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1. How would you define artificial intelligence?

 Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by

machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include
expert systems, natural language processing, and speech recognition and
machine vision.

2. Distinguish between strong and weak AI.

 Strong AI can learn and reason like humans, whereas weak AI is focused on
automating particular jobs. Weak AI is capable of doing tasks better than
humans, but it is subject to considerably more limitations than even the most
primitive human intellect.

3. What was Alan Turing’s significant contribution to Artificial Intelligence?

 Alan Turing, who is frequently hailed as the founder of modern computer
science, is best known for his work on the first modern computers, his role in
helping to crack the German Enigma code during World War II, and his
description of the Turing Test, which served as the inspiration for artificial

4. Why would an ATM and its programming not be a good example of

AI programming?
 They are often repaired with hand tools. On a malfunctioning ATM,
programming languages have virtually little impact. No manufacturer is
obligated to use the same language as any other manufacturer, or even the
same language within a single manufacturer for various ATM models. It is up
to the manufacturer to decide what language their software is written in.
However, updating the software won't ever be able to cure a malfunctioning

1. Imagine you are trying to determine if you are communicating with
your friend or with a computer pretending to be your friend. If a
computer passes this test, what legal or ethical questions do you
envision will arise

1. Why is search an important component of an AI system?

 Consequently, search and agents are important components of artificial
intelligence. Search makes guarantee that the AI machine/system work
properly by doing anything from giving a conceptual backbone to different
searching techniques and algorithms to undertaking systematic investigation
of alternatives.
2. When is dfs preferable to bfs?
 When the target is nearer the source, BFS works better. When the target is far
from the source, DFS is superior. BFS is not appropriate for decision trees
used in puzzle games since it takes into account every neighbor. Decision
tree is a better fit for DFS.

3. Describe the generate-and-test paradigm.

 A technique for solving design issues where it is possible to develop a full
preliminary design, assess it, and iterate the process if the evaluation is

I. Given the following search tree, apply the depth first search where algorithm
returns success, G1 is a goal.
Questions for Discussion

1. Explain why hill climbing would be classified as a greedy algorithm.

 Because hill climbing always chooses the option that is locally best, it is
known as a greedy algorithm. It may or may not converge to a global
maximum, but it will discover a local maximum, which will most likely
be reached faster and may or may not be near to the global one.

2. Why is it that the best first search is more effective than hill climbing?

 The best-first search determines the values of ALL nearby nodes

before iterating with that node. When a neighboring node is found that
is more valuable than the current node, simple hill climbing iterates
until it finds that node.
3. What is the idea behind the branch and bound search?

 The branch and bound method is founded on the idea that the entire
set of workable solutions may be divided into more manageable
subsets. Then, these smaller groupings may be rigorously assessed in
search of the ideal answer.


1. Give the distance travelled of every node. (refer to Branch and Bound)

1. Perform a minimax evaluation for the game tree.


Use the propositional logic to represent the following English sentences.

1. Many Americans have difficulty learning a foreign language.

2. All sophomores must pass an English language proficiency exam in

order to continue their studies.

3. If you are old enough to join the military, then you should be old enough to
4. If the price of gasoline continues to rise, then fewer people will be driving
5. If it is neither raining nor snowing, then it is likely there is no precipitation.
Use truth tables to determine if each of the following is tautology or not.

1. p ↔ q ≡ p → q
2. (pvq) → ¬pv¬q
3. p→(pvq)
4. p ≡ pvq
5. ¬ (p^q) v (p^q)

1. Create a decision tree of the following:

a. Applying Loan
b. Enrolling at the University
c. Buying Outfit in the mall

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