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1. Clearly describe an experience of cognitive dissonance.

This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to
reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
A cognitive dissonance experience happened in making a decision to go abroad for greener pastures in life.
2. Indicate the cause of dissonance?
The cause of the dissonance is that my children are growing up and their education needs to be supported and my
family needs all the best for the future. Yet, going abroad needs money and the effects of being away from my family
are factors that would require me to have the courage being away from the family.

3. Identify how it was/ could be resolved.

It was resolved by indeed going abroad and here I am in Canada. Being away may be melancholic but we are in the age
that seems that global nautical miles aways can be resolved by the internet connectivity.

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