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It has been mentioned in the Quran:

“Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We
have provided for them, and who believe in what has been revealed to you,
[O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter
they are certain [in faith]”.
Prayer or salah is the second and one of the most Important pillars of Islam that
is not excused for in any state. Those who are sick or otherwise physically
unable to offer their prayers in the traditional form are permitted to offer their
prayers while sitting or lying, as they are able. The actual meaning of the word
in Salah or Salat in Arabic means connection, contact, or communication.
Salat is a distinguishing factor between a believer and a non-believer.
A Muslim is obliged to perform salah five times a day at the prescribed time, in
the direction facing Qibla and is to offer no excuse when is come to offering
prayers. The five prayers include
1. Fajr
2. Zuhr
3. Asr
4. Maghrib
5. Isha
Other than these obligatory prayers, there are some non-obligatory prayers,
otherwise known as supererogatory prayers, that can be offered at the given
times. These include Sunnahs, nafl, tahajjud, istikhara, chasht etc.
The act of prayer surpasses all other acts of submission to Allah in elegance,
servility and weakness. A Muslim offering prayers becomes an embodiment of
weakness before his creator. He stands with his arm folded reciting verses of the
book of Allah, praising and fearing him.
There are many references in the Quran that have stressed upon offering salat.
“On the Day of Judgment, a slave will be questioned about his prayers
first. If his prayers are good, his other deeds will be good, too. If his
prayers are bad, his other deeds will be bad, too.”
it is mentioned in surah Nisa:
“Observe proper prayers, no doubt, prayers at fixed hours have been
enjoined on the believers”
Not only Allah, but also his messenger has stressed upon offering salah.
“One who deliberately neglects his salah, Allah is absolved of him.”
“The real fountain of deen is to make a man submit to Allah and his
messenger, and the pillar of this edifice is salat”
The offering of salah represents the submission of Muslims to Allah. Other than
that, it has other benefits and effects on the Muslims that are highly cherishable.
Studies have revealed that salah not only improves spiritual well being but also
mental and physical health when performed correctly and whole-heartedly.
Here listed are some of the impacts the establishment of prayers have on
Prayers act as a shield against all the evil deed and bad habits. When we do
wudu for salah, we purify our self with water before we stand before Allah. This
helps us stay clean throughout the day. Offering salah not only purifies our
body, but also cleanses our heart and nourishes our mind and soul.
Invoking Allah:
Prayers are one of the preferred means of communicating with Allah Almighty.
When a person worships Allah he or she develops a connection with Him and
any invocation within that or after that connection is bound to be accepted by
Allah more compared to invocation done in any other circumstance.
Prayer satisfies a man’s spiritual needs to be in contact with his creator leaving
his soul peaceful and causing pleasure.
Rewards in the afterworld:
A person who performs his prayers on time in this world has been promised
rewards in the afterworld.
“Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer
and give zakat will have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no
fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.”  
Allah says:
 “The key to Paradise is prayer; the key to prayer is wudu (ablution).” 
Salah helps a person achieve righteousness and piety and helps them move on
the right path and promotes taqwa amongst believers.
Strengthening of faith:
Offering daily five prayers strengthens the heart of the person with the faith in
Allah and the relationship with Allah consequently grows stronger
'Between a man and disbelief is (only) the abandonment of salah.'
A person who prays 5 times a day becomes humble. It is mentioned:
“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.”
A person praying in congregation also develops a sense of equality. People of
all statuses and races stand shoulder to shoulder under the same roof.
Everybody is equal.
Salah and patience go hand in hand. Patience is not just to remain patient rather
to shift focus from self to the mighty Allah. Instead of drowning in sorrow,
Salah teaches us to go through the trial with grace, Emaan, and Tawakkul.
“O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer).
Truly! Allah is with As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.).”

A person offering prayers will develop a fear of Allah in his heart and will think
twice before doing any wrong deed because he will know that he has to face
Allah again, hence he will avoid doing anything bad and keep a control on his
Salat makes the Muslim believe Allah is always with him, he never feels lonely
hence keeps away from sins and his heart is free from all sorts of griefs
“Verily, prayer restrains (oneself) from shameful and unjust deeds”
Physical health:
Salah increases a person’s physical health. they are believed to improve
equilibrium, balance, and joint flexibility as well as maintain lower limb
performance7). Each regular prayer includes a series of postures, movements,
and Quran recitations, along with other specific supplications. Thus, improving
our physical health.
Prevention from indecency:
A Muslim gets exposed to all sorts of environments and people, all of which
have a direct impact on the personality of the person. There is no denying the
fact that the current plight of the people of the world is miserable where they are
more prone towards indecency compared to goodness. Thus, to prevent one’s
self from going down the dark road, a Muslim must find refuge in Salah as it
will help in combating indecency and lewdness. Allah says in Quran:

“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and
establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and
the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.”

Therefore, a Muslim must consider Salah as an effective weapon when it comes

to fighting lewdness and evils of all sorts.

Salah brings on the blessings and mercy of Allah (SWT).is the nourishment for
the soul. Salah keeps away the Shaitan from us and helps us develop good
moral character and helps us become disciplined in life. A Muslim must realize
that above anything, Salah is an obligation, and every Muslim has to fulfill this
obligation and get blessings from Almighty Allah

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