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Immigration – Grade 4 –

Lestage 2013-2014

Immigration Study Guide

Migration Vocabulary:







- You should be able to identify the two main immigration stations in
the United States

1.) The main immigration station that most European immigrants came to
was ______________________________________________. It is located
in ________________________________________________.

2.) The main body of water you would travel through to get to the above
island is the ______________________________________________.

3.) The main immigration station that most Asian immigrants came to
was _______________________________________________. It is
located in ________________________________________________.

4.) The main body of water you would travel through to get to the above
island is the ______________________________________________.

5.) The three main reasons people immigrated to the United States were:
Immigration – Grade 4 –
Lestage 2013-2014

1.) ______________________________________________.

2.) ______________________________________________.

3.) ______________________________________________.

6.) If you were wealthy you most likely came to the United States on a
boat and rode in ___________________________________________.

7.) The boats most immigrants took the United States were powered by

8.) An average trip to the United States by boat usually took


10.) While going through the immigration process, doctors performed a

_________________________- second test to check to see if you are

11.) Immigrants were allowed to bring anything they could carry with
them. What are 3 important things immigrants may have brought to the
United States?

12.) When immigrants arrived in the United States, many moved outside
of the country. What are the two main sources of transportation at this

13.) During the time Ellis Island was open, nearly

____________________________ million immigrants came through its
Immigration – Grade 4 –
Lestage 2013-2014
14. Immigrants often had a difficult time answering questions because
they all spoke many different __________________________________.

15.) Immigrants were overjoyed when they arrived at Ellis Island because
they saw this giant statue welcoming them:

16.) If the immigrants made it through the process, they needed to get
money. They did this by going to the

17.) Many immigrants moved to crowded building s in the city and lived in

18.) Immigrants needed to make a living for themselves. Name 3 jobs

immigrants may have had in the city and the country.
City Country

19.) Angel Island became famous later in history because

_________________________________________ were found on the
walls before it was almost torn down.

20.) When immigrants met their family who was already in the United
States, the spot to meet their relatives was called

21.) Men were typically the part of the family to come to America first to
_________________________________________ and

22.) Immigrant children attended a one room schoolhouse with children

only their age? TRUE or FALSE?
Immigration – Grade 4 –
Lestage 2013-2014
Compare and Contrast Ellis Island and Angel Island. How were they
similar? How were they different? What made them important to the
history of immigration?

Now that we have experienced what it would be like to go through Ellis

Island’s Immigration Station, how did you feel? Tell me at least 3 things
you learned about the process and how it made you feel.

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