Advances in Water Research - Vol32no1

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January–March 2022 | vol.32 no.1


RESEARCH A Publication of The Water Research Foundation

Delivering Research
That Matters

2021 Year in Review

Delivering Research That Matters

he Water Research Foundation (WRF) focuses oninte-
grated One Water research that encompasses the entire
water cycle, addressing issues holistically and provid-
ing actionable solutions for our subscribers. WRF’s research
benefits all areas of the water sector, while also exploring the
connections between water and other sectors, such as energy
and agriculture.
Producing research and creating knowledge are core parts of
what we do. We embrace our role as a purpose-driven organiza-
tion that concentrates on serving our subscribers and strength-
ening the water sector by advancing the science of water. Every
year, we work with our subscribers, partners, and researchers
Michael Markus Peter Grevatt
to produce world-class research. A key aspect of WRF’s work
is delivering that research to the sector through activities that allow the knowledge we’ve developed to be applied
effectively. Implementing the research results is what brings change to the sector, and what helps us prepare for the
opportunities and challenges that are in front of us. WRF provides the research that matters most to our subscribers
and to the communities that we all serve.
We deliver research results through a variety of products, including research reports, webcasts, workshops, guidance
manuals, videos, and more. WRF will deliver our research results to you, whether you have the time to review a full
research report or only a few minutes to watch a video or read a magazine article.
This issue of Advances in Water Research focuses on the research results from 2021 that matter the most to building
resilience and strengthening the growth of the water sector. You will read about nutrients, pathogens, infrastructure,
and additional topics that are all integral to a One Water approach.
All of the work we do at WRF is to support you, our subscribers. You help us to conduct and deliver our work in a
way that continually builds strong trust and confidence in our research. We look forward to partnering with you to
deliver the research that matters most to you throughout 2022 and beyond.

Michael R. Markus, PE Peter Grevatt, PhD

Chair, Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer

ii January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


ii | Viewpoint: Delivering Research

That Matters 6 | 2021 Webcasts

The Water Research Foundation (WRF)

2 | By the Numbers: WRF in 2021

8 | Key Research Results and is the leading research organization
advancing the science of all water to
Products from 2021 meet the evolving needs of its subscribers
and the water sector. WRF is a nonprofit,
educational organization that funds,

4 | 8 |
manages, and publishes research on the
Q&A: Interview with Z. Jason 2021 Published Products technology, operation, and management
of drinking water, wastewater, reuse,
Ren and stormwater systems—all in pursuit
of ensuring water quality and improving
water services to the public.

9 | Advances in Nutrient Removal

14 | Innovation in Action
15 | Benefits of Water Reuse in

Editor: Alyse Greenberg

P 303.347.6116 •
Copyeditor: Victoria Bloom
Art director: Cheri Good

Customer service

17 | 22 |
Managing Pathogens in Energy P 888.844.5082 or 303.347.6100
Water Reuse
Advances in Water Research
(ISSN 1055-9140) is published quarterly

24 | 26 |
Optimizing Biofiltration Stormwater Management for $100 a year in North America by
The Water Research Foundation, 6666
W. Quincy Ave., Denver, CO 80235
Telephone: 303.347.6100
Periodicals postage paid at Denver, CO.

28 | Constituents of Emerging

Concern 30 | Resilience as a Proactive
Postmaster: Send address changes to
Advances in Water Research, The Water
Research Foundation, 6666 W. Quincy
Ave., Denver, CO 80235-3098

32 | Water Audit Validation

34 | Lead Service Line
Copyright © 2022 The Water Research
No part of this publication may be cop-
ied, reproduced, or otherwise utilized

35 | 37 |
2021 Awarded Projects Calendar without permission. Published in the
U.S.A. Printed on recycled paper.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 1

This installment of By the Numbers features statistics on WRF activities from 2021.

Active One Water
Research Projects
New Projects Awarded
$2.76 Million in WRF Funds

Funded by
$5.82 Million in Grant Funds

Awarded to WRF from
• California Energy Commission
• City of Philadelphia
• Private Foundation
• U.S. Department of Energy

• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1030 Utilities
across the Globe

79 Consultants
57 Manufacturers
2 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research
WRF IN 2021

Projects Published
Most Popular Reports $7.49 Million Total
• Level 1 Water Audit Validation Guidance
Manual, Second Edition (5057)
• Full Lead Service Line Replacement Guidance $3.62
(4713) Million in WRF Funds
• Membrane Bioreactor Validation Protocols for
Water Reuse (4997)
• Economic Framework and Tools for Quantifying $3.87
and Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line Benefits Million in Cost Share
of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (4852)
• Tools to Evaluate Quantitative Microbial Risk and In-Kind Contributions
and Plant Performance/Reliability (4951)

Hosted by WRF years

Most Popular Topics 20 Years

Covered by Webcasts
• Nutrients $2.10 Million Total

• Wastewater Surveillance
• Lead Service Lines Awarded to
• Stormwater
• Constituents of Emerging Concern 21
Water Research

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 3

Interview with Z. Jason Ren
Decarbonization in the Wastewater Sector

n September 2021, Dr. Z. Jason Ren was costs, energy is always a major area for
presented with the Paul L. Busch Award, improvement. That prompted me to think
which recognizes an individual for innova- about energy management in the wastewa-
tive research in the field of water quality and ter industry. Because of my expertise with
the water environment, with a special focus membrane bioreactor design, I knew the
on those who make significant contributions operational costs can be very high because
in bridging research and its practical appli- the process uses a lot of energy for aera-
cation. With the $100,000 research prize, tion and cleaning. During my PhD research
Dr. Ren will develop an inventory and digi- and early faculty years, I focused on con-
tal tools to easily measure and track green- verting the chemical energy embedded in
house gas emissions from the wastewater wastewater organics into different types
sector. Dr. Ren is a professor in the Depart- of renewable energy, such as hydrogen,
ment of Civil and Environmental Engineer- electricity, and biogas. Since wastewater
ing and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environ- contains several times more energy than is needed for
ment at Princeton University. its treatment, it is possible to make the process energy
neutral or even energy positive. I learned the other side
What is your professional background? I attended college of the water-energy nexus through my collaboration with
in China, then worked as a process engineer for about two scientists at the National Renewable Energy Lab, where
years. I designed different types of wastewater treatment I was helping the energy industry tackle water problems,
processes, such as sequencing batch reactors and mem- such as produced water treatment in hydraulic fracturing
brane bioreactors. For example, I was part of a team that and wastewater treatment for the biofuel industry.
designed many small-scale wastewater treatment plants
for towns surrounding the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir. What does receiving the Paul L. Busch award mean to
I came to the United States to pursue my PhD at Penn you? It is a tremendous honor and also a big responsibility.
State, where I primarily worked on energy recovery during The Paul L. Busch awardees are not only leaders in their
wastewater treatment. After I received my PhD, I became a respective research fields, but they also provide valuable
faculty member at the University of Colorado, and in 2018 direction and insight toward moving the field forward. It’s
I became a professor at Princeton University. a great recognition, and it’s also immense trust from the
community. I’m honored and humbled to be part of this
How long have you been running the Princeton Water & elite group of people helping the profession progress.
Energy Technologies (WET) Lab? I’ve been running the
lab since 2018, and my group works on the nexus between You received the award for your work to measure and
water and energy. Princeton offers a unique opportunity to track greenhouse gas emissions from the wastewater
carry out this interdisciplinary research, because I’m 50% sector. Can you describe this work and the challenges
with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer- you hope to address? For many years, I have focused on
ing and 50% with the Andlinger Center for Energy and the technology development to reduce energy consumption,
Environment. This appointment allows me to take on some and I assumed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
unique leadership roles and think big picture about envi- Change’s methods are adequate. But the more I study this
ronmental engineering in the context of climate change. area, the more I realize there are a lot of knowledge gaps,
and the tools for emission estimation need to be improved.
How did you become interested in the water-energy I also noticed that there is a misconception that when
nexus? My interest originated from my experience as you reach energy neutrality you are pretty much done
a consultant. When you talk to clients about reducing with reducing carbon emissions. This is not true, because

4 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Z. Jason Ren

wastewater treatment also has a lot of direct greenhouse plants’ data compiled together. We understand utilities
gas emissions, so in order to reach net zero, or carbon have a lot to think about, and emissions may not be their
neutrality, we have to tackle the direct emissions as well. top concern, but many of them want to quantify this data
Quite a few utilities have already achieved energy neu- so they can strategically balance their different priorities.
trality through a combination of efforts such as producing A video summarizing my plan is available at www.
biogas for combined heat and power, or buying solar or
wind electricity. However, when you look at the total emis-
sions associated with our industry, energy neutrality only What other projects are you working on? My current
brings us more than halfway there, because there is still a research foci are decarbonization and digitalization of the
major knowledge gap in Scope 1 emissions associated with water industry. My lab has been developing new technol-
nitrous oxide and methane, and also Scope 3 emissions. ogies to recover hydrogen and volatile fatty acids from
I’ve heard from many utilities that they want a baseline wastewater streams, and we increasingly apply data sci-
understanding of how many emissions they produce, or ence tools for better material and process designs. For
that it is difficult for them to identify the emission sources example, we’re developing new types of electrocata-
and develop programs for mitigation. We ought to go lytic or wood membranes to extract organic acids from
beyond energy neutrality to obtain true decarbonization. anaerobic fermentation. We develop processes to not
These conversations inspired me to study this topic and only recover energy, but also capture CO2 and convert
help the sector to gain such knowledge as the first step it into value-added products. We also work with utilities
toward net zero carbon emissions. to develop machine learning models to help with their
operation optimization.
What applications do you anticipate for this work? Util-
ities have many tools in their toolboxes; I am amazed by What do you see as areas in need of the most research in
how many creative solutions utilities have put in place to the water sector? Decarbonization and digitalization are
reduce their carbon footprints. However, when it comes to areas I see as promising opportunities. In the wastewater
quantifying the direct emissions, current emission factor or industry, meeting permit requirements has always been a
flux chamber methods may not reflect the reality of plant- top priority. Often, while we’re meeting permits with new
level emissions. Each plant cannot be simply considered technological advancements, we can do a lot more, such
as either a point source or a nonpoint source. They are as resource recovery. The future of the wastewater sector
somewhere in the middle, and that’s why I think mobile should be energy positive, carbon negative, and dollar
sensors can be effective for estimating emissions at this positive. The resources and energy recovered may offset
scale. For this Paul L. Busch Award project, my colleagues costs, and we may even gain carbon benefits or carbon
and I will use customized mobile sensors to repeatedly tax credits on top of that. Technology development, data
measure spatial patterns of trace gases for many utilities science, and other approaches together can transform the
in the United States, and we will generate an emissions sector toward a circular water economy. That’s what I hope
map for each utility. our industry can become, and I am happy to contribute
Moreover, we want to leverage the power of data sci- through my Paul L. Busch Award and other work.
ence. Utilities are not short on data—they have tons of
operational data, and they have a lot of monitoring sen-
sors. We hope to use machine learning and other tools
to leverage data and provide a visual interface, such as
a dashboard or mobile app, for utilities, consultants, and
others. For example, a utility may already have some direct
emissions or operational data, their nitrogen balance, and/
or their carbon balance. I envision that when the utility
puts in its flow rate, carbon input, nitrogen input, treat-
ment process information, etc., the tool will provide a big-
data-backed estimate of what the emissions will look like.
The program will show projected emissions and poten-
tial solutions to reduce emissions based on thousands of

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 5


he Water Research Foundationhosted, co-sponsored, or partnered in 62 webcasts in 2021. Webcasts were
conducted on a wide variety of topics and projects, including nutrients, climate change, biofiltration, pathogens,
and innovative technologies.

