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t c€ >slly
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Total No. of Questions: 09
Totai No, of Sheets used: 02
Faper: Classical Mechanics (1'1'3)
S"objectr APPiied PhYsics
Nlinimum Fass marks:
Time Ailowecl: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks:

Sr. No. of Pt TWO questions
questions from sections

corresnonding l l0
conservation theorems.
a). State and * Kepl.r\ third law of
re a and n are constants'
(b). A padicle desct
is a central one' Deduce
show that the ror.. ,rrd"r which particle is moving
the force law and the of the parlicle'
e Lagrange's

.qrution, of motion for a conservative system u-silg it' ., , r,- ,,-

oordinate is c1'clic in
(b). Define cyclic c
t avtot rErqrr. total
rvrsr e
-..-j_f.___-- _
d then find its equation
(a). Setup a Lagrarg
of motion using it.

@ationof motion
(b). Obtat" Hamiltonian and
simple pendulum lqqy14 in a uniform
gravitation4 fi4d'

t under canonical
e vibrations of a'lEg
diatomic molecule.
ith one Point fixed'
f,rrtn., .rpl-uin the terms precesslon and nutation related to such a top'
(i). Can a canonlca t'" in Ph1'sicai sYstern?
Jusfil_. :''Cui ans'"\,'er"
is a constant of motion of the
iiii). Shorv that the orbitai angular moment-Lrmmight be the iaw: of force'
motion governeci bya centrallorce whatever 2
(iv). How one can obtain the constants ol motion? 2
oi.oru.ntional iorce? When is it different? 2
(vi). What is configuration sPace? 2
Wtlut do you understand by generation functions?
irii). top? 2
iriij. Wnut do you understand by sleeping 2
wnut are Eulerian anguiar coordinates?
ii*j. examples of sueh 2
(x). What is meant by non-conservative force? Give some


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