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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MAINFRAME MODEL 1038-D14 Penijeaciric MEASUREMENTS INCORPORATED ae i = i i SSS iS INSTRUCTION MANUAL semar numer 424 CERTIFICATION PACIFIC MEASUREMEN"S INC. (“PM cori that th ntument was torah teed an opt nd fount me a pub panes whey vase om he ag Mr cr tat a (ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY PACIFIC. MEASUREMENTS INC. PM") naan to the ea! puchaner and only the oral purchaser, {i ths itrament wl bee from fects n ater aed wena der noel cose ed ‘pete condos fora peo ae year afer he date of dlnry tN oa para PM; obltion under this Warany i ited to (1) sepa OF repli at Ps opin, ey pastor parts (etching RP dies, RE connect, batter, and fs wnsh re tied {0 PM nthe ener set ‘Siow and which upon pect by PA peromel re Sateried ote delece 2 decid sen, a (2) cibating tne feared Ismet to cavrenpbtied seen ke Geteried hat he nn It dfete, » amin inapection che wil be ged rd he aren wb eure with asap tin ergs ot I determined hs the defect as teen cast By ase sor sora open ‘onbtons or thn tbe iramert no une ren. an ean wl be sme oto the omen met pce faci wok fhe parce domt poate Pt commons teas P'S OBLIGATION TO REPAIR OR REPLACE DEFECTIVE PARTS, AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, SHALL ME THE PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND NO OTHER REMEDY SHALL BE AVAILABLE (INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM. ‘AGES Fon LOST PROFITS, LOST SALES, OTHER ECONOMIC LOSS INIURY TO PERSON OR PROPEICTY, Of ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS SUSTAINED BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSON)” ‘WE WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE Is THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THIS FM INSTRUMENT AND Ig MADE EXPRESSLY IN LU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED Of IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMTED 10 ANY WARRANTY OF MER: [CHANTABILITY,PITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR INFRINGEMENT, WARRANTY PROCEDURE AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS any fat develops, he lowing ses sold We ken ‘katie war condi a ure Onc fs oration, eri oping, Or spaag tuo ‘Beso vo you. 4, Orsi oi rst hit nme eepoton peal 0PM, Te snes ule inet Wrapped fm guper or Peon mroundd ith wi for laser amin mail se I Ue Wart, enact i beep ond rte tsps pep, PA immedi, ging mods aber, eso pat umber, cae mmr, a a detaled deeoton of RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS et re id day non es, ml inh ppg con Sold be hehe galt th enced packing Ist PM wil note espe for sertage ssn the cn i ‘ls stig imme. Upon fee af spent there ay ae eves mea wonton the way bil of sch dane and edit ome fhe nears Ofte iy. theres ‘Sience of damage afte the gods ae unpeke, cont the met fee ofthe caer gue ak peton sve al packing and materi thereat he peta ha een ope A fl ea of the Sas ‘South bli by the err’ diy agen, ad py the reper orardd to ML Upon rose hs You il be ave a te pion fie eimen for epi epacne,P hl han exon imoge'intments th above section req ot some with Tne the ence Feping ne tovensructone J del 1056-p14 THLE OF coments section 1 covets, tomato J 1a Mle Mammon or 10H Ee ee £2 Gt blepley suksammiy's cee ees DTT ESS Misereme Peformance Spctétéaisand 2000022200 000 ve geo CC er 7 2. Recedving fupecton ee ee ee eee ae Ed Resrtacbdnalegts'™ 2200: pPUeeateeirey - ES Gasas'ouaing, 0000001 prnigoga 24 fearing the Inirimese (20:02 D200 5 BS keemorler veers 222201 SE } 26 feeessorios Gpitonay) © 220222 22001 nm section 5 orensrras Bb tetoimtion aerate - 5:3 Reet hnal eines! ¢ 21! eae 33 Gerolapiey erst 0221 foie 5 Sob Nenoueme Syston orion 2202220200000 section 4 renrowuer ces 7 4.1 porpites Arearoert ] fh Eeitie nbgaded S22! species 43 Ghglyiteidteda:) 2000000000000 S0 Getlecion Sven Gwaks 0022022000000 3 section 5 moore escrarrtas Se1 tneroduction ee ae ss Hee st Ee a ea } Sb tneertce Cieole eRe 21S ales Sit eame sople etaieatiea te nade taney 7 EG derleceton Ziceasd pee ees SY lo Voieage sper! 2202S DIDS 1 - Ec emorrtonsd STITT ge = Eo Foweemets 01 LEIESTE SIDE . section aowresce G1 Pertadte Manemmene® ee ee ee eo be J $2 Gitte en I IIIIDiiiiieiiinnat 6:3 Roabostobtnhgs 2 eesti section 7 crm nearice - see eee weed eres tetera Sete eats d of Ope apeeiacisas ae RaPioeae gree, IIIT iiiiiiiiind weistenmace and tsibretin ©2222 21 na J section 8 sormurte orate section 9 reruceius ras List d Section 10 MOA comecrros MAINFRAME ° The Model 1058-D14 is 2 CRT display/asinfrane fapable of accepting 1036 avepe neceurenent Systen plugvins: In addition to its provision for interconnecting the system plug-ins to the dSuplay unity the mainframe supplies lov voltage regulated pover to the Systen plugins: snplifies vertical and horssontal signals for deflection ative, stores display signals ip digital enorys provides suxiiiary inputs and outputs Soparate fron the plug. aoduless optionalty interfaces the syston via an IEEE (Ge18) bus por stosss-1978 ls is provided, allowing then to tine Share the bean for sisultancous presentation of both channels ‘he auxiliary inputs ang outputs are located on tor used to operate auxiliary equimment. The four BNC tusliiary inputs are tied in parallel {to four Lines on