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A. Problem Statement: How should Holmes respond in the current situation?

B. Situation analysis:
The company founded by George Holmes is growing constantly in demand for its security
devices and advisory services. Due to this reason, they are in search for more full-time
employees to expand their business to meet the growing needs.
Jackson has put forward some of his demands with respect to Holmsafe and George Holmes
needs to figure out whether he should give in to his demands or analyze the situation better
and come up with a situation.

C. The Options:
1. Smith’s contribute more than 50% and is projected to grow for the next year for the
total sale of holmessafe, we can negotiate with Jackson and come up with a solution
that is mutually beneficial to both. Perhaps we can give in to Jacksons demand and ask
him to help in increase of our client base.
2. We can decline Jacksons demand and face the consequences of loss of sales.
3. Increase business with existing clients other then smiths and try to expand business to
gain new clients

D. Criteria for evaluation:

How it would affect our sales
Should see a growth in advisory services
Should also take care of ethics

E. Evaluation of options

Criteria Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

1. Effects on Good Decline Increase
2. Growth Not by a long Not sure Increase
opportunities margin
3. Brand No effects No effects Increase

F. Recommendations: considering the long-term benefits, Holmes should opt for opinion 3 as
it will grow the business and also keep the ethics strong.

Action plan: discuss with Jackson and let him know about your inability to heed to his demands.
Start looking for a wider range of customers and also look for ways to retain the existing

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