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a. Deep understanding on the General View of Arts.
b. Trace and discuss historical development and importance of Arts.



How would you define ‘art’? For many people art is a specific thing, a painting, sculpture or photograph, a dance, a poem or a
play. It is all of these things, and more.  They are mediums of artistic expression. Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary defines
art as “The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.”   Yet art is much
more than a medium, or words on a page. It is the expression of our experience. Joseph Brodsky hints at a definition of art in his
poem “New Life”:

-  “Ultimately, one’s unbound 

curiosity about these empty zones, 
about these objectless vistas, 
is what art seems to be all about.”
- Art is uniquely human and tied directly to culture. It takes the ordinary and makes it extraordinary. It asks questions about
who we are, what we value, the meaning of beauty and the human condition. As an expressive medium it allows us to
experience sublime joy, deep sorrow, confusion, and clarity. It tests our strengths, vulnerabilities, and resolve. It gives
voice to ideas and feelings, connects us to the past, reflects the present and anticipates the future. Along these lines, art
history, combined with anthropology and literature, are three main sources in observing, recording, and interpreting our
human past. Visual art is a rich and complex subject whose definition is in flux as the culture around it changes. Because
of this, how we define art is in essence a question of agreement. In this respect, we can look again to the dictionary’s
definition for an understanding of exactly what to look for when we proclaim something as ‘art’. It is something that is
perennially around us. Some people may deny having to do with the arts, but it is indisputable that life presents us with
many forms of opportunities for communion with the arts. A bank manager choosing what tie to wear together with his
shirt and shoes, a politician shuffling her music track while comfortably seated on her car looking for her favorite song, a
student marveling at the intricate designs of a medieval cathedral during his field trip, and market vendor cheering for her
bet in a dance competition on a noontime Tv program all manifest concern for values that are undeniably, despite
tangentially, artistic.

a. Etymology of Art

- The word Art originally comes from the Aryan root ar meaning “join” “put together”. From this ancient etymon, two
Greek verbs are derived, artizein meaning “to prepare,” and arkiskein, “to put together”. The Latin term ars, artis,
means everything that is artificially made or composed by man. In modern times the word art is restricted to express the
fine arts, including belles lettres or the classical humanities. But in our days, it has often been narrowed down to signify
only one art, painting.

b. The purpose of Art

1. Besides the moral, educational, social, cultural, and religious purposes of art as a powerful medium in mass
communication, it has also a purpose of value, which is no other than to express beauty.
2. Alll arts afford man moments of relaxation and spiritual happiness, which is a reflection of an eternal happiness.
3. Our imagination is seldom more satisfied than through the recreation in ourselves of the beautiful themes, characters,
motifs, events, etc. expressed by artists in their creations.
4. The arts are an outlet of our slumbering passions when brought to the surface under the orderly control of arts.
5. Arts are powerful means to reform man, to change his deviant behaviour into social order and to overcome hos
feelings of loneliness, uncertainty, and restlessness.
c. The message of the arts in the society
-One of the most relevant qualities of fine arts is to be universally significant. Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, and
literary arts mean something to man; likewise, they do convey something to him. Architecture, which directly
subserves practical needs, also speaks to man of a wonderful dynamic order, of a logical coordination of lines, tonality,
unity of a springing arches, restful patterns. -The architecture of the great cathedrals is a poem in stone arresting the
attention of man and revealing through a magnificent balance, the triumph of the human spirit over matter. We expect
the artists to disclose to us the beauty of the world we know and of the nature that we are. It is the aim of the artist to
bring forth beauty, order, clarity, and meaning. Thus, man’s love for objects will increase and his desires perfection
will be partly fulfilled.

- The very existence of art depends on its message to man and society; society needs artists and artists need society.

4 reasons why art is important for our society (4 reasons why art is important for our society – Art Light


Art has existed for many years in our society. We have seen paintings in caves and rocks. However, many of us don’t take art
very seriously. We think it’s something anyone can do. But art needs lots of creativity and is very important for our society for
the following reasons.

1. it is a natural behavior.
Just like language is a natural behavior of expressing oneself, so is art. When children are young, they draw to express
themselves. They try to draw something creative that reflects their thought process.

2. Media for communication

There are different types of language. You might not understand a particular language. But art is a universal form of
communication. Everyone can understand it. With art, you can share your ideas and thoughts with other people.

3. It talks about culture and society.

When you look at the paintings made in caves and rocks by the ancient people, it gives us an idea about their culture. So, art is a
form of preserving culture. It reflects a society’s beliefs, cultural values, etc.

4. Attracts tourism.
People visit many places because of art, like the Louvre in Paris or Granville Island in Vancouver. Art doesn’t only mean
expensive things; these are architecture and sculpture as well.


Name: ____________________________________ Course/Yr. & Section: ________________

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly and correctly.

1. Define art in your own understanding. (25 pts.)

Art, in its broadest sense, is a form of communication. It means whatever the artist intends it to mean, and this meaning

is shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms it makes use of, as well as the ideas and feelings it creates in its

viewers. Art is an act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations.

2. How arts affect our lives? What role does it play? ( 25pts.)

Arts bring magnificence into our reality. It brings a feeling of delight and joy. It is a significant device in making us analyze our
convictions considering a drawing or impression of truth. Craftsmanship can ship us to an alternate time and spot and it fills in
as healer, teacher, darling and companion.

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