Culture - 2030 Indicators - UNESCO Digital Library

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it THEMATIC INDICATORS FOR CULTURE IN THE ENVIRONMENT & RESILIENCE 1 Expenciture on heritage 2 sustainable management otheritage 3 Climate adaptation 6 resilience 4 cuttural facilities: 5 open space for culture * Baad 3 Qantynncue 1 ese pub saces, SS Saale rresraleccastens ™® CULTURE! 2030 CL PROSPERITY & LIVELIHOODS 6 Cutture in GOP 7 Cultural employment ¢* 8 cultural businesses 9 Household expenditure Trade in cultural goods 6 services @ ‘1M Public finance for culture Governance of cuture EeaucS 12 ons enrepenminie inmotion 1 Irene ifr Te 1M cull stra etage ALSO CONTRIBUTE STN CHAU) KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS 13° Education for Sustainable Development ¢ @ 14 Cultural knowledge 15 Multilingual education ¢* 16 cultural 6 artistic education ‘11 cultural training Ga il for staal deveeprt 1 Jobs enteprenersip Einnoation te Becertafrmaton ecrcape 12s Sustomable consetion 13. Edueatn once ption Pa cpamrerg CULTURE! 2030 INDICATORS ert 2019y te inten sete, Secor Cad pi ‘aso etoy Te Ps Po Pte Gna Ets arg: Day Cs ESCO Wane Cae aos Roma Bos (Re ej tartan rt, tah ea Ami a eget erate cag seats mete is on A Viet preci cette te rg} Comey hy fe Pc tet Peo ESCO Thematic Indicators for Culture in the 2030 Agenda TABLE OF CONTENTS Adioouladgments 6 Foreword 1/7 Acronyms and sbbreviatione © Figures and able 9 © Culture{2030 indicators: a brief overview // 10 © Culture inthe 2030 Agenda // 12 UNESCO Gut nverionsand progres tonics the 2030 gens 112 (© Purpose and principles. // 16 Guiding pines 118 (© MathodologislApproseh // 20 Review of xing frameworks, msthadologis & experience 120 Proves and progres n developing the Cutur2090 In (© Four Thematic Dimensions. /! 26 ‘The Dimensions 126 [Atrneeras steric proach opines ard gander 128 © Description of the indicators 1/ 33 Posoetyltinoed 1/54 Ircaon & parcition 170 CConchsion and racommandations 1 34 References // 99 Sloesry 100 nd note 08 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “The devlopmant ofthe fit dra nectarerrenarkand accompanying ecnicldacents fr the ‘Tramatindcntosfor Culture n he 2050 gan tha eur of a calasorat sheng © Intgemumberal rotator and proeaconale working tguteravera tus your por om 2017201, We are mot rift th iy of Nang an the Yong Kin Hus Yn Company (Chins) whe provided ‘he gorau nal mapper tht upponed nn ope af tna cing the agaanion Fiietapetworheos en the event the methodology. ‘Unde the over lsc of Erete Oxo R UNESCO AstrsDvetor Gana fr Cut, he workuasled by Jot Hoses Depity Drei! he UNESCO Wd Hetasy Cane wah eoded ‘he poe tna ht read Eeranune Rabe LanefohAlnetran, ime Bata, Cratne Dl ‘a Game Jveph working Inoue conatatom wih he UNESCO tue for Sines (US) ad ‘SSicagues fom he Cuswre Sctorersansbis forthe scart ofthe aterenCutareConertone ‘Seong Mech Rous Lsae Ena Atearo Tn Crt an Dae hes We sul het exes cur gate ol fsb excareho are nched nth dvelepant and ‘Mnumert of he aoseloyn purl ne auld hat hark Sinan Ei and re Berga ‘he ware the pal our advo eth pats oboe Nd and Maa EccCommiks xan nko were cescaly goratourin devting her tne and sper [oj Othe pars hatutore nd plese he proved nucle peers out the ‘ject neg trough ther paeputen nthe ona expr wotchope sd eine creator ‘rts Monat gis Ran (AECID) Roma Bos (OECD) Alon Castelaroe, ones Donde, ‘hina A Bee Wo Bank) Anery Pet, Sharon Gt (UNEP Xe Gale Chir Gunton (1COROS eo Hesnge UCROM Darden hs, Ov Les Ort Vere Marat ewopeen {Conmanan Fels ones rosn Spas Dare Queioagy, Arjona Meco Pai Cone (208001 ora Pres {UCLG) Giovanna Sea Case Sm Chena PCOMOS), Maro Saree ensoa {Cy Boge Cabal Dont Tiron Nera Yogo{UEMS}and Mata alg Eure From te project incepton US has provided continu techie atic inthe development ofthe ‘naear famanoc ed te chal document: nine wih fs manne, US conser adore ‘Soravt al gute vel sate ulcer ard toad deta calecson seine tame ‘Srject hs pronded sear adv for atl a oes ‘omc la othe Monta abe De Pio, Jes Peon ad da Deures ‘Theta sao belted fom the extenoe exparence of » numberof UNESCO eteagiee (nla Citar wha