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ALUNO:_________________________________ ANO DE ESCOLARIDADE: 2021 TURMA: 2º ANO

QUESTÃO 1: Texto:
My name is William and I love music. I listen to a lot of types of music, my favorite
one is rock. I play the drums and in the future I intend to be a drummer in a rock
band. My best friend, Fred likes music too. He plays the guitar. We hope our
dream of being musicians comes true.

 Escreva “V” ou “F” de acordo com o texto:

( ) Fred plays the drums.
( ) William loves music.
( ) Fred’s favorite music is rock.
( ) William only listens to rock.
( ) William and Fred hope to be musicians in the future.

Texto I “Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, was born in Qunu, a
small village in South Africa. His father was an important man in the village,
but he died when Nelson was still young. The word in bold refers to:

 A palavra em negrito se refere a quem?

( ) África . ( ) Ao presidente. ( ) Pai de Mandela. ( ) Qunu

 Quem foi Nelson Mandela?

( ) Presidente dos U.S.A. ( ) Presidente da Africa
( ) Presidente de Qunu ( ) Vice presidente dos U.S.A.


Texto II Opportunities as a Police Communications Technician
Police Communications Technicians (911 Operators/ Radio Dispatchers)
Starting Salary: $33,162 and can increase to $44,899
1. Four year high school diploma.
2. New York City residency is required within 90 days of appointment.
3. Must be able to understand and be understood in English.
4. Must pass a drug screening.
APPLICATION FEE: $47.00 — Payable on the day of the test.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 out. 2013.
Responda de acordo com o texto II:
 Neste anúncio de emprego no Departamento de Polícia da cidade de Nova Iorque,
um dos requisitos para se preencher a vaga é:
( ) Ser capaz de se comunicar em inglês.
( ) Pagar a taxa de inscrição antecipadamente.
( ) Morar em Nova Iorque por 90 dias após o teste.
( ) Ser experiente na área de combate às drogas.
( ) Ter diploma de ensino médio há quatro anos.

 Quando deverá ser paga a taxa da inscrição?

( ) Deverá ser paga no momento da inscrição
( ) Deverá ser paga antecipadamente
( ) Deverá ser paga no dia do teste.
( ) Deverá ser paga apenas se passar no teste
Why are fruits and vegetables good for you?
Fruits and vegetables are good for you because they provide important
vitamins, minerals,fiber, and natural plant compounds known as
phytochemicals. As well as their health benefits,these phytochemicals are
responsible for the color,taste and smell of a fruit or vegetable.

A. Segundo o texto, que elemento é responsável pela cor, sabor e cheiro?

( ) The phytochemicals. ( ) The fiber.

( ) The fruits. ( ) The minerals.
( ) The vegetables. ( ) The vitamins

B. Segundo o texto, por que as frutas são importantes para a saúde?

( ) Because they provide skin cleansing.
( ) Because they provide important carbohydrates
( ) Because are responsible for the color, taste and smell.
( ) Because are not good for you.
( ) Because they provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Segundo Forrest Gump, a vida é uma
caixa de bombons:

( ) são ambas perfeitamente previsíveis.

( ) são gostosas, mas enjoam.
( ) são perigosas, mas são saborosas.
( ) são ambas completamente imprevisíveis.

Complete o texto com a forma correta das expressões, utilizando os verbos do quadro.
Get go tell not ride not watch
Walk play read walk live

When I was a child, we -------------near the sea. In the summer, I -------------swimming every day and in the
winter my friends and I -------------- games on the beach for hours. In the evening, we
----------------------- television because there weren’t any cartoons or children’s programs.
We -------------------- many books and my grandparents ------------------- us a lot of stories.
My parents didn’t have a car so my mum ---------------- to primary school with me.
When I was older, I -------------------- with my friend. There was a lot of traffic so we --------------------our
bicycles to school. How ---------------- you ------------------- to primary school?

QUESTÃO 6: Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase:

“In my school ________ many students”
( ) there is.
( ) there are.
( ) there to be.
( ) there have.

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