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Low-Latency BCH-CRC Decoder for 3D CT NAND Flash Memory Applications

Hongyang Hu"', Haiyang Liu', Kai Xi', Kun Zhang-", Junyu Zhang', Eng Liu':"
'Key Laboratory of Microelectronics Devices andIntegrated Technology, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
'University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Abstract - This paper presents a low-latency II. DESIGN AND RESULTS

BCH-CRC decoder for 3D CT NAND flash memory,
Fig, 1 illustrates the designed ECC scheme for 3D
The presented decoder uses the hard-decision
CT NAND flash memory applications, The user data,
values as the input, which can avoid the energy-
which is of length 512 bytes, is divided into four
consuming sensing operations for generating the
segments, A 16-bit CRC with generator polynomial
soft-decision values and hence extend the life time
of flash memory, In order to improve the error g(x) = X16+X15+X'+ 1 is appended to each segment
correction performance, a BCH-CRC concatenated for the data integrity check, which leads to a message
coding scheme is developed, Moreover, the BCH sequence of length 4160 bits, Then the message
decoding algorithm is optimized to reduce the over- sequence is encoded with a (4277,4160) BCH code
all cost of the decoder, We implement the proposed whose error correction capacity t = 9,
decoder targeting at 3D CT NAND flash memory A. Decoder Design
applications, The user data length is 512 bytes, Fig, 2 describes the flowchart of the presented de-
which is divided into four segments, A 16-bit CRC coder. Fig. 3 represents the block configuration of the
is appended to each segment, and then the message decoder. The BCH decoding is the main part of the
sequence is encoded by a BCH code with 9-bit error decoder, whose key steps include the syndrome cal-
correction capacity, The decoder is realized in a culation, the error locator polynomial calculation, and
65nm CMOS process, which can achieve a decoding the error location search etc. In order to reduce the
throughput of 191MB/s with latency 2,795Jls, overall cost of the decoder, these key steps are opti-
I. INTRODUCTION mized. For instance, a parallel syndrome calculation
structure is developed to enhance efficiency. As an-
Nowadays, the three dimensional (3D) Charge other example, the inverse-less Berlekamp-Massey al-
Trap (CT) NAND flash memories have attracted gorithm is applied for calculating the error locator
much attention, as they provide a much larger storage polynomial. Fig. 4 depicts the timing diagram of the
capacity than the planar NAND flash memories with- presented decoder.
out increasing the equivalent area occupation [1],
However, reliability issues [2] in the 3D CT NAND B Results
flash memories evoke high raw bit error rates, We synthesize the presented decoder using a 65mn
making the error correcting coding (ECC) techniques CMOS process. The synthesis results are summarized
in Table L We know from the table that the presented
mand-atory to guarantee the data safety of the
decoder has higher throughput and lower latency com-
memory chip,
pared with other comparable decoder implementations.
Hard-decision schemes are an important class of
ECC schemes, which use hard-decision values as the
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This work is supported by China
input of the decoder and avoid multiple sensing oper- Key Research and Development Program
ations. Moreover, these schemes usually have low (20 16YFA020 1804).
complexity merits, which make them suitable for the
applications where the decoding latency is stringent. REFERENCES
In this paper, we develop a BCH-CRC conca- [1] J. Cho, D. Kang, J. Park, et al, (ISSCC), 2021, pp.
tenated coding scheme to improve the error correction 426-428.
performance of HI) decoder. In order to reduce the [2] Y. Kong, M. Zhang, X. Zhan, et al, vol, 39, 2020,
overall cost of the decoder, we optimize the key steps pp. 4042-405 L
of BCH decoding. The proposed decoder is imple- [3] T-H Chen, Y-Y Hsiao, Y-T Hsing, et al. 200927'h
mented targeting at 3D CT NAND flash memory IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp.53-58.
applications. The synthesis results suggest that the pre- [4] 1. Crippa, G. D. Martino, 1. D'Onofrio, et al,
sented decoder is superior to the comparable decoder IEEE ISSCC, 2006, pp. 497-506.
implementations in the literature.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SILCHAR. Downloaded on November 09,2022 at 07:59:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
User Data

D CRC Encoding

'- Uscr Data --J~

D BCH Encoding

User Data


Fig. 1. Proposed BCH-CRC concatenated coding scheme.

TABLE 1 Performance comparisons
Parameters [3] [4] Our work
Data size(Byte) 512 512 512 All Segments
Successful ? N
BCH error correction
9 5 9
capacity (t)
4.22 96.8 2.795
Gate count 158.9K 325K 125.8K
Frequency(MHz) 125 25 200
Throughput(MB/s) 119 N/A 191
Fig. 2. The flowchart of the presented decoder.
1------ 1
Barrel I Syndorme I
Syndr_ Gen Erro r Calc
Shift-Regs I Shi ft-Regs I
i_ app_ wr i_ syn - h 0_ syndr_ 0 I Ii synd_xin 1 - - -xS---1
i app sof
RO 1 i serial din
I GF-Mul 11 syndr 1 I' RO I
i app eof
R1 1 I GF-Mul_2 1 0

0 syndr 2 I
R1 I
I I GF-Mul_1 1 I
i app din
t R2 I
: I GF-Mul_2 1 :
Rn 1 I GF -Mul_B I
I I t I

0 syndr 16 I
I GF-Mul 91II

syndr_ 17
i app_rd (J 0_
0 R17 I L ______ ~

:::0 I
app_dou t I

app info
CRC-16 I I I
I--' I- - - - - - -I
0 app hs kd (l)
- Error
B-bit Location Polynomial

Fig. 3. The block configuration of the presented decoder.

~ _ a p _ so f i _ app_eof Syndrome El e ment Co ff oes
In i t i al i za t i o n I ni t i a li za ti o n
4... /
<, 1
I I /
<, 1
I /
i a p p_ wr B-b i t Da ta I npu t ...........1 1/
i _ a p p _ d in 1 / B - b i t Decode
Syndrome c al culati o n
I ... ~
Ou t p u t i _app_rd
I o_a p p_ do u t
I Er r o r
L o c at i on Po lynomi al


Ca l c u l a t ion

I Er r o r
I L o c a t i on S e a rch
535t I lBt I 5t 5 35 t

I I To tal L a tency 559 t

Fig. 4. The timing diagram of he presented decoder.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SILCHAR. Downloaded on November 09,2022 at 07:59:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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