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PAL (1 (q) pue (x) nog (Pp) (@) s0u (2) 2212 (0) iL aaisusdea (@) aq MMOLAPYEaq JaUMsUOD eULOUGY (ke) IBA ¢Bupsera105 puewiap jo pounaur OTT AUMSUOD Jo UOHLIUNT & st SUTMOTTOF aU Jo Yor “sanuaal [e}0} UO yajja Aue aavy 30M aoud ur ast e (p) ‘pepuewiap Ayquenb ayy aseasour [fim aord ut eye (0) ‘anuaaad [e}0} aster [IM aoud ur eye (q) sanuaaar 230} aster [JIM aod ut astre (ev) wey Suseya atid st puewap jy Ajodo8yQ (p) uonpedwo sysyodouoy (9) Ajodouoyy (q) uonneduios yazieg § (e) “yoyreu UT paArasqo SI aAIND puewlap paxuny aur 1y8rens Teqoztoy (P) aur YySrens jeoniea (2) Suidojs premumop (q) Surdojs premdn (ve) s] 2arnd puvulep ‘spoo8 [euLOU Jo asv> UT asayy jo auoN (p) ou (0) panp (a) asroaut (°) -parjddns 4yquenb pue aoud usamyeq drysuoyrjer smoys ajnpayps A]ddns yaysew ay. aaoge ay} jo euON (P) (q) pue (e) oq (2) anuaaar ueyy axour saonpaz ys0>_(q) ys09 ueypy azour saseauou! anuaaar (P) : ae aIqeiyord st uoIsDap JUSUISIAUT UP JEU} SIS ajdrourid yeyuewiesouy OL (uaz, Awy) quewayes 2u) ayMaz pure suoido uaars ay} Wor TaMSUE ysaq ayy ayes (Vv) OOL: syzey [e301 (a) (a1) (~) @ sinop] €: uoHeING ae, srioersity Paper Sol ii) Short run produc (a) only fixed fac ()_ both fixed and va ss: 100 (@ None of the above The narrowing distance between su te ue : isoquants denote: 7k (a) Increasing returns to scale es sfitable |) Decreasing returns to scale (c) Constant returns to scale (d) None of the above jx) Which of the following is an example of Internal Economies of Scale? (@) Labour Economies (b) Technical Economies (©) Managerial Economies (4) _All of the above en price \) jn the short run, the slope of TC curve is the same as slope of (@) AVCcurve (b) TFC curve (9 TVC curve (a) AFCcurve xi) The difference between private and social cost is due to (@) opportunity cost (b). diminishing marginal utility e (c)_ externalities (d) accounting errors xii) refers to an unavoidable cost which cannot be recovered. (2) Opportunity cost (b) Sunk cost (c) Real cost (d) Implicit cost 1. (B) Write whether the following statements are true oF fale (Any Ten) }) Demand is desire backed by willingness and ability to P®Y- fi) Opportunity costs can always be measured in terms of money. 7 i i i ane Ji) Under monopoly market, when TR is increas MR is negativ a the demand curve will ‘ethod of |) When the demand is perfectly elastic | Vertical straight line. < ) Demand curve under monopoly is perfectly inelastic: i) Long term forecasts are required for capital investments: i) Technology is variable in long run production function. Vili) MRTS is measured as AK/AL- nwversity Business Economics - I (F.Y:B.Com.: SExy. ed A firm experiences increasing returns of scale due to technological 4. Atten advancements. (4) Defin (x) Implicit costs are measured as opportunity cost. fe). What (xi) Learning curve expresses the decline in average cost due to better ande experience. (xii) MC = AC when AC is minimum. 2. Attempt A and B OR Cand D: (©) Wha (A) Discuss the scope of study of Business Economics. 7 Econ () Given the following data calculate TR. AR, and MR. Also identify the (P) ae market structure and state the relationship between TR, AR and MR. § Pas [cs [a4 pao ao [0 Pao [| Labour I Total Pre @ OR (©) Write an explanatory note on the use of marginal analysis in decision making in business. 7 (D) The demand function for a commodity is given as Q, = 40 - 0.1P and its supply function is given as Q, = 20 + 0.2P. Make a schedule of demand and supply at prices % 100/-, % 200/-, 300/- and @ 400/-. Find the equilibrium price and quantity. 8 3. Attempt A and B OR Cand D. (A) State and explain the law of demand. Write the assumptions and exceptions to the law of demand. q (B) Describe the nature of demand curve under perfect competition ond monopolistic competition. 4 OR (C) What is d i ii ignific mand ; ea og forecasting? What is the significance of 4e™, (D) A movie theatre charged % 100/. i oo " - per ticket and sold 500 tic show. When the price ‘of tickets was raised to ® 125/- the thet le eRenY 40 pekite Estimate price elasticity of eM" sity movie tickets. Is it beneficial for the theatre to raise the price?" Untversity Paper Solutions SEM-1) 243 j. Attempt A andB OR CandD, ological © (A) Define ( isoquants. What are the Properties of isoquants? (8) What is meant by diseconomies o} 7 f scale? Discu: f f iss the various j and external diseconomies us internal ip better of scale. : OR (©) What is meant by Economies of Se Economies of Scale? ‘ope? How is it different from 7 D) The following table shows total product i i itify the & labour parce in combing than e oi - ae eee dMR.8 a fixed input of capital: g = Labour Input (Units) 10 Total Product (Units) () Calculate average product and marginal product. (ii) Name and mark the three stages of law of variable proportions laciciagt in the table. 7 (iii) In which stage will a rational producer operate? Justify your 4P and answer. dule of 5, Attempt AandB OR CandD. la (A) Explain the nature and relationship between AFC, AVC, ATC and MC curves of a firm. 7 [B) Given TRC =¥55/-, calculate TC, AFC, AVC and MC. 8 ms and T - - - 3 7 [output Units) | Cee 2 75 | 105 | 155 | 225 onand | TvC@) 0 [30 [55 | ae OR -even point? How is break-even point 7 break (Cc) What 1s meant by br i me . mn, if price of product is ¥ 80/-, TFC is € 5000/- For a hypothetical fmm © E

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