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Satuita, Renth Krystel M.

EDFD 201 - A
M.Ed. – Biology October 15, 2022

Reflection Paper #4: Logic and Axiology

I. Summary of discussion
We begin this week’s discussion by reminding ourselves of how teachers are social
liberators. Last October 5, 2022, the world celebrated “World Teachers’ Day”. This
celebration was a great reminder for us teachers of how we impact our students. We are
then reminded if we inspire our students or not. As social liberators, are we liberating our
students?; Did we offer an avenue for them to be open to the social world or enclose them
to their so call “realities”. The educational section greatly impacts the world that is why as
teachers, we are responsible in making our students create a perfect Filipino society. A
society that is free from colonial mentality and solely for the Filipino.
As we try to reflect this questions and realities in our chosen path, we continue our
quest of creating our educational philosophy by studying the structure of Philosophy. We
focused on the study of Logic and Axiology.
Logic is a branch of Philosophy that deals with the science of correct thinking. It
compasses rationality and reasoning. It is said the we are rational beings which means that
we are superior to animals. It also focuses on correct reasoning and on the validity of
statements. What is good reasoning? Good reasoning has sound judgement and presents
facts. The fundamental unit of reasoning is argument. An argument contains a premise and
a conclusion. Since the ultimate purpose of logic is to evaluate arguments, we have to take
into account its validity. We can say that an argument is valid if it follows the form. We can
say that an argument is valid even if it is not true as long as it follows the form.
 Example of a valid argument follows the form, All A is B. No B is C. Therefore, No A is C.
We can also say that an argument is sound or unsound.
We can conclude that an argument is sound when the argument is valid and the premises
are true.
 Example of a sound argument:
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal. (The argument is valid and the premises are true that
is why it is considered as a sound argument.)
On the other hand, unsound arguments can either be valid or invalid at has at least one
false premise.
 Example of unsound argument:
All men are married.
Some doctors are not married.
Therefore, some doctors are not men.
There are also two types of arguments. We have deductive and inductive arguments. We
also discussed about Logical Fallacies. Logical fallacies are flawed, deceptive, or false
arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning. These are tricks or illusion of thought.
The second topic we discuss was Axiology. Axiology is the study of the question of
value. In life, there are some values that are non-negotiable. It focuses on three areas which
are Ethics, Aesthetics and Social/Political Philosophy. Ethics attempts to establish grounds pf
conduct; Aesthetics deals with the nature and the value of the works of art; and Social /
Political Philosophy value judgments within within civil society.

II. How can these learning's be applied to your classes?

 I can apply logic and axiology in my classes by allowing my students to organize
correct reasoning. Our students today are greatly influenced and destructed by
many social platforms that clouded their reasoning skills. As teacher I should
provide avenue which will help them harness this ability. Conducting debates in
class with proper synthesis allows my students to deepen their reasoning skills.
 As teachers we should always inculcate values to our students. We are not just
subject teachers but also a values teachers. As teachers also, we should know
where do we stand in our values.
III. Conclusion on the topic discussed and your role as an educator.
 As teachers, logic is very important for it helps us evaluate the reasoning of our
students and also spot fallacies that are dominating in our class. By using logic, we
are able to lessen commotions and conflicts. We should establish and appreciate
interdisciplinary subjects.We should also help our students create a perfect picture
of a picture perfect society.

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