BUISAN Alexza Nicole F. Research Paper

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Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.

Senior High School Department



A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High

School Department of Westmead Academy of
Science and Technology Foundation, Inc.
Alangilan, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 2 in Science,
Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics Strand


JULY 2022
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


This study entitled





after having been presented in hereby approved by

the following members of the panel


Member Member


Lead Panelist

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Research in Daily Life 2


c Directress, SHS Department

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


This study entitled





And Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Research 2 in Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics, has been Examined and is
Recommended for Acceptance and
Approval for Oral Examination



JULY 2022

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


With boundless appreciation, the researcher would like to extend her

heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the following. Without guidance and help

from these people, this study would not have a possible pathway towards success.

To Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc., the

beloved alma mater, for providing quality education and lifelong learning and also

for giving permission and chance to perform this study;

To the research adviser, Mr. Ryan A. Aledo, who shared his expertise and

time and gave advice that is a great help for the researcher to achieve her study

goals and bring it the success;

To the chair panel, Dr. Arlene D. Castor, and the members of the defense

panel, Mr. Ryan A. Aledo and Mrs. Bessielyn V. Aledo, for their constructive

criticism and suggestions to enhance and improve the study;

To the researcher's family and friends for their moral and financial support,

which is necessary to motivate the researcher. They served as an inspiration to

complete the study. Their encouragement inspired her to keep on striving.

Likewise, thanks to her classmates for their companionship and support

throughout the study;

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Above all, to the Giver of life and the Creator of all things, Almighty God, for

the endless blessings, knowledge, and strength. And also for guidance and fruits

of the Holy Spirit needed to complete this study.

A. N. F. B

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


The study aimed to provide a solution for rat infestation without using any

chemical products that may harm humans and other animals. One of its goals is

to produce an innovative, effective, safe, and affordable botanical pellet-formed

rodenticide. The entire study, including the experiment, underwent a systematic

process and series of evaluations and investigations.

The researcher conducted a feasible experiment where the materials used

are non-chemical and all-natural. Madre de Cacao and Bay leaves are

considered to be the main materials. They are scientifically reported to be

chemically qualified for the production of rat bait. Three mixtures with different

ratios have been followed to produce the natural rodenticide. They go through

weighing, washing, grinding, combining with honey, and molding.

This experimental study used albino rats as its subjects. This study

investigates the efficacy of the rodenticide pellets by the reactions, effects, and

mortality rate after being eaten. The application and observation methods were

used to compare the effectiveness of the three mixtures. With the help of the test

results, the researcher concluded that the leaves of Madre de Cacao and Bay

leaves have potential and are safe as a rodenticide. However, it took some time

to exterminate the rats.

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Title: The Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia

Sepium) & Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as a Botanical


Number of Pages: 97 pages

Researcher: Alexza Nicole F. Buisan

Type of Document: Undergraduate Thesis

School: Westmead Academy of Science and Technology

Foundation, Inc.

Address: Alangilan, Batangas City


Natural plants are now in demand to produce innovative products that can

help human problems in different aspects. And this study sought to make an

efficient, budget-friendly, and no chemical-used rodenticide in a pellet form using

these natural plants. The researcher considered to used the Madre de Cacao

leaves and Bay leaves as they have chemical properties and components that may

help solve the problem of rat infestation.

The study went through a systematic investigation and documentation to

provide accurate and reliable information. With the use of detailed data from the

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

previous studies and the method and process that were performed, the researcher

produced effective botanical pellet-formed rodenticides. The combination of Madre

de Cacao leaves and Bay leaves concerning the three given ratios, which are 2:1,

1:2, and 1:1, create different physical characteristics.

The study's experimental subjects are albino rats. They are also separated

according to the rodenticide pellets given to them. The effects were monitored after

feeding the rodenticides to these target rats. The three-day observation of the

product's clinical signs proved the potentiality and efficiency of the leaves of Madre

de cacao and Bay.

Moreover, the results of the study showed that the combination of leaves

where the Bay leaves have more grams is the most effective among the three

mixtures. However, it works slowly to kill a rat and cannot be compared to

chemical-based products, which are fast-acting substances. But these plant-based

products are safer and do not pose a risk to the environment and human health.

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………. ii


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………….. iv

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………… vi

SUMMARY OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………... ix

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….. xi

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………… xi

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………… xii


Introduction………………………………………………………………. 1

Objectives of the Study……………………………………………….… 3

Scope and Limitations of Study……………………………………….. 3

Rationale of the Study.…………………………………………………. 4

Significance of the Study………………………………………………. 5

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………… 6


Conceptual Literature……………………………………............. 9

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Senior High School Department

Research Literature…………………………………………………….. 17

Synthesis………………………………………………………………… 20

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………… 23


Research Design………………………………………………………. 26

Research Methodology……………………………………………….. 27


OF DATA………………………………………………………………………… 33


Conclusion………………………………………………………………. 53

Recommendations……………………………………………………… 56

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………….. 58

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………… 62

RESUME………………………………………………………………………… 74

Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Table No. Title Page

1 Physical Characteristics of the Pellet Mixtures………………. 35

2 Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats (Result

for the 1st day of Observation)….…………………………….. 39

2.1 Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats (Result

for the 2nd day of Observation)……………………………….. 41

2.2 Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats (Result

for the 3rd day of Observation)……………………………….. 43

2.3 Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats Two

Days After the Three-Day Observation……………………… 45

3 Duration of the Rodenticide Pellets to Exterminate Rats

During the Three-Day Observation………………………….. 47

3.1 Duration of the Rodenticide Pellets to Exterminate Rats

After the Three-Day Observation…………………………….. 48

4 Proposed Product’s Cost Analysis…………………………… 49

4.1 Rats and Rats’ Cage Cost Analysis…………………………. 50

4.2 Comparison of the Effectivity Between Commercially

Available Rodenticide Product and Researcher’s Most
Effective Rodenticide Product in Terms of Killing Rats……. 51


Figure No. Title Page

1 Conceptual Frameworks……………………………………….. 24

2 Process Flow…………………….…………….……………….. 31

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3 Product Design………………..……………………………….. 32

4 Rats’ Cage…………………….……………………………….. 37


Appendix Title Page

A Preparation of Bay Leaves…………………………………….. 63

B Preparation of Madre de Cacao Leaves…………………….. 64

C Combining of Ground Bay Leaves and Ground Madre de

Cacao Leaves Together With Honey……………………….. 65

D Molding of the Mixtures……………………………………….. 66

E Preparation of the Final Products……………………………. 67

F Three Days of Poisoning and Observation…………………. 68

G The Results After the Three-Day Experimentation…………. 69

H Results of the Products Effects and Ability in Killing Rats…. 70

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This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its

problems together with the defined objectives. It includes the dependent and

independent variables as well as the significance and its scope and limitations.

Moreover, this study focuses on the effectiveness of utilizing and combining Madre

de cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) as a botanical



Globally, population growth is continuous. And to feed the people in a

country, food production will need to be increased. But due to the various kinds of

biotic and abiotic constraints to the production of crops, issues arose in

socioeconomic and crop management. Pathogens and animal pests are the typical

constraints and have the highest potential to cause crop loss and serve as

reservoirs of diseases. And rats are one of them.

In both developing and developed countries, rats are one of the main biotic

constraints to agricultural production as they easily and quickly multiply. Rats are

dangerous to human health as they carry, transmit and expose humans to

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

numerous diseases. They destroy household items and often compete with men

for food. Their infestation is such a nuisance for some living and non-living things.

Regardless of these facts, the impacts and issues of rats or rodents have

been less concerned, greatly underestimated, and ignored around the world. And

only a few pesticides and rodenticides that are too costly are reported and

obtainable for controlling this pest. There is an insufficiency in rat repellent or

poison, and most commercially available products have risks to the entire

ecosystem, especially for humans, animals, and the environment.

