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Indoor Environment Quality Assessment: Summary Brief


Building Type : Residential Building

Ventilation : Mechanical Ventilation
No. of Occupants :1
Monitoring Period : 12/10/2022 15:00:00 to 12/10/2022 15:30:00 (30 mins)
Data Collection Rate : 2 minutes
Total sensor data points : 120
Uptime : 100%
Standard for assessment:ISHRAE Standard for Air Quality and Thermal Comfort
INDOOR ENVIRONMENT: key observations

These Brief summaries of 30 Minutes of data collected by the ActiveBuildings™ real-time

indoor air quality and environment monitoring platfor
2022. The sensor was kept on wall mounted located at
New Delhi-110065.

The measured IEQ data was assessed against ISHRAE Standards on Air Quality, on a limited
scope with no occupant survey. The sample collected was averaged and the results were
benchmarked against the ISHRAE standards for the parameters measured. A tabulated
form of the results in the format prescribed by the Standard is shown below. Under the
remarks section, assumptions and potential solutions are highlighted which can be looked
into. Detailed trends for the duration of the study are provided in the subsequent sections

Parameter Measured Values Units Classification Remarks

Thermal Comfort

TEMP 25.3 °C Good -

Ideal conditions is less than 65%

HUM 79.26 %RH Moderate
Indoor Air Quality
Ideal conditions is less than 50
PM10 504 µg/m³ Bad
Ideal conditions is less than 15
PM25 324 µg/m³ Bad

CO2 457 ppm Good -

Ideal condition is less than 225

TVOC 466 ppb Moderate
Thermal comfort Thermal Comfort is defined as, that condition of mind which expresses
satisfaction with the thermal environment and is assessed by subjective
parameters. Subjective parameters include environmental parameters
viz. temperature, humidity, draft air; and physiological parameters like
metabolism, clothing. Using these parameters, a model is built that can
measure the thermal comfort levels quantitatively.

Thermal comfort A metric that estimates the percentage of people satisfied with the
levels thermal environment of the indoor space based on assumed distribution
of preferences.

Indoor air quality Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term which refers to the air quality within
and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health
and comfort of building occupants. It takes into account concentration
of air pollutants like pollen, toxic vapors, odors generated from trash,
carbon dioxide etc.

Indoor air quality A metric that estimatesthe percentage of people satisfied with the air
levels quality levels ofthe indoor space.
Visual Comfort Metric that measures the lighting levels of an indoor space in lux.

Temperature Refers to the temperature ofthe surrounding air, measured in ⁰C/F

Humidity Refers to the moisture content of the surrounding air, measured relative
to the moisture content that causes precipitation (rain).

VOCs Stands for Volatile Organic Compounds and refers to the concentration
of toxic chemical vapours like benzene, toluene, ethanol. Potentially
originating from paints, varnish, printer ink, air- fresheners.

PM 2.5 Stands for Particulate Matter 2.5 and refers to air borne particles with
diameters smaller than a 2.5μm (millionths of a meter). In comparison, a
strand of human hair is 171μm.

Lux A unit of light intensity per unit space.

Clean air Refers to air completely rid of pollutants.

Fresh air Refers to air rich in oxygen required for normal breathing.
ISHRAE Stands for Indian Society for H eating, Refriger ation and Air--
Conditioning Engineers. Formed in 1981, it sets standards for air quality
and thermal environment suited for human occupants indoors.

WHO Stands for World Health Organisation is a specialized agency of the

United Nations that is concerned with international public health.

IGBC Stands for the Indian Green Building Council. Its an India based
organisation that sets benchmark for Gr een Building Standards and
Guidelines in the country.
ActiveBuildings™ Indoor Air Quality & Wellness Methodology
The ActiveBuildings™ monitoring technology, and analytics framework is based on globally recognised
industry standards in commercial buildings as defined by ASHRAE 55 & 62, ISHRAE Building Standard, WHO
(World Health Organisation) Guidelines of Indoor Quality, and others. The tables below outline the range of
ActiveBuildings sensors and the definitions of Good, Fair and Poor.

Parameter Details Sensor Range Possible Sources

Thermal Comfort

TEMP Air Temperature (Dry bulb) -10⁰C – 50⁰C Ambient air conditions

HUM Relative Humidity 0-100% Rh Ambient air conditions

Indoor Air Quality

Total concentration of organic
Paints, Cleaning products,
TVOC compounds like, toluene, 125ppb – 6000ppb photocopiers, cosmetics
benzene etc
Total number of suspended Aerosols, Ventilation
PM25 particles in ambient air with 0.1 – 800 µg/m³ Ducts, Pollen, human
diameter less than 2.5 µm activity
Total number of suspended Aerosols, Ventilation
PM10 particles in ambient air with 0.1 – 800 µg/m³ Ducts, Pollen, human
diameter less than 10 µm activity

CO2 Total concentration in ambient air 350ppm - 5000ppm Human occupants

Parameter Source of Thresholds Units Good Moderate Bad

Individual Sensor Metrics

TEMP ⁰C 22-26 20-22 / 26-30 0-20 / >30

HUM % Rh 38-65 20-35 / 65-84 <20 / >84

TVOC ppb 125-225 225-950 >950

Standards defined on
PM25 the basis of ISHRSAE µg/m³ 0.1-15 15-25 >25
Standards for Air
PM10 Quality and Thermal µg/m³ 0.1-50 <100 >100
CO2 ppm 350-700 700-1050 >1050

STALE AIR ppm 0.1-3 3-9 >9

NOX ppb 0-30 30-75 >75

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