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Study of the variation of thermo emf across two junctions of

thermocouple with temperature

Experiment No. 6
Physics Lab 3: Thermal Physics & Statistical
Department of Physics, School of Physical
Sciences,Central University of Karnataka,

1 Aim of the experiment

To study of the variation of thermo emf across two junctions of thermocouple with

2 Apparatus

1. A potentiometer,
2. Standard cell
3. A battery
4. Resistance box (RB),
5. Rheostat,
6. A sensitive galvanometer,
7. A one-way key,
8. Two way key,
9. Thermometer,
10. Ice bath,
11. Water pot (or sand bath),
12. A thermocouple
13. P.O. Box.

3 Theory

The thermo-e.m.f. developed in the thermocouple due to temperature difference T

is given by
where = e.m.f. of a standard cell in volts

= Resistance taken out from resistance box (R.B.) across which the e.m.f. of the
standard cells balanced in ohms.

= Resistance per unit length of the potentiometer wire tin ohms / meter.

= Balancing length on the potentiometer wire across which the thermo-e.m.f. is

balanced in meter.

4 Experimental Procedure

Fig.1 Experimental arrangement to measure thermo-emf when a) a very high


Fig.2 Experimental arrangement to measure thermo-emf when b) a potential

divider arrangement is used.
1. Make the electrical connections as shown the circuit Fig.1.

2. Close key k1 and (i) of key k2. For accurate measurement the potential
gradient should be as small as possible but at the same time potential drop
across the wire should be greater than the thermo emf to be measured. Since
thermo emf is of the order of 2 to 3 mV in the temperature range between 0
and 100 it is convenient to set a potential difference of 5 mV across the wire.
Therefore for standardization of potentiometer insert a resistance of 1K ohms
in the resistance box and adjust the resistance in the rheostat so that there is
no deflection in the galvanometer.

3. Open (i) and close (ii) of key k2 so that thermocouple is in the circuit.

4. Heat the water in the copper pot to about 90 and immerse the junction 1 of
the thermo couple in it.

5. Determine the null point on the potentiometer wire and note the length of wire
from the point A to the null point and the temperature of the hot junction.

6. Take similar observations of null point length and corresponding temperature

of the hot junction at intervals of about 5 .

7. Calculate thermo emf for all observations and plot a graph between thermo
emf as ordinate and temperature of hot junction as abscissa.

Observation Table 1: Calibration of the Thermocouple

Least count of thermometer =...................

Observation :

1. E.M.F. of the standard cell = 1.08 volts.

2. Resistance per unit length of the potentiometer wire .

3. Resistance R across which the emf of Daniel cell is balanced .

4. Potential gradient = (0.02). (10.8) / vs. temperature of the

cold junction = .............. .

5 Result

1. Potential gradient of potentiometer wire

2. Thermo e.m.f. at a given tempt .

3. % error = ..............

The graph between thermo emf and temperature of the hot junction is a straight line.

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