However, this particular problem can have a solution. Since plants are

praised for their uses, benefits, and low risk of exposure to chemicals, they may

also be helpful for this issue. Different studies also evaluated them to know their

potential as a medicine, poison, or repellent. And Madre de cacao and Bay leaves

are considered potential rat killers among all plants. They can withstand the strive

against rodents, especially rat pests. As proof, the main objective of this study is

to determine and evaluate the efficacy of the alternative materials by utilizing them

to produce a botanical rodenticide. The study also emphasizes the use of natural

and reasonable materials. This study also aims to make an efficient and affordable

commodity attainable to the general public, particularly in times of pandemics.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Objectives of the Study

The study of “Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium)

and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as a Botanical Rodenticide” aims to achieve the


1. To produce a natural bait using the leaves of Madre de Cacao and Bay

laurel to control rat infestation.

2. To determine the ideal ratio and effectiveness level of Madre de Cacao and

Bay laurel leaves by the death or mortality rate.

3. To measure the duration of the mixtures to exterminate rodents.

4. To conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study mainly focused on the effectiveness of utilizing Madre de cacao

(Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) extract as a botanical

rodenticide. It encompassed the significance of the plants in achieving the

mentioned objectives. The product's quality will be evaluated according to its

effectiveness and strong ability to control the pest.

One of the purposes of this study was to ensure the capability, quality, and

efficiency of the mentioned plants to be used as alternative natural bait for rats.

The final product will be tested and observed in rats and will come out as pellet-
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

formed bait. And for the experimental subject, the researcher prefers to use albino

rats rather than house rats since they are the usual laboratory model used in

research. Aside from that, using this rat will be the safest method for the

researcher. They are not aggressive and easy to tame, unlike house and black

rats. However, for other researchers, other species of rats could be used as well

in an experiment, such as Sprague-Dawley, Wistar, and more.

The gathering of materials and the testing of the product will be limited. The

materials needed will only collect inside the Batangas region. Also, the researcher

will not go to laboratory or testing centers as the experiment will only do a visual

and physical test of the product.

Rationale of the Study

Rats are a significant and growing issue globally as they impact agriculture,

health, and the economy. Despite their close association with people, they remain

challenging to control. Their presence is associated with hunger, food insecurity,

and public health issues that are principally linked to poverty. Furthermore, the lack

of effective tools to address rats' growing population in a place can cause an

infestation, which is an alarming situation that can result in substantial economic


In the Philippines, many plants have pesticide properties that may help this

problem, such as Madre de Cacao and Bay Laurel. Madre de Cacao is known to
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

be beneficial in different ways, including its use as a poison. While Bay laurel was

utilized to attract rats as they thought the leaves of this plant were a portion of food.

Hence, in this study, these plants will be the alternative materials used by the

researcher to commercial rodenticide products that are too pricey and sometimes

contain toxic chemicals that will indirectly harm humans and the environment. This

will benefit those who desire to get rid of rats without spending lots of money.

However, the combination of the two is not enough to form a perfect-shaped

food bait. Thus, honey will also be used in this study as an additive. This will act

as a sticky paste that will help to mold the mixture.

In addition, correlational studies have shown that both plants have properties

that might help control rat pests. They have antimicrobial, insecticidal, pesticidal,

and rodenticidal properties. Thus, the use of these plants as substitutes are

therefore considered by the researcher as they are natural and safe to use. This

study was performed to ensure how effective the alternative botanical rodenticide

for rats is.

Significance of the Study

The utilization of herbs and plants is now gaining favor in different fields

because they are convenient, non-toxic, and may equilibrate to the effectiveness

of commercially available products. Therefore, this study would have a great

contribution to the literature about the use of natural resources as alternatives in

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

making new materials and will act as an inspiration for creativity. This study will

serve as a relevant guide in producing rather than purchasing, especially amidst a

health crisis, when everything seems to be financially out of control.

Furthermore, this contributes to the people who experience rat infestation in

their places, like farmers, as the study focuses on discovering an easy, natural,

and safe way to exterminate rats. Through this study, the experts or professionals

may get data for future analysis to improve crop production and avert the possible

outbreak of the diseases carried by the rats to the community with the use of

natural materials that has the potential as alternatives for making products. This

present study may be the foundation of an innovative and new product that could

theoretically impact society, as it is not costly.

Definition of Terms

To be able to understand the presented study, the following terms are

herewith defined both conceptually and operationally to have and give a better

understanding of the project study.

Albino Rats. Albino rat is also known as experimental or laboratory rat,

which has a pure white-colored body fur and pinky eyes (poor eyesight) and

belongs to rodent species but less aggressive ones. They were the first animals to

be domesticated for scientific research (Kuramoto et al., 2012). In this study, albino

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

rats will be used as experimental rats instead of house rats for the researcher’s


Bait. As mentioned in Merriam-webster, bait is a luring substance or a

portion of food to trap or catch animals. In this study, the same definition was used.

Bay Laurel. Bay laurel, also known by its botanical name Laurus

nobilis originates in the Mediterranean region and belongs to the Lauraceae family

that may reach 20 feet and up (Espiritu, 2021). This is one of the materials that will

be added to produce a rodenticide in this study.

Botanical Pesticide. Botanical pesticides are agricultural pest management

agents which are based on plant extracts or oils (Lengai et al., 2020). The same

definition was used in the research study.

Honey. As indicated in Merriam-Webster, honey is a sweet, viscous,

yellowish substance carefully made out of the flower’s nectar in the bees’ honey

sacs. In the study, it is an additive that will use by the researcher to make a perfect

shape bait.

Infestation. As indicated in Cambridge Dictionary, an infestation is the

presence of tons of animals and insects which carry diseases in a place where

they are not wanted. In the present study, the same definition was used.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Madre de Cacao. Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) is also known as the

Kakawate plant, a leguminous tree belonging to the family Fabaceae that can grow

about 2 - 15 meters high and is the second most important multi-purpose tree with

vast healing properties (Rojas-Sandoval J, 2017). In this research study, Madre de

cacao is one of the primary materials needed in making a pesticide for rats.

Rat. Rats are rodent species native to Asia, which have pointed heads, big,

prominent eyes, thinly furred ears, moderately long legs, and long, sharp claws

(Musser, 2020). In this study, the same definition was used.

Rodenticide. Rodenticide is also known as "rat poison," which is a mixed

compound used to exterminate rodents (Isackson and Irizarry, 2021). In the

present study, this is the final product that is produced to solve the problem and

will be used in rat pest management.

Rodents. A rodent is also called Rodentia, and they are the largest group of

mammals, consisting of 4660 species characterized by upper and lower pairs of

grows-continually rootless incisor teeth (Musser, 2020). The same definition was

used in this study.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


This chapter represents the review of related Conceptual Literature,

Research Literature, Synthesis of the study, and Conceptual Framework that

provides the background for the study conducted. These serve as support for a

better understanding of the research work and for the enhancement of one’s

knowledge of what this study is all about.


The concepts and theories which contributed to the researcher’s adequate

background in the development of this study is presented here.

An Overview About Rat Infestation. A rat is often described with medium

size body and a long, thin tail. They belong to the rodent order, which is commonly

found in the Asia continent. Some species of rats have spread far beyond their

native range, from wildlife to urban cities. And as of today, they are not only a

constraint to agricultural production but also a reservoir of diseases and cause

damage to different properties.

Rat affects several things if not controlled. Numerous findings reported that

rodents, the order of rats, are the leading pest in agriculture, horticulture, forestry,

and public goods (Mulungu et al., 2003). Globally, rodents cause about 30% of

annual crop damage (Singleton, 2003). They bring loss and issues in crops in pre-

harvest and post-harvest stages, and nearly 10% of rodent species inclusively
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

impact agriculture, especially rats. The seedling stage of crops and cereals is the

most damaged when rats infest a farm before the harvest (Gadisa et al., 2016).

And during outbreaks, rodents cause food security at risk due to severe losses in

crop production.

Moreover, Aplin et al. (2003) added that rodents also cause sales value

reduction of foods through spoiling by urine and dropping and transmitting

diseases to humans. They are disease carriers. Rats can cause Hantavirus

Pulmonary Syndrome, Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, and Rat Bite Fever.

Additionally, they contribute to the spread of other diseases caused by the

parasites that infect rodents.

Rats even cause physical damage to facilities and establishments. Rats'

teeth grow constantly. Thus, they can chew and grind properties off. The chewing

can cause damage to urban farming items, such as wood, plastics, and concrete.

They also cause fires by chewing electrical cables. Eventually, rats cause public

health issues, financial loss due to crop damage, and damage to facilities that also

affect the economy.