stores ter par sere nth el of cura etd dts ad bs {hd pronded swale sven tod comment eth ous ol the devdlopman proses notably GicmarAlaneo Can, Sing Seeum Dam tae and Hanh Duan BT suppor prey Fal Oe wi sents oan the signment ofthe methocogy wh th ned seed by amber Sistine ntons enpentaton arnanon oe 2080 Agenda From teas the despre fhe work in thi proc has eae om ha cont up ‘pow of rumerai clsgues tom te UNESOO Cue Set sho aw hte dupes ‘Sveugh earscpston ne consltaton and exper meeunge ndbulding onthe concept and men {prngmectoni fsck Clie Convenion as nllanteprvian afc estendetense ‘edb onthe dersopmant the teshnal galas preseied the cocumert Ti clos ‘ive procs as bpd to era serene beneun the recat mehedolegy nd tha sing ‘Roving amanerk nth the Coovertlne Our are go Nadel san arcesn Banca, Bane Box Govan Bocce Gay Obonnet Peter Debs, Fry Dower Does Dubos Oth De Souch Yore Eran Andis Gio, Mons Grogs lors Hendese Jn ele Sues Ka ‘She nna cde Ugo la Su, tc Lenn al Penge Lani ae Neca Cun ijnra teat oasnPotsk, Gavann Ssp, Leng Song Majo Tothaowe, Reno Uellon, ‘harmis ignewarnaton snd lea 2a Fal, speci hake goto Emily Hemi, Grce Hod an Yline Zhao wa spare the apy ‘sige ep ad the age ohana onawork “hs intavehes azo dawn tesa on conceptual ad nay ork cara outin ect yous ‘ot Davslopmart iota Suns FOREWORD ‘Crete nt decade UNESCO's advocacy or ctne-baed approtch to development hte ba seer United Nations Geetl Ansel Reslitons tatsobwedge th le of che 6h rable and sd of sutaabledeslogmane The pote cumiated the ign of {ue inthe 2080 Agari fox Sosarable Dveloper doped n 209 by the 199 conve of the UN Gent Asan, UNESCO's convmtrarfo ensuing that te Yandonrave owe of uu fr enaing sraiableSevopmart continues wth the desler of the atc beste or Cate inthe 2030 aera (olturf2090 noe Te tae an ove aft etal 1 mathedlogy for damning ere’ vole and conten to templar ofthe UN Sasarable Devetpmart Goss sms to help decsonmekats by bung @ chert and song serat on cite ond ceviapmant inate vdenes bao The development of «new amet fr mening ad clctng det on cre fendations tear chocting rte reo caliente SD on wl efor gating cle log ‘ren pon el palin the atonal end wren Ives ena win the Ung Nations Developer ‘Xistance rome UNDAF Th Calre2000 rds ud yponandashrca venga trent ond datsnclodng the Fame CuSO ta Cara er Devore Teor Sue (1 the Cute Conveton proce rporingmechenars and abr mowing tnachnums sod wabodslgies te apechc conocof he 290 Agenda tour hope athe a ‘olected deough te Colt 2090 Iota con cote th formation lel ore ot the sine of progres of the contin fcr athe 2090 Amn and prow ence bated Sr anaes! mtr suppor the pariepaten of UNESCO in UN ice rening mestanae sslnsdtothe 2030 gen for sare and orca The Cule2030 Incas it reap the bereft of UNESCO® unique expe in monitoring Setsresiorlatheanupdite niheline 1972508 Sint eta) 1970Com/ stance inane hartge invntaie t 2103 Ca rod 2 tina hn erie bam epee the 2003 Ca teen tec te) protected aural propa tina ad cl : > fo tis inet btn pdt nt ot 1970Corm Syanet ideo ctunde) osc falter dtbar of erlproperty 1970 C00 / Samicramecmrecearmirerrate —— Guesn 8 ‘Table (A) Chel fr Sustainable Management of Heritage - NATIONAL & URBAN Hein ot bam apa (rein theletsyear ane arundato Mav set ect adaiicrsench ite 2009 Cn / tect nedttafogurd herRgeintne at fre ihetrs 9.18113 So umber elon and eames) ‘netitinal and Ply Frmewer Exner finite rhe emaraion nd 1972Com promotion of rage tres mnogo Foncement ee ee ‘hurlhortoge straions ncchpewaree! indent Moceners Exteel pected ninth pol nd 1970 Com ‘stoma force for he gh ogi thet fetching oh cone sics ons motion Exitece lpia nin he armed fem, WSL Com tees show pure siltetowrarevepees At rqueten | SEES cccey mene of cote Sai gun 2 Spec gationpolcnnennveroremarving 72am ws pentig enn ne “ontoemdeton) Spec ghrp ogling ‘kane ehosigel exennton sto he at Byeomane fesepeen mendes) ‘Spec gaatinpolcvnener or proving 170 Cons. the it ekg of preted etal pre aera uncles cpu ts Sted nhc Sys ate ot ec ndewens Hosur cur ahd dommatlags 1958 Crventon ad Irarnnert forthe prsteton ond puihnent ts Sena Pot lth pepetrtar ofoce commited gaat ar