thw multipin comector. The Fensining four AME connectors provide output, ‘oltagen proportional vo the bean deflection plus an Sapue.for external Slsnking. The dean fefieceion BNC outpats are tied in perallel to {hres Lines’ on an e-gke-pin connector (J6) for ‘he Wedel 084A Response Recorder 1.2 RT DISPLAY sUN-ASSBIELY The display portion of the 1058-014 comprises = ‘ngie bean Grr, pover supply, storage and de- fleetion eizeultey. Tne CR is furnished vith 11951 phosphor and fentures a digital refeesh rororyt0 low vieving. slow sweep cheplaye Piieers are availabe to reioce plere tf de ‘able 1-1 gives the specification for the Node! 1038 nainerane and Ot display unit. Tablee plies furnished to the aysten via the input) Sutput connector soe the optional TEEE Tater ‘Sonmect board soos 3-4 REAR PANEL CORNECTORS BLAMING 1 output coeesietent coeitictent Accursey a output voltage with spot ‘centered on CR face fan ack 100 a¥/division (Continues) “ABLE 1-1 SPECIFICATIONS (Conte) Impedance Approximately 0 ohms Response Recorder Output For 1046 Series comector 14 pin, aaphenot 57-40140 Vertical coefficient 400 a¥/éivisson Horizonte) Coefficient 100 av/sivision owcput voltage with spot PLUG-IN CHASSIS UNIT rput/ourror AUK 1, ADE 2, AUN 5, AUK 4 Signats Dependent upon plug-ins ePursooreur connector Aaphenol type 8740860 Signals ‘See Toblo 1-7 and plug-in manuals eae snrERoaEct ‘options connector 24 pin, saphena) $52791-2 Signais See Table 1-5 Format eee 488 core car orspuay electron gun Single been Display sree a x 5" (8 x 10 divisions) Phosphor ra Mery nodes Chamed A: continuous Tine Cchamel 8: ashod Line swvel bata: storage node ‘TeerexTURE RANE operating 0 to 450% (432 to 122%) Non-opesating. 40 to 670°C (-40 te 0158°F) Contin) odel sst-u4 “TABLE 1-1 srecrFTeArrONS (Cond) operating ‘to dsm (18,000 FF Non-opersting ‘to 150200 (50,000 fe) exstons Hench (lie20) 36:21. 6548 Sem (15°R8.5°419%) ack (90) AB. 48 Sen (P1919) stpene war 38.2bg (20 Bos.) OVER REQUIRENENTS 100/120/221/240V ons within +108, Fase Rating 2.08 slow Mow (220¥ a) Zan slow How (240¥ #) ade 4038-14 ante 12 “noMn/ouroUT cCONMEETOR_ PIN ASSIS, ‘AB. 5 Conon 0x. 4 Comten 2 common Lint ceed pin accignmants infeate na conact ion ans, 2 EME FREQUENCY ‘AUK. 1 Common Nodet 1038-014 {EEE uuTEscOMMECT PIN ASSIOWENES ue me sma ‘ouriur -ANAI06 Connon a9 av ATA mus 5 Dara Bus @ {Wear RATIO Ax INPUT RATIO B/x ede 1058-014 {INITIAL rnsrRUCTIONS 2.1. RECEIVING INSPECTION Insect the instrament for shipping canes, fe page iat the beginning of the nema 2.2 POWER REQUIREMENT suguInG: BEFORE APPLYING ke marns pup THE IMGTRINGM, BE SURE Ta? Po ASEAN i BY THR CREO LAN. VOLE The unit 4s set at the factory for operation at the nornal supply voltage for the country In hich it ss sol, "The anpot mise be S0-tsth ‘The combination of the nosule and transformer to dnatner nay be made by changing the voltage Selection pre. board. (See Figure 2-1.) 2.3, auAss1s GROUNDING AILS 70 PROPERLY cROUND THE 14ST ‘The instrunent is supplied with « three-condue- {or NMR type power turds The cUrrene caPsying Conductor ip nite and its return is black the green wire is for connection to earth Fronds, The snetriment wil be properly Erounded $f the plug ts connected into 2 prop: hreesprong to tuowprong adapter is used, be Sire eat be gta 2.4 RETURNING THE INSTRUBENT Ie &¢ should be necessary vo return che instru- rent to pacific peasurnente, see the shipping Shatruetions under Miscraney, page i at the ‘he following accessories are supplied with ey bat Mimter bescription 1 Ingtruetion Manust Opec aod fu 2. eon vot by oti PC bad ‘eeestin ated eto snp ne ‘Row myo Reset 2. Ros op tack na ol tn Sevieetinn ite com oun outage seucri0N FIGURE ? 1 Nodet 1058-14 2.6 ACESSORTES (OPTIONAL) 22 eseription Viewing Hood Marker Input cabie Plugin Extender Kit 14 ie GBH 046g 2b) 0.46 kg (118) Wedel 1058-014 secrien 5 venari04 S.1_rerwopveri04 Te Nog 100-514 yndeane ws severe plug ‘he purpose of this section is to provide de {alied operating instructions only for the tsinfrone and i¢s GR deploy. ‘operating Information for the plug-in aodules. 5.2 REAR PANEL CONNECTORS 4. ALUN OUT/S GAN OUT. This 50 ohm BNC Connector supplice voltage proporesons! to the vertical Ckt deflection, regardless of Silay node Sate factor(s 100 n per >. HORIZ OUT. A S0 ow BNC connector to fur isha signal proportional to che horizon fal" deflection, with 100 aV per CRT fe. BLANKING 1M, A BNC connector is provided to operate the Deasis or intensity control Vie external TL level. A low TH logie 4. RESPONSE RECORDER OUTPUT. This 14-pin con- Response socorder, AUK 1 THROUGH AUK 4. These BNC connectors rovige cee C0 até fron che plugins £. INPUT/OUTPUT. Tats mutti-pin connector provides sigial and power supply comec~ Elons forthe accessory equipment. Signals [present depend upon the plugins used with he inserunent ‘3.3. CRT DISPLAY OPERATION Duuse, aici voLeAGE 1 PRESENT InsIDE 108 ‘or oPainde VIEW 7aR PROTECHTTE COVER TELS RENOVED. D0 WOT ATDUET TO" SERVICE HE TASTRUAGNT TRLASS FULLY qUALFTED AND ‘GHouGHLY FANLIAR NEW ALD AREAS OF PTEOPIAL Baza. This portion of text should be reviewed by the User Before attempting to use the 1038-D14 fmeasurenent systen. Plug-ins for this instru mont ore not intorchangosbte vith plug-ins ‘lesigned by other manufacturers. 