Insufficiency and the Risks of Commercially Available Rodenticide

Products. In many countries, rat poisons are used to exterminate rat or mouse

pests. However, using these products is inhumane and may cause death to other

mammals if ingested. This is one of the reasons why information about controlling

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

rats permanently and rodenticides products are fewer than other pests. Some

people prefer using mouse traps or repellents to deter rats in their homes, gardens,

farms, and other places.

The toxicity of the available products in the market is dangerous for

everyone’s health. There are two categories of rodenticides. First is anticoagulant

rodenticides. They obstruct the vitamin K synthesis that is needed for normal blood

clotting. When it happens, it will slowly kill its consumers. Brodifacoum,

bromadiolone, difethialone, and difenacoum are the four types of this silent and

super-toxic rodenticide. These four let rodents consume them numerous times

before dying as they have long half-lives, so they are so-called slow-acting

substances. Bioaccumulation may also happen unintentionally. This is a

secondary poisoning process in which rodenticide residues form the lowest lethal

dose in the corpses of rats, so predators of rats are likely to be poisoned. Among

all the recorded rat poisons, the second-generation ones are classified as “super-

toxic” rodenticides. Due to the toxicity and risks, second-generation anticoagulant

rodenticides are recorded only for agricultural use, commercial pest control, and

structural pest control markets.

Other rodenticides currently registered to control mice include bromethalin,

cholecalciferol, strychnine, and zinc phosphide. These compounds are non-

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

anticoagulants. They have been used worldwide for more than a century, and each

is toxic in further ways.

These products can kill other animals, even humans if ingested. They pose

a public health issue and may have serious impacts on the environment as they

have toxic effects on wildlife. And over the years, the increased chemicals used

led to environmental pollution.

Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium). According to Dela Cruz (2010), Madre

de cacao is one of the easiest growing plants one could find. It is a leguminous

tree that grows about 2 - 15 meters high and can be seen in the forest. It is easy

to propagate and inexpensive. It could furnish a lot of uses to the farmers, from its

roots to leaves. And the tree could resprout quickly after pruning.

Different parts of Madre de cacao, also known as Kakawati, such as leaves,

flowers, roots, and bark, have been used for multiple purposes in many tropical

countries like the Philippines. It was cultivated as an ornamental plant and

alternative medicine for some ailments. Even local and indigenous knowledge also

indicates that Madre de cacao has a wide spectrum of uses against pests and

herbal medicine for both humans and animals.

Madre de cacao is scientifically considered the second most important multi-

purpose leguminous tree with broad healing properties. It is said to have tannins,

which are considered potentially antidiarrheal, antidysenteric, antimutagenic,

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

antioxidant, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, pesticidal, rodenticidal, and viricidal. It

also proves safe for use in most mammals.

Bay leaves (Laurus nobilis). Bay leaf is a perennial shrub with green color.

This plant belongs to the Lauraceae family, planted around tropical and subtropical

places and grown in different ecologic and climatic conditions. Wet areas, sandy

soil, plenty of water, and moist atmospheric conditions are ideal for this plant's rich

growth (Patrakar et al., 2012). Usually, leaves may burn at a hotter temperature;

thus, it is much preferred that a place should have a partial sunshade, well-drained

sandy soil with some moisture, and a pH range of 4.5–8.2. Cold weather that has

28°F below temperatures and extensive freezing will kill the bay plant.

According to Parthasarathy et al. (2008), it is traditionally used as an

ingredient in cooking, even for essential oil applications, traditional medicine, and

many other conventional practices. Bay has been used in food industries,

cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products and is also considered one of the

essential components for those industrial applications.

Bay leaves contain antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic activity.

They are beneficial for improving one's immune system. Antioxidants are used in

many dietary sources and utilize to lower blood cholesterol and the level of uric

acid. Bay has been reported to be effective against many infections from


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Potentiality and Efficacy of Madre de cacao and Bay Leaves as An

Alternative Botanical Rodenticide. The use of natural products in pest and

insect management has risen recently and could benefit the low socioeconomic

levels in urban and rural communities. Among the various currently available

herbal agents, the most popular and receiving lots of scientific attention are Madre

de cacao and Bay leaves. They are both well known for their chemical properties

that can be used to heal and cure different conditions and kill almost all types of

pests and insects.

Madre de cacao has folkloric uses, according to Stuart Jr. (2016). Sap or

decoction of leaves, bark, and roots can be used for wound healing, as an

antipruritic for dermatitis or itching, and as an insect and pest repellent. Bark

decoction is likewise used against bacterial and protozoal infections, and decoction

of leaves is used in urticaria, rash, burns, and erysipelas. It can also be used for

headaches, bruises, burns, colds, cough, fever, fatigue, gangrene, gonorrhea, and

itches and sores as an antidote, insecticide, and pesticide.

Rabena added that Madre de cacao is a good source of a toxic substance

called coumarins that can exterminate nearly all kinds of pests and insects. Its

leaves, roots, and bark have a chemical substance that can kill rats as they contain

rodenticidal properties. They may also use to clean and medicate scabies and

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

fungal infections. Its crushed leaves have a fetid smell that can be used to get rid

of dogs' fleas and ticks.

In addition, bay leaves are commonly known as a component in cooking, but

some say that they may also use as insect and pest repellent. The Bay leaf is

known for its sharp and bitter taste. The chemical constituents vary depending on

the type of species and the cultivation conditions. Due to essential oils' presence

in leaves and other parts of the plants, they make a difference between fragrance

and aroma. Its extract has antioxidant properties, which are found to have phenolic


On top of that, this plant contains tannins, flavones, flavonoids, alkaloids,

eugenol, linalool, methyl chavicol, eugenol, citric acid, carbohydrate, steroids,

triterpenoids, and anthocyanins. Some of these properties are moderately toxic by

inhalation and ingestion exposure pathways. Acute, high-dose ingestion and

absorption may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, and liver

damage. Hence, it may be added to rat bait to achieve a more satisfying result.

As rodenticides, both plants' characteristics can help against rats. They can

also promote safety for the person who will use them as bait. Since they are

natural, they are more effective and safer to use as an alternative rodenticide, and

their toxicity as a rat control may lead to a more successful outcome. Due to their

properties, they were considered and suggested as potential bait for rat infestation.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Safeness of Madre de cacao and Bay Leaves to Humans and

Environment. In practical amounts, Madre de cacao proves safe for use in most

mammals but is essentially deadly on rodents. Madre de cacao is used as a

rodenticide such as a mouse bait for ages by farmers and rural households. As a

parasiticide, Madre de cacao can actively rid ticks, fleas, and mites on a dog’s fur

without being toxic to the host. Also, it is proven as a great alternative to harsh

chemicals (Bagano, 2017). Bay leaves are also considered safe to use by humans

as they are used as an additive for cooking and makeup products. Thus, both

plants are not harmful to humans, particularly when used practically, and since it

is all-natural, it does not have any side effects on the environment.

Estimation of Cost and Benefit Analysis for Madre de cacao and Bay

Leaves as A Natural Pesticide Against Rat Infestation. People are purchasing

commercialized products to avoid different kinds of pests and insects. Some of

these treatment products are costly as they spend more of their budget to take

good care of their farm and houses. The researcher's proposed alternative

rodenticide product will be much cheaper than the available ones in the

marketplace as the researcher will use cheaper materials that can also be found

at home.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Markets have synthetic products that could purchase to control rat

infestation. But, sometimes, they are harmful to both humans and the environment.

Thus, the use of plant products has been studied worldwide, and around 2,000

plant species are recorded to contain pest control attributes. Specific plants

possess chemical compounds with insecticidal and pesticidal properties

(Wilbraham et al., 2002). The plants used these compounds as protection against

herbivorous insects. Humans also have benefited from their chemical properties.

Some plants have distinct odors or chemicals that are repulsive to insects and

pests. Thus, the plants are investigated, identified, and formulated as natural

products for pest management. It is said to have lower side effects and improve

pest infestation. Since botanical products are safer and harmless, it is considered

to be used instead of synthetic ones. Among these plants are Madre de cacao and

Bay Leaves.

Madre de cacao has gained popularity, especially in curing skin diseases.