2021 WRF Webcasts

January 19-Jan Development of a Pipeline Deterioration Model
21-Jan Solutions for Underperforming Drinking Water Systems
February 16-Feb Technology Scan: Operator Decision Support Tools
Overwhelmed? Reevaluating Stormwater Design in a Changing Climate (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-
tration [NOAA] partner webcast)
March 4-Mar Full Lead Service Line Replacement Guidance
16-Mar Technology Scan: Energy Efficiency
17-Mar Applied Fundamentals for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Optimization
31-Mar Emerging Technologies for Nutrient Optimization
April 13-Apr Technology Scan: Asset Management
14-Apr Beyond Liquid Treatment: Reduce Nutrient Discharge Loads by Other Means
22-Apr Optimizing Biofiltration for Improved Manganese Control under Cold-Water Conditions
26-Apr COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Symposium – A Global Update
28-Apr Sidestream Management to Optimize WRRF Nutrient Removal
May 11-May Technology Scan: Stormwater and Algae Management
12-May Instrumentation and Control for Nutrient Optimization – Part 1: Sensors
18-May Applications and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
19-May Instrumentation and Control for Nutrient Optimization – Part 2: Controls
26-May Strategies to Reduce O&M Cost and Improve Performance of Nutrient Removal WRRFs
June 1-Jun Technology Scan: Wastewater Treatment
2-Jun SWB DPR Research Webcast Part 1: Pathogens
3-Jun PIPEiD: Data Structure and Database Management for Asset Management
8-Jun PIPEiD: Descriptive, Correlation, and Survival/Weibull Curve Analysis for Asset Management
9-Jun SWB DPR Research Webcast Part 2: Chemicals
10-Jun PIPEiD: Performance, Risk, and Life Cycle Economic Analysis for Advanced Asset Management
23-Jun Nutrient Reduction from Secondary BOD Removal WRRFs
29-Jun Technology Scan: Contaminant Removal
Pathogen Revolution: The Bugs We Thought We Knew and the Ones We Never Thought About! (Paul L. Busch Award
July 7-Jul Optimizing Nutrient Removal WRRFs
15-Jul Assessing State of Knowledge and Research Needs for Stormwater Harvesting
20-Jul Mapping Climate Exposure and Climate Information Needs to Water Utility Business Functions
21-Jul Nutrient Reduction Approaches for Small Systems
29-Jul Piloting of Emerging Technologies (Department of Energy [DOE] partner webcast)

6 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

2021 Webcasts

2021 WRF Webcasts

August Constituents of Emerging Concern and the Emerging Technologies to Treat Them: Past, Present, and Future (Paul L.
Busch Award webcast)
3-Aug Virtual Congressional Briefing: Preparing for and Responding to Historic Drought and Wildfires
4-Aug Optimize Nutrient Removal WRRF Operations
5-Aug Research and Development for Emerging Technologies: Part 1 (DOE partner webcast)
12-Aug Research and Development for Emerging Technologies: Part 2 (DOE partner webcast)
18-Aug Tools to Evaluate Nutrient Optimization in WRRFs
26-Aug Role of Nutrients and Resource Recovery in a One Water Paradigm (Paul L. Busch Award webcast)
September 1-Sep Nutrient Discharge Permitting and WRRF Optimization
14-Sep Focus on Science (NOAA partner webcast)
16-Sep Demonstrating the CalPrex System for High-Efficiency Phosphorus Recovery
21-Sep Technology Scan: Smart Monitoring and Data Analytics
21-Sep From Science to Application: Climate Science, Hydrology, and Planning - Part 1 (NOAA partner webcast)
23-Sep Quantifying and Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
28-Sep From Science to Application: Climate Science, Hydrology, and Planning - Part 2 (NOAA partner webcast)
30-Sep The Next Generation of Water Researchers (Paul L. Busch Award webcast)
October 5-Oct Enhancing Control of Norovirus in Water with Improved Detection Methods
What’s on the Horizon for Science and Application of Climate Change Information for Water Infrastructure Managers?
(NOAA partner webcast)
7-Oct 2021 Paul L. Busch Award Presentation and Lecture (Paul L. Busch Award webcast)
12-Oct Peer Examples: Evaluating Changing Precipitation Trends for Managing Water Infrastructure (NOAA partner webcast)
14-Oct PFAS in Biosolids Under a Land Application Scenario: Biotic Weather, Leaching, and Transport
19-Oct Geochemical Considerations for Managed Aquifer Recharge Implementation in Potable Reuse
28-Oct Technology Scan: Proactive Asset Management
November Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2: Fall RCN Meeting (National Science Foundation Research Coordination
Network partner webcast)
4-Nov Holistic Nutrient Management: Practices, Policies, and Partnerships
4-Nov Leading Practices in Climate Adaptation (NOAA partner webcast)
10-Nov Climate Adaptation Engineering Case Studies (NOAA partner webcast)
16-Nov Technology Scan: Data-Enabled Operations
30-Nov Practical Framework for Water Infrastructure Resilience
December 2-Dec Business Function Mapping (NOAA partner webcast)
9-Dec Equity and Environmental Justice Considerations in Climate Adaptation (NOAA partner webcast)

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 7

Key Research Results
and Products from 2021
he following articles highlight key research results from the most popular 2021 projects in the areas of drink-
and products published by The Water Research ing water, wastewater, stormwater, and reuse are included.
Foundation over the past year. The results demon- Topics of note include nutrients, pathogens, resilience, and
strate the importance of not just conducting research, but more. The articles featured in this issue include results
also delivering impactful research results to water sector from completed projects, research reports, guidance
professionals and the communities they serve. Findings manuals, and webcasts.

2021 Published Products

Title Project #
A Distributed Renewable Energy Opportunities and Policy Workshop 5062
An Enhanced Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities Framework and Guidebook for Water Utilities Preparing for a Changing Climate 5056
Analysis of Water and Landscape Best Management Practice Impacts on Water Quality on Golf Courses 4746
Application of Big Data for Energy Management in Water Utilities 4978
Characterizing, Categorizing, and Communicating Next-Generation Nutrient Removal Processes for Resource Efficiency 4976
Defining Potential Chemical Peaks and Management Options 4991
Demonstrating the CalPrex System for High-Efficiency Phosphorus Recovery 5004
Economic Framework and Tools for Quantifying and Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure 4852
Estimating the Comammox Contribution to Ammonia Oxidation in Nitrogen Removal Systems 4884
Evaluating Economic and Environmental Benefits of Water Reuse for Agriculture 4829
Feasibility of Collecting Pathogens in Wastewater During Outbreaks 4990
Full Lead Service Line Replacement Guidance 4713
Full-Scale Validation of Cryptosporidium and Giardia Log Reduction in Secondary Biological Treatment 4904
HYPOWERS: Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Solids 4755
Improving Tradeoff Understanding in Water Resource Planning Using Multi-Objective Search 4941
Level 1 Water Audit Validation Guidance Manual, Second Edition 5057
Long Term Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water Enterprise – Phase 1 4703
Membrane Bioreactor Validation Protocols for Water Reuse 4997
Modes of Action for Bromate-Induced Health Effects and Bromate Formation in Conventional and Advanced Water Treatment 4708
Molecular Methods for Measuring Pathogen Viability/Infectivity 4774
One Water Cities: Development of Guidance Documents and Assessment Metrics: Literature Review 4969
Optimizing Biofiltration and Integrating Biofiltration into Existing Treatment 4731
Pathogen Monitoring in Untreated Wastewater 4989
Technical Brief: Constituents of Emerging Concern Using a One Water Approach 5036
Tools to Evaluate Quantitative Microbial Risk and Plant Performance/Reliability 4951

8 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Nutrient Removal

Advances in
Nutrient Removal
When fine-tuning nutrient removal approaches, water resource
recovery facilities (WRRFs) must be aware of the latest innovations.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 9

Nutrient Removal

his article features three of the research reports The Water Research
Foundation (WRF) published in 2021 to advance the science of nutrient
removal and recovery.

The first provides a global picture, determined common metrics by phosphorus removal at full-scale
showing practitioners a compilation which the technologies in the pro- (e.g., algal process, precipitation, and
of the latest information on a wide cess groups could be evaluated, conventional enhanced biological
range of nutrient removal and recov- which included: phosphorus removal). It is important
ery options to help them choose what • Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus to note, however, that data for all
might be best to implement. The other (P) removal efficiency metrics for every process group are
two projects investigated innovative • N and P recovery efficiency not available. For example, capacitive
approaches to nitrogen removal and • Cost of N or P removal deionization appears to perform well
phosphorus removal, respectively. or recovery in terms of nitrogen and phospho-
rus removal, but these results come
Understanding Nutrient

chiefly from lab-scale investigation,
Removal Options
so more research is needed to under-

is crucial to
RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IS A MAJOR stand whether this performance can
challenge for wastewater treatment be replicated at pilot- or full-scale.
in the 21st century. Reliable nutri-
ent removal must be achieved with accelerate This analysis helps practitioners
identify technologies to evaluate for
fewer inputs (e.g., energy, chemicals,
labor) and reduced environmental nutrient implementation, improves regula-
tors’ understanding of the capabil-
impacts to prevent nutrient-induced
eutrophication. Achieving resource-
technology ities of nutrient technologies, and
helps researchers benchmark their
efficient, reliable nitrogen and phos-
phorus removal requires comprehen-
development work against other technologies.
Research gaps associated with each
sive review and synthesis of diverse
information on nutrient removal and
and adoption process group were identified to
facilitate technology selection and
recovery technologies. To address this prioritization of future work. Practi-
need, Characterizing, Categorizing, • Energy consumption for N or P tioner feedback indicated a need for
and Communicating Next-Generation removal or recovery a continuously updated database of
Nutrient Removal Processes for • Greenhouse gas emissions for nutrient technologies, compiling all
Resource Efficiency (Kogler et al. N or P removal or recovery currently available information and
2021) reviewed literature on 154 next- • Achievable effluent future results of multi-scale, interdis-
generation nutrient removal technol- concentrations ciplinary, and iterative investigations.
ogies and surveyed 54 practitioners. Understanding how well a process Collaboration among academics and
The report delivers a comprehen- group performs in terms of these practitioners is crucial to creating
sive overview of nutrient technology metrics allows practitioners to con- the resources needed to accelerate
options, drawing from 285 academic sider the overall value proposition of nutrient technology development
and industry reports. The technolo- the process groups and their tech- and adoption.
gies were classified into 38  process nologies. The value propositions
Innovations in
groups, ranging from granular sludge for the various process groups are
Nitrogen Removal
and electrodialysis to membrane fil- shown in Figure 1.
tration and microbial fuel cells. Once As shown in Figure 1, certain tech- UNTIL RECENTLY, THE DESIGN OF
the process groups were identified nologies perform well for several of nitrogen removal systems for waste-
and populated, the research team the metrics for both nitrogen and water treatment was predicated