1,_puigen: suse sustmuser 2s sure 20 ‘eeBicaa Fon soiece navn One Coma ‘anna conmetor (UeUraAL) Wee EArn ‘B00 Cane -CARPHING-CONDUCRCRS ARE ‘BASE OF (THREE WIRE STS. 90. mr 20 osreer swe cscumome ccawscrzoy. ‘ani Tinzeairton oF sue cxconnrne ComMEcrror ‘CRORE oF ELECORTONE SHOOK EI TAED. BERS ‘HRW, ALMATE GROIND WE NSTRONENT FIRST BY ‘Erg aurea 2._ssnrag: ro paEveNr owuce 20 948 restau STE, ALAAYSCHBOK FAP CINEVOLEAGE INDICATOR ‘Barmny orege ee ‘hs Snstrmen_ can be operated from either ourte at $00400 ln. Refer to Section ? for 5.5.2 OPERATING TENPERATURE ‘he instrument can be operated where the apbt- ne alr tempratare iy Setwnon QC and 508 ‘he inserunew cag be storgd in anbiene.eenper— Tice betvern 108 and s708, after storage ae {cenperaturs beyond the opersting Liniee, a)- Tow the chassis fenperavare to cote within fhe cperetiog Iinits before Spplying Foe ‘he 1038-014 naingrane is designed to accept up 1b three PACIFIC MEASURBIENTS fiug-in nodules ‘ie plugin feaare alow « varlety GF ea owing for future expansion of the mensurenent mined in large pare by the plug-in conplenent Selected. "Afainimn of two plugins are Te= {quired for typical Instrunent-operse ion ° peepppene Node} 2038-n14 2.5.44 STALLING Puen yoetss avaitabie, proced with stops 1 though 10 Sciet™ gatise' cbr £6 Rosette Shrouan ft I Align the guides in the top and botton of the display or mainframe ogcin with th coveapenng slo in the space neezsary goes stad husltgs Poll Tate at Eton ie tervice peinnes straight out and push the plug-in unit firmly aS [eis Sceperaene ane seioes in place. Sieve tele by preesog its Leech Coe’ Step 1p St the POR etch to OFF and con- ] SESSA SESS Hanae sexeglgen fa poner source tht Fre samove « plgcin, alt ee latch at the tot- ee SL. sae, | Entel C2'aauts Tu'bitetthtad"S2Ge'haStgn 2+ Taal s nrtzotatptugin mute _amkeoe ot is" compartn ana erica ping-in nodes 105 Hayy ino the hel BESAT con 3.3.4 cm comots peien 7 Tego fremsnty sured coneois are oe Sep $+ Genet» denecay to he verienh fl tment, adjacent to the CRT face (see Figure control fully counterclockwise, Turn $05. “ttatbteviatedsuveripiita i pode Sov mets described in Section 7. Tye rensining Gxt con- Step 4: Connect the detector (input end) to {roie, situsced in the deflection and high ‘he CALIABATOR OUTPUT jaek on horston voltage circuit areas, are only adjusted. shen nl plugesn, and select ON se CALI The Instrument is serviced (see Section 6) karat" Select, 1M position on DISPLAY pushbutton. Allow the instu~ S.3.4.1. PREAOPERATIONAL OMECKOUT fpent to wan up for at 2east 10 nin Before using the Model 1058-016 for the first = tine, it is desirable for the unfentliar oper- step §; On the vertical plug-in, set the OFF- ‘tor’ to follou this step-by-step procedure SEEDS er thumbwheel fo 40.0" and POLARITY Correct instrument operation can be verified pshiuton to (in). Select the Sind basic calibration made without interned FRPUT/be and 10.008/0:pushbuttons AAdjuremente, If appropriate plog-tns are Set the REF LINE control to center. nT PANEL co CONTROLS TNTENSITY control controls cisplay brightness Focus contzol Provides « fine, non-blurrad Line display Nevo switches eigcs serd ana (og or, tow ste) wen eles! stoped action for photographing eepley FINO BEAM switch [Brings bein on-screen when not visible POWER switch ‘Turns prinary 26 ON or OFF ruse goats sete ns teice parallel with horizontal gratieu f E A 5 , eget 1058-016 [FRONT PANEL CONTROLS roune 8-2 9° the trace is at the desired viewing evel, and adjust the F00US control fora’ sharp, well-dofised trace ‘Step 7: Position the trace exa:tly on the enter line graticule using the HIGH Llet ereadrves) adjuster on Step 8; If the trace 42 not parallel along the center horizontal GT graticute, use TRACE ROTATE to\t1ign ie with the center Line Step 9: Select 00.0 at the vertical plug-in ‘Gieplaced one sajor vertieat division Step 10: Turn REF LINE control clockwise to +4 position to ove the trace-of¥screen Xnwards’ Push she FIMO BEAM Sutton lind observe thatthe splay ca Presser into the Sereot area. Re- Position the trace with FIND BEM INTENSITY cowTROL 34 sugarne;__puKGE 10 THe cer PxOsPHOR_o8n ceo We ADVERSE CONerrIoW. AVOID Dusezax DE EIIPEN@LY DRIGgE, SUAePLy FODISED SPOR. Aajustaent of this controt is interactive vith Giaplay focus. Hence, slight adjustment of the Foels Control ‘may be fecessury when the intens= ity level se chased. To protect the CRT phos- phor conting, co Rot turn the INTENSITY control Figher than aecessuty to provide a aatissectory display, Apparent trace intenssty can be improved by re= ‘being the ambient ight Level or using the ‘Yewing hoody part umber 12777 DISPLAY Focus 1£ 4 woll-defined display cannot be obtained eh the FocUs control, even et Low INTENSETY Control settings, aejuse the internal ASTION- ‘gw control. (refer to Section 6). ‘To check the setting of the astignatisa adjust fhenty slowly furn che FOCUS control through he Gpeiiun setting with. sognal displayed. on the (Er screen, If the astigratien aljurenent 2 Correcely set, the vertical and horiaontal por~ focus at the Sane setting oF the FOCUS control If a free-running trace is not parallel with the horisontal.graticule lines," the front pene ‘TIACE ROTATE can be adjusted por Sup 8 of porsgeaph S03-401 ‘The FIND BEAM switch provides a aeans of 10- Grea “vereichlly or horssontally. en FIND EAN 