But nowadays, it also has been used to kill various kinds of pests and insects.

Tacio (2009) stated that it has a distinct aroma that could lure pests and kill them.

Its seeds and bark have toxic properties, and it brings about the generic epithet

“Gliricidia = mouse killer." It is also said to be expectorant, insecticidal, rodenticidal,

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

sedative, and suppurative, as stated in Abulude et al. (2009) research, which he

cited from Duke and Wain's study in 1981.

Moreover, Madre de cacao leaves extract is one of the sources of

antioxidants and antibacterial agents that may utilize to prevent enteric disease

caused by micro-organisms. The phenol-flavonoid compound is the primary

benefactor of these two properties. It presented a considerable amount in the leaf

extract. The antibacterial activity of Madre cacao leaves is evaluated by

distinguishing the zone of inhibition with the four organisms used, namely,

Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli, and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, according to Jose and Sujatha (2016). All organisms

assessed show antibacterial activity using the Madre de cacao leaf extract.

In another study conducted by Tambalque et al. (2015), they determined that

the efficacy of Madre de Cacao and Lemongrass extract as a pesticide against

cocolisap is as effective as commercially available products. It can be used as an

alternative, good and cheaper pesticide. The evaluation presented five treatments

with different concentrations and proportions. Treatment 1 has 100% of Madre de

Cacao. Then, treatment 2 contains 100% lemongrass. Treatment 3 has 50% of

each material. Treatment 4 is water (negative control), and treatment 5 has

commercial pesticides, which is Baygon (positive control). The experimentation

lasted for 12 to 24 hours. Treatment 3 is the most effective among the experimental

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

groups. It is composed of 50% of both materials combined. Then, followed by

treatment 1, and the least is treatment 2.

And for the bay leaf, in the study by Batool et al. (2019), they mentioned that

the leaf has biological activities: antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral,

immunostimulant, anticholinergic, antifungal, insect repellant, anticonvulsant,

antimutagenic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. They also said that the

leaf could be used in wound healing. Mansour et al. (2018) also added that it has

many physiological properties. It has antimicrobial, antifungal, and other properties

that make bay oil and its compounds good and valuable substances for

pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. It contains many compounds, such as turbines,

anthocyanins, and coumarins.

Additionally, the previous case report conducted by Kara et al. (2021)

presented an icteric and ill-looking patient experiencing abdominal pain, vomiting,

and nascent jaundice. The patient food intake history is investigated. They found

that the patient consumed bay leaf tea for about a month. Eventually, the

laboratory test results claimed that the patient had fulminant hepatitis and needed

a transplant. But the patient died before the transplant performs. Therefore, Kara

and another researcher (2021) concluded that bay laurel might use as an herbal

product, but the tendency and potential to cause hepatoxicity should be


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Plants have been used throughout history for different purposes that are still

the basis for many preventions, treatments, or cures today. However, they do not

simply help humans resolve problems, but they can also be beneficial for their own

issues, like guarding themselves against predators. Because plants also contain a

broad spectrum of secondary metabolites as protection against environmental

stress or other factors such as insect attacks, wounds, and injuries. And these

metabolites might also help produce more innovative products in the future.

Furthermore, the exploration of new organic products continues, especially

for pest and insect control. And as of these days, several plant species have been

proven their insecticidal and pesticidal properties and their chemistry and efficacy

in laboratory data that could be quickly transformed into new products (Stevenson

et al., 2017). Yet results and benefits are not always predicted. If will be available

on the market, these products will be natural, have no expenditure, are nontoxic,

and help humans solve their problems more safely because of their presumed lack

of adverse side effects. And for rats as pests, a botanical rodenticide is one of the

best ways to stop their infestation without taking a risk.

Rat is considered one of the major pests and a problematic constraint

worldwide. Rats, including Norway, black, and house rats, are ubiquitous pests

inhabiting cities globally. They infest households, crops, and foodstuffs. They also

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

easily adjust and adapt to their surroundings and can be found anywhere as they

are undeniably increasing their population within a short period. Rats are the most

pernicious but least studied pests. The lack of literature about rats hinders the

creation of the product to control them.

Due to the lack of adequate means of controlling pests and insects, humans

use synthetic pesticides that are hazardous to humans, animal health, and the

environment. Compared to other forms of control, synthetic pesticides have a high

efficacy rate. However, these pesticides are not only toxic to the target organisms,

but they are also toxic or dangerous to a certain degree to man, animals, plants,

and the environment. The use of natural pesticides from plants such as Madre de

cacao and Bay leaves that can easily be seen in the country may be a solution to

the problems that were mentioned.

Madre de Cacao leaves are reported to have a fetid smell aside from their

active content. The use of crushed leaves externally can heal fleas and ticks that

can cause scabies or mange. A study executed by professor Alfredo Rabena, a

Filipino chemist, found that Madre de cacao has a toxic substance that can

exterminate almost all types of pests and insects. He mentioned that a kilogram of

plant leaves soaked in water overnight could make seven gallons of botanical

pesticides. Pak. J. Bot (2008) also added that Madre de cacao possesses

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

numerous properties that might help, including insecticidal, nematicidal, and


On top of that, in a book written by Carol Costenbader, she says that bay

leaves can use to repel tiny pests just by sprinkling the leaves in storage. And

Welch (2020) added that this might use for rats. He said that the pungent aroma

of bay leaves could attract rats and think of it as their food. However, when rats

consume bay leaves, they choke and eventually die.

Therefore, the research literature is somehow connected to the present study

as the researcher used ideas that contributed and connected to the proposed task.

This will be useful for analyzing and comprehending, especially for future

researchers and readers. The researcher has carefully analyzed the details of the

proposed study to have correct data and information.

The difference between the researcher’s study and the primary literature is

that the researcher used different processes and materials in the project. Both

plants’ leaves will be ground and combined with three different ratios. The

researcher applied it in the production of rodenticide out of Madre de cacao and

Bay laurel, which makes it different from the other studies.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Conceptual Framework

The researchers have provided a conceptual framework for the study,

including the variables taken into consideration for a clear understanding of the

purpose of the study.

Robson (2011) mentioned that the conceptual framework of the study is the

system of ideas, perceptions, aspirations, values, and hypotheses that will help

and inform the research. In simple words, it is the key part of your design. He also

described the conceptual structure as a visual or written product that "explains,

either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied, the key factors,

concepts or variables, and the presumed relationship between them."

Conceptual frameworks can be 'graphical' or in a narrative form that shows

the key variables or constructs to be studied and the alleged relationships between

them. It explains how the research problem will be probed. It is also an analytical

tool with several variations and the context in this framework to distinguish

conceptually and organize ideas.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


A. Knowledge Requirements Development and
Design Stages
• Background Knowledge “Effectiveness of
about Rodenticide • Identification of
the problem Utilizing Madre
• Rat infestation de Cacao
• Gathering of
• Madre de cacao Data
(Gliricida Sepium) sepium) and Bay
• Bay leaves (Laurus
• Choosing of Leaves (Laurus
materials nobilis) as a
B. Material Requirements • Production of
• Madre de cacao leaves Botanical Rodenticide for
Rodenticide to Rats”
• Bay leaves Exterminate
• Blender

• Weighing scale

• Small Basin, Mixing

Container, Small Plate, Evaluation and
Spoon Cost

• Molder

• Honey
• Cage

• Albino Rats

Figure 1:

Research Paradigm on the Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao

(Gliricidia Sepium) & Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Figure 1 describes the input, process, and output of this study. It shows the

flow of the research study, which served as the guide of the research study. The

chart includes all the data and materials needed to make the final output or the

outcome stage of the study.

The input includes two parts; the “Knowledge Requirements,” which has the

Background Knowledge about Rodenticides, Rat Infestation, Madre de cacao

(Gliricidia Sepium), and Bay Leaves (Laurus nobilis). The second part is the

“Material Requirements,” which includes the materials needed to produce the

botanical rodenticide.

The next stage is the "Process’" showing the development and design phase

of the project; Identification of the problem, Discovery of the subject, Data

collection, Design Stage, Material selection, and Production of Botanical

Rodenticide to Exterminate Rats.

The third stage is the result which will be the final performance or "Output"

of the researcher's analysis. This demonstrates the overall results of the

researcher's analysis.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the Research Design and

Research Methodology that are used in this study.

