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1. Introduction 2
2. Data Flow Diagram 3
2.1 Basic Compinents(DFD) 3
2.2 Example Of Data Flow Diagram 4
3. Entity Relationship Diagram 5
3.1 Database 5

3.2 Use Of ERD Diagram 5

3.2.1 Drawing Entity Relationship Diagram 5/6

3.3 Entity Relationship Diagram Example 6
4. Column Diagram 7

4.1 Applications 7
4.2 Use Case Diagram are Suitable for 7
4.3 Example of Use Case Diagram 8
5. Class Diagram 9

5.1 Occasions Of Use 9

5.2 Benefits of Class Diagrams 9
5.3 Class Diagram Example 10
6. Activity Diagram 11

6.1 Uses of Activity 11

6.2 Activity Diagram Example 12
7. Summary 13
8.Reference 14

(1) Introduction
In today's era of developing new applications or systems, it is essential to be able to
quickly understand the extent to which system and application development is taking
place. Relationship diagrams include data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams,
use case diagrams, class diagrams and activity diagrams which can be of great help in
the development part. This question will examine and understand all the relationship
diagrams to understand how they operate and what they are used for.

(2)Data flow diagram
Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical
representation of the logical functions of a
system in terms of data transfer and
processing, the internal logical flow of data
in the system and the transformation process
of the logic is the main tool for the
expression of the result-oriented system
analysis method and a graphical
representation of the software model.

(2.1)Basic components (DFD)

The system components consist of the external entities of the system, processing, data
storage and data flow in the system.

1. External entities
Mainly, there is a connection with the external system to collect the
source destination of the external data. The external entity is the
data input entity of the support system becomes the source point,
and the data output of the support system is also called the end

2. Processing
For data processing that is to say data changes are used to
change data values, each kind of processing and data input,
and output parts.

3. Data flow
Data flow processing functions input and output are used to
represent the critical data flow inside. Data flow is a tool to
simulate the data of the system inside the system to express
the process.

4. Data storage
It is mainly used to store data, and data processing can take data from the data
store and put the processed data back into the data store and data
flow is different from the data store itself is not to generate any
operation just respond to the requirements of storing and

accessing data.
(2.2)Examples of Data Flow Diagrams
When creating a new model, a data flow diagram is used to illustrate the process
of the system's flow. For example, in the following data flow diagram, when a
customer places an order, the order is forwarded to the kitchen or to other data
that needs to be processed according to other data flow processes.

Book Order System

(3)Entity Relationship Diagram
An Entity-Relationship Diagram is a flowchart showing the relationships of sets of
entities stored in a database for people, objects, or concepts that are interrelated within
a system.ERD is commonly used in designing or debugging relational databases in
software engineering, business information systems, education, and research.
Database diagrams are created for two reasons, either to design a new architecture or
to document the current structure. If there is a need to document the current database,
a data diagram can be created directly from the data in the database. The structure of
the database can be documented as a CSV file and then the program can automatically
generate an ERD.

(3.2)Use of ERD diagrams

ERD diagrams are often used in conjunction with data flow diagrams to show the
contents of data stores. It helps companies to visualize how the tools are connected in
a general way, and is particularly useful for building relational databases.

(3.2.1)Drawing entity relationship diagram

The ERD diagram I am currently working on requires the following steps to be taken
when drawing.
 Database Design - Making changes to the database structure directly can be risky
and all changes must be carefully planned to avoid damaging the data in the
database. By drawing ERD diagrams to show the design concept of the database,
it is easy to find errors and identify design flaws and make changes to the
database before implementing the changes.
 Database Reconciliation - Reconciling database issues is often challenging,
especially when the database contains many tables and writing complex SQL to
get the required information. By presenting the database structure through ERD,
you can get a comprehensive view of the entire database structure and find out
the database problems more easily.
 Database creation and repair - By using ERD to automatically generate and repair
the database, using ERD props, you can truly reflect the physical database
structure mirror.
 Helping to gather requirements - Use ERD to express the high-level business
image inside the system, used to determine the system requirements. Create
relational databases or create flowcharts and data flow models to provide a
powerful reference.

(3.3)ERD Example
Logical Data Model
Connects the product data to be ordered by the customer with the customer
information and the relationship of the order data and finally displays the collective

Student's data
Assign different data to the student's information profile and the student's course, then
connect them to each other and present the final required information.

(4)Use Case diagram
A use case diagram is the simplest way to express the interchange with a user system,
showing the relationship between a user or other related use case diagrams. With a bar
chart, the user can get and understand the different kinds of users and systems. It can
also be used in conjunction with other charts.

Regardless of the large amount of detail and possibilities involved in the use case
diagrams themselves, use class diagrams allow personnel to understand the state of
the system. Due to their simple and pure nature, use case diagrams are the best tool
for communication between project participants. The way use case diagrams are
drawn is a portrayal of the real world and can give the sub-angstrom participants an
idea of what the system is going to do and what kind of system it is going to make.
After some research use case diagrams are more complete than class diagrams. The
purpose of use case diagrams is to allow a higher level view of the entire system and
to allow project participants to understand the system in ordinary words. Use case
diagrams can be supplemented with additional diagrams and documentation to
provide a more complete picture of the system's functionality and technical details.

