching a ball
related components, which enable an individual to become and etc.
stay physically healthy and skill-related components, which
enable one to perform well in daily tasks, games and other
physical activities.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance is the ability of the heart and

lungs to supply the body with enough energy during
continuous physical activity. Swimming, bicycling, walking,
and jogging are among the activites that develop
cardiorespiratory endurance.

Muscular Strength refers to the maximum amount of force a

muscle or set of muscles can exert at one-time movement.
Examples of muscular strength activities are squatting, bicep
curls, triceps dip, weight lifting, etc.

Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscles to continue

exerting force during repeated or prolonged movement.
Activities for muscular endurance include pull-ups, push-ups,
sit-ups, rope skipping, climbing, tug of war, and plank.

Body Composition refers to the ratio between body fat and

lean mass that make up a person’s body. Cardiorespiratory,
muscular strength, and muscular endurance exercises help
achieve a healthy body composition. Although body
composition can be determined in different ways, the only
method recommended by the World Health Organization
(WHO) for children and adolescents 5 – 19 years old is by
finding the body mass index (BMI) using the standard

Flexibility is the ability of the joints and related muscle to

move at full range during physical activity. This can be
achieved through regular exercises or activities that involve
stretching, twisting and bending.

Agility refers to a person’s ability to easily change direction of

movement quickly and effectively. This can be successfully
done when combined with balance, speed, coordination,
strength and endurance. Agility skill is applied when playing
ball games and performing some dances.

Speed denotes one’s ability to complete a certain movement

or cover a certain distance in the shortest possible time.
Desired speed can be achieved when integrated with
coordination, reaction time, strength, power and endurance.
Tagging games and football are examples of activities that

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