property acne mnie 1) Seon Taran Btesten ula nary rhe re of ed (Cr tect spon a ue) Naber of comion or soning int eyo 72 Come Management pant and mechanisms Ess ine othe roofer rage s972Come fer suri saviopment veges oh ‘ret ata davleprant aang UNGAPS end marae Serle parte Sao 2 ‘Table 214} Checklist for Sustainable Management of Heritage ~ NATIONAL & URBAN Manure al far aaa tara ertoge and CH sutra a lor [Serer ve! saute or opdste he et Spent pesto sc or) espera eager tg ae cons ‘Shtoniede unasdin te an yn ate oh > Ep idnc in he management lat 272Cenu! eincade a gunde onion tnd Ina 2 putideston ne sire proces evar eet 3 Menger jonni enon te manage 1972Caru ‘toners wun acy dceredscoonie, estar Seo andemininere pce 2 Bune tht then of triomaeshwed 1972 Cone) volnaleomerteslag mmoertie Indener23 > idence tha he etm igh. preties Corian pope tndenprenies sfcommuntesn neon Tl2com WO Syecpataay sage te Eh ceo ot nce the price, arin an Imartoningst angie sal eta) codec of maogerent arllpokeanennces te upper adn fo lind wneshe deel pogrom Mair nd goles in izing tiene airy Saconmanation csp eer srusearss es dre that coro of age pats 19720 (aupetve an perv) tarsbelcwwstioche indenters (Sb yecentecheven snssttemene stove ous Invavamant of ater partners and staked Sco saiet ive hl eit andlor attr ita nin ns (ane otosepton| sa frm agraaents wth our operator Serta protection miegaring nd tna sao pete fod or ein ‘etn fr terege soreness dng een ‘eaten et adatom oan ‘Table (A) Chel fr Sustainable Management of Heritage - NATIONAL & URBAN ‘isemintion and expan shrng Hey sue ete ei ilar nabs pains? (nes the gency repeater toa beta puch anf pba po neo Estee programmes fer promaton and Semen of goo sepunrang paces 2 B) URBAN ONLY Thee ony pple tts urn oll ‘able (8). Checklist for Sustainable Management of Heritage URBAN ONLY se Care eS 1972! a8 Com os your he tara rb re caged and protects” a your hiatal ans been mapped? Doss you cy han ait fbn of Istorelimportnce™ sy ey hoe anagem plan for Wore aro neha once oe (Ben tglemaned sane” sence avelament ef le communi I, Coningaly docmeted rite tes bi, Motghg ted droped tee Arcecimemmencmeiogia {ene of mandir Narcan eo fo ates Camying Caps Pat or Essar thi he 041 Racammandaion he atric Ubon Landeape = moments lee Sethe howe neces net palin ‘igre pein che wn Tadeo 9 ¢ TE ‘Respondent shold evita the gender arson of artage management and ‘npc, coing leant cided the chal sch > The sorta of membarshpin woos hangerent commie » Do plans tke ito account the price tere of women managing hartge: for example, reso istrict, and uur cartes Wed uned by momen ORI esenpuen Chock forthe cms adptaionfemewark parte nding wadons protien. umast Ticino ineto aeons masse ikon torte cinta change mitigation nd edoptaion and erhence eniancs tug sustain sfequtdng nd ‘nenagement of ange andiangiblecuturthertage a allanol hertage ct + UNESCO dan poricicaporsfthe 1972 and 2003 Conwetions. SOuCES + Nesonel nd incl saurcn: erative dete speci ratonal wey od Ielrmation stems fr cule whan valle etned The cheklstcontsns bath nue and Yoon a Cemment—_Theindicstoris bated onthe Sande’ Fsmawork for Deter Rak Recacton = 20152050 andshose ured orroparting on ta UNESCO carveronenausing ‘he UNESCO Word Hertage mt Change Ply (2008, upasted ednon foahcoming)ahch hey supplement Soe + Covering al hrtage elements inthe coueytown nou thone recognised by Unesco + Procing onan to hartage inthe community + Adding numaricrefrence pin fr examining snus! tends inthe development af hertage iy nthe communsy ‘Thisiniator eto be appa at hatha ad atonal vel. Soret may ‘estat nstons ata thon De ben evel Bespondets ould nate Wisin maine “Tha choc const fa secon onthe nethtionalfrarwerk for imate dsotaon and resance and another secon on ado Knowledge and Mow ean led to resienen, Inpariulr tmeaers the degree to hich naw coneeuctcnin hit rasa ‘secon th ae ofsstanabl atu ond adnan echagus and rr tsi derived tem rm municipal Penring Deparment planning pty ‘idence, lang ogiters ond monitring of devslpmentn dosnt tore dats 3) IMATE ADAPTATION & RESILIENCE @) In tems of urban cansrstion the SOG eats encourage the