5 depressed, the display 5 compressed thin the gratieiie aren of the screen, and The display! intensity 1s tnereased. To’ Tecate nd reposition an overscanned Jispisy Step 1: Press the FIND BEAM switch, hold 4¢ ny aad adjust the vertical and bort- ofeal position coatvols 19 sppraxi sately center the display abput the find Y axes centerlines Step 2: Release the FIND REAM switchs the dis play should Fenain within the viewing ‘The groticule or viewing sereon division 1% fre marked on the inside of the ORY facepla to provide accurate, parallex- free weasur sents,” The graticule is divided into eight Nertical and‘ten ferizancal divisions, where tach anjor division forns a 0.3 inet {1727 en) Stuire. In adeition, the major divisions are ‘vided snto's ninor’ scale divisions. The Vertical gein end horizontal ting of the plug-in unite are calibrated £0'the grsticule fake, allowing neasurenents to be Uisplayed then making tine or frequency measurements from the graticuto, the center eight divisions pro: ‘Vide'the most accurate portion of the seate. Fosicion the start of che timing ares to be tmenrured £0 the second vertical division, and Yodel 1088-D14 IHTENSITY HeOULATEON Intensity (2-Atis) nodulation can be used to relates thind element of electrical prenonend {to the verticat (Feteis) and horisoneat als) egordinates, without aéfecting the wave- Shape of the dispiayed: signal. Te Z-heis smodulet ing signal, applied to the anplifier's Stomicg junction, is derived either fron memory for fren external sources vis the sear panel 1/3 In gereral, positive-going signals incrense rightness’ and negitive-going signals. decreas Scighincss, useh aetonl saiuge of level dete ‘The BIANKING IN connector (ees panel) also aecostes the Z-Axis anpiiier vie‘ logical Gi gete chain which ie controlled by #771 evel signal. “Access fron the plug-in ret Slang signal is also availadhe here, deriv {ng fon the Horizontal plug-in wien seeping. 5.5.6. REFRESH NeNORY ‘The Masel 1056-014 sncorporates a display sea Gry circuit to enable seorage of Nand axis eltection sigests digitally. hen the front panel MEMORY pushivtten ON 2 depressed, the {splay 43 deiven by detection signals’ fron ‘he Rit circuit. (after O/& conversion and pr essing). Men the ON pushbutton 1s release ‘he CR displays real-time deflection signals ten the SAVE pushbutton ts depressed, the digital sipnais from the RAM menory ate con- ‘Anvosly Converted to RT deflection Srive, With ro Update. fron tho plug-ins ozeuring. The Sispiay can then be conveniently photographed ‘ising sonvent ional CRY seope mounting. casera 5.4 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM OPERATION ‘Consult the appropriate plugcin instruction tmanuals for nore detailed inZoraation regarding he wre of the 1OSI-DI4 as 9 nensucenent in ic) ws a J J PERFORCE CHECKS 4.1 PuRpose Information in this section is useful for pert- ‘bite evaluation of perforsunce of the Mode! Thse-Dit hinfvane, "Tf the instrument. fells to Usted here, refer to Section 6 for detailed instructions on making the necessary adjust “Tats section may also be used for sneoning Eispection, in the event thet ¢ maintrane Is ceived without plug-in units. (Refer to, ‘paragraph 5-4-1" oF purallel procedures to Tetsed for’ incoming anepection uhen plug-ins nnd datectore sre available.) 4.2 EQUIPMENT nEgurRED “Tee only item of equtpment required co make ieee performance checks i the speciat plug-in fceender and calibration fixture Ait, PACIFIC MEASUREMENTS part number 12715") The’ con Sists of a shorting dosed, Assembly No. 12719, Gnd'an extender, Assenbly Now 12716 With POHER switch OFF, install the Shoreing board inco the left-nost plug-in conpareaens (orizonsal slot) End’ the sevenger into the middle poe {i compartment. (A channel slot) ep 2: Select the folloving suiteh positions: A cane on EXTENDER: Step 5: Connect the inetrunent to an ae pover ibys on inpot conncctor, apply pore? and allow equipent 29 sarm up for 10 ‘Step 4: Turn the INTENSITY control fully Comcerclockaise, noting that the Staeon Ca¥ face’ (le wisihle) extin= uistes. Step S: Turn the INTENSITY control clocksise ensity until a dia spot 1s displeye Step 6: Adjust tho focus control, noting that Shep, weld -etined spot can be ob fained:’ Re-aajust the INTENSITY and {sous controls se neaded, to sue pre ferred viewing Level, Seep 1: 0h he entender ued shane the Press the FIND BEAM button. The spot Should brighten noticeably and move clighety downuerd. Releste FIND BEAK suten: 4.4 DEFLECTION s¥STEN GHECKS Step 1: On the extender board, change che SSSBXS Gevector seiteh from s301V C0 CENTER The bean should be in the center of The Chty adehin Onl of ¢ major Givi ‘Step 2: Change the selector switch fron CENTER SoiSoIV. The spot should wove thre Sislatons «pros divisions upuara ‘Stag 3: Turn POWER suitch OFF and exchange the locet ions of the shoreing bosré tnd the extender bosrd. Change the Selector switch on the extender ron VERT fo HORIZ." Turn POER ayieeh OH Check to ace that the pot ia non three divisions 00.05 divisions to the Hight of conte ‘Taig completes the porformance checks for Nadel 1o38-bue Moet 1058-014 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ‘mais section of the manual conteine = function Bi deseripelon of the electrical circuits con~ tuned in the plug-in chassis and CRT display Shaseie porcione Sf the Nodei 1038-014 Nan~ frane. Table Set lists the clseult assanblics by reference designation, and includes the “lnenatie and assembly efore-reference for con- entence. Assembly AIO ts optionaly and 28 Covered septrately i Section 7. 