Research Design

The primary purpose of this study is to determine, analyze, and evaluate

whether Madre de cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) would

be good alternative materials for producing botanical rodenticides for rats. This

would help and benefit people, especially the farmers who wish to have a low-cost,

efficient, non-toxic pesticide to kill rats.

Research design is the researcher's plan on how to proceed, gather, and

obtain an understanding of several groups in their context, as stated by Ary (2010).

Gall & Borg (2007) added that descriptive research design aims to describe a

phenomenon and its features. The descriptive and exploratory research design is

the design used in the study.

Descriptive analysis is a procedure where it is distinctive but can use different

research techniques, as mentioned by Guttheck (2015). It depicts the features or

actions of the audience and aims to describe, clarify or confirm some theory or


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

An exploratory design is defined as the informal and unstructured set of

knowledge, according to Burns and Bush (2016). If researchers have scant

knowledge about this prospect or issue, the exploratory design of a study is

correct. Its methodology is not limited to a particular model but may be qualitative

or quantitative.

Data and information were acquired through a detailed analysis, review, and

examination of numerous papers, books, and prior studies. The researcher has

now included specific articles related to the proposed research study.

Research Methodology

Research methodology is the detailed procedures used to specify, choose,

process, and analyze information about a topic. It allows the readers to evaluate

the overall validity and reliability of a study critically. Moreover, research

methodology is the direction in which the researcher ought to perform their

research, such as formulating their problems and goals and describing the effects

of the data collected during the study period (Sileyew 2019).

The research design and method chapter also reveal how to get the result

by following the purpose of the study. This chapter also addresses the research

methods used during the research process. This requires the study's research

methods from the research approach to the distribution of findings.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Different procedures are done to achieve the researcher’s objective. Since

the use of a library is not accessible due to the current situation, the use of websites

where there are legitimate articles obtainable that are related to the chosen topic

is considered the method for data gathering. For the pre-design phase, the data

that has been collected is examined and interpreted in a detailed manner which

concludes that the physical properties of natural materials would make a great

contribution to the production of innovative non-toxic rodenticides for humans and

the environment. And for the design stage, the researcher produced the product

and tested its efficacy and potentiality by conducting three days of testing.

Preparation of the Materials. To determine the efficacy and potentiality of Madre

de cacao and Bay laurel to control rat pests, the process required leaves of Madre

de cacao, Bay leaves, honey, albino rats, mortar and pestle, blender, mixing

container, and weighing scale, measuring cup, small basin, small plates, and


Collection of the Albino Rats as Experimental Subjects. The researcher

looked for a pet shop with albino rats and bought the ideal size and number of rats

needed for the study. Albino rats are all male and weigh 60 grams each.

Preparation of the Cages. Since albino rats will be used in different sets,

the researcher preferred separating them according to the ratio of the food bait

that will be given to them. The researcher used a hand-made temporal cage.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Collection of Madre de cacao and Bay laurel Leaves. The Madre de

cacao leaves are collected from the researcher’s compound. The Madre de cacao

leaves are removed from each stem, put in a container, and placed in a cool, dry

place to keep them fresh. Bay leaves were bought from the market and set aside

before the actual use.

Collection of Other Materials. Other materials, which are needed, such as

mortar, pestle, blender, mixing container, weighing scale, measuring cup, small

basin, small plate, and cage, are gathered from the researcher’s house.

Preparation of Madre de cacao Leaves

Grinding of the Madre de Cacao Leaves. The grinding process of the

leaves will extract more natural and organic chemicals essential for killing rats. The

Madre de Cacao leaves are freshly picked from the researcher’s backyard. The

leaves should be used clean. After washing and drying it, the leaves are put in the

blender and ground into small pieces until it is good to use in the pellet formation.

Set the ground leaves aside after.

Preparation of Bay Leaves

Grinding of the Bay Leaves. The grinding process of the leaves will make

them easier to put together with the Madre de cacao leaves. The bay leaves bought

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

from the market are already dried and ready for grinding. The leaves are also

placed in the blender and ground into perfect sizes. After grinding, set them aside.

Preparation of the Rodenticide Mixture

Combination of Madre de cacao Leaves and Bay Leaves Using

Honey. Madre de cacao and Bay laurel leaves are combined with honey. Honey

served as the agent for the food pellet to be formed. The combination should be in

the ratios and proportions 1:2, 2:1, and 1:1. All sets of the mixture will have 20 mL

of honey. The rodenticide mixtures is also gone through the air dry process to

insure the long term use of the food pellet

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Process Flow
Collection of Raw Materials

Preparation of the Raw Materials

Madre de Cacao Bay Laurel

Leaves Leaves

Wash the Grind or Pound

Leaves Leaves

Grind or Pound

Combining the Madre de Cacao Leaves and Bay Leaves

Molding the Mixtures

Production of Botanical Rodenticide

Figure 2:

Process Flow of the the Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao

(Gliricidia Sepium) & Bay Leaves (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Product Design

Figure 3: Botanical pellet-formed rodenticide

The botanical rodenticide can be called 'Jerry Rat Bait.' It is produced from

Madre de Cacao leaves and Bay leaves. The product is designed to use as a

natural pesticide for rats. It can use for different kinds of rodents as long as they

are a pest. Its efficacy and potential can help exterminate and lessen rat infestation

on the farm or house. It is a non-toxic, natural, and inexpensive innovation that

could be utilized to make good use of our natural resources.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


This chapter includes the results and discussion of the processed product.

The required values and parameters are obtained to meet desired characteristics

and benefits of a botanical rodenticide.

This study was originally developed and created for individuals who have

experienced rat infestation in their houses, gardens, and farms and intend to solve

it. This will help the community and the environment since the processed product

is non-toxic, and it can be an answer to managing the problems in rats, especially

at home, without facing the risk of chemicals.

1) To produce a natural bait using Madre de Cacao and Bay laurel to

control rat infestation.

The proponent of the study has developed a natural rodenticide using the

mixture of Madre de cacao and Bay leaves. This will help control rat infestation

and prevent too much increase in its population. In order to carry out the

experiment properly, the researcher acquired the materials and tools required.

Some materials are already on hand at the researcher's residence.

The production of the rat food poison pellet made from fresh Madre de cacao

leaves and dried Bay leaves is done by a simple process which is grinding and
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

combining all-natural materials. The researcher will be able to make an efficient

alternative rodenticide by utilizing the leaves of the two said plants after a lengthy

process. The study has three trials and sets. Therefore, the researcher also has

three different mixtures and ratios. They are 2:1 (100 g Bay leaves and 50 g Madre

de Cacao leaves), 1:2 (50 grams Bay leaves and 100 grams Madre de Cacao

leaves), and 1:1 (50 g of Bay leaves and 50 grams of Madre de Cacao leaves).

The researcher used 20 mL of honey in every set of the mixture to be able

to make a good shape pellet. All mixtures, even the finished rodenticide pellets,

are weighed correctly and profoundly to ensure that all have the same weight

before giving to the experimental rats.

The pellets were molded manually into a ballpen’s body and pushed by a

stick made of bamboo for the mixture to come out in a pellet-formed rodenticide.

Each mixture has its ballpen and sticks to prevent them from mixing. After air

drying, all pellets are put in their respective containers for the finishing touch.

Containers have different colors to indicate which mixture it is.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Table 1: Physical Characteristics of the Pellet Mixtures

Components Amount of Physical

Ratio of the Mixture Honey Characteristics

100 g Bay 20 mL non-sticky,

2:1 leaves and 50 g loose, easy to
of Madre de mold and air
Cacao leaves dry, not in
mixture perfect shape
after being
molded, army
green in color

50 g Bay 20 mL too watery, too

leaves and 100 sticky, difficult to
1:2 g of Madre de mold and air
Cacao leaves dry, almost
mixture perfect in
shape, dark
green in color

50 g Bay 20 mL has the right

1:1 leaves and 50 g amount of
of Madre de water,
Cacao leaves stickiness, and
mixture dryness, is easy
to mold and air
dry, almost
perfect in
shape, army
green in color

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

The first mixture contains 100 grams of bay leaves and 50 grams of Madre

de cacao, giving a ratio of 2:1. The dried bay leaves and fresh Madre de cacao

leaves are ground first before combining them with 20 mL of honey. This ratio

produced an army green color, non-sticky and loose pellets since bay leaves are

dried and have more grams. It is easier to mold and air dry than the other two.

