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Maramot, Alexa Jahara S.


1. Watch the movie and analyze the movie’s group by describing the following:

a. Their sources of cohesion

The Avengers were a group of extraordinary people who either possessed superpowers or other
unique traits. Their goal was to defend world stability from internal or external dangers, despite
being largely connected to American interests. Due to the Avengers Mission and Loki's invasion
of Earth with his Chitauri invasion force, S.H.I.E.L.D. first put together the Avengers. The theme
included Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
The Tesseract, a crystalline-cube shape of energy that opens a portal to the universe, is under
the control of Loki, Thor's adopted brother, who plans to use it to attack Earth with his army of
aliens. This is why they are brought together in "The Avengers," as Loki is a threat to the Earth.
Assembling the Avengers until they understand the advantages of teamwork and the idea of
cooperating with others. And this is why Avengers creates group cohesion.

b. The consequences of their cohesion

The Avengers are united after the unexpected and tragic death of a friend at the hands of their
common enemy which is Loki. They are motivated to work as a team to overcome new
challenges: Loki and the Chitauri have invaded New York City with plans for world domination.
All members of the Avengers are equally committed to a common goal defeating Loki and
saving the city. With the fate of the free world in their hands, they rally behind Captain America
and follow his lead into battle.

2. Apply Tuckman's five stages of group development to the group in the movie. Cite scenes or
examples for each stage.

2. 1. Storming- In the movie, Nick Fury and the secret organization S.H.I.E.L.D. assemble a
squad consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye to
prevent Loki, the brother of Thor, from conquering Earth.
2. Storming-They had plans to defeat Loki from ruling the earth. The team's realization that they
must shut the portal to stop any more Chitauri from arriving causes the emphasis of the battle to
change. Natasha learns that Loki's scepter will shut the portal when a previously brain-hacked
Eric Selvig awakens. The Chitauri and Manhattan will be destroyed, according to the World
Security Council. Tony grabs the bomb and throws it into space, just managing to pass through
the closing hole.

3. Norms- The Avengers struggle to work as a team, but eventually combine their leadership
styles to succeed.

Tony Stark (Iron Man): “I have a plan: attack”

Steve: Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything…Stark, you got the perimeter…Thor,
you gotta try and bottleneck that portal…You and me, we stay here on the ground…Hulk?

Natasha: Dr. Banner... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be
okay. Listen to me. We're gonna be okay, right?

Thor: This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!

Steve: You think you can hold them off?

Clint: Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure.

Steve: Dr. Banner? Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.
Banner: That’s my secret, Captain – I’m always angry.

4. Performing- When Loki and Chitauri began to attack the earth, The Avengers are more
motivated to defeat the villains and protect the people and the earth from the attack.

5. Adjourning- The ending of The Avengers also sets the stage for different friendships and
partnerships moving forward, but prepared to unite once a troublesome danger to appears.

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