10 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Nutrient Removal

on a two-step microbial process, Understanding the prevalence, Systems (Pinto et al. 2021) evaluated
driven by ammonia oxidizing bacte- abundance, and activity of comam- the prevalence of comammox bac-
ria (AOB) or archaea and nitrite oxi- mox bacteria in nitrogen removal teria in a range of nitrogen removal
dizing bacteria (NOB). The discov- systems is critical to ensuring the processes and the impact of process
ery of complete ammonia oxidizing stability and efficiency of existing configuration, operations, and envi-
(comammox) bacteria challenges processes and potentially innovat- ronmental variables on their abun-
this long-standing paradigm and ing new processes that leverage dance and activity.
could have significant implications comammox bacteria. Estimating the Through a survey of 15 nitrogen
for the design and operation of nitro- Comammox Contribution to Ammo- removal systems, the researchers
gen removal systems. nia Oxidation in Nitrogen Removal used metagenomic analyses to
determine that comammox bacte-
ria were detected in nitrification-
denitrification systems and simul-
taneous nitrification-denitrification
systems, but were not detected in
partial nitritation-anammox systems.
All comammox bacteria detected
as part of this project belong to
lineage II Nitrospira bacteria within
comammox clade A.
Using metagenomic sequencing,
the research team showed that nitri-
fying communities in nitrification-
denitrification and simultaneous
nitrification-denitrification systems
were dominated by Betaproteo-
bacteriales AOB and NOB genus
Nitrospira, while partial nitrification-
anammox systems were dominated
by Betaproteobacteriales AOB and
anammox bacteria (genus Brocadia).
Although metagenomics can
be useful to detect the presence
of comammox bacteria, this DNA
sequencing approach is less reliable
for accurate quantification and is
cost-prohibitive at a large scale. The
research team therefore developed a
reliable method to quantify the pres-
ence of comammox bacteria—a new
quantitative polymerase chain reac-
tion (qPCR) assay that targets the
ammonia monooxygenase subunit B
(amoB) gene of clade A comammox
bacteria. This assay was found to
accurately quantify comammox bac-
teria and eliminate the challenge of
unspecific product formation.
Figure 1. Value propositions associated with nutrient removal/
continued next page
recovery technologies

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 11

Nutrient Removal

Using this qPCR assay, the Demonstrating the CalPrex Sys- dewatered to ~20% solids. The solids
research team found that comam- tem for High-Efficiency Phosphorus were then conveyed to a recombina-
mox bacterial abundance increases Recovery (Tabanpour et al. 2021) tion tank, and the centrate was dosed
with increased solids with calcium hydroxide,
retention time of full-
scale nitrogen removal
Pilot results resulting in the precip-
itation of phosphorus
systems. In addition, it
was found that differential
showed that the into brushite. The brush-
ite was then settled in a
inhibition assays could be acid digest was lamella clarifier, and the

a suitable stream
highly relevant for moni- overflow was recombined
toring the contribution of with the acid digest cake

for phosphorus
comammox bacteria to and discharged to the
ammonia oxidation. methane-phase digester.

New Approaches for

Phosphorus Recovery
recovery The settled brushite was
dewatered, and cake was
dried as a high-quality fer-
MANY WRRFS THAT HAVE imple- aimed to validate the technology and tilizer for a fertilizer study funded by
mented biological phosphorus elaborate on its value as an alterna- the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
removal have seen detrimental tive to other phosphorus recovery Pilot results showed that the
effects on biosolids dewatering, technologies. A pilot system was acid digest was a suitable stream
primarily with struvite issues. One installed at Madison Metropolitan for phosphorus recovery, having an
option for alleviating these issues Sewerage District’s Nine Springs average pH of 5.1 and average solu-
is to remove the phosphorus before Treatment Plant, a 42 MGD facility in ble phosphorus of 484 mg/L. Mass
dewatering by using a phospho- Madison, Wisconsin, in the spring of balance trials to measure process
rus precipitating process like the 2018. The pilot system has a capac- stability showed that for the solu-
CalPrex® technology. ity of 12 gpm and was configured ble phosphorus, an average of 82%
CalPrex, a calcium-based phos- between the acid-phase digester remained in the centrate, 87% was
phorus recovery technology, uses and the methane-phase digesters. reacted with calcium hydroxide, and
a process influent of thickened fer- The acid digest was fed to a Centri- 94% was captured in the clarifier. Rel-
mented sludge or acid digest. This sys CS10-4 decanter centrifuge and ative to the CalPrex influent, 42% of
increases the amount of soluble
and reactive species of phosphorus
to approximately 65% of the total
phosphorus and allows CalPrex
to recover a higher percentage of
the phosphorus as a mineral called
brushite (CaHPO4·2H2O, aka dical-
cium phosphate dihydrate, DCPD,
dibasic calcium phosphate) (Fig-
ure 2). During the CalPrex process,
brushite is precipitated by reacting
soluble phosphorus at pH 6.5 with
calcium hydroxide. The brushite is
then extracted to produce a valu-
able fertilizer that is interchange-
able with other phosphorus fertiliz-
ers in the market. Figure 2. Powdered brushite (left), granulated brushite (right)

12 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Nutrient Removal

the total phosphorus and 66% of the scaled in multiple configurations pro-
soluble phosphorus were extracted. vided the influent pH is slightly acidic, References
On average, the influent sludge had the total solids of the reactor influent CWA (Clean Water Act). 1999.
528 mg/L soluble phosphorus, which is around 0.5% or can be reduced to “EPA Part 503—Standards for
represented 66% of the total phos- 0.5% using a pre-dewatering centri- the Use or Disposal of Sewage
phorus in the influent sludge. The cen- fuge, and the concentration of sol- Sludge.” 40 CFR Part 503.32.
trifugation process dilutes the solu- uble phosphorus is approximately
ble phosphorus to 429 mg/L before 150 mg/L. Brushite harvested from pt40.32.503.
it is reacted with calcium hydroxide, the CalPrex process during the mass KOGLER, A., M. Farmer, J. Simon,
which reduces the soluble phospho- balance trials met all quality control Z. Cheng, A. Shao, T. Panay-
rus to 45 mg/L. Of the original influ- standards set by U.S. Environmental iotou, D. Katehis, S. Tilmans, G.
ent soluble phosphorus, 75% was cap- Protection Agency Part 503 (CWA Wells, and W. Tarpeh. 2021.
tured during the CalPrex process. 1999) regulations for Class A EQ bio- Characterizing, Categorizing,
In terms of quantity, on average solids with respect to heavy metals and Communicating Next-Gen-
the CalPrex technology was able to content, vector attraction reduction, eration Nutrient Removal
process 90 lbs/day of total phos- and pathogenic potential. AAPFCO, Processes for Resource Effi-
phorus and capture/extract 45 lbs/ CDFA, and ODA standards for heavy ciency. Project 4976. Denver,
day of the phosphorus in the form of metals were also met. CO: The Water Research
brushite. This represents a 50% total A webcast about this project was Foundation.
phosphorus recovery efficiency and held in August 2021, and the record- NEETHLING, J. B. Forthcoming.
a 75% soluble phosphorus recovery ing is available for on-demand view- Guidelines for Optimizing
efficiency relative to the incoming ing on the WRF website. Nutrient Removal Plant Perfor-
sludge phosphorus. This translates to Overall, the results of these proj- mance. Project 4973. Denver,
a 75% reduction of soluble phospho- ects provide WRRFs with information CO: The Water Research
rus going to the methane digester they can use to identify new tech- Foundation.
and 50% removal of the total phos- nologies or options for optimizing PINTO, A., I. Cotto, W. Khunjar, C.
phorus in the sludge. and enhancing nutrient removal and Wilson, and H. De Clippeleir.
Project results demonstrate the recovery performance while meeting 2021. Estimating the Comam-
ability of the CalPrex process to be effluent quality regulations. mox Contribution to Ammonia
Oxidation in Nitrogen Removal
Systems. Project 4884. Denver,
CO: The Water Research
Optimizing Nutrient Foundation.
TABANPOUR, M., L. Downing,
Removal Plant Performance and W. Khunjar. 2021. Demon-
strating the CalPrex System for
High-Efficiency Phosphorus

s WRRFs continue to face nutrient management challenges, there Recovery. Project 5004.
is a need for guidance on the wide range of nutrient treatment and Denver, CO: The Water
process control techniques. Funded in 2019, Guidelines for Opti- Research Foundation.
mizing Nutrient Removal Plant Performance (Neethling, forthcoming) will
develop a road map to assist WRRFs in optimizing nutrient removal to
reduce costs, increase efficiency, and reduce nutrient discharges.
Throughout 2021, the research team presented a comprehensive webcast
series to develop nutrient optimization guidelines for operational best prac-
tices. The webcast recordings are available for on-demand viewing on the
WRF website. Publication of final deliverables is expected in 2022.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 13


n 2021, The Water Research Foundation (WRF) managed by WRF Research Unit Leader Jeff Moeller.
enhanced and expanded its innovation work to further The project examines whole plant applications of
benefit the water sector, including updating existing advanced data-driven process controls for energy
online tools to support water utility innovation and ini- and resource recovery in five different areas of
tiating several pilot projects to assess new wastewater improvement: (i) carbon diversion for energy recov-
treatment processes and streamline innovation uptake ery; (ii) low energy, low carbon biological nitrogen
in the water sector. removal; (iii) disinfection with peracetic acid; (iv)
Airprex struvite recovery; and (v) holistic biosol-
Innovation Programs
ids optimization. Data-enabled technology has
WRF TECHLINK WAS REFRESHED IN MARCH WITH untapped potential for many utilities where data are
updates to the website’s instructional pages and appear- already being collected but not utilized. By target-
ance. The Technology Scan program, which evaluates ing critical control functions, the project team aims
new technologies for WRF TechLink, accepted 10 new to have a significant impact on reducing process
technologies related to energy conservation, utility man- inefficiencies. Lessons learned from the five pilots
agement, asset management, sensors, stormwater, nitrate will be compiled into a toolbox of approaches for
removal, and intelligent water systems. In September, utilities to organize and process their data and use
WRF conducted a targeted call for technologies to sup- the datasets to train machine learning models to
port decentralized systems, the first in WRF TechLink his- power their own data-driven processes.
tory. Technology Scan webcasts reached larger audiences 2. Transforming Aeration Energy in Water Resource
due to a transition to a new webcast platform. Nine web- Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) through Suboxic
casts from technology providers were held. In addition, a Nitrogen Removal (5148), led by Dr. Tanja Rauch-
series of three webcasts was held in partnership with the Williams of Carollo Engineers, will examine strate-
U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing gies to achieve biological acclimation to very low
Office to highlight the $20M investment in new research dissolved oxygen concentrations (at or below 0.5
and pilot projects funded through their Office of Energy mg/L, called suboxic), while also achieving reliable
Efficiency & Renewable Energy. and improved nutrient removal, compared to con-
In partnership with the Water Environment Federation, ventional high dissolved oxygen biological nutrient
WRF also administered the Scholarship Exchange Experi- removal systems.
ence for Innovation & Technology (SEE IT) and the Intel- 3. Nitrogen Reduction Technology Solutions for Ocean
ligent Water Systems (IWS) Challenge. This year, nearly Discharges (5117) leverages subscriber funds with
$6,000 were granted for travel scholarships through SEE funds from an anonymous philanthropic organiza-
IT, with travel scheduled to take place in 2022 to visit utili- tion and is managed by WRF Research Program
ties in Florida and the Netherlands. A total of $12,500 was Manager Ashwin Dhanasekar. Early-stage technol-
awarded to winning teams competing in the IWS Chal- ogies for nitrogen reduction are being compared
lenge. The overall winning project, Utilizing Soft Sensor side-by-side for the treatment of wastewater in
System for Process Control and Optimization, was sub- Everett, WA. The technologies include integrating
mitted by a team comprised of participants from Clean partial denitrification, enhanced biological phospho-
Water Services (Oregon) and Princeton University. rus removal, and anammox in a single stage process
bioreactor; a membrane bioreactor with anammox
Pilot Projects
and a hydrogel reactor with anammox and comam-
WRF IS COLLABORATING ON SEVERAL PILOTproj- mox; and a partial nitrification/denitrification/anam-
ects, funded by the United States federal government and mox (PANDA) reactor. These technologies harness
a philanthropic organization. The work funded through proven advanced microbiological kinetics within
these grants will include the following: novel reactor designs for increased effectiveness in
1. Crossing the Finish Line: Integration of Data-Driven mainstream nitrogen remediation.
Process Control for Maximization of Energy and 4. Innovation Applied: Streamlining Access and
Resource Efficiency in Advanced Water Resource Approval of Technology for Small Systems and Pri-
Recovery Facilities (5141) leverages subscriber vate Wells (5147) leverages subscriber funds with
funds with a Department of Energy grant and is a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection

14 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


Agency and is managed by WRF Chief Innova-

tion Officer Christobel Ferguson and Innovation
Program Manager Sydney Samples. The goals
of this project are to gain a deeper understand-
ing of the challenges and barriers to deploying
innovative technologies in small and decentral-
ized systems and to produce an array of tools
to assist the uptake of innovative technologies.
This project will include a specialized WRF
TechLink intake, facilitated discussions during
an in-person forum to identify lessons learned
by current practitioners, and a workshop for the
development of a project evaluation framework. Figure 1. Tanja Rauch-Williams, Blair Wisdom, Haydee De
The pilot projects were discussed at a session at Clippeleir, and Christobel Ferguson discussing the benefits
WEFTEC in October 2021 (Figure 1). of pilot testing at the WEFTEC Innovation Pavilion

Benefits of Water Reuse

in Agriculture

ost of the water that is used water access, contribute to the agri- Evaluating Economic and Environ-
for agricultural irrigation cultural sector’s vulnerability. With mental Benefits of Water Reuse for
comes from traditional water this increasing water scarcity, there is Agriculture (Thebo 2021) reviewed
supply sources such as fresh surface growing attention to non-traditional the common benefits and costs asso-
water and groundwater. However, water supply sources like water reuse. ciated with agricultural water reuse
available freshwater supplies are pro- Decisions related to drinking water, and developed a framework for bene-
jected to decrease across the United wastewater, and reuse are often made fit identification and accounting. This
States by 2030 (Tidwell et al. 2014, with cost-effectiveness as the main pri- project assessed and evaluated many
2018). In addition, 78% of western ority, which results in selection of the different factors to inform the frame-
surface water basins were found to least expensive alternative capable of work, including water quality-related
be operating at or near their admin- achieving the desired outcome. While drivers as they relate to water reuse
istrative limits (Tidwell et al. 2016). this approach may be more economi- and their potential regulations and
Drought and climate change con- cal, it may also prevent projects from setbacks; the direct costs and energy
tribute to the existing stress on avail- reaching their full potential regard- associated with alternative water sup-
able water supplies. The agricultural ing the plethora of benefits. Projects plies; and the range of drivers, incen-
sector is expected to be dispropor- such as agricultural water reuse may tives, and impediments that individu-
tionately impacted by drought and not be the most cost-effective, but als in agricultural work may face.
climate change, and multiple factors, there are significant potential bene- The benefit framework was system-
including the location of agricultural fits, such as increased instream flows, atically created to the show a multi-
activities, dependence on increas- avoided need of new supplies, avoided tude of benefits across a wide range
ingly vulnerable or scarce water treatment costs, and other social and of stakeholders. That systematic
supplies, and institutions that govern environmental benefits. approach is shown in Figure 1.

continued next page

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 15

agricultural water reuse

Figure 1. Benefits and costs associated with agricultural water reuse across a typical project life cycle

Thebo (2021) considered the differing needs of agricul- points for engaging with diverse stakeholders. With
tural systems and leaders when assessing application of the these differing needs in consideration, this analy-
framework. The report states that: sis framework is structured in three phases—defin-
Assessing the level of evidence required to make ing project drivers, benefit/cost identification, and
an appropriate decision is a critical first step in any benefit/cost accounting.
decision-making process. In some instances, imple- The framework was applied through three case examples
mentation of a project is imminent and quantitatively in Hayden, OH; Modesto and Turlock, CA; and Fresno, CA.
comparing project alternatives using a full benefit- This project shows that the potential benefits of agricul-
cost analysis is necessary. In other instances, stake- tural water reuse projects are extensive. Additionally, the
holders may be at an earlier stage and simply looking resulting framework serves as an important resource for
to qualitatively assess how project alternatives might the future of agricultural water reuse not only at the project
help them address challenges within their basins level, but also in broader collective action efforts.
(e.g., declining groundwater levels) or identify entry

THEBO, A. L. 2021. Evaluating Economic and Environmental Benefits of Water Reuse for Agriculture. Project 4829.
Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.
TIDWELL, V. C., B. D. Moreland, C. R. Shaneyfelt, and P. Kobos. 2018. “Mapping Water Availability, Cost and Pro-
jected Consumptive Use in the Eastern United States with Comparisons to the West.” Environmental Research
Letters, 13 (1): 014023.
TIDWELL, V. C., B. D. Moreland, K. M. Zemlick, O. Fricko, S. C. Parkinson, N. Johnson, B. R. Scanlon, I. Duncan, and R.
C. Reedy. 2016. “Water Supply as a Constraint on Transmission Expansion Planning in the Western Interconnec-
tion.” Environmental Research Letters, 11: 124001.
TIDWELL, V. C., B. D. Moreland, K. M. Zemlick, B. L. Roberts, H. D. Passell, D. Jensen, C. Forsgren, G. Sehlke, M. A.
Cook, C. W. King, and S. Larsen. 2014. “Mapping Water Availability, Projected Use and Cost in the Western United
States.” Environmental Research Letters, 9 (6): 064009.

16 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Managing Pathogens

Pathogens in
Water Reuse
Controlling microbes in water systems is critical to
protecting water quality and public health.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 17

Managing Pathogens

hile most microbes are not human pathogens, certain microbes
can pose health risks or contribute to undesirable tastes and
odors in drinking water. Water resource recovery facilities play
essential roles in reducing the pathogen load to receiving waters used for
recreation and/or water supply.

While there have been signifi- and addresses several shortcomings to reduce pathogen concentrations
cant advancements in the detection, of, past studies. Methods to detect down to acceptable levels for pota-
removal, and inactivation of bacte- relevant waterborne pathogens in ble water in direct potable reuse
ria, viruses, and protozoa—especially raw wastewater were optimized prior (DPR) projects.
fecal-derived pathogens—there to a full-scale monitoring campaign.
Understanding Risk
is more to be learned. The Water The monitoring campaign was con-
Research Foundation (WRF) recently ducted over a 14-month period, col- DETECTING PATHOGENS IN WATER
lecting over 120 samples is important, but it is also critical to

High-quality from five water resource

recovery facilities in Cal-
understand the risks that they pose
and at what levels they are considered

data are critical ifornia. The pathogens

and analytical methods
safe in terms of public health. Tools to
Evaluate Quantitative Microbial Risk

for confirming selected for the project are

shown in Table 1.
and Plant Performance/Reliability
(Pecson et al. 2021a) developed a

the treatment The results from this

study provide the industry
technical framework for (1) the evalua-
tion of DPR facility performance using
level needed to with a robust, high-quality a probabilistic assessment of treat-

reduce pathogen
dataset. High-quality data ment train performance (PATTP), and
on pathogen concentra- (2) the use of quantitative microbial

tions in raw wastewater are risk assessment (QMRA) to assess the
critical for confirming the level of treatment required to achieve
level of treatment needed risk-based targets. An overview of the
published a variety of research find-
ings furthering knowledge related to
managing pathogens in wastewater Table 1. Pathogens and methods selected for the monitoring campaign
and recycled water. Pathogen Quantification Approach

Pathogen Detection Cryptosporidium Microscopy

Giardia Microscopy
Untreated Wastewater (Pecson et al. Enterovirus Culture
2021b) developed and implemented Enterovirus Molecular
an optimized pathogen monitoring
Adenovirus Culture
standard operating protocol in order
Adenovirus Molecular
to better characterize the concen-
tration of human pathogens in raw Norovirus (GIA, GIB, GII) Molecular
wastewater. To accomplish this, a lit- Male-Specific Coliphage Culture
erature review was first conducted
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Molecular
to inform a quality assurance project
Source: Pecson et al. 2021b
plan (QAPP). The QAPP builds off of,

18 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Managing Pathogens

QMRA and PATTP processes is shown the SWB identify or confirm treatment regulatory requirements, community-
in Figure 1. The purpose of these tools requirements for DPR. specific needs, and the intended end
is to quantify and characterize patho- use of the treated water.
Pathogen Reduction
gen risk in DPR applications. These
and Inactivation Human Norovirus
processes are critically important in
identifying the log reduction values THERE ARE MANY TECHNIQUES FOR OF THE PATHOGENS TYPICALLYreg-
(LRVs) necessary for adequate protec- reducing pathogen levels in treated ulated in potable reuse, one of the pri-
tion of public health from waterborne wastewater and recycled water. Meth- mary public health threats is also one
pathogens. The framework devel- ods and their effectiveness may vary of the least understood: human nor-
oped through this project was built based on the pathogen of interest, ovirus (HuNoV). HuNoV is the most
into a tool, DPRisk, that allows users
to quantify and characterize patho-
gen risk in DPR applications. DPRisk A polymerase chain
can be used by utilities, regulators,
and other stakeholders to inform the reaction framework for
development of risk-based criteria
for the design and operation of DPR
bacteriophage MS2 could
systems. The tool is available through
the California State Water Resources
be effectively applied
Control Board (SWB); details on how to measure HuNoV and
enterovirus inactivation
to access the tool can be found in the
DPR Research section of the SWB

through UV254 treatment

website (SWB 2021). DPRisk and its
related guidance document will help

important pathogen in terms of acute

gastrointestinal illness burden in the
United States, causing almost twenty
times more gastrointestinal illness than
any other pathogen. This is relevant for
potable reuse because the pathogens
that make the population sick will also
be the ones present in wastewater.
Despite its public health impacts and
its presence in wastewater streams,
until recently there were limited tools
to assess the ability of treatment pro-
cesses to inactivate and remove HuNoV.
Molecular Methods for Measuring
Pathogen Viability/Infectivity (Wig-
ginton et al. 2021a) sought to address
the major knowledge gaps related
to norovirus infectivity through dis-
infection and the methods used to
monitor infectious norovirus. Several
approaches to create norovirus disin-
fection curves were developed, with
a focus on disinfection by UV254. It
Figure 1. Overview of the steps involved in QMRA and PATTP

