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Gene Expression

 Genetic information is encoded in the DNA,  transcribed into mRNA, & translated on ribosomes
through tRNA into the structure of CHONs (proteins)

 The exchange of DNA between cells allow exchange of genes and characteristics between cells
producing new strains of bacteria/ viruses

 Example: dengue virus (type 1,2,3,4)

 Has 2 processes: 

a. Transcription

b. Translation

 the mechanism by w/c the sequence of nucleotide in a gene determines the sequence of amino
acids in a CHON is as ffs:

1. RNA polymerase forms a single polyribonucleotide strand called mRNA using DNA as template

 transfer of DNA code to the RNA (particulary mRNA) using DNA as template (this is now

2. Amino acids are enzymatically activated & transferred to specific adapter molecule of RNA
called tRNA (transfer RNA)

3. mRNA & tRNA come together on the surface of the ribosome

→ entire mRNA mol. translated into sequence of amino acids (this is now translation) 


 Formation or synthesis of RNA using DNA as template

 DNA code is converted to RNA by RNA polymerase (important enzyme)

 Template strand of DNA contains meaningful instructions for synthesis of a functioning


 Transcription is initiated when RNA polymerase recognizes a segment of the DNA called
promoter region (consists of 2 sequences of DNA prior to the start of to be transcribed)

 Transcription starts when the DNA helix unwinds at the 2nd sequence
 All promoters are rich in adenine and thymine

 During elongation (proceeds from 5’ to 3’ direction), the mRNA is assembled by the addition of
nucleotides that are complementary to the DNA template → part of the DNA already
transcribed is rewound

 At termination, the polymerases recognize another code that signals the separation and release
of mRNA strand (transcript

Many prokaryotic structural genes that encode a series of metabolic reactions are clustered on ?? which
are continuous of genes expressed as a single mRNA transcript

Prevention of transcription by a repressor protein is known as negative control

Initiation of transcription and response to binding of an activator protein is known as positive control 

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