5.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION (Figure §-1) ‘The Interface Board (AL) accepts signals fron the left and ight vertical plug-in uniea for splay on the EXT anc/or storage inthe mem fry. Signals fron the horisontal plug-in unit Se procented 6 aupply the deflection che- ‘Tee Interconnect Board (A2) couples the tow Voltage power supply outputs tothe systen via the Interface. {e also funrishes certain sig als to the Input /ostgut and other connectors tn che roar patel of the instrument. ‘The Power Supply Assembly (AS) provides chroe Yoltape levels to the system +S votts de = 18 volts de ‘the beflection Cizcule (M) intercomects hori- ontal and vertical axis information vo 800 Terecesves and fe signals fon the horizontal and ver~ ‘leat plug-in unite, before application to’ the Sispiy iw ote eo an accessory Response Nmercos display ehrouie functions are routes Through At, including Geometry, Aetlgnatisn, nd certain frone panel contraitea operations, uch az intensity and trace rotation. Regul on forthe gh flease tower Supp, 7 Th igh vlcag Yowr Supply (A) coments (G'sShide maximum) ueiiized by he ERT In the Aspley portion of the systea: ‘The Memory Goard (46) zeceives anatog horizon~ fal aed vertical (A'and 8) signals, cowerts ‘ale §-1 ooeL 1038-014 CIRCUIT ASSENOLTES Aovenctarune Interface Che Power Supply beElection cht High Voltage Supply enory Board FEE Interconnect THEE Indicator mio. 126 ans See Section 7 Node 1058-018 ‘hon to digital, and stores tho for further Use by ther display, Vertical signals are quan- ‘tet 20286 points and horszoneal to $12, 0 Assure faiehfol signal reproduction. Ihch aisploy featuring internal (B30 esvision) araticule and Pal phosphor. S.3 INTERFACE CIRCUIT Pea ‘This cSrouit provides the interconnection from ‘There are three prinsry inputs (one horizontal Gnd tuo vertical plugéins) thd one prinery oat pt, which comects #9 the deflection esrcultey fo through the perfor At specified in Sectfons tance checks, Sections 4,3 and 4,4 tion save’ or teas onan Sates (band at Honey edjuse vertical or hori fontai gain per paragraph 6.2.4. os Moet 1058-D14 Any malfunction noted during performance of ‘peetiminaty checks ould be de to sneorrect Sect ing of de power supplies. Gain access to by renoving the Fight hand top/si ‘shows the partistly 3is- Unie, with the three sdjuctnent con tots ang test points slong the top of AS Pb (near the right edge of she photo)- easure Se voltages and adjust the Lontrois por Pes ‘ne 250 volt poner supply can be checked on the sdetnection clreutt asteably At, at TPOLL ‘Since this sopply is unregwiaeed, its vaiue ‘Sepends upon Line voltage and iotd current. ‘Tate 6-2 provides further guidance in isola tlon of the cause of power Supply failure, The “spplise sve sintlar and are de: “arothar possible maifunction {s no trace dis ‘played on the CRT dace.” Assuming the low ‘Yaleage power cupplies nensure normal, the beam “iyponts only 1f the folTowing conditions sre Electrons are enitted by tho cathode, ‘Te conteol grid is not too negative stn respect to the exthoge ‘the focus electrode has = suitable volt Sue applied ‘The horésontal and vertical deflection ‘lecteodes have neuviy equal potentials ‘me 1.SK¥ power supply potentials are function fre 6-2, £0 gain access to then’ accoae le gasned certain faults may occur with a trace visible fn the CRT display, a5 enumerated In Table 6-4 4p addstion, you my be able to Isolate the Cause to a vertical, horizontal, or intensity intro! chreust by sbeerving 2 the operation Smeenatty.” IF the performance io near noraal, ‘ba still out of Linite after repaiz, perfor full catibration per pavegreph 6.2) ot 6.3.4 ORT REPLACENENT gure: use ErTeMe cane WHEN 2ANDLTNO A re 2 Sm SYOnNC W-cerPLICw TP TT PROPETIVE ‘Levon of SEP 70 FACE DOWN TW A-PROMECTED a PF ae ‘bia Tae Pxcemray 30 Proms TF vee Seaenes {Fysten ii Zeplscuble in the Aleld by qualieied ‘Service personnel. The metal CRT housing oF STR‘ AEr dete atpnd fo asure proper posi- A. Turn FOMER snitch OFF and disconect cord. eaove the Instrunent cover panel on the eft sie per Figure 6-8 1b. Locate the tube socket connector on the Woe, 6. Laeate the tube clamp protruding fran the neck portion of CAT shield and Leosen 1 4. Locate the anode high voltage comestor near front of CMT and discomnest fave por Figure 5-5. Renove the setel and Nghe Fitters £. Push gentiy on the tube base, guiding the fube through he feont vith one hand on tbe fac 8. Resove the tape strips securing the trace Fotation coil’ fo the wide sogwent of CRT neck: The removed ofl can be Left in the RT shield for now 1. Complete the renoval of the CET, observing two" inportant’ safety procoutlens Provide » soft cushioned pice for rest= ing the tobe De very careful not to strite it sharply Nasinae anything. } oder 1038-1 PORER SUPPLY TROUBLESHOOTING orcarTON ROARS 4 PROBABLE CAUSES FURTHER GHECK & HEMEL 250 Volt suppty. 