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 19

Managing Pathogens

was demonstrated that a polymerase into IPR projects while maintaining a to provide a minimum LRV for well-
chain reaction (PCR) framework high level of public confidence. operated secondary activated sludge
developed by the research team for Full-Scale Validation of Crypto- treatment plants at the 5th percentile
bacteriophage MS2 could be effec- sporidium and Giardia Log Reduc- of 0.5-log credit for Cryptosporidium
tively applied to measure HuNoV and tion in Secondary Biological Treat- and 2.0-log credit for Giardia. These
enterovirus inactivation through UV254 ment (Peri et al. 2021, Teel et al. minimum LRVs are consistent with a
treatment. Furthermore, this PCR 2022) monitored the occurrence of conservative review of the available
framework is effective in literature. Capitalizing on
different water matrices. protozoa reduction pro-
A model was developed Demonstrating vided by existing second-

LRVs through
that accurately predicts ary biological treatment
single-stranded RNA and processes could provide

secondary biological
double-stranded DNA an additional treatment
virus inactivation through barrier and lower asso-
UV254 treatment using
genome sequences and treatment prior ciated long-term costs.
The project outcomes will
information on virus repair
mechanisms. In addi- to AWT allows for have implications beyond
Nevada for recycled
tion, the team adapted a
new human enteroid cul-
better understanding water treatment train
selection in IPR projects,
ture system to measure
infective HuNoV viruses
of redundancies as well as the develop-
ment of DPR regulations.
through UV254 treat- that may be built Understanding

into IPR projects
ment. Each of these three
approaches (qPCR frame-
work, predictive model,
and human intestinal WASTEWATER surveil-
enteroid culture system) resulted in Giardia and Cryptosporidium in two lance has been used for many years to
human norovirus inactivation rate con- northern Nevada water reclamation better understand health conditions
stants of ~ 0.30 cm2 mJ-1. facilities over a one-year period in within communities. For example, it
order to establish secondary treat- has been important in detecting the
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
ment LRVs, monitor facility perfor- presence of poliovirus and investi-
INDIRECT POTABLE REUSE (IPR) IS mance, and correlate performance to gating opioid use in communities.
becoming an important and antici- pathogen reduction. Feasibility of Collecting Pathogens
pated use of treated municipal waste- This investigation found an absence in Wastewater During Outbreaks
water in many areas, including Nevada. of observed relationships, based on (Wigginton et al. 2021b) sought to
The Nevada Administrative Code (NAC a time-series analysis, between sec- link gastrointestinal illnesses in com-
2021) requires a 12-log enteric virus ondary effluent protozoan concen- munities to the concentrations of the
reduction/inactivation, 10-log Giardia trations and activated sludge plant causal pathogens in the communities’
cyst reduction, and 10-log Cryptospo- operational and performance param- wastewater. The research focused
ridium oocyst reduction as pathogen eters at the operating conditions on three pathogens that are critical
requirements for Category A+ recy- designed to meet state and federal for potable reuse: human norovirus,
cled water suitable for IPR. Accurately permit limits. However, considering human adenovirus, and Cryptospo-
demonstrating LRVs through second- the results of this project and other ridium. Specifically, this research
ary biological treatment prior to an research (e.g., Pecson et al. 2021b), aimed to (1) review readily available
advanced water treatment (AWT) along with the conservative assump- public health data on gastrointestinal
train allows for better understanding tions associated with establishing disease prevalence and outbreaks in
of the redundancy that may be built IPR regulations, it may be reasonable California; (2)  describe the state of

20 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Managing Pathogens

the literature on linking public health human adenovirus (HAdV) report- in a community based on wastewater
data with actual prevalence in a com- ing to predict when during the measurements.
munity; (3)  characterize pathogen year wastewater concentrations are
Learning More
shedding rates and establish shed- expected to be highest. While the
ding distributions expected for the model developed for this research IN ORDER TO FURTHER THEdissem-
three pathogens; and (4)  develop predicts wastewater concentrations ination of research results from these
models that link disease prevalence, for HuNoV, HAdV, and Cryptospo- and related projects, WRF held a vari-
pathogen shedding rates, and waste- ridium given infection prevalence ety of webcasts on pathogens and
water concentrations. Ultimately, this in a community, the variability in potable reuse in 2021. These web-
study identified the major informa- the predicted concentrations could casts are available for on-demand
tion gaps that limit the feasibility of be greatly reduced with additional viewing on the WRF website.
predicting wastewater concentra- studies aimed at characterizing fecal Understanding pathogens and
tions from prevalence and vice versa. shedding patterns in different pop- indicator organisms is critical for
The results from this project sug- ulations. Enhancing communication determining whether treatment pro-
gest that worst-case HuNoV con- between water utilities and pub- cesses can sufficiently achieve strin-
centrations are expected in Califor- lic health partners could enhance gent public health criteria. WRF will
nia wastewaters in December and wastewater surveillance efforts and continue its work in this area to drive
January, worst-case Cryptosporid- lead to an increased understanding that understanding forward into
ium concentrations are expected of gastrointestinal illness prevalence the future.
in August, and there is insufficient

NAC (Nevada Administrative Code). 2021. Section 445A.2718 – Reuse Category A+: Water Quality Require-
ments for Reclaimed Water for Indirect Potable Reuse Using Spreading Basin or Injection Well.
PECSON, B., N. Ashbolt, C. Haas, T. Slifko, A. Kaufmann, D. Gerrity, E. Seto, and A. Olivieri. 2021a. Tools to
Evaluate Quantitative Microbial Risk and Plant Performance/Reliability. Project 4951. Denver, CO: The Water
Research Foundation.
PECSON, B., E. Darby, G. Di Giovanni, M. Leddy, K. Nelson, C. Rock, T. Slifko, W. Jakubowski, and A. Olivieri.
2021b. Pathogen Monitoring in Untreated Wastewater. Project 4989. Denver, CO: The Water Research
PERI, L., A. Jones, A. Olivieri, R. Danielson, J. Crook, and B. Delić. 2021. Executive Summary: Full-Scale Valida-
tion of Cryptosporidium and Giardia Log Reductions in Secondary Biological Treatment. Project 4904.
Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.
SWB (California State Water Resources Control Board). 2021. “Regulating Direct Potable Reuse in California.”
Accessed November 16, 2021.
TEEL, L., A. Olivieri, R. Danielson, B. Delić, B. Pecson, J. Crook, and K. Pagilla. 2022. “Protozoa Reduction
through Secondary Wastewater Treatment in Two Water Reclamation Facilities.” Science of the Total Environ-
ment, 807 (3).
WIGGINTON, K. R., T. Kohn, B. Pecson, C. Wobus, N. Rockey, S. Young, and P. Arts. 2021a. Molecular Methods for
Measuring Pathogen Viability/Infectivity. Project 4774. Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.
WIGGINTON, K., R. Lahr, A. Bardha, and N. Rockey. 2021b. Feasibility of Collecting Pathogens in Wastewater
During Outbreaks. Project 4990. Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 21

Energy Management


Optimizing energy use

nergy use accounts for 25–30% energy production, it is critical that
can provide significant of a water utility’s total operat- they capture and measure accurate
cost savings, improve ing costs (EPA 2021). A signifi- information on energy inputs and
air quality, protect cant amount of energy is used for the outputs. “Big data” refers to infor-
the environment, and pumping, aerating, heating, and cool- mation that can be characterized as
bolster energy security. ing needed to treat and move water. high in volume (i.e., quantity), veloc-
Stricter regulations are also push- ity (i.e., rate at which data are gen-
ing facilities to use more advanced, erated), and variability (i.e., from dis-
energy-intensive treatment technol- parate sources) (Kumar and Abraham
ogies. The Water Research Founda- 2020). Managing and understanding
tion’s (WRF’s) energy research port- the big data associated with energy
folio includes more than 100 projects play an important role in optimizing
that explore ways to optimize current energy production and efficiency
energy use and generate power, set- at water utilities. Water utilities are
ting the course for a self-sufficient increasingly implementing innovative
water sector. Two energy research data management solutions to attain
projects completed in 2021 focused operational sustainability, target cost/
on data management and distributed energy savings, improve energy reli-
energy resources. ability, and achieve a net zero energy
balance. Despite the technological
Energy Data Management
and analytical improvements made
AS FACILITIES ENHANCE THEIR around the management, accessibil-
energy efficiency and move toward ity, interpretation, and visualization

22 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Energy Management

of energy data, the application of big Distributed Energy Resources and policies impacting these oppor-
data concepts for energy manage- INCREASING COSTS AND ENERGY tunities, recommendations for future
ment is still in its infancy. demand, advancement towards green actions, and the need for support
Application of Big Data for Energy energy and greenhouse gas emission from policies addressing DER and
Management in Water Utilities (Cher- mitigation goals, and the impacts of renewable energy. The workshop
chi et al. 2021) provides utilities climate change are driving the use of series aimed to:
with knowledge on advanced big distributed energy resources (DERs) • Connect research, industry,
data analytics for automated data in the water sector. The types of DER and policy by bringing partners
collection and achieving energy- available to utilities include biogas, together.
efficient, cost-effective operations. hydropower, thermal heat, gas to • Facilitate an ongoing dialogue
The research team conducted a liter- electricity, solar, and wind. Drawing between scientists, utility sector
ature review and util-
ity questionnaire that
provided insight into
the most valuable uses
of big data for utilities
(Figure 1).
In addition, the team
created a data pilot
plan that includes dis-
cussion of energy data
management goals and
their alignment with
other utility business
objectives, the role
of critical utility con-
straints that may influ-
ence energy data man-
agement strategies and
practices, and potential
future data strategies Figure 1. Energy management activities that could benefit from big data analytics
and infrastructure (Fig- and infrastructure
ure  2). The data pilot
plan was tested at the
City of San Diego, addressing a water on these, the water sec-
reclamation plant, two pump stations, tor can potentially gen-
and a biosolids center. erate more energy than
Overall, this project provides water water systems require,
utilities with information on the key thereby reducing costs,
datasets needed to improve the visi- improving system resil-
bility of processes and assets and for ience and reliability, and
overall energy management; details reducing emissions.
of big data analytics and related In the fall of 2020,
infrastructure that support reduced WRF sponsored a series
energy consumption, reduced costs, of workshops with water
and increased efficiency; and an and energy professionals
example for the development of data to discuss the opportuni-
plans that support energy manage- ties for DER implemen-
ment strategies and decision making. tation, the regulations Figure 2. Elements of the data pilot plan

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 23

Energy Management • BIOFILTRATION

representatives, and policy- build partnerships with energy utili- • Step 3: Build Partnerships
makers to support the transfer ties and regulators. (e.g., build partnerships with
of knowledge from science to The report also includes a DER local energy utilities, planners,
policy. action plan as a starting point for researchers, and renewable
• Better inform DER project water utilities to explore the develop- energy groups)
decision-making by bring- ment of DER projects. There are four • Step 4: Support DER Action
ing recent science on DER to key steps: (e.g., provide information to
the policy and management • Step 1: Assess DER Opportunities public officials on DER bene-
communities. (e.g., assess DER lifetime energy fits, create peer groups for DER
A Distributed Renewable Energy performance and life cycle costs, development, etc.)
Opportunities and Policy Workshop on-site power potential, etc.) Whether a utility is looking to collect
(Conrad et al. 2021) outlines the find- • Step 2: Navigate Related DER and manage energy data, increase
ings from the series and provides Regulations and Incentives its energy efficiency, or generate
recommendations on how water util- (e.g., review permitting require- energy, WRF’s research can serve as
ities can assess their opportunities for ments impacting DER, policies a resource to help achieve the utility’s
DER, identify and navigate regulations that require diversion of organics energy goals.
regarding DER, and communicate and into wastewater streams, etc.)

