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a) Process ID
 Google – 7452
 MS Paint – 3576
 Eclipse – 1684
 CLIPStudio -12400
 Krita - 16052
 Explorer – 2780
 WinWord – 10352
b) Process execution status
 Google - Running
 MS Paint - Running
 Eclipse - Running
 CLIPStudio - Running
 Krita - Running
 Explorer – Running
 WinWord - Running
c) Number of Active Threads per Process
 Google - 15
 MS Paint - 1
 Eclipse - 4
 CLIPStudio - 2
 Krita - 1
 Explorer – 1
 WinWord - 1
d) Total processor time used by a processor
 Google – 1d15
 MS Paint -– 2m 1
 Eclipse -– 5h4
 CLIPStudio -– 1m2
 Krita -– 1m
 Explorer – 1m
 WinWord – 14m1
e) Amount of memory in use by the process
 Google – 225,245K
 MS Paint – 22,144K
 Eclipse – 64,484K
 CLIPStudio – 7,368K
 Krita – 13,628K
 Explorer – 30,588K
 WinWord – 79,880K

6.) The way the processes run is when its being used by a user, their memory usage
goes up when the user is using the process. The memory of each application
processes also goes up when there are tabs open.
Linux OS - All threads in Linux are implemented as standard processes. Threads
are notrepresented by any specific scheduling semantics or data structures in the
Linux kernel. Threads arejust a way of distributing resources across processes in
Linux, which are already quite lightweight,when the other systems have explicit
kernel support for threads.
Android OS - When an application component starts and there are no other
componentsrunning, the Android system creates a new Linux process with a single
thread of execution for theapplication. All components of a single application
operate in the same process and thread by defaultcalled the "main" thread.

Android OS
Linux OS

On Android OS processing and threads has been occur by the Linux Kernel. Each
application will be given a slot of CPU. Once the information of an application that
needed to be run, it will create process. In one of those process may contain threads
and by each thread will perform different tasks.
In Linux OS, it is considered in its processing as a user level. Even having multiple
threads, it is viewed as a single process. The threads in Linux are not termed by
Thread but it is light weight processes, the thread is attached to a kernel thread and
it will be scheduled to be run on physical processors.

How does the operating system support or implement multithreading?

 In doing multithreading, it will help the processes to perform more tasks.
Rather than having a four processor and each of them given to perform only
single thread, it will take a lot of time. So, having multithreading for the
operating system to calculate and work efficiency.
Is it possible to increase the number of threads within processes without
affecting the average response time of this operating system? Why or why
 It is possible, because of multithreading, an application can be executed well
and dividing its programs in each process and making it efficient. It is also
possible that having a heavy program, like playing a big game that computes
a lot of programs that may slow the response time of the operating system.
But it depends on what application will be run.
What are the possible effects of multithreading in the central processing unit
(CPU) utilization of this operating system? Rationalize your answers.
 The possible effect will be is the processes can perform multiple tasks at a
time. While having multithreading, it gives us benefits, our program will be
responsive, resource sharing, more economical in creating and context-
switch threads, and greatly increases concurrency.

(2005, April). Linux Kernel Process Management. Linux Kernel Development, 2nd
Edition. Retrieve from
Android Authority. (2016, April 13). Processes and threads - Gary explains
[Video]. YouTube.
Arora, H. (2013, November). What are Linux Processes, Threads, Light Weight
Processes, and Process State. Retrieved from
Neso Academy, (2019 May 24). Introduction to Threads [Video]. Youtube.
Pm, J., (2019, July). Process And Threads In Android. Retrieved from

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