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Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person

Submitted to:

Jane Paul Ombania

Submitted by:

Hernandez, Charles Paulo P.

Tahil, Althea Mae B.

Talaid, Anika Kim R.

Tagalog, Merian M.

Suazo, Ranel F.

Sugala, Cielo Nicole O.

Virtudez, Glaiza Krissan C.

Taojo, Gwenn Peachy P.

Having an intimate relationship or a special someone is one of the goals and
satisfactions we want to achieve. Couples will get involved with their lives even more.
They will share wins and losses, open and solve problems together, compromise on
their relationship, and build an intimate and healthy bond within their relationship.
Through ups and downs, one is with their partner. Moreover, having considerable
involvement in each other's lives also leads to sharing passwords on each other's
social media accounts. Until now, this matter is still debatable if we need to share our
passwords on our accounts with our partners or not. The reason it is still debatable is
that this topic is so complex that it also leads to the trust the people in a relationship
have in each other. As we go further into this topic, we will discuss the pros and cons
of sharing one's social media account passwords with their partner.

Advantages of sharing one's password with their partner. Password sharing

increases the level of assurance that exists in a relationship. Moreover, it lessens trust
issues, anxiety, and overthinking within a relationship. It illustrates the benefit of having
quick access to the partners' passwords in case one notices anything suspicious. A
person can rest easy knowing that their partner will not do anything behind their back
because they know what activities their partners do with their account. Furthermore,
this prevents misunderstandings and overthinking for couples, as they are consistently
updated. After all, sharing a password is purely for convenience and contributes
significantly to relationship trust.

Some disadvantages of sharing one's password with their partner. In a

relationship, the cons outweigh the pros. The first disadvantage is not having privacy,
boundaries should exist even if the person is someone they trust. For instance, when
one gives someone access to their private communication, particularly phone
conversations, direct messages on social media, email accounts, and so on. They gain
access to information about the person who shares and all of that person's
acquaintances. It is seriously damaging and irresponsible not to protect one's contacts
from having personal or professional concerns accessed by a third party without their
knowledge and explicit agreement. This behavior can lead to an abusive relationship.
Second, it can be a reason for conflict because if one is checking the phone of the
other and then discovers old issues from exes, it can cause trouble in the relationship,
one of the instances that may result from a conflict is when a person opens the account
of their partner then one has read a message saying "come to our house" they may
think it was the other person's mistress but on the contrary, it was just their partner's
sister. Moreover, it will be hard to prepare for surprises because one's partner might
know it. Lastly, trust in the relationship may lack since it proves that one cannot trust
their partner unless they see proof to believe and trust their partner.

The majority of Group 5 members sides with not sharing their passwords with
their partners. Partners cannot share their passwords because password-sharing
behaviors can sometimes be awkward. They do not have control over their partner
and have no right to know every detail about their partner. They are not entitled to the
other person's inner world, neither they nor their partner is entitled to know everything
about what they do. Why would they be in a relationship with someone they do not
trust? Moreover, why would they want to be in a relationship with someone who treats
them poorly? Setting boundaries is healthy, but respecting them is much healthier.

Partners should be considerate of each other's privacy. Accepting that their

partner may choose not to share everything with them is enough especially when it
comes to the right to keep things to themselves. Even if a person is in a committed
relationship, one must also respond in a way that indicates acceptance and
understanding. On the other hand, just because it is common and can help create trust
does not always imply that exchanging passwords within a relationship is a good
choice. It may seem insignificant when the relationship is still joyful and healthy.
However, if a break up in the future occurs, many risks can be created especially with
one's ex potentially having access to the other's phone or accounts before the

In conclusion, it all depends on the decision of the people — since this is a

personal choice and depends on how you feel and how there are a lot of pros and
cons in sharing your password or not with your partners. However, we choose to
defend this because we believe this is the best option of the two choices. Everyone
should always have the right to have as much digital privacy as they like, and nobody
should ever feel compelled or pushed to divulge their passwords if they do not want
to. Also, remember that trust cannot be replaced by providing passwords in a
relationship. Believing what they say is your decision, and that trust is accepting your
partner’s word without needing evidence.

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