However, these pellets do not meet the standard shape and are easy to crush into

powder-like materials when being shaken.

On the other hand, the second mixture has a ratio of 1:2, which has 50 grams

of bay leaves and 100 grams of Madre de cacao. In this case, the mixture has this

watery characteristic because it has more grams of fresh Madre de cacao leaves.

The mixture gives a dark green color pellet. It is too sticky, making it difficult to put

in the ballpen’s body for molding. Since the mixture was too wet, it took time to dry.

But the pellets almost look like commercially available ones, though they are bigger

than commercial products.

And the last mixture contains 50 grams of leaves of each plant with a ratio of

1:1. It is the easiest to put in the ballpen’s body. It is not too dry, too sticky, nor too

watery. It has the right amount of these three attributes making it the perfect

mixture for molding. It also has an army green color and almost meets the standard

shape for a pellet.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

In terms of physical characteristics, the ratio of 1:1, which contains 50 grams

of leaves of each plant, is the most ideal among the three sets of mixtures

concerning the shape and the level of process difficulty.

2) To determine the ideal ratio and level of effectiveness of Madre de

Cacao and Bay laurel by the number of death or mortality rate.

An experiment was conducted to fulfill the second objective of the study. This

is to evaluate and identify the ideal ratio and level of effectiveness of the leaves of

Madre de Cacao and Bay laurel by the death or mortality rate. The experimental

subjects in this study are twelve male albino rats weighing 60 grams each. They

are put in a cage and separated concerning the ratio of the rodenticide mixture.

Three albino rats will be used as a control, and the nine left, on the other hand, will

be used as the experimental subjects for the three sets of mixtures.

Metal Screen

hole for


Figure 4: Rats’ Cage

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

The cage is designed to shut the rats in so the experiment will become

easier to perform. It allows for direct observation of the rats’ behavior toward the

treated materials. Since the rats have one of the sharpest teeth among the small

animals, the cage is assembled using plywood and a metal screen. Thus, it will

be difficult for them to chew it, which will prevent them from escaping and keep

them inside the cage. The cage has holes like windows for arm access. The rats

will be fed here as well.

The natural rodenticides are put in a small, shallow plastic bowl, then

inserted into the cage. Pellets have not been measured because of the different

sizes. The researcher considered putting 2 grams in every bowl. Hence, the albino

rats would still be able to consume the same amount of the mixtures. The mixtures

are fed to the rats, and the researcher monitors the possible reaction that may

occur during the day. The duration of the product’s effect on the rats is observed

using a mobile phone and timer for a clear and accurate result.

The results of the three days observation are shown in the tables below.

Each table includes the control and treated albino rats, the type of pellet and the

amount of the mixture used to produce it, the grams given per day, and the effects

of the product observed by the researcher to support her claim.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats
(Result for the 1st day of Observation)

Control and Grams of the

Treated Albino Type of Pellet Pellets Given Effects
Rats for Day 1 Observed

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (100 g of being
Treated 1 Bay leaves and poisoned))
50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (50 g of being
Treated 2 Bay leaves and poisoned)
100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Treated 3 Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (50 g of being
Bay leaves and poisoned)
50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

On the first day, the researcher evaluated the effectiveness of three

mixtures with ratios of 2:1, 1:2, and 1:1. The rodenticide pellet was given, weighing

2 grams at 8 a.m., 12 noon, and 8 p.m. Most of the treated group 2 albino rats

ignore the bait at first but eat them eventually.

According to some sources, rats are too quick-witted to be killed since they

have “bait shyness” behavior. Bait shyness is a form of avoidance learning in which

the animal quickly develops an aversion towards a portion of food or bait that

intends to kill rat populations by using poison. Rats and mice tend to avoid

unfamiliar foods and sample them tentatively. A rat that takes a small amount of

high poisoned food and survives will never touch the same type of food again. Rats

are one of these mammals that are too conscious of what they eat. Nevertheless,

Dr. Hockman mentioned in an article that Madre de cacao, one of the components

of this product, does not develop bait shyness. And some studies have also stated

that rats think that bay leaves are some kinds of food portion that they can eat.

Therefore, rats eat them without noticing that it is a poison.

However, after day 1 of observation, no effects show up. There is no sign

of them being poisoned. The rats still acted normally and in accordance with their

actual behavior, like what control does.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.1: Effects of the Proposed Rodenticide Pellet for Rats
(Result for the 2nd day of Observation)

Control and Grams of the

Treated Albino Type of Pellet Pellets Given Effects
Rats for Day 2 Observed

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Weak

Pellets (100 g 2 - Normal
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 1 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Normal
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 2 100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Sneezed
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Sneezed
Group 3 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

On the next day, another round of two grams of pellets is given to the treated

albino rats at the same schedule. The effects have been observed, and for the last

48 hours, one from treated group 1 albino rats and two from treated group 3 show

some reactions. The one from the treated group 1 albino rat is weaker than usual.

This effect was noticed after giving the pellets for the evening schedule. The rat

often slept in the corner, was not lively, and seemed lethargic. The other two from

treated group 3 sneezed when monitoring before giving the pellets for the 12-noon

schedule. All these signs are not recorded but written on the researcher’s logbook.

Moreover, other researchers said that at some point, Madre de cacao and

honey, the additive material for this product, can cause sneezing. They can trigger

allergic reactions in some instances. Another, Madre de cacao leaves and bay

leaves have chemical substances like coumarins that are toxic to rats. This

substance may result in blood clotting that can weaken the ones who ingested it

and lead to a major health issue.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.2: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats
(Result for the 3rd day of Observation)

Control and Type of Pellet Grams of the Effects

Treated Albino Pellets Given Observed
Rats for Day 3

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Died

Pellets (100 g (Only 4 g for T1 2 - Weak
Treated Bay leaves and (1) since it died 3 - Normal
Group 1 50 g of Madre before the 8 pm
de Cacao schedule)
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Weak
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 2 100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Sneezed
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Died
Group 3 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

On the last day of observation, more rats show different effects. Another rat

is getting weaker from the treated group 1 albino rat, and the one that was weak

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

last day died. The researcher saw it during the inspection that day. The researcher

tries to poke it to see if it’s really dead or simply sleeping. But it did not move.

Hence, the rat is dead. The mixture that was being eaten up was a combination of

100 grams of Bay leaves and 50 grams of Madre de cacao. It lasted for about 63

hours and 18 minutes regarding the timer on the researcher’s phone.

Another from the treated group 2, an albino rat, has also changed its

behavior. According to some research, rats are attracted to the sound of anything

as they think they would be in danger. That’s one of their ways to run fast to protect

themselves from predators. The researcher makes some sounds with the use of a

biscuit’s plastic. But, in this case, this rat ignores the sounds. It is sitting only in the


And for the last group, two treated albino rats sneezed, but one had blood

on his nose. One of these two died eventually. The rat lasted for about 71 hours

and 31 minutes. The pellets that were given in this group were a mixture of 50 g of

Bay leaves and 50 grams of Madre de cacao.

Moreover, the table below shows that even after the three-day observation

of the rodenticide pellets' effects, some rats showed some signs, such as sneezing

and getting weak. And others could not take the poison any longer. They died

eventually within two days after the three-day observation

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.3: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for
Rats Two Days After the Three-Day Observation

Control and Type of Pellet Grams of the Effects

Treated Albino Pellets Given Observed
Rats for Day 4-5

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide Only 6 g for 2 - Died

Pellets (100 g both rats since 3 - Died
Treated Bay leaves and these two died
Group 1 50 g of Madre on the fourth
de Cacao day night
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 12 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g (Only 8 g for T2 2 - Died
Treated Bay leaves and (2) since it died 3 - Sneezed
Group 2 100 g of Madre before the 12nn
de Cacao of the 5th-day
leaves mixture) schedule)

Rodenticide 12 grams 1 - Weak

Pellets (50 g 2 - Died
Treated Bay leaves and
Group 3 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

The death of rats might be explained scientifically as some studies have

stated that the Madre de cacao and bay leaves can get rid of rodents in large

amounts, especially when ingested. They have toxic substances that may result in
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

blood clotting. It will be followed by bleeding that may lead to internal hemorrhage

and cause death.