CHERCHI, C., L. Edmonds, M. Loria, J. Cullen, J. Jacangelo, and P. Perciavalle. 2021. Application of Big Data for Energy
Management in Water Utilities. Project 4978. Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.
CONRAD, S. A., S. J. Kenway, and A. Strazzabosco. 2021. A Distributed Renewable Energy Opportunities and Policy
Workshop. Project 5062. Denver, CO: The Water Research Foundation.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2021. “Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities.” Accessed December 1, 2021.
KUMAR, S. S., and D. Abraham. 2020. Leveraging Big-Data and Deep Learning for Economical Condition Assessment
of Wastewater Pipelines. Project 4902/WRF-17-24. Alexandria, VA: The Water Research Foundation.

Optimizing Biofiltration

iofiltration is a well-established operationalprac- Optimization and integration testing were conducted
tice that can remove contaminants from water, at the Dublin Road Water Plant (DRWP) and Hap
with minimal to no chemical requirements. Biofilter Cremean Water Plant (HCWP). Both plants are conven-
performance enhancement strategies can include phos- tional two-stage drinking water plants with treatment
phorus supplementation, contact time optimization, pH trains consisting of coagulation, softening, ozone/bio-
adjustment, and more. When biofiltration is optimized in filtration, and chlorine disinfection. The tests conducted
tandem with upstream unit processes, it may be possible included phosphorus supplementation, pre-chlorination,
to minimize treatment costs without adversely impacting biofilter shutdown and maintenance strategy evaluation,
overall plant performance. Optimizing Biofiltration and coagulant dose optimization, and ozone to total organic
Integrating Biofiltration into Existing Treatment (Upad- carbon ratio (O3:TOC) optimization.
hyaya et al. 2021) evaluated this concept using the City of
Columbus as a case study.

24 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


Phosphorus Supplementation
NO APPARENT BENEFITS OF PHOSPHORUSsupple- testing, cationic polymers could be used at DRWP to offset
mentation were realized with the range of loading rates coagulant dose, which would reduce chemical costs and
(1.3  to 2.5  gpm/ft2) evaluated during this study. Similar minimize waste sludge production without compromis-
TOC removal was observed in both the phosphorus sup- ing settled water turbidity. Lowering the coagulant dose
plemented and non-supplemented biofilters. from 90 mg/L to 50 mg/L at DRWP (full-scale) did not
affect overall plant performance. The full-scale testing also
demonstrated that the cationic polymer dosed during the
headloss without affecting turbidity or TOC removal
O3:TOC Optimization
in the biofilters. In addition, pre-chlorination did not
increase disinfection byproduct formation in the biofilter TESTS WERE CONDUCTED AT DRWP WITH O3:TOC RATIOS
effluents. Biofiltration removed 100% of the haloacetic ranging from 0.82  to  1.19, with the overarching goal of
acids and 58–71% of the trihalomethanes formed due to identifying the optimal ratio that could be implemented
pre-chlorination. without affecting overall treatment performance. Lowering
the O3:TOC ratio from 1.19 to 0.82 did not adversely affect
Biofilter Shutdown and Maintenance
biofilter performance.
AT BOTH DRWP AND HCWP, BIOFILTERS AREtypi- Overall, this study indicates that holistic biofiltration can
cally shut down for 24–72 hours for regular maintenance. provide cost savings (Table 1). The research also increases
However, longer shutdowns may occur due to construc- understanding of how utilities can enhance biofilter per-
tion, maintenance, or process upsets. Biofilter mainte- formance and how biofiltration can be most efficiently
nance strategies were evaluated with planned short- integrated with upstream processes.
term (72 hours) and long-term (2 weeks) shutdowns at
HCWP and DRWP, respectively. This testing indicated the
following: Table 1. Potential economic benefits of holistic
• Colder water temperatures slowed biological biofiltration optimization at DRWP
re-acclimation. Parameter Savings
• When the temperature decreased during the shut-
Cost savings due to increase in production efficiency ($/year) $78,000*
down by > 5°C, less TOC removal was observed after
Coagulant cost reduction ($/year) $488,000
resuming operation. However, when the tempera-
ture difference was < 5°C, similar TOC removal was Ozone cost reduction ($/year) $90,000
observed. Cost savings in power required for O3 generation ($/year) $36,000
• When offline, storing biofilters while wet may reduce
Total direct cost savings ($/year) $692,000
the negative impacts of shutdowns on biological
Reduction in truck trips required for sludge transport (number) 220 to 225
• It may not be necessary to backwash biofilters imme- At HCWP, approximately $303,000 would be saved per year with the increase in production
diately before shutting down, especially when the
biofilters are backwashed immediately before resum- Source: Upadhyaya et al. 2021
ing system operation.

Coagulant Dose
removed in the upstream coagulation and softening pro- and V. Hart. 2021. Optimizing Biofiltration and
cesses, while the biofilters removed 20–25% of the biofilter Integrating Biofiltration into Existing Treatment.
influent TOC. Under the hypothesis that a fraction of the Project 4731. Denver, CO: The Water Research
TOC removed during coagulation could be transferred to Foundation.
the biofilters without affecting overall plant performance,
coagulant dose optimization was performed. Based on jar

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 25


A robust holistic stormwater management approach
has costs and benefits, and utilities must understand
both to make the best planning decisions.

he Water Research Foundation and pollutant loads, and co-benefits 1. Volume-based filtration tech-
(WRF) published stormwater of various planning scenarios as they nologies (e.g., rain gardens and
research in 2021 that took a consider stormwater management sand filters)
deep dive into understanding life projects. The publicly available CLA- 2. Volume-based detention
cycle costs and explored ways to SIC tool is applicable to managers technologies (e.g., extended
quantify co-benefits of green storm- and operators of regulated stormwa- detention basins)
water infrastructure. ter systems, consultants, academics, 3. Volume-based reclamation/
and others interested in integrated storage technologies
Understanding Stormwater
water management. The CLASIC tool (e.g., stormwater harvesting)
Life Cycle Costs
is now part of EPA’s Green Infrastruc- 4. Area-based volume reduction
IN 2015, THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL ture Modeling Toolkit (EPA 2021). or filtration technologies
Protection Agency (EPA) issued a The CLASIC system is cloud-based, (e.g., green roofs)
funding opportunity focused on devel- geographic information systems The CLASIC DSS allows users to
oping tools and models that compare (GIS)-based, and includes interac- build and compare multiple stormwa-
the life cycle costs of green, gray, and tion with national databases. Users ter infrastructure options and enables
hybrid forms of water infrastructure. have the option to automatically simulation of various climate scenarios.
WRF led a multidisciplinary team that upload data from national databases The triple bottom line (TBL) anal-
received this grant to develop a deci- (e.g., U.S. census boundaries, the ysis assigns co-benefit scores from
sion support system (DSS) entitled National Land Cover Database, cli- environmental, social, and financial
Community-enabled Lifecycle Analy- mate databases, and soil databases) aspects. The user assigns weights
sis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs or upload their own data sets. The according to a multi-criteria decision
(CLASIC), which was released in April main components in the tool outputs analysis process. This provides quanti-
2021 (WRF 2021). are shown in Table 1. tative outputs to compare co-benefits
The CLASIC tool helps stormwa- Users can select from a variety of across scenarios of technology selec-
ter professionals and decision mak- green and/or gray stormwater man- tion. Outputs also provide the per-
ers understand and weigh the esti- agement practices: formance of scenarios in terms of
mated costs, reductions in runoff

26 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


hydrology (e.g., runoff volume reduc- provide to communities to help them and promote the installation of GSI ret-
tion) and pollutant load reduction. make informed decisions about future rofits at existing private development
Case studies included in the tool stormwater projects. sites. Some cities have implemented
showcase ways that the CLASIC tool programs that provide financial or
Quantifying Benefits of Green
can assist communities with stormwa- market-oriented incentives to develop-
Stormwater Infrastructure
ter project decision making. The case ers and private property owners who
studies include communities of differ- IN ADDITION TO PROVEN WATER implement GSI projects.
ent sizes from various climate regions in quality benefits, green stormwater Economic Framework and Tools for
the United States with varying climate infrastructure (GSI) can provide many Quantifying and Monetizing the Triple
scenario simulations. These case stud- important co-benefits, including flood Bottom Line Benefits of Green Storm-
ies represent the variety of hydrologic, risk reduction, improved air quality water Infrastructure (Clements et al.
performance, cost, and co-benefit and related health benefits, energy 2021) developed a GSI TBL benefit
comparisons that the CLASIC tool can savings, climate resilience, enhanced tool, which allows stormwater practi-
community liva- tioners to quantify and monetize the
Table 1. Summary of CLASIC tool functionality bility, and more. TBL benefits of GSI at the community,
Output Included in CLASIC Tool In addition, the watershed, or neighborhood scale. The
costs of pursuing TBL benefits included in the tool are
Total suspended solids
GSI strategies may shown in Figure 1.
Total nitrogen
Pollutant Load Reduction compare favorably The Excel-based tool leads users
Total phosphorus
to expanding or through each step of TBL-based ben-
Fecal indicator bacteria
upgrading conven- efit cost analysis, from establishing a
Runoff volume
tional stormwater baseline to applying appropriate eco-
Volume infiltrated
Hydrologic Performance treatment and con- nomic valuation methods and com-
Volume evapotranspired
veyance facilities or paring benefits and costs over time.
Number of runoff events
other typical gray The tool also provides summary and
Net present value infrastructure solu- graphic representations of results. In
• Construction tions. Recognizing addition to the tool, the project deliver-
• Maintenance these benefits, ables include a comprehensive report
Life Cycle Cost
• Replacement many municipali- that documents the key economic
Average annual cost over design life ties are looking to principles upon which the tool is based
Unit cost for scenario comparison enhance their GSI and provides detailed methods and
Score of economic, environmental, and social programs, encour- considerations for assessing 12 cate-
benefits based on user-selected importance factors age developers gories of GSI co-benefits. A comple-
to implement GSI, mentary guidance document provides
Source: WRF 2021
data, information,
and calculations
that allow users
to assess the TBL
benefits and costs
of alternative GSI
stormwater man-
agement options.
The rigorous
methodology for
GSI co-benefits is
analyzed in con-
junction with a life
cycle cost analysis
Figure 1. Categorization of GSI benefits within a TBL framework

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 27

Stormwater • CECS

Constituents of
of stormwater infrastructure to
enable better holistic decision mak-