2507 1, trong Bine voltage eset sviteh at power cord con- Reads tov or zero nestor to correct voltage 2, Receifser(s) AACR coach le etek ratio, 5. Filter eapacttor Mc 1€ ripple > Sv 9p, replace 2 txt tow Output Weitage 1. rong Line voltage eset switch at power card con- ‘nector to correct voltage ee oe Orvatuea are TV EOF oo SuPPly Tn Shv'for 1s suppl 3. Rectifier Assembly Neasure raw vnregalated voltage 4 If seupply tow & -supply Check -supoly First § adjust as row equired 5. Excess load Disconnect each of wires to Sipply & cheek for reruen of operation 6. open grve sransator cr Sc section 5.55 use olmeter 7. 1.6, anpasetor See Section 5.5 8, Regence diode ‘ee section 5.5 9, Teaneforner 12 Check res ae secondary voltage High Output Yottags 1, Shorted regulator transistor Check with ohmeter 2, Shorted regulator ariver check with ohmeter 3. 16, dmplitier See Section 5.5 4, Missajusted esdjust 5, Short to higher voltage check other sepplies for sane ‘snly Wolesee Excessive Ripple 1, trong-Line voltage eset to correct Line voltage 2, filter capacitor Replace 1£ raw ripple excessive odes 1039-014 HOLE 6-5 ISOLATING THE CAUSE OF ABSENCE OF TRACE ON CRT TENAAIS AND CAISE OF est snorcarzon [eGATIVE INDICATION Look at CRT near connector Heater should glow red 1. Check wiring from transformer nd to cit heater uncer, _1u sre 3, =15007 po_2s ‘EEBSeNi af ne OME BND OP TE comer. 2, pula 2 wires from transformer OEE HV board (there Sa = emectin measure pores; 5. Wensure Inater resistances replace GRY $f open (cerefully nessure 1.55kY 1.S8iV £759 Check prisary supply wiring st test point 04 using Hiys tango of Vt AsqU in HHS has fated Sep nett Bs Se Measure collector of MQS___ Vary intensity control Intensity Liait contro! adjust of Deflection cineuit rom stop t0 stop. Voltage shosid vary See parsgseph 5.71 (nanuat) pprosinately co 88 for estat Scacripeion creck AAU Measure voltage a: M6 vertical deflection anplifier; ‘ind MQ? of Deflection se soo panigraph $6.3 manial Vertical preamplifier sulen “aaa ar uah-pult MUTE Inpue to deftection sapit- flor et Mula pin 3, ole ges shoulé be OV 23.30, Glsoaie description Section carefully measure focus 4. VOM aay toad circuit, so try Woleege at wiper of ‘varying focus control Yocae pot with io on eee roteage changes iv range (See pers raph sds, Figure 6-8) TABLE 6-5 ISOLATING THE CAUSE OF ABSENCE OF TRACE ON CRT (Contd) look for trace after long bin trace visible or 1, CRT is defective. You should wares one be sure that all conditions ts HousI5e Fuouas 6-2 Moet 1630-014 Bright off-axts trace ‘fixture switen sat £0 <3 ‘n'shen dins as intensity Nontinear trace {TROUBLES WITH TRACE VISIBLE EDURKS & PROBABLE CASE Grid control cirealt ‘Aig’ (Deflection) Dofiection preamps ‘her aT probably defective ‘Adjust C204 and asTIG oden suss-u14 (heck with YOK, replace Neasure A498 collestor; See “able 6-3 See Table 6-3 See paragraph 5.6.8, See paragraph 5.6.5 EDDY the teverse of the, removal. roceare 1, fngure that the CRT anode ts oriented prop yortage esd. 2.16 the tae securing trace rotation cot (eaivarene) tape (ster versions may have s spacer installed {oi prevent overtugheening.) 6.3.5 REPLACING OMMER Cowponents usceations fond in this portion of text roplece various electronic components POWER SUPPLY PCBS (AS AND AS) Piceeln oly he ssoeanrt over rl oe, ‘Gisconrocting the assesbly fron its plug-in Sillipachead screws (in line vertically with Rix 2 ANG) as show in Figure 6-6 the low voltage power supply systen, the entire Tower half of the Tear sestvasent panel can be Sisto “Eeivesight pttspches ferinster of the panel and siiov St 0 ving ‘he high voltage pover supply assembly, AS, can be replaced by Tomoval of Six Bhillipe-sead Screus fon the upper Ralf of the roer instra nortan, ezeence Figure 7). fee the Dorcheod phallipe screw thet secures the High Yoleage ever Spl coves, he cscs upper e1 RDIO/AL OF PANEL HABONARE FIGURE 6-6 Medel 1088-114 FIGURE 6-8 Moder 1038-014 ‘secrz0N 7 core rsresrace 7a score ‘his section describes the IEEE Interface Boards including cizeast theory, functions, tnd ciuibration: Proprans are comtelned in an Appuication Note, separate fon this panos 7.2. GeNERAL DESCRIPTION option 04 of she Nodel 1056-014 provides for Connection toe remote Controller vis an nterfuce board furnishes by PACIFIC MEASURE NENTS. “The conection conforms to TEEE Sta {Topeid76 and 2 known ag the General Purpose nterface Bus (GPIB)” The bicdirecesonal i créace pesmits the 10S8-Di4 to send data. (Ta to the Controller and to receive both ata snd ‘Sonande from the Controtter (Listen) 17.3 INGTALLATTOW/PREOPERATING DATA ‘ae additional hardware zeceivod when option ot es been selected ia-one printed wiring boss Seabiy, itewing 12180, the Node) 1038-014 1s cept thie plug-in circuit cord Gnd no noalficerson in required. To install the IEEE interface Bosra’ (Fepure 7-1)" 44. Remove botton cover! b. Remove grille: (conponone side visible) on the 2) the of aluninon flanges: toeten (os fe. tnsere the bosrd in the comector: £. comect the Snterconoct cable; cs Sesew the board to the aluminun flanges (four places) Replace the bottom cover: Ju Install the new gritte, ‘The TEEE Board mist be provided with a device ‘icess, by programing: S-hse binary sviteh 54 Gn the fear panels Selecting ON for any bit Stes a logic’ on the corresponding line te Afver installation, the 1686 interface sound ‘Rist be calibrated” ar show im paragraph 7-601 7A THEORY OF OPERATION Figure 7-2 is 2 simpiified block iagran of the Eizuiesy involved, which fe shown sekenaticel= fy'on driving 1ai8i.”"The three sneiog inputs are multiplexed into 2 single VD converter {Uis) whose output connects to the Z80 CPU data ip via an 258 1/0 device, hin programmable Uneetface enchanges data bi-dsrectdonaliy, 10 putting digital words to the CMU and ourputeing Ero wade fo he 9/8 (USI) converter. (A see" tnd #255 device provides control fo the multi= plexers, ete.) ‘he exchange of date between 1038-014 and a Coneyolter is effected bicdirectionalty v0. U9 (hich manages the dats eranofer protocol ‘te 280 CPU is » microprocessor utslized in the Coordination of tll operstions involved in the processing, formatting, snd exchanging of ie" Play or pllgein data. EPROM devices U25 and Uns contain program firmaze. 