Because the treated albino rats in group 1 died faster than the others, the

researcher concluded that the mixture of 100 grams of Bay leaves and 50 grams

of Madre de cacao is the most effective in exterminating rats. This mixture can kill

a male rat weighing 60 grams within three to four days. It took 63 hours and 18

minutes to get rid of one of the treated group 1 albino rats. While the others, which

have eaten the set 2 and set 3 mixtures, took more time to die. As a result, this will

be a good foundation for more innovative rodenticides in the future.

3) To measure the duration for the mixture to exterminate rodents.

Based on the experiments that the researchers did to figure out how long it

would take for the Bay leaves and Madre de Cacao leaves extract to kill rats, the

researcher used a stopwatch to get the right time of when the rats died. And based

on the three types of rodenticide pellets that the researcher did, the fastest one in

killing rats is the first set mixture, which has 100 grams of Bay leaves and 50 grams

of Madre de cacao. The time duration is 63 hours and 18 minutes. The next is the

third set mixture which kills an albino rat within 71 hours and 31 minutes, and the

last is the second one containing 100 grams of Madre de cacao leaves and 50

grams of Bay leaves which did not kill any rat within the three-day observation. The

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

researcher figured bay leaves would help exterminate rats since the mixture has

50% more bay leaves than the Madre de cacao.

Table 3: Duration of the Rodenticide Pellets to Exterminate

Rats During the Three-Day Observation

Control and Ratio and Number of Duration of

Treated Albino Mixture Rats Died Exterminating
Rats Rats

2:1 (100 g Bay 1 63 hours and 18

leaves and 50 g minutes
Treated of Madre de
Group 1 Cacao leaves

1:2 (50 g Bay 0 No rats died

leaves and 100
Treated g of Madre de
Group 2 Cacao leaves

1:1 (50 g Bay 1 71 hours and 31

leaves and 50 g minutes
Treated of Madre de
Group 3 Cacao leaves

In addition, the observation lasted for only three days. Even so, another four

albino rats died within two days after the three-day monitoring. There is nothing

left in treated group 1. There are two from group 2 and one from group 3. Both rats

from group 1 died on the fourth day, and the other two from groups 2 and 3 were
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

on the fifth day. Therefore, the rats consume 18 to 30 grams of the mixtures given

to them before dying.

Table 3.1: Duration of the Rodenticide Pellets to Exterminate

Rats After the Three-Day Observation

Treated Ratio and Rats Left After Number Duration of

Albino Mixture the Three-Day of Rats Exterminating
Rats Observation Died Rats

Treated 2:1 (100 g 2 2 4 days

Group 1 Bay leaves
and 50 g of
Madre de

1:2 (50 g Bay 3 1 5 days

leaves and
Treated 100 g of
Group 2 Madre de

1:1 (50 g Bay 2 1 5 days

leaves and
Treated 50 g of
Group 3 Madre de

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

4) To conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

The low cost of the botanical rodenticide using the leaves of Madre de

Cacao and Bay, despite its quality, will make the study more appealing because

of its affordability. Numerous markets provide affordable prices to their customers

and buyers based on their efficacy. To estimate the cost of natural rodenticide

production, the proponents of the study determine the price of the materials used.

Table 4: Proposed Product’s Cost Analysis

MATERIALS Quantity Cost (Php.)

Dried Bay Leaves 2 (100 g per plastic) 78

Madre de Cacao 150 g 0

Plastic Jar 3 48
Bottle of Honey 100 mL 120

Total Cost 146

The table above shows the proposed product’s total cost summary. The

total cost is approximately Php. 146.00. This includes two plastic bay leaves

containing 100 grams each, which cost Php.78.00 in total, three plastic jar

containers, which cost Php.16.00 each, and a bottle of honey, which cost Php.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

120.00. The bay leaves are bought online, and the other two materials are at the

Batangas city marketplace. Other materials used in the final product production,

such as the 200 grams of Madre de cacao leaves, are already available at the

researcher’s home. The first mentioned materials are the only ones purchased that

the researcher used to create botanical rodenticides.

Table 4.1: Rats and Rats’ Cage Cost Analysis

MATERIALS Quantity Cost (Php.)

Nails ¼ kg 30

Metal Screen 1½m 160

Albino Rats 12 960

Total Cost 1150

The table above shows the cost of albino rats and the materials used to

create the cage. Therefore, the total cost incurred by the researcher is

approximately Php 1150. 00, which is for ¼ kg of nails, which cost Php. 30.00, 1

½ m of metal screen used for the cage to enclose the rats, and lastly, the albino

rats, which have a total cost of Php. 960.00.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Table 4.2: Comparison of the Effectivity Between Commercially

Available Rodenticide Product and Researcher’s Most Effective
Rodenticide Product in Terms of Killing Rats

Product Type of Duration of the Duration of

Rodenticide Initial Effects in Killing Rats

Available Chemical-Based 15 minutes to 1 2 to 4 hours
Rodenticide hour

Most Effective
Botanical Plant-Based 24 to 48 hours 63 hours and
Rodenticide 18 minutes

This table compares the effectiveness and duration of the initial effects and

the time it took for the product to kill the rats. To compare the chemical-based and

plant-based products, the researcher searched for an effective commercially

available rodenticide online first, which is zinc phosphide. The researcher cited

articles and watched videos that showed this product's effectiveness. According to

previous studies, zinc phosphide works quickly with the target animal, and it is

proven and shown in the table above.

The researcher's most effective proposed rodenticide products took 63 hours

and 18 minutes, or almost three days, to eliminate rats. And it took one to two days

before it began showing clinical signs. However, it took only 15 minutes to 1 hour

for the commercial product to show initial effects and 2 - 4 hours to kill rats. Studies
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

said that the duration of killing the rats depends on their weight. In the video

watched by the researcher, the rats are in their adult age and approximately

weighing 300 to 500 grams, and zinc phosphide still kills the rats in just a span of

time, while the proposed product is in the accumulation period just yet. Hence, the

chemical-based product is faster and more effective than the proposed plant-

based rodenticide.

The researcher concluded that commercially available products are more

effective than the proposed product. It explains that its effectiveness is more

beneficial for killing rats. Regardless, this is still chemical-based and too risky to

use as it harms people, other animals, and the environment.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations drawn from

the analysis of the data gathered by the researchers to produce a natural

rodenticide in the pellet-formed.


From the data and information gathered by the researchers from different

studies, the proponents of the study formulated the following conclusions:

1) Madre de Cacao leaves and Bay leaves could produce natural bait to

control rats’ infestation.

The leaves of Madre de Cacao and Bay laurel achieved their goal of

producing rodenticide. The leaves are turned into three different pellet-formed

rodenticides. They differ in terms of physical characteristics and level of

effectiveness. The researcher figured out that the proposed natural product can

change rat behaviors, cause sneezing, weakens the rats, and even cause death.

These observations are also supported by facts, as some studies stated

that Madre de cacao leaves serve as dicoumarol which impedes blood from a clot

and may result in internal hemorrhage. And Bay leaves might result in liver

malfunction by continuously taking it. Thus, this study could prove that Bay leaves

and Madre de Cacao leaves can produce a product that can help prevent or control

rat infestation.
Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

2) The pellets’ mixture of 100 g of Bay leaves and 50 g of Madre de Cacao

with a ratio of 2:1 is the ideal one and the most effective among the

three pellets.

In the experiment, among the three different ratios of pellets, the

combination of 100 g of Bay and 50 g of Madre de Cacao leaves is the most

effective and ideal. The researcher has observed that the rats are more attracted

to this mixture, making them ingest repeated doses, resulting in death. It did not

also exhibit bait shyness.

Furthermore, this 2:1 ratio is proven to kill a male rat weighing 60 grams

within three days. This is the fastest among the three to kill rodents and causes

some effects on their health and changes their normal behavior into aggressive

and wild. Thus, the ratio of 2:1, which contains 100 g of ground Bay leaves and 50

g of ground Madre de cacao, is the prominent mixture.