Emerging Concern
ing at the community level. Results
of the TBL benefit analysis can help
communities identify stormwater
management alternatives that max-

imize community value, compete onstituents of emerging concern (CECs) include a variety ofsub-
for scarce funding, leverage pri- stances such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, flame
vate capital and alternative funding retardants, algal toxins, microplastics, and more. CECs can be
sources, support alternative project found in surface waters, treated effluents from water resource recovery
delivery models, and gain commu- facilities (WRRFs), finished drinking water, stormwater, and other key areas
nity support. With a connection to in the water sector. For most of these constituents, especially unregulated
the CLASIC tool, the outcome of CECs, much is unknown about their environmental fate as well as their
this study facilitates use of the GSI effects on, and risks to, aquatic life and human health.
co-benefits framework and tool Some CECs have been used for many years, but most have only been
through a national network of utili- measured recently and identified as potential concerns due to advances
ties and municipalities. in analytical meth-
A webcast on this project was held
in September 2021, including util-
ods that allow for
detection of CECs Looking at
ity applications in different climate
regions and municipalities, and is
at very low concen-
trations. However,
CECs through a
available for on-demand viewing on
the WRF website.
new substances
that may find their
One Water lens
way into water are helps connect
different parts of
also continually
References being developed
CLEMENTS, J., J. Henderson,
the water cycle
and used, increas-
and A. Flemming. 2021. ing the universe
Economic Framework and of CECs. The water
Tools for Quantifying and sector is faced with navigating a rapidly changing field in which the science
Monetizing the Triple Bottom regarding CECs and their effects is constantly evolving.
Line Benefits of Green CECs are not isolated to one type of water. Therefore, Technical Brief:
Stormwater Infrastructure. Constituents of Emerging Concern Using a One Water Approach (Diamond
Project 4852. Denver, CO: The et al. 2021) used a One Water approach to address the known risks and
Water Research Foundation. data gaps associated with CECs for multiple areas of the water sector. One
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protec- Water is an integrated planning and implementation concept for managing
tion Agency). 2021. “Green finite water resources for long-term resilience and reliability, meeting both
Infrastructure Modeling community and ecosystem needs. Looking at CECs through a One Water
Toolkit.” Accessed December lens helps connect different parts of the water cycle, helps demonstrate
15, 2021. why CECs from a variety of sources are observed in multiple water seg-
water-research/green- ments, and provides opportunities to adjust behaviors or management
infrastructure-modeling-toolkit. strategies to address problematic CECs.
WRF (The Water Research Diamond et al. (2021) developed five key resources for the water sec-
Foundation). 2021. “Community- tor. A technical brief presents current research findings related to CECs
enabled Lifecycle Analysis of to help utilities and water professionals understand the current science
Stormwater Infrastructure of what is known and what is uncertain regarding CEC risks. The brief
Costs (CLASIC).” Accessed provides an overview of the critical issues related to CECs and exam-
September 9, 2021. https:// ines potential CEC exposure, including where and under what conditions aquatic life or people may be exposed to CECs that could pose risks

28 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


based on current information. A framework for examin- sector’s understanding of, and ability to communicate
ing exposure is presented to assist in identifying which about, what is known about CECs and their risks relative
aspects of One Water are likely to pose the most CEC to other stressors, what the current uncertainties are,
risk (Figure  1). The brief includes discussion of tools and what the critical information gaps are that deserve
and approaches researchers are using to decipher risks attention from the research community.
or effects of CECs, and identifies information gaps and
research needs (Table 1).
Three fact sheets focused on drinking water,
wastewater, and reuse were also developed.
The fact sheets outline what is known about
CECs in relation to the specific water type, how
a One Water approach can increase under-
standing of CECs, and the management strat-
egies that currently exist for reducing CECs in
the water type.
In addition, a StoryMap (Tetra Tech 2021)
summarizes the findings from this research
and provides a useful educational and com-
munication tool regarding the state of the
science of CECs. The StoryMap addresses a
variety of key topics related to CECs, including
the following:
• Understanding CECs
• One Water approach to CECs
• CEC risks
• Terminology
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the One Water framework
• CEC sources and routes of exposure
• CEC management tools
The project results can be used by utilities Table 1. Critical information gaps and research needs identified
to develop management and communication in WRF CEC research
strategies related to CEC risks. It enhances the
Link CECs to population-level effects in freshwater and marine systems
Study effects of CEC mixtures on aquatic life and human health
References Study effects of antimicrobials on antimicrobial resistance in surface and drinking waters
DIAMOND, J., J. Flippin, and A. Burton. 2021. Further test and validate the CEC screening frameworks and tools already developed at
Technical Brief: Constituents of Emerging additional wastewater-influenced sites
Concern Using a One Water Approach.
Develop a consensus-based site risk framework that integrates different approaches and
Project 5036. Denver, CO: The Water
incorporates the latest field-tested bioanalytical tools
Research Foundation.
TETRA Tech. 2021. “Understanding Constitu- Organize CECs by mode of action for human health and aquatic life risk assessments
ents of Emerging Concern (CECs): A Guide Develop methods to assess potential risks of CECs under non-steady-state conditions
to Navigating CECs within a One Water Evaluate effects of climate change on CEC exposure and predicted risks to aquatic life and
Context.” Accessed October 12, 2021. human health
Obtain more information on fate and transport of different types of CECs under a One Water
Develop a decision support system that helps utilities screen and communicate CEC risks at
their sites
Source: Adapted from Diamond et al. 2021

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 29


Resilience as a Proactive Pursuit

The water sector faces an unprecedented number of factors that
regularly challenge its ability to provide critical water services.

ater utilities mustantic- The project literature review found devote resources to pressing crises, as
ipate and manage risks that resilience, as a concept, is very opposed to proactively investing in
from a variety of disrup- broad and encompasses many dis- resilience efforts. Despite this, there is
tive events, as well as quickly bounce ciplines and agendas. Literature on a growing desire for enhanced resil-
back—restoring, and in some cases resilience also tends to be siloed— ience measures that go beyond spec-
rebuilding, to continue to perform there are not many proactive linkages ified threats to encompass a more
their core duties. Two recently com- to analyze the different resilience comprehensive approach to resilience.
pleted projects help water utilities domains and how they can contribute ER can infuse a more panoramic view
understand how to pursue enterprise to each other in theory and practice. of acute and chronic events across the
resilience more proactively. There is a great desire for a compre- enterprise and may alleviate organi-
hensive approach to resilience; how- zational compartmentalization and a
Real-Life Enterprise Resilience
ever, it is still uncertain whether com- focus on specified threats.
ENTERPRISE RESILIENCE (ER) prehensive resilience is possible and The project team asked risk man-
refers to proactive actions to man- how it can be achieved. agers about their experiences and
age and respond to all-encompassing A scoping workshop with represen- perceptions of ER, and most shared
threats (acute and chronic) by lever- tatives from international water utilities that they perceived ER as a beneficial
aging collaboration within and out- identified a range of resilience drivers, approach that needs further clarifica-
side the physical boundaries of challenges, and opportunities, rang- tion. When any “new” way of thinking
water utilities. Real-Life Enterprise ing from sudden shocks (e.g., asset or approach to operations is under
Resilience (Jude et al., forthcoming), failure) to chronic issues (e.g., staff consideration, organizational culture
investigated what resilience means for aging and retention) to complex sys- will affect how easily the approach is
the water sector and identified the temic risks. Many water utilities with adopted. Organizational challenges
next steps to advance future practice budgetary constraints or smaller sys- and barriers to ER include a lack of
and research. tems with service deficiencies tend to resources, fragmented organizational

30 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


dynamics, and a lack of resilience activities (Figure 1). The effectiveness sector, the project team developed
acceptance. Organizations that have of resilience initiatives is also often an interactive i-book to support water
successfully fostered ER tend to influenced by stakeholders; therefore, utilities in their resilience-building
benefit from appropriate leadership, stakeholders’ misconceptions and activities. The i-book provides an over-
organizational structures, culture, and divergent priorities can negatively view of resilience concepts, details on
awareness of objectives. In addition, impact resilience advancements. a range of techniques and approaches,
the use of the plan-do-check-act cycle To improve operationalization of links to additional information, and
can help to support resilience-building enhanced resilience for the water supporting case studies. The litera-
ture review is currently available, and
the research report and i-book will be
published in spring 2022.

Proactive Adaptation Planning


vulnerabilities in their Hetch Hetchy
regional water system (RWS)
(Figure  2), San Francisco Public
Utilities Commission (SFPUC) par-
ticipated in The Water Research
Foundation’s Facilitated Research
Program to tailor a research project,
Long Term Vulnerability Assessment
and Adaptation Plan for the SFPUC
Water Enterprise – Phase 1 (François
et al. 2021), to develop a long-term
vulnerability assessment (LTVA) of
the RWS.
Figure 1. The plan-do-check-act cycle continued next page

Figure 2. Hetch Hetchy regional water system owned and operated by SFPUC

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 31

Resilience • WATER AUDITS

There are many uncertain factors, • Under what conditions and when
such as climate change, changing reg- will the RWS no longer meet sys- References
ulations, water quality, growth, and tem performance criteria? DEMING, W. E. 2018. Out of the
economic cycles, that may create vul- • Is climate change the most Crisis. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
nerabilities for SFPUC’s RWS, impact- important driver of vulnerability Press.
ing their ability to meet the necessary for the RWS? If not, what is? DENYER, D. 2017. Organizational
levels of service. System vulnerabil- This research illustrates an innova- Resilience: A Summary of
ity is a set of uncertain conditions or tive decision scaling methodology Academic Evidence, Business
events resulting in unacceptable per- that provides a systematic approach Insights and New Thinking.
formance (“failure” of the system). for addressing climate change con- London: BSI, and Bedfordshire:
Risk is the combination of the likeli- cerns while also incorporating non- Cranfield University.
hood of an event and the magnitude climate considerations. The result is a FRANÇOIS, B., A. Bruce, K.
of its consequence. The uncertainty multiple stressor vulnerability assess- Nguyen, D. K. Park, D. Rhein-
associated with the degree to which ment that reveals clear thresholds of heimer, U. Taner, S. Wi, H. Khan,
these factors will occur and how much climate change that are problematic A. Dufour, D. Behar, D. Yates, C.
risk they present to the water system while using climate projections to Ammann, M. Hassnoot, and C.
is difficult to predict, but nonetheless inform rather than drive the analy- Brown. 2021. Long Term
needs to be considered in SFPUC sis. The report demonstrates meth- Vulnerability Assessment and
water system planning. ods for using climate stress testing Adaptation Plan for the SFPUC
The LTVA determines to what extent and qualitative scenarios of demand Water Enterprise – Phase 1.
climate change quantitatively and change, new regulations, and infra- Project 4703. Denver, CO: The
qualitatively will be a threat to the structure failure to reveal vulnerabil- Water Research Foundation.
RWS in comparison to, or in combi- ities singly and in combination. The JUDE, S., E. Giffoni, H. Smith, and
nation with, other external drivers potential vulnerability of SFPUC’s S. Pollard. Forthcoming. Real-
of change over the next 50 years system to specific climate changes is Life Enterprise Resilience.
(2020-2070). More specifically, the revealed, along with the relative effect Project 4734. Denver, CO: The
assessment sought to answer the of climate change versus other uncer- Water Research Foundation.
following questions: tain factors.