1 2.8 RW stor~ see is supplied by UIB through U2. Taal ANALOG INUT/OUTPT CERCUTTS fefer to shies one of raving 14181 for this Eseussfons multiplexer U17s under the contro! GP el (ola Programmable Teée¥ace UID), ab~ files channel he channel By 99, the Horizontal Eigna) to batter stage Ui6b, ” (Gone level Shitting by #9, Re, and Aa occurs here, to Stnter the sigial about sere.) The output is SSrected in Uiea, which feeds tho signal to Ahiolute value eireuie Ul6e and D. This eir~ Slit convores signals of either polarity frae fhe multiplexer into a positive-going signal plus sign Bae UIS is the sign comparators sts output with opie eqist to A "plus" 1a buffered and in~ vetted by U2t and drives USD, The analog out~ Yur of the absoluce value at 7PI0OT feeds the Wyo comparator UISh st pin S.. Te other mut Sc vign is derived fon US6, whieh 15 driven by he B/A converter output at pin 9 of USL. The Selected input ir compared with the output oF {Sor which represents the value supplied by Us, “This value is revised twelve tines, each littonpt a closer successive approcination to {he Input level This valve So read by USD and [Sayallante for trunenission to che D1 CPv she net effect of this process 4s the creation Gea 12-bit data word (plus a sign ity tron Uisay, ta be read by Programable.Ineerface So. “the conversion i clocked at SOD AL at UIS;, where che approsination register outputs dre butdered onto the interface ports (and. Into UST O/A) by v25 and U2 Conversion of digital dats words Soto analog at TBI can be the sesult of either UIS successive ty approrinating multiplex Snpst signal, oF he Chu teonaniteing daea via the Prograumble Interfaces in either case, the analog current Into Use is converted to voltage and feeds 5 g Not useD {RE INTEREACE oKRD FraURE 7-1 Nodel 1058-014 4 swans oT uavos sus ode 1038-014 soplifier U538. The appropriate sign $e do- Cotes (fvon the ehirteanth bie ar N68) By USS, ich fe an analog sviteh that selects either the inverting snpet or the output of amplifier USSe. "Output muteiplexer Ut, which Ls con rolled by the CPU (v4a Ul0) drives sample and fold ese or tssb to furnish satio A or B dats then dies Ss being trenanieeed. These outputs ize held at zero when dota is being received at un, “The 82554 devices at USO and U10 sre Progeann “ible Peripheral Interface cizsuits operating Gnder control of the CPU, They each provide Bi y/o pins organized in'3 porter Pore A, By fnd'C. "The Latter (Port C)"ean be Used for {ieitietional @-ave buffer is provided incern= lly ty interface the device to the syscon data fas) ‘The system softuare prograns the fune~ tlonas conflgeration of each fort uben the CPU ‘Sutputs a eonerel word to the 2558", Pine 8 ‘and'9'(AB and AL) control the input oF output fode of Port Ay a, or C according to the state ‘Sf the AD and AW iines (pins 5 and 36). ata (or status ingornation) 1s seat to eho CPU fron ‘Sve detected port (determined by AD and Al ‘Mits) shen RO'de thus, when WR te true, the ‘Sirecclon of data exchange se reversed ‘The 15 bits of digitized input oF output signal fre coupled to the CPU by Port h (8 bits) and Pore: (5 bits) of USD. Port C controls Logie fo drive Skt device UIS. When USO is in output ‘Sede, duea from the GPU prograns US! O/fi but Th the input sode'the SAR oeepue fron UI Bex anos tho data source. Device U10 controle the Snput muitipteser (U17) and output aultipleser (U4) Via its 8 Port.” the control of buffers 125 ng 24 de also Zeon the B Port. Port € Eonerols statue indicators for Talker Active, Listener Active, Service Request, ste. it aise ‘Provides @ bits ta data bus B through’. “Both ‘devices USO and Uo communicate with she CPU oe the Sut system date. Bus 7.4.5 CENTRAL PROCESSOR UNIT NNedei 280-C0U is a monolithic S-di¢ micropro- ‘Sonteot Syston. Softuare resides in U25 250 ‘U2, watch cogether. form 4 ak xécbit array of ‘Ui Erasable PRON menory “Sandon Access Hemoty (Gu) tz provides by U6 through Ul, whieh form tio fk xchat seorage arreys: A clock ‘Siroult comprised of U27 and associated eompo- hhents provides the basic tining for the CP A genecal purpose interface adapter U9 (8291, ‘Grit Taiker/eeeener), conmonicetes with the ‘Sicropracestor daca bos. The comection is vis the procescor systen dave bus which ir distri tutes eo’ the nenory board, the Programmable Interface, firmare, and RM clreultey es well Nota addvons bue'Ts aio connected foal renory elenents on the IEEE Interface Board, the $291 comunicates with the Controller vis PiSaivecelonat bur transcetvors US through US. Signal Lines 188-187 provide for the flow of