3) A rodenticide mixture is more effective with more grams of Bay leaves.

The mixture with a large portion of Bay leaves makes the most effective

plant-based rodenticide compared to the two other ratios with less amount of the

leaves. This mixture is the first one that shows initial effects in the rats. The rat

became weak and eventually died. The researcher figured out that these leaves

make the rodenticide more appealing to the rats. Since rats have a distinct sense

of smell, the sweet scent of bay leaves attracts them more. Hence, the rats

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

consumed considerable amounts of the proposed rodenticide pellets, which were

enough to kill them.

Moreover, bay leaves also have chemical compounds lethal to rats, such as

tannins and citric acids. These constituents also help make the bay leaves a more

effective component of the natural rodenticide. Therefore, the researcher

concluded that the more bay leaves in a rodenticide mixture, the more effective it

will be.

4) Madre de Cacao leaves and Bay leaves as pellet-formed rodenticides

could take three days or more to kill rodents.

The pellet-formed rodenticide took time to eliminate the rats, which is its

downside. The most effective mixture took three days to kill a rat and four and half

days to exterminate the whole treated group. The less effective ones took three to

five days to kill, which is too long compared to the commercial product's

effectiveness when it comes to the duration of killing rats. Hence, the researcher

concluded that Madre de Cacao leaves, and Bay leaves, are slow-acting

substances, but they could be deadly in large doses.

5) Natural rodenticide pellets made of Madre de Cacao leaves and Bay

leaves are an inexpensive alternative, but chemical-based products

are more efficient than this proposed product.

The researcher concluded that the proposed plant-based product is more

affordable but less effective than commercial rodenticides. The materials are

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

available and can be seen at home, making the product more inexpensive.

However, it is not as effective as chemical-based products, which are commercially

available nowadays. This food bait slowly accumulates in the body and can be

lethal and shows some effects in a few days, unlike chemical-based products,

which are fast-acting substances and only take hours to kill rats. Hence, botanical

rodenticide has disadvantages and advantages on different points.


Based on the study's conclusion, the researcher recommends the following

for further enhancement of the study.

1. Future researchers can improve the project by gathering sufficient

information and data from various reliable sources. It will be more accurate if the

statements are from credible references, like articles. Adding more details and

facts will also help to improve the study's credibility. The investigation, observation,

and documentation should be as systematic and detailed as possible.

2. The researcher suggests that the experiment is done in the laboratory with

proper equipment because the experimentation and result will be safer and more

accurate. The researcher also advises running more trials with different levels of

product ratio to see which is the perfect mixture that can kill rats more effectively

and in just a short period.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

3. The study's proponent suggests gathering accurate information about the

best ways to keep the natural rodenticide from spoiling or contaminating after a

few days.

4. For the experimental subjects, it is also preferable if more rats will use in

the experiment. The researcher recommends using the same kind of rats for their

safety. However, they can also use different rat species to find further possible

information and results. And if an albino rat will still be the subject, make sure to

look for it in advance because it is hard to find in the Batangas region.

5. People consider natural products over chemical-based ones because

these products contain substances harmful to human health and the environment

due to pollution and contamination. And for this reason, the researcher encourages

future innovators to use natural materials for their studies. They can still improve

the idea and concept of alternative natural products and use this study as a basis

for the enhancement of the outcome.

6. The researcher used current knowledge and information to create this

botanical and nontoxic product as the researcher envisions an increased use of

natural products and fewer chemicals in rat control to less harm the whole

ecosystem. And most importantly, a safe environment for all humanity away from

dangers posed by rats. Future innovators are more capable of building on the

researchers' ideas. Therefore, the researcher recommends creating and making a

change with a good vision that can benefit all.

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

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Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
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Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
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(Weighing and Grinding)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
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(Weighing, Washing, Grinding)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
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Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

(Transferring of the Pellets to Jar Containers)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Tabulated Result
Table 2: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats
(Result for the 1st day of Observation)

Control and Grams of the Effects

Treated Albino Type of Pellet Pellets Given Observed
Rats for Day 1

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (100 g of being
Treated 1 Bay leaves and poisoned))
50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (50 g of being
Treated 2 Bay leaves and poisoned)
100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Treated 3 Rodenticide 6 grams Normal (No sign

Pellets (50 g of being
Bay leaves and poisoned)
50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.1: Effects of the Proposed Rodenticide Pellet for Rats
(Result for the 2nd day of Observation)

Control and Grams of the

Treated Albino Type of Pellet Pellets Given Effects
Rats for Day 2 Observed

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Weak

Pellets (100 g 2 - Normal
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 1 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Normal
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 2 100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Sneezed
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Sneezed
Group 3 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.2: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for Rats
(Result for the 3rd day of Observation)

Control and Type of Pellet Grams of the Effects

Treated Albino Pellets Given Observed
Rats for Day 3

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Died

Pellets (100 g (Only 4 g for T1 2 - Weak
Treated Bay leaves and (1) since it died 3 - Normal
Group 1 50 g of Madre before the 8 pm
de Cacao schedule)
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Weak
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Normal
Group 2 100 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 6 grams 1 - Normal

Pellets (50 g 2 - Sneezed
Treated Bay leaves and 3 - Died
Group 3 50 g of Madre
de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Tabulated Result
Table 2.3: Effects of the Proposed Pellet Rodenticide for
Rats Two Days After the Three-Day Observation

Control and Type of Pellet Grams of the Effects

Treated Albino Pellets Given Observed
Rats for Day 4-5

Control Commercial 6 grams Normal (No sign

Food Pellet of being
Rodenticide Only 6 g for
Pellets (100 g both rats since 2 - Died
Bay leaves and these two died 3 - Died
Treated 50 g of Madre on the fourth
Group 1 de Cacao day night
leaves mixture)

Rodenticide 12 grams
Pellets (50 g (Only 8 g for T2 1 - Normal
Bay leaves and (2) since it died 2 - Died
Treated 100 g of Madre before the 12nn 3 - Sneezed
Group 2 de Cacao of the 5th-day
leaves mixture) schedule)

Rodenticide 12 grams
Pellets (50 g 1 - Weak
Bay leaves and 2 - Died
Treated 50 g of Madre
Group 3 de Cacao
leaves mixture)

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Alexza Nicole F. Buisan

St. Peter Subdivision, Alangilan Batangas City

Educational Qualification 2020 -Present

Senior High School Level
Westmead Academy of Science
and Technology Foundation Inc.
Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Level
Batangas Province High School
for Culture and Arts
Bolbok, Batangas City

Elementary Level
San Nicolas Elementary School
San Nicolas, Lobo, Batangas

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Extra-Curricular Activities Student Council’s Grade 11 STEM

Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Student Council’s Vice President
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Tech Leaders Club’s President
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
LPU University 50th Anniversary
Solo Dance Competition
December 2021

Achievements With Honors

Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Activie Participation in
Academic Competition
June 2020
2nd Place
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Senior High School Week
Solo Dance Competition
March 2021
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Senior High School Week
Group Dance Competition
March 2021

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

2nd Place
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Senior High School Week
Logo Making Competition
March 2021
Westmead International School
15th Foundation Day Celebration
Group Dance Competition
December 2021
2nd Place
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Senior High School Week
Poster Making Competition
March 2022

Webinar Attended Assertive Communication Skills

Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Via ReSkills App
February 2022
Career Planning, Workplace
Trends and Stress
Westmead International School
Via Zoom Meeting
March 2022
Future Focus: Realities and Relevance
in the Hybrid Work Environment
Westmead International School
Via Zoom Meeting
April 2022

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

Start Up Conference: Shaping Up the

Future of Youths Through Start Ups
Westmead International School
Via Zoom Meeting
April 2022

Personal Information Date of Birth: March 18, 2004

Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Language: Filipino, English

References Dr. Arlene D. Castor

Chair Panelist
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Bessielyn V. Aledo
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Ryan A. Aledo
Research Professor and Thesis Adviser
Westmead Academy of Science and
Technology Foundation, Inc.

“Available upon request”

Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide
Westmead Academy of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Senior High School Department

I hereby certify that facts contained in this resume are true and correct to

the best of my knowledge and belief.


Effectiveness of Utilizing Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) and Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) as
a Botanical Rodenticide

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