use of utile ‘bung mateals Thess tend obs dain inter of suonable bale or ‘neta but foe Glosey Botte gent baling etal ore ‘gion wh alow rary cost ond hat donot iole man mode mares usoncte Low onionmenta mpoctcan be ssorited with both rocesaing ‘nd ea soutng to reducs vapor costs. hen elatd 0 cure ond ftonedaric of teat loimporent that constuction rater bing technique and aritectur styler ae aged wih thos of atari usage ‘nthe asin question Histor bugs al eso end ous acalsourced ‘natealthough ue of architec mater made nine lend could 20 be Senet sat Suchtechnquos aro mest chon appt constuction of housing ine or “ermaclo? milan batenalea be sppedta atharbeldngs for exam=, tho we of moder adobe echneues for publetbeisincios of suth- ‘tet USA New cmtroson ilegure nce evel of mode Rng, ‘cha clactc cating and kichavbehvoom fect ae walar some ens) ‘onarvsion assures wth are not atone! epponrance a sr 3 panels Under these dramtancs i be nceeary to decile fhe veal Sopasaiconsucion ofa bulding chaos sutableconsrcion a coping ihthecharaca othe stoic dat Checklists of Climate Adaptation and Resilience ‘A)NATIONAL ONLY sng mesa oealstban vel apondentaeyconede he eetanea oleae ofthe tame. ‘Table A}. Checklist of Climate Adaptation and Resence- NATIONAL ONLY Essence nin lar Rik Redon 972m Pani estas texas each Indestar20 comes! nance ofPoleyDocarntonthe impacts of 1572Cony (Cnute Change sed Natur Deasercrvornse —Insen 2 > Speicrmmnees cron an el ae We stage sn, Netagestr rode Oe paren 77.2705 oe einer of people and eccrystomet>— NESCOStny WeMiisan eee Some done fettetnn on Clnte dere of rave of he pata 1972 Cemn! hee cn hesage win hla yet Indes en cian a dra of aan ofthe impacta natural Sun nen - Senter nhertng theo Syn Py toa 208 * SSlaor ts samo edec of reve torr theconibuon Were Hartge revi sbe ‘nstonlfermtand sce chestodinte ap TOR tn ‘Chnae dec of poceneanre tts Sendifrennork Seine acl ony Py) nonledge sn eressing he pore impat 25 Cone! (Fama neptionsn ote sorentnd Inset T63 eeegunet ot cles Nunber fresachrnst on imate change 208 Cony (cede slog horage feseaar 92 dere of poi o cra oped 1972Com. erent pat feng he ery cain were) 8) URBAN ONLY ‘Table 8), check of Climate Adaptation ané Resilience ~ URBAN ONLY Eun fla Baa Rik Redutin Pan) 1972Cone/ [evtorng steseemen tach onan Inset 0 romper of tng eure on il th te Ser Framer ‘tuutialeovrtuenlenarucon matey Prony Foncona lection ad ‘bulacan sn of aig he teigue of ‘ctinale went coneuton nino late preeina catid “renin th mbro halos bu wt ina of agg ewan (Cowes, ator and racine ‘role ed commutes tein on ‘hevementl sutaaity sna of egret cual econ (Cowee, ators and recess ‘olan ates enc of meres nintendo ‘Saisie Least enorme pao ‘ral prodctin wn ite pene ee you seu the cenit ‘tems cfconas smvatonandreores™ ‘thtogpnamcnanvenrn menswear pone compe pace Popa Skane ¢ Ee Respondents sould evans the gender deri of climate cage mananenant ond npet covering rare in the check uch > The sox tato of membership various management commtes > Poles hightghting he diferent role of wom, and man in eaponding to dete Soros erpeculy nla communion 3 ORI CE “he dation of cull aie through pes mapping “This indemtor amet ass the der of eutur facts and hor dsbbion ‘nth sternal aporoseh. enables the oreaton of cua ese rlson ‘he popuaen,renepon edmnatson end aconomie cartes “he indetr complements indcter20"Accasto ature’ ait amet sess hoe cutuaoitis avenged nth bon lndsepe and powde on enotling ‘rvrnment for ccrmmuntoe owen ctu avert, prasice ae pera, hdr care rotesiona and businesses to vrai aooenabies th spt Setszrent af acarbetersaved orn grata nacd of cull oie + UNESCO doe US 1 Noone and oc sources aint data Spatial Anahyle In ho case of etos its posto conduete mere in depth, ‘Galion ial actor ta be considered are ajo of cll ers: What the ange of clever types of facie(see Table inthe oy? ‘rothee fects that entero dere groups 2 local commun cee (rich concentateon a patiar warn of ea cukure ng 9 muses Sedheated teny the sony of cance orn coor fn local corto hor? Many tongs especialy rl commutes have several uncon ‘2 Hernymursrs oat crete un lege cy enincude