evan bit ASCII (rypiealiy) interface messages {and device dependent neszages) in bit paral {EI) bytecseriai fashion; at auéseionsi 8 Lines provide for general bus interface nanagenent End date yee transfer control. The controler sets the atenton Line (a in SI ef J21) tru when bus comands are 70, [rananitted to the Talke/Listenee, thie doe" Sbies consent callers and Listeners and frees Shevsipnal Lines 18 through 187- When snfor ‘ation"ia go be exchanged om the bur ante, Tiness a’shreessequened protocol or "handahak is exiablianes on byte tranarer Lines NIMC, seb, ana ON ‘The Talker/Listener U9 stores the 1038-014 de~ vise select address ss progranned by the user fsuitch St. then the remote conevoller ae ects the 3038-D1e for data sxchange, the runsceivers US through US are configured for Histening or talking according to the mode = quested By the controller Crystal clock osctLetor U38 furnishes 16: Seference to binary counter Uff, to derive ZBis clock inp fe the 280 CP ond the WS de- fice, Abe ouput ie furnished t0 Deh, abich Ye divided by Z't0 generste the conversion pele clock troquney of 00K The purpose of U22 octal decoder ts to read the ost significant nibble (Bits A12-A15) of the Tecbie sores Line. The decoder selects Gp pertpheal, either th EPROM, Re, the ‘Programe Tacerfaces or the U9 Tetker/its- 7.5 NOEL 1058-D14 SOFTMARE ‘the renotely programmable functions of the Ose: ie nay be divided into tho aor groups: those related to the processed display data, nd those related to the unprocessed nessure~ fone dats, There are tiso some miscellaneous 7.8.1. PROCESSED OTSPLAY DATA Channet A and 8 deta is disployed on the Cit ith respect 20 $ horizontal sueep.” he slow veep rates, (for instance) the signals may be Sefveshee sta flicker-free tate fron the dis- play nanory AS (aot pare of TELE Interea Fhe’ ceatecltes san execute remotely al fune= lone that an operator can porforn locally with espect to the menor: read monary contents det 1038-018 veckte data into nenory function, the 1056-034 ean be programed to oplot neosusenent data efter 3 hae been Bro- select oF de-select MENDY On (Cebsed by the Control er select oF de-sozect SAVE ‘he renote programming codes and data forwats For procesead or refresh splay menory fuse AAs on exanple of & typicel Controller-executed Sono are iisted in Table 7-1 CABLE 7-1 REFRESH DISPLAY FUNCTIONS DISPLAY FINCITON DESCRIPTION Read obsplay, Read display memory, Chanel A, S12 points, and Chanel A Store in interface memory. Five-hundred points Sie uithin the peseicuse, esa ossplay, ead display nemory, Channel 8, 512 points, and Channel More in interface nenory.Pive-hunded points e'athin the gravieule Weite Display, Wieite to interface menory st oX.NK horizontal Channel A Uvisionsy a vertical value oP 4Y-¥¥ auvisions. write Display, rite so interface memory st XXX horizontal Chanel B Sivisions, 2 vertical velue of 4¥-¥Y divisions Display Load Loads display senory from Snterface nenory dats a2 Stored” by be" and "DO" commands, Display Save ‘seve dlaptay memisy (atsabte update) Display update rable éSeplay memory uplate Dispiey Nenory Memory on-enable display nenery Display foal Tine Memory off.disable disptay nenory Desplay vatue Returns dieplay memory value at #NK.0 horizontal ‘Slane ae stored i interface'menory by "DK", renee or "OD" command. Foreat is £¥.11 vertical divisions followed by MCRL". PHi.KK Yanges four =0 to 110,00 deeiaions. SU polnts/ Givision sesoiution. -#v.Y ranges #om 4.58 to, SESE Sedan, AprSrnacly 50 poies/tvisin NOTES; 1). Enter sXK.0K and #Y.A¥ with code, 2). tater 23.06 with code, 7.8.2 MEASURED PLUG-IN DATA ‘the stepped OF measurewent mode, in which & [programmable sweeper 1s Indexed to the desired ‘channel A and B vertical data and hovisontal Frequency, the netsuremei ip deluyed (to wiioe ‘deca are avaiable directly as outputs of the fyaten to settle), ad the deta ty read fron 1038-014 System plug-ins. The Controller can HeNosssait.shnce: the 1038-014 can measure ead this data with 01 dB rosolaeion and eam ‘Herisontal seep position, the node described ‘rogram vertical dava to the sane revolution nut, the coneroller cam sund theoretic re tronce date (oops) to the plug-ins, for ratio ‘Siig with row neasured Gets via the inter “the ronote progronming codes and data formar fave every" Por noasurel plugin data or direct channel functions are Listed in Table 7-2 Ss only desirable when very precise frequency ‘Versus atta correspondence i required. TWBLE 7-2 DIRECT OMNNEL FUNCTIONS esd A channel ead A output, 512 points and storo in interface Bead 8 Channet ead 8 output, S12 points and store in interface Soteut enory. rite natio & Write roti input sYY.YYGB at oXt.X8 horizontal Uivisions,. Store daea in Sntezsace monory eed Horizont Read Horizontal, & ‘Chemnel poise each, sepa ‘snd followd by ‘henna 8 Fone Rovaat is 9 fatio Channel A _-Ratho A Channel nessurenents to the data stored Ty Re comand Ratio Chanel 8 ‘Ratio Channel B measurements to the date stored by Mc comand fatio (disab10) Disable ratio activity of HY or YI Ratio Value Return plug-in ratio valve st #3%.0 horicontat Sivisione sz sored Sn interface enory by", or "aim comand. Format is YY Ys folioweé by EaLPiE.B0 ranges fron 12 co 1) Rater #3030 and oF. wh cole 2) mer sXK.XK with code.

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