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The time does not go back for a

Well, here I am once again, in front of my
computer writing little stories. But this one is an
exception. This is where things take a change of
course. I want to write here almost daily, which
might make me motivated to write other things.
Don’t want to write too much though, I want to
keep it nice and simple. My goal is to write every
day – even if I have plans – to make it some sort of
daily habit. Someone could call this a diary but,
not exactly. Coming up is my boring life as a 16-
year-old trying to live peacefully with a couple of
best friends.

Special thanks to:

My family and friends.
Friday 14 October
I am going to use these sheets as material for my “life
novel” or in boring terms: a biography. Anyways, for the
past five days, I was sick, so I wore a mask at school
looking like the guys from the black plague. These days I
don’t feel like myself for some reason, it is like when I go
to cram school they hang out with me, but they don’t
really want to. However, I don’t care about that, I just hate
it when people are hiding their true intentions about
someone. Nothing interesting happened today, besides
that is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday so that is really

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