Water Audit Validation

ater efficiency is an important way to increase Water audit validation examines water audit inputs to
water supply reliability and decrease the cap- improve the audit’s accuracy and document the uncer-
ital costs of building a new supply, as well as tainty associated with water audit data. There are three
reduce treatment and distribution costs. Water loss is a levels of validation, and each level corresponds to differ-
component of water efficiency that is of growing con- ent goals, outcomes, and limitations (Table 1).
cern for water utilities, especially in areas experiencing Level 1 validation consists primarily of an interview
drought or infrastructure management challenges or between the person who completes the water audit, the
in areas where water audits are required by regulatory person who validates the water audit, and any other util-
agencies. In order to cost-effectively reduce water losses, ity staff who can provide insight into data and operational
a utility must first understand them, and completing a practices related to the water audit. In 2016, The Water
water audit is the industry best practice for doing so. A Research Foundation (WRF) published Level  1 Water
water audit accounts for all treated water that is intro- Audit Validation: Guidance Manual (Andrews et al. 2016)
duced into the water distribution system and then con- to guide utilities through the process of Level  1 water
sumed, which helps to estimate volumes of water loss. audit validation and highlight the factors that influence

32 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

water audits

water audit data quality. Andrews et al. (2016) was based

on version 5 of the American Water Works Association References
(AWWA) Free Water Audit Software (AWWA 2014). In ANDREWS, L., K. Gasner, R. Sturm, W. Jernigan, S.
December 2020, AWWA released version 6 of the Free Cavanaugh, and G. Kunkel. 2017. Utility Water Audit
Water Audit Software (Software v6; Jernigan et al. 2020). Validation: Principles and Programs. Project 4639b.
To address the new features in Software  v6, WRF has Denver: Water Research Foundation.
released Level 1 Water Audit Validation Guidance Man- ANDREWS, L., K. Gasner, R. Sturm, G. Kunkel, W.
ual, Second Edition (Sturm et al. 2021), which includes Jernigan, and S. Cavanaugh. 2016. Level 1 Water
the following: Audit Validation: Guidance Manual. Project 4639a.
• A new chapter on Software v6 describing the major Denver, CO: Water Research Foundation.
changes from version 5 and how they affect the AWWA (American Water Works Association). 2014.
validation process. AWWA Water Audit Software Compiler, Version 5.0.
• New content related to audit input validation that Denver, CO: AWWA.
emphasizes key points of consideration when Resources-Tools/Resource-Topics/Water-Loss-
reviewing the methodology used to determine spe- Control/Free-Water-Audit-Software.
cific input values. JERNIGAN, W., D. Sayers, K. Gasner, G. Kunkel, and A.
• Examples of supporting documentation for each Chastain-Howley. 2020. AWWA Free Water Audit
audit input. Software, Version 6.0. Microsoft Excel. Denver, CO:
• Updated language to match Software v6 and to clar- AWWA.
ify confusing or ambiguous terminology. Resource-Topics/Water-Loss-Control/
• Revisions based on industry feedback that was col- Free-Water-Audit-Software.
lected from water loss professionals familiar with STURM, R., C. Stief, W. Jernigan, and D. Blackwell.
the first edition of the manual. 2021. Level 1 Water Audit Validation Guidance
The manual provides background information on water Manual, Second Edition. Project 5057. Denver, CO:
audit validation and guides users through Level 1 audit The Water Research Foundation.
validation step by step. An accompanying memo provides
an overview of existing validator credentialing programs
in North America.
Ultimately, water audit validation provides a utility with
more confidence in the results of the water audit so the
utility can effectively plan water loss control efforts, track
performance, benchmark indicators, improve future water
audits, and reduce non-revenue water.

Table 1. Levels of water audit validation

Level of Validation Description
Validated water audits have been examined for inaccuracies evident in summary data and application of
Level 1 methodology for deriving water audit inputs. All answers to interactive data grading questions accurately
reflect utility practices and are consistent with supporting documentation.
Validated water audits have been corroborated with investigations of raw data and archived reports of
Level 2
instrument accuracy. The best sources of data to inform the water audit have been identified.
Validated water audits have been bolstered by field tests of instrument accuracy. The water audit’s
Level 3 estimate of real losses has been confirmed through pilot leak detection, component analysis of real
losses, and/or minimum night flow analysis.
Source: Sturm et al. 2021, based on data from Andrews et al. 2017.

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 33


Lead Service Line Replacement

s more utilities implement place at the time, if the customer Full Lead Service Line Replacement
lead service line replace- denies access to the property, etc.). Guidance (Brown et al. 2021) evalu-
ment programs, guidance LSL replacements may trigger the ated two distinct home tap HVF tech-
is needed on how to mitigate lead release of lead into the distribution niques (“all taps at once” vs. “one tap
release that can be triggered during system or premise plumbing. There- at a time”). HVF was conducted fol-
these replacements. fore, past research has advised that lowing FLSLRs at > 100 homes across
Both the U.S. Environmental Pro- high-velocity flushing (HVF) be con- North America. Results indicated that
tection Agency and the American ducted after undertaking FLSLRs. The both HVF techniques were success-
Water Works Association have rec- term HVF is used to describe efforts ful at reducing lead at the tap follow-
ommended that lead service line to develop high velocities to mobi- ing an FLSLR (Figure  1). While it is
(LSL) replacements not be completed lize and remove particulate remnants important for HVF to be used, there
unless the entire LSL can be replaced, from the LSL replacement process in was no clear indication that one HVF
called a full lead service line replace- the service line and entry point into method was preferable to the other
ment (FLSLR). This signifies that par- the home, as well as any particu- in lowering lead levels—both should
tial LSL replacements, or the replace- late lead or loose debris within the be considered as effective lead
ment of part of the LSL (i.e., replacing household plumbing. HVF is distinct reduction strategies.
the customer-owned side but not the from “displacement flushing,” which This project also provides an easily
water system-owned side, or vice is used to remove existing water from understood collection of guidance
versa), are discouraged unless it is household plumbing and the service and reference materials for staff
not possible to replace the entire LSL line and replace it with fresh water at any water system to use when
(e.g., due to an emergency such as from the water main. The objective planning and implementing FLSLRs.
the repair of a service line leak, the of displacement flushing is to flush These materials can be shared with
inability to access the entire LSL due water, while the objective of HVF is water system customers to explain
to other construction activities taking to flush particles. why, how, and when the service line
replacement activities are being con-
ducted, what actions customers can
implement to minimize or eliminate
risks after replacement, and how this
will enhance public health protection.
A webcast about this project was
held in March 2021, and the recording
is available for on-demand viewing on
the WRF website.

BROWN, R. A., D. A. Cornwell, B.
Sidhu, M. Schmelling, S. Chia-
vari, and R. Slabaugh. 2021. Full
Lead Service Line Replacement
Guidance. Project 4713. Denver,
CO: The Water Research
Figure 1. Cumulative mass of total lead removed
during HVF from all faucets following FLSLR

34 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research

Research Priority Program
Project Title Project # End Date
Understanding the Mechanisms of Chlorine and Chloramine Impact on Opportunistic Pathogens in 5118 5/31/2022
Distribution Systems
Using Phosphate-Based Corrosion Inhibitors and Sequestrants to Meet Multiple Water Treatment 5119 5/31/2022
Assessment of Molecular Techniques to Detect and Predict Cyanotoxin-Producing Blooms 5120 5/31/2022
Development of Innovative Predictive Control Strategies for Nutrient Removal 5121 5/31/2022
Technologies and Approaches to Minimize Brominated and Iodinated DBPs in Distribution Systems 5122 5/31/2022
Establishing Seasonal Targets for Receiving Waters: Rethinking Wet Weather versus Dry Weather 5123 5/31/2022
PFAS One Water Risk Communication Messaging for Water Sector Professionals 5124 4/30/2022
Demonstration of Innovation to Improve Pathogen Removal, Validation, and/or Monitoring in Car- 5129 7/31/2022
bon-Based Advanced Treatment (CBAT) for Potable Reuse
Advancement of Densification to Implement and Achieve More Efficient BNR Processes: Granule 5130 7/31/2022
Generation, Retention and Management
Holistic Wet Weather Management through Adaptive Volume and Pollutant Source Control at a 5131 7/31/2022
Community Scale: Finding the Sweet Spot

Tailored Collaboration
Project Title Project # End Date
Impact of UV Treatment on Microbial Communities in a Full-Scale Drinking Water Distribution System 5151 11/1/2022
Identifying Service Line Materials without Excavation: Distinguishing LSLs from Non-LSLs 5152 11/1/2022
Evaluation of Bench-Scale Methods to Predict Drinking Water PFAS Removal Performance of Ion 5153 11/1/2022
Exchange and Novel Adsorbents at Pilot- and Full-Scale
Autonomous In Situ Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms 5154 11/1/2022
Developing Strategic Consumer Messaging for Microplastics in Drinking Water Supplies 5155 11/1/2022

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 35

2021 Awarded Projects

Emerging Opportunities
Project Title Project # End Date
Advancing Adaptive Wet Weather Management Approaches to Meet Emerging Challenges for Extreme 5128 6/1/2022
Snowstorm Events and Cold Climate Impacts
Annual Water and Wastewater C-Suite Executive Compensation Report 5149 11/1/2022
Occurrence of Legionella spp. in Drinking Water Distribution Systems 5156 TBD

Facilitated Research
Project Title Project # End Date
Nitrogen Reduction Technology 5117 7/31/2022

Project Title Project # End Date
Unregulated Organic Chemicals in Biosolids: Prioritization, Fate and Risk Evaluation for Land 5125 9/30/2024
Advancing Safety and Reliability to Protect Public Health: Identifying Quantitative Reductions of Viral 5126 7/31/2024
Pathogens and Surrogates for Water Reuse Applications
Data-Driven Process Control for Maximizing Resource Efficiency 5141 3/31/2023
Biorecovery of Nutrients from Municipal Wastewaters with Co-production of Biofuels and Other 5146 4/15/2024
Streamlining Access and Approval of Technology for Small Systems and Private Wells 5147 8/1/2024
Transforming Aeration Energy in Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) through Suboxic 5148 11/1/2022
Nitrogen Removal
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Primary and Secondary Treatment Systems 5150 10/31/2022

36 January–March 2022 • Advances in Water Research


April 11-14, 2022 May 24-26, 2022

CA-NV AWWA Annual Spring Conference SWAN 12th Annual Conference
Anaheim, CA Washington, DC
May 24-27, 2022
April 17-21, 2022 WEF Residuals and Biosolids
Singapore International Water Week Conference 2022
Singapore Columbus, OH
April 19-22, 2022
WEF Collection Systems Conference June 6-8, 2022
Detroit, MI BlueTech Forum Vancouver, Canada
April 24-27, 2022
Florida Water Resources Conference June 20-23, 2022
Daytona Beach, FL WEF Innovations in Process Engineering Conference 2022
Miami, FL
April 24-30, 2022
Water Week upcoming-conferences/
Washington, DC innovations-in-process-engineering-2021
June 27-29, 2022
April 26-29, 2022 WEF Stormwater Summit 2022
CWP 2022 National Stormwater Minneapolis, MN
& Watershed Conference
St. Petersburg, FL upcoming-conferences/stormwatersummit
June 12-15, 2022
May 10-12, 2022 ACE22
OzWater’22 San Antonio, TX
Brisbane, Australia

May 16-18, 2022

Global Water Summit 2022
Madrid, Spain

Advances in Water Research • January–March 2022 37


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