prea ‘vanes, ple ses cha 8 erouee or adie ar, nd ven evormance venues omatimes all wthin one ui. Cepaciy What athe ssn capacity a floorspace ferent faces? Many ‘Siting ich heats and tvanoe ate doncanedby tha sntiog capac Dre thore lnge-cpecy ets and smal theater eet corms ‘nth tha cy Rarer hat bulge maybe reveal rey high nesrpoaing ovr Sileren rome for deren fantona ‘Ares hati the oar area but or open devoted tfavtabofor ferent ‘ura fnetone? Bling ay be sear storeys high incorporating aves ‘iret comer ciferatureons. altura nyt bce nid (uisde balding aor example the aren ofan Arts Comper ey eude eel Setar and waar spacer Two petal sures ae GIS whore surface aren {coud be edelted fom land ue pans of admin deta cr bath amine ‘record forthe maesrance of buldngs and spaces. hile lage metopoas ‘Secsaingly hove Gis sptems for ld ae, anspor and dminrtine puree ‘ney pro liter charm LDCeta clout nestor OT TI ‘Newer ana. Thao several way enling the tbon of aural ‘actos Ais mest seve be enh to know whether ech community (neghbouhood daria revenue tht can be urea seer sch ‘sce af ndaarain bling commun ery Howove large venvas(63 {he Natonal heats) cn atracatacdance rma gest tan encore avery los envoy. noe dewlopedwrbon cates, thoes wil ave acest pil ray rodel or Geographic hfomaten Spams hich lion the ty of is ‘lion to debe warepor vt ack cf pbc wanspr canbe ar Ear bn decoueging peopl fret’ areas em standing eta ovens TebleA(osion) dents difeen curl aes, ncn open space: covering the gos af ely tha dimensions mearied pa ofinesutone taut France, ‘toraand the indtrs that messi ther. “able 4 Concordance of indicators. on cultural facies Lay 4 o " a Muu 4 o " a Gatery 4 & " a “oncstmars| Peormance venues 58 o " a Chere 666 6 2 Trekoonl cake pecs 1 mee Creswehuse o 6 7 ae orton ntitone 1 1516 curl erat ater ‘ a ee ese Lies Muar Glee her aarp eons Cray easy ‘reared inte Eye ncnsin Cr hp: crane enters enecectceme MES autem Slant mec baer ander aapurnay oe beseon se sc oye ‘acaltuner nate cnt mi hema be my en Fey ccvnce nnn Ths cor aden ial ct. ncn sv pac iphone wha grin 7 These nomen conte ate es > The via of cual fact that ner nul to the ned of bth men srdwcnen > Thasociato of vitor to nch actin oe concordance Table Mon ad women tendo have diferent akuaintrate hat may be ae marie n the attics they vst. These pater roy be vsbiah partcostion surveys nator 21 "Cadi paripaton) but they my babe vibe the ind of patil ania (G's, Networks) suggested hee 3) ees Ge} Pe Number nd ze of open spaces use er cultural purporesky Specfuse, “Ths indcater amet are the ean pubic open pacer entire oo space ana the dogo of pb vse ncuaing vedonal market {+ UNESCD> ata: UN Maia Pubic open space stages SOG 117.1 1 Nonal/ocl soos adnate ta ‘Several pot matin can be ued heres The aes a) of cur open soa a + Number of adr open spacer sna percentage a all open spacer * Pacortage atibuon of curl events open pace by FCS domain pccantags ofa pute ap80 ‘Ths indicator aay follows SOG 11 and UN Habit mantorng proposal The cect wba that ws UNH l manta the veal nba sen ae erat of open specs hina leaves the decree ohh (hoy are avnlable, ccesaleandinpractes ued for cul seta. Accessible open spencer inoen the basi for uta action including 1. Formal and formal cual neeang of various etnicor ther mnory ‘gun lg maid fom the Pipes in ong Kong) Fessle ncucng domense workers muscconcets open a these, {slabs on novenaVol holes Moats nln by ral cammunitin membarscf which hve come int {oun aol proc, ritlen of which yal rele th pole cura expen Such sca moycatin fomal ruse for pearance 0, band ereage sce incuing natu! hetaga[andecape, life but hartge, ond intngilehettage (eta commmuntymesis and masts) Detning open space. Planing pace ual din open pace na numbar fwys interme ure ema be deacbed retention or ms be \frotectdfa concn purpose: Thane ws asa ay cont Te ange thertage and cull nnn nich UNESCO meght sek to messi under ‘hsindter coud ba confi between ech oh ‘lb impartartobreakown tural event by he yp0 of vet ly "isproponed that th UNESCO FCS donne be wed, However mary evs ‘nal under the sng Perorsance and Celebration dori These