(4.2)Use case diagrams are suitable for :

 Representing the goals of system-user interaction
 Define requirements for interaction functions in the system
 Specify the upper and lower requirements of the system
 Model the basic things in the use case diagram

(4.3)Example of use case diagram
This is mainly a use case to depict ATM or ABM to bank customers. For example,
fund transfer, balance checking.

Mainly checkout use cases design customers, clerks and credit payment service
participants or scanning items, calculating totals and payment use cases. It is an
example of large and complex use cases to split into several small parts use cases.

(5)Class Diagram
The purpose of the class diagram is to show the static structure of the model,
especially the classes that exist inside the model. Class diagrams cannot show ad hoc
information, because classes are a major component of object-oriented modeling. The
general conceptual modeling of software systems is used and the modeling is
translated into detailed coding, so class diagrams can also be used as data modeling.
(5.1)Occasions of use
There are three types of situations in which class diagrams are used

 Modeling the vocabulary of a system

Modeling the vocabulary of a system is actually discovering classes and
discovering responsibilities from the vocabulary.

 Modeling simple collaboration

Classes, interfaces, and other elements are behaviors that work together and
provide cooperation that can't be added together by elements to get what you
want. For example, when you are modeling the processing of transactions in a
distributed system, you cannot just refer to a class to get an understanding of what
is going on or how it is done; in fact the process execution involves a series of
classes working together. If you use a class diagram, you can visualize the classes
and the relationships between them.

 Modeling a logical database schema

Imagine a conceptual blueprint for designing a database. In many domains, you
want to store persistent data in a relational or object-oriented database. Class
diagrams can be used to model these database schemas.

(5.2)Benefits of Class Diagrams

 Class diagrams illustrate the data model of very complex information systems
 Outlines the structure of the application before looking at the actual code, which
can easily reduce maintenance time
 Helps to better understand the application schematic
 Runs a detailed diagram to highlight and show the required programming code
 Helpful for developers and stakeholders

(5.3)Class Diagram Example
Shopping Cart
The following diagram illustrates how the shopping cart class is used to represent a
class diagram related to customers, shopping lists, and items for sale.

Banking System Class Diagram

The class diagram of
the banking system
shows the bank, ATM
and customer as
different classes. In
the second
compartment of each
property press inside,
then connect them
together and show the
relationship between
them. For example,
the attributes of a
bank can be account
and balance.

(6)Activity Diagram
The representation of workflow diagrams is done with activity diagrams, which are
composed of activities and actions. Inside UML, activity diagrams are used to
calculate and compose the data flow between processes and related activities. It is
mainly to illustrate the control flow however also the data flow that can show the data
storage space.

(6.1)Uses of Activities
 Before starting a project, activity diagrams can be created to model the most
important workflows.
 Activity diagrams can be created during the requirements phase to illustrate the
time flow described by use cases.
 Activity diagrams can be used during the analysis and design phases to help and
define the behavior of operations.

(6.2)Campaign Map Example

Online Shopping Activity Map

The main purpose is to enable online
customers to browse and search for products
and view specific products add products to
cart, view and update cart, checkout, in short
users can view cart anytime and anywhere.

Tickets Machine
The activity diagram is a description of the ticketing machine usage routine.
The ticket machine can request information about the trip from Commuter and based
on the information machine can calculate the payment due to request the payment
option, after the payment is done, the ticket can be distributed to Commuter and the
cash payment may result in some change due to Ent, so in this case, the change will
be distributed to Commuter and the ticket machine will The ticket machine displays

the final "thank you" word at the end of the activity.

(7) Summary
After a series of research reports and literature references, data flow diagrams are
helpful for developers to understand where the next step in system development
should be and what data to go to if problems are encountered, while entity
relationship diagrams can separate and connect many data of an enterprise in a
database that needs to be known during development, mainly for managers to
understand the data quickly and clearly. Use case diagrams and class diagrams are
also helpful when developing or researching data. Activity diagrams are a special way
of coming to the state, and most of the transfers are triggered as soon as the activity in
the source state is completed and immediately. To summarize, in the new era, many
system developers are using these relationship diagrams to draw so that the staff can
know how the things they are developing are going to work.

(8) Reference
[1] Fakhroutdinov, K. (2014, January 4). Use case diagrams are UML diagrams

describing units of useful functionality (use cases) performed by a system in

collaboration with external users (actors). Use Case Diagram. Retrieved April 3,

2022, from

[2] What is a Data Flow Diagram. (n.d.). Lucidchart. Retrieved April 3, 2022, from



[3] What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)? (n.d.). Lucidchart. Retrieved

April 3, 2022, from

[4] Wikipedia contributors. (2022d, April 16). Class diagram. Wikipedia. Retrieved

April 4, 2022, from

[5] What is Activity Diagram? (n.d.). Activity Diagram. Retrieved April 4, 2022,



[6] Wikipedia contributors. (2021, October 30). Use case diagram. Wikipedia.

Retrieved April 4, 2022, from


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