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The recent escalation of the Russian and Ukrainian conflicts has become an international
concern. Allegations that Russia will soon invade Ukraine continue to be leveled because it is
strengthened by the presence of the Russian military around the Ukrainian border. Western countries,
including NATO allies, are sending military aid in the event of a sudden invasion and attack. But the
question is, what exactly is the root of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? here's a summary.

Trade-Annexation of Crimea

Reported by the BBC, Ukraine was indeed part of the Soviet Union until it gained its
independence in 1991. Relations between Russia and Ukraine tightened in 2013 over a landmark
political and trade deal with the European Union. Ukraine's pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych,
rejected an association agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Moscow. The
rejection sparked a wave of mass protests until Viktor Yanukovych was ousted from office in 2014. In
March 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, an autonomous peninsula in southern Ukraine with strong Russian
loyalties. The annexation was carried out under the pretext that Russia was defending its interests and
the interests of Russian-speaking citizens. At that time, THOUSANDS of Russian-speaking soldiers,
dubbed the "little green man" and later recognized by Moscow as Russian soldiers, flooded the Crimean
peninsula. Within days, Russia had finished annexing Crimea in a referendum denounced by Ukraine and
much of the world as 'illegitimate'.

Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula also prompted the outbreak of pro-Russian
separatist insurgencies in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions where they declared independence from
Ukraine. The uprising sparked months of fierce fighting. At the time, Ukraine and the West accused
Russia of sending troops and weapons to support the rebels. Russia denies this and accuses Russians
who joined the separatists of volunteering. In the fighting, more than 14,000 people were killed.
Donbas, an industrial heartland in eastern Ukraine, was devastated by the fighting. In 2015, Ukraine and
Russia signed a peace deal in Minsk, brokered by France and Germany. Even so, the peace deal was
tarnished by repeated violations of the ceasefire.

The EU and the US have imposed a series of measures in response to Russia's actions in Crimea
and eastern Ukraine, including economic sanctions targeting certain individuals, entities and sectors of
the Russian economy. In addition, the conflict between the two countries is also related to the desire to
join Ukraine to NATO. Check out the information on the next page.

Ukraine rejects Russia's request to join NATO

The Ukrainian government has firmly said Russia has no right to prevent the country from
establishing closer ties with NATO, if it wants to. "Russia cannot stop Ukraine from getting closer to
NATO and has no right to speak in relevant discussions," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement to
CNN, in response to Russia's call for NATO to halt its eastward expansion. "Any Russian proposal to
discuss with NATO or the U.S. any so-called guarantee that the alliance will not expand to the East is
illegitimate," he added. Ukraine insists Russia is trying to destabilise their country, where President
Volodymyr Zelensky, recently said the coup plot, involving Ukraine and Russia, has come to light.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba warned that the planned coup could be part of
Russia's plans ahead of a military invasion. "External military pressure goes hand in hand with the
domestic destabilization of the country," he said. Tensions between the two have also been exacerbated
by Ukraine's deepening energy crisis. Ukraine has accused the crisis of being deliberately provoked by
Russia. Within the country, other problems are exacerbating. The popularity of president Zelensky's
government has stagnated amid a variety of domestic political challenges, including due to the third
wave of Covid-19 and economic problems.
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