cul betroken down futher eronding othe major atte dacpines mu arches and other, appropriate any majo fsiva ad event cll! deiadednformation on pat of performance vito profiles ard numbers, These date lb importetin {he anaieandintartaton ofthe niet Thala fours ond vat umber lbs of grstimpotsnes ep maker snd cnn ono CH kets whch have elt spect ould nude havea hich te stined as uta prods by FCS oe old, or ivatng cute aces ts delned ander FES ake la, ensurement iss his certo that UN Habitat ily to marie thal eughGi mostcer of wen king nope nsosmors wel ‘som benchmering feral use against ovralindestr forthe 92a uguesing the degree to hich utara civ cote ecieing ‘he gosl To stable thetyper of curl ees king place in oper apace et cavey would be acon Currently UN Hsbtt provdestwe lobe measure forthisntor one Including sects acd ene excusing sets Tom the aaj Treinen on maratacan be complet wth hea of eins maka \ssuparmaretin slcted ben anes (sunt el agitated ctl market oourtofregeteed non radars marke. Tiadicnsl matte in urban aot of an enirent or rent cule group epcall eorie and url communis oof the pode fr Purchase hough doc esto consumers They ae thus an mpertant vehicle for promoting utrel erty en ellenconouing etry cule erent {Sth uboremitonmnt and sana Inman developing counts ales take place huhu the ty. Such cates can only be mantoed wth gat uy. Thus his isto il ony Se appledtoreginerd marat taking lace wth adeinad locaton Teds maka are datind as sted inthe Glssry. Aletha tang pce nthe cy wich se rogiared acta lacs ina deine pace seregetded x non reciaal The ndeator rear the ao between the two groves RE Th 1 gorcer dina maybe smeme above al ough wo pric leant: ‘Are cll spaces used ual by nen abd women, aking no acount bath dct (cig scree reaction) nin barons og une ronments tn ee Se Indator 4 Catal fer. ‘Ace women and men equally vole in eents(srfermance, mvt) held in sich Spee g. omehip of market sake PROSPERITY & LIVELIHOODS This thematic dimension provides «framework for assessing the contibution of culture in driving and enabling more inclusive and sustainable economies, inline withthe Prosperity pillar ofthe SDs, by generating income and employment a5 wells simulating revenue through cultural goods, services, and enterprises ‘The seven proposed indicators within Dimension 2 are expected to assess the contribution of culture to key aspects of the economy (GDP. ade, employment, businesses, household expenciture).A the institutional structures and frameworks te govern culture sector aethties in each country ae different and play Important role in culture's contibution to inclusive economic development, an Indistor on governance of culture is lao inluded inthis dimension. This indicator provides evidence of the governance strcturesin place to support thriving role for cure in local and national economic development and livelihood generation, Cuhur centrbtnte prosper an Inthooss are drt SDSeanerget = 1 The Cur conor hr a rect ond agncatimpecton GOP ane jeb andbusnesee stor, nan nthe ei of hartge consanation netage outer andin ch crest eet \ (Target 8.3 Jot,enteprenehip innovation sso + Hentage tour inpariadarcnsuportoteceaton and promtelocl cite and produce, Sobbing nutans desopner get 09 Pale fr restate tur) + Pale poles can kc encourage conan etutoe and employment porns tvough rete mestmartin clus and natural hartge aranfesvucture such 38 museuns, comm yatta or gules Cage 1-4, Curl Batra erage +The govemaes of cute estat esbing cordon that allow ctrl citi nfm ‘othe enhancing the economic conten of care bath a the national ne aclu Flcin ad eultone sl yh our for more rine terrane arg 10, ierentil eaten on Wade and Tope 8. nereae Ald or Tred). 6 OEE = Description aa eed ‘comment ercenageof Gross Demesic Pod etrinale opie and formal ura prosicton, ‘Thsindatr sms to sae he oval contin ofthe cure acto to the cconomyin agen tron, On lmttion of hectare that not bla {tne nt eccoun ll cual acinns nud thse that are nforal nd Iealone wththe international casfcaton ofthe ramerkfor Cul Setsbe. 1 Neonl ane acl courcee Neon Aszounts Suenase surveyed cncices, Sore and conor suvays, Government recede Guta pac sure ait egaten, ta, Pat ecto soutns og apasal sve done ytd uno ar chmbers of eommarceh ‘To obten the aio feral GDP add the alas caine sng the IC zt codarncoda nt IS Frama for Caltel Sista (UNESCO US 2009 po 82.6) than cornish om the gross dome rodct GOP) ‘te lea economy. Fh can ccpP am Where GAs (GDP + abscess tenes] “Theis the‘nanda indicator for sectng the cconoms canton cutie aque dita stow igs ofthe tamara Seed inst Clsoiaton (SI) or amposble Busnes: ouput dra. Twas edn [iS bat th ony a este it todo USCS. The ceptor nom spied ol codes ened ar pr of the ature nd cess economy ‘ere dagoregaton of heron byl etal dormine aside UNESCO FCS This nestor wil alnay be an under actate a dos nat Include hina conor fee lo Ctl Empoyrant mat ete Nore deta onthe methedoiogy canbe abtaned om the CDS Mtodlogy Manual iCDISpp. 28.25") a erat ‘coment (GOP data may not be mabe for urban ares Should th be the cae the ‘olomng dia house asdineteed. mode of pestance Iisimportant hat en econcmc elastin of ute ines some for of irdeto sages the lov! of prductn ati. alo eed esto {GOP inmeasicing the degostowhich curl peducton ads tothe overall ‘ccnomovale of pte tothe prion arose. atrnbour tel mens of alu acded may nt be posal turban eel because bent cae of GO, sha formaly ery peo exotic troche proce ofthe urbe are on Cppovet ts bing trovght nt (hey Economists so take eta account mar and saben thee GOP celultions wich may notbo posse at the uban ove “Turnover ofcompaniasetblshransbatadin the cy ia spe meses cf vera lovelr of production which dons oto nt sazourthe alse ‘of puto th production procs ely umover should ony code ‘tons whch ake place tte urben en bt sme saa ‘ray note posable ta separate production by plat exaihrnert) whi the oy fe thove in cher pars ofthe county. canbe pacer ue {eral cae uhich may tond thaws a igh sanction ef usncer eadqvarar Hesdquarers sablehmente my ot roc anything ‘thomeshos bday record lth actin of a erences the un ot seated wth ho artaahrnent Ins th ovaaloim of th intr at un level ommsosre ths Adages ouch production ofr enaahret nthe ben on coriterta th evar economic producion of thai The dats t2 Compose ths instr murtcome Fornsbusnes survey nats hoveehald sone. oxcepts concems stemeleyed businesses opereing om home that might fr earple; nude many et 2 Ett Description Number people employed inthe ultrland caste sar and etal “nso osepocoacpectoncal orpomentorhebsyn eee ceP, = cee, athe percentage of people ergugedin stun compare: CC, coder wth total number of people amployedin ctrl eeaostons ‘secdng otha slacted neratona Stndnrd estenton of Occupations (8CO} cde or BIC cesses “where occaton dats inch iat Pr ethetoal umber ofthe employed population vurpse ‘Tieindestoramsto ses the oa of cuties an erooye tthe neo! local level wel xthe way onl damon oft cure seco ends faresin moroung haan was fone apioyedn aa INESCO date IS secre Fores ures (LE Admire record (scl ecu roger. saan Froesonlssocaon, “ Wethed Catt! omploymortc normal undanoad a nccing res groupe works C015 28 FS p40) ‘able. Components of cultural employment Non cual oceusatons c ‘People who havea ctl occustion and wo work nbusnesas wth Cobar acy (eg.en econ thee) S.Feople he have sculuracceupaton but tho workin bunesewhchee sotengaged mcr ety (ag a engparinthe motoring) cczupaion e.g anaccountantworking nares “he nator inca othe nm ofl tape hoe groupe a pecerage ofallemsiyad poss OI aT “hisiss dexepive and cote inciatoraeuted wing four digs of Intention! indore Cetin or Occupation (SCO) allowang ‘heat codes eteblahed byte UI Fremenark fo utara States UNESCO UIS 208, pp. 747, amment CoE Data on cual ocupation ae usualy clletad though the Labour Force Save covering Tabla groupe Ad) The Labour orc Survey may be usedta cleat the numbr of peplein non cultural accinatane cultura oer or busnaoe Tobe 3 group Cut sorties an eat fo ‘he grou maybe cane fom base veyed vegies FS inte the coder tobe wed tient utr cmupations and sectors ‘Geevptens ate Caste under SCO, and wor [busen act ere assed under SI Iie importentonote the differen coverage of busier andhousahold ‘ove Abusnessuvey wil eared hore worang wan ars buh my not ve there Ahowschai sure (eg, Labour Force Suny) wl ecordthos= Itong nan avn, but notthoe who cnr om oer or wore ‘The eestor wl aay be an underarbmate at oes not include he many earls whowe ‘ural the normal conc, whom condo ‘Fincuture LO have developed »methadsiogy for survey ofthe fra ‘canon wth dt avabiain 2011 for 37 cours. gear however, uchdraiedéfaets come by inary riabavay Trendeinculuralameloyment ae chon possible ing tis initar. The Sis nomalycoleced every Yee months (our ones ayes The canbe importantes cultura acy maybe dependerton the sesons a fens Ba cece aversion “This indetor can racy be dnggrgste by ay ar wl ay other formaaf potent lesan sch 8 9g and ate ving th Labour Fos Sie. 2) CCULTURAL BUSINESSES CE Description Tends ctrl bsinenes a percentage fall busheren umase__Tsinccator ons to asesthe enabling conston prone cual besneaes epi sal and mao enterprns by lowing heard innumberrof altura usnenen, parley where hates deta foe indto "Cakes GP ata + atonal an ocl sources Busines sure, Raita ofbusnesee sauces (auch aha Chamber of Cormeen sector bodes) Method Level change a messuredby son! aercentage pout aiference in cultiza Businesses 8 percentage of al bsinesses fr the gen a CE/SE* 100 {Year 2} ~ CE/EE* 100 {Year 1) Wate CE = numberof ltr ertablahmants na E =the tata nub of cetabcents nthe giant. Camment Ths soso out otc arteries based onthe score! fntons [SIC dete fom UNESCOFCS (op, 5248 The mere runcednieators 1 production (t) and employment () ae ob prefered Ths neato, fr ‘example dows at take no acount thea fe company nether ner love! of prosucionoutur norinterme fname poop relayed ‘nthoothec han where uch dita ae lacing the neta cenprowde 30 rer summary of change the nature of carl buses (gov sectera Belnes res af conconeatin, cating Te indicators pathaps casasttoprosentinthe form ofa graph of the vend foveeshyoer Several rah coud tow endo sear ov agen te ssemazing tha raph could sh ie yor wanda 7 Ew ‘inter poste busines ownership shouldbe atceoc by soe Fot lage comariee ‘hs con ba see by tough the sui of enor mgood odd rebee Jn the ce fal bine ane the olFampoged the eat of ep can be (>) HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE Desrption —_Pecorageofttl household expenditure devoted cultual acts, gnc nd anos. Purpese Thc incator aims to arses how houtchae ofa gre eran value cute 00d and sere trough marke vaneactione endo obtain ght on ‘Beside potental fhe local mate fr cul actos, god ad atasouces + Nevonal ence! sources indus sey nd cnaises Sanice sey, Smal orttlshmert sure housahol ependtuesueye Netiod CHF thehowechoi final consumption expandrureon cual cts, gnc and nroces oct ogunt ttl Rouschals fal coneurption apace: CSc codes isthe ttalarmount of houtchol expendi inthe selected COR edes FC ato Rossi consungton expanders 9 cupe = 2 Seance ae Camnem —_Thsndistorseninporant lament in sesing cll patcpston but ‘ores tlre cover al cual oueetoldconaumpton nor he conuton of ‘musa uke natn product tom th pertpectr of pending ance exude ‘hemejoty of rormoret predict aneees otra spending on = tll reduc uae ne inancad ly by howell such at xin ‘eevee nd dering col Ieehoud be ssetted sing the COKOP coding in th US FCS o.24) hich soured innaoral may of housaald expen. te paabe that sone [cel suvaye may have mae prec norms Based on epee questions recording for oxompla the emourt spent on gong out aslo takes forthous 2018 sw an important update COICOP which ll needa be taken into account uo aviione of FS" lis eset foritereretaton hat spending an cltueis expressed a perentage of tal expendi forthe sr referencn part. The vofrence Petod shuld belong enough to avd any seasonal bse e.g sigh oh butdoor cies might be cncenttedin th sar Ns ra house sure mayen spacing nrmach more et. 7 ‘Sunoy ot houshald expenditure usa ana spnding by the houshold a ingle wit ands ena be dngaregtel by sex, hoses sr ive cole ‘eoporaes fr ferent spre of ami apenngeg buying fans he orl ‘naa. Unda the ator cicunetncan, ti oan tet gencar speci pate a ‘tu spendng maybe deta

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