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Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara-Algeria

Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, December 14 - 15, 2022

New class of locally conformal Kähler manifolds

OUBBICHE Nour, Beldjilali Gherici, Bouzir Habib

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of locally conformal Kähler (l.c.K.)
manifolds which will generalize the Vaisman manifold. Then, some basic properties of this class is
discussed, also the existence of such manifolds is shown with concrete examples.
Keywords: Locally conformally Kähler structure, Lee vector field, K-torse forming vector field.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:
Keywords: Locally conformally Kähler structure, Lee vector field, K-torse forming vector field.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:53D15, 53C25, 53B25, 53A55.

1 Introduction
An almost complex manifold with a Hermitian metric is called an almost Hermitian manifold. For an
almost Hermitian manifold (M, J, g) we thus have J 2 = −I and g(JX, JY ) = g(X, Y ). for all X and Y
vector fields on M where I is the identity transformation. An almost complex structure J is integrable,
and hence the manifold is a complex manifold, if and only if its Nijenhuis tensor NJ vanishes, with

NJ (X, Y ) = [JX, JY ] − [X, Y ] − J[X, JY ] − J[JX, Y ].

It is also shown [24] that J is integrable if and only if (∇JX J)JY = (∇X J)Y where ∇ is the Riemannian
connection of M . For an almost Hermitian manifold (M, J, g), we define the fundamental Kähler form Ω
as Ω(X, Y ) = g(X, JY ). The Hermitian manifold (M, J, g) is called Kählerian if Ω is closed, and thus is
characterized by the conditions: dΩ = 0 and NJ = 0. One can prove that both these conditions combined
are equivalent with the single condition
∇J = 0.
A locally conformally Kählerian (shortly, l.c.K.) metric g on a complex manifold (M, J) is a Hermitian
metric that locally admits a conformal change exp(f )g|U making it Kähler. Equivalently, the fundamental
Kähler form Ω satisfies dΩ = ω ∧ Ω where the Lee form θis a closed 1−form. Briefly, we denote such a
manifold by (M, J, ω, g). On any l.c.K. manifold one has the well-known identity (see [19], Cor. 1.1)

2(∇X J)Y = θ(Y )X − ω(Y )JX − g(X, Y )A − Ω(X, Y )B, (1.1)

where B is the contravariant field of ω called Lee vector field, θ = ω ◦ J and A = −JB are respectively
the anti-Lee form and the anti-Lee vector field.
Torse forming vector fields were introduced by K.Yano [13]. A vector fields ξ on M is said to be torse
forming if and anly if ∇X ξ = aX + η(X)ξ, for all vector fields X on M , some smooth function a and
1-form η on M . The 1-form η is called the generating form and the function a is called the conformal
Further, a complex analogue of a torse forming vector field is called K-torse forming vector field and it
was introduced by S.Yamaguchi and W. N. Yu [22, 21],

∇X ξ = aX + bJX + η1 (X)ξ + η2 (X)Jξ, (1.2)

where a and b are functions, η1 and η2 are 1-forms on M . The functions a and b (resp. 1-forms η1 and η2 )
appearing in (1.2) will be called the associated functions (resp. forms) of ξ. Moreover if the associated

Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara-Algeria
Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, December 14 - 15, 2022

functions a and b satisfy a2 + b2 ̸= 0 in M , then we call such a vector field a proper K-torse-forming
vector field.
In this paper we try to introduce a new class of locally conformal Kähler structures which will generalize
the Vaisman structure and for that we will use the concept of K-torse-forming vector field. We study
some properties of such class and we give concrete examples.

2 Main results
A special K-torse forming vector field on a Hermitian manifold (M, g) is a K-torse forming vector field ξ
satisfying the equation (1.2) with associated forms η1 = αξ ♭ + µ(Jξ)♭ and η2 = λξ ♭ + β(Jξ)♭ , for some
smooth functions α, β, λ and µ on M , that is

∇X ξ = aX + bJX + αg(X, ξ)ξ + µg(X, Jξ)ξ + λg(X, ξ)Jξ + βg(X, Jξ)Jξ.

Putting η(X) = g(X, ξ) and η̃ = η ◦ J which implies ξ˜ = −Jξ then we obtain

∇X ξ = aX + bJX + αη(X)ξ + β η̃(X)ξ˜ − λη(X)ξ˜ − µη̃(X)ξ. (2.1)

Examining (2.1), we notice that ∇X ξ consists of two parts, one is symmetric the other is anti-symmetric,
so we can distinguish two interesting cases. The first is for b = λ = µ = 0 that is
∇X ξ = aX + αη(X)ξ + β η̃(X)ξ, (2.2)

in which case, we have

2dη(X, Y ) = g(∇X ξ, Y ) − g(∇Y ξ, X) = 0,
and ξ is said to be the first kind of K-torse forming vector field. The second is for a = α = β = 0, i.e.

∇X ξ = bJX − λη(X)ξ˜ − µη̃(X)ξ, (2.3)

in which case, we have

dη = −bΩ + (λ − µ)η ∧ η̃.
So, in this case, ξ is said to the second kind of K-torse forming vector field.

Definition 2.1. An l.c.K. manifold (M, J, ω, g) is called a K-torse forming locally conformal Kähler
manifold if its Lee vector field is a first kind of K-torse forming vector field i.e.

∇X B = f X + αω(X)B + βθ(X)A, (2.4)

or equivalently
(∇X ω)Y = f g(X, Y ) + αω(X)ω(Y ) + βθ(X)θ(Y ), (2.5)
for all X and Y vector fields on M and f, α and β are smooth functions on M .

Briefly, we denote such a manifold by K-torse forming l.c.K..

Remark 2.1. Any Vaisman manifold is a K-torse forming l.c.K. with f = α = β = 0.
To simplify condition (2.4), noting that

0 = dω(B, X)
= g(∇B B, X) − g(∇X B, B), (2.6)

g(∇X B, B) = X(ω(B) − g(B, ∇X B),

Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara-Algeria
Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, December 14 - 15, 2022

∇B B = grad ω(B) . (2.7)
Setting X = B in (2.4), we get
∇B B = f B + αω(B)B, (2.8)
so, from (2.7) and (2.8) we obtain
f = −αω(B) + B ln ω(B) ,
and the condition (2.4) becomes
∇X B = − αω(B) + B ln ω(B) X + αω(X)B + βθ(X)A. (2.9)
If B is a unit vector field then

∇X B = α − X + ω(X)B + βθ(X)A. (2.10)

To distinguish between the kinds of this new class we use α and β as parameters and we say K-torse
forming l.c.K. of type (α, β).
Proposition 2.1. Let (M, J, ω, g) be a K-torse forming l.c.K. manifold. Then, A is a second kind of
K-torse forming vector field and
dθ = f − ω(B) Ω + (α + β + 1)ω ∧ θ. (2.11)
Corollary 2.1. The second kind of K-torse forming is Killing if and only if α = β.
Example 2.1. Let (x, y, z, t) denote the Cartesian coordinates in R4 . Let (θi ) be the dual frame of
differential 1-forms on R4 given by

θ1 = eρ+t dx, θ2 = eρ+t dy, θ3 = eρ−t (−2xdy + dz), θ4 = eρ+3t dt,

and let (ei ) be the frame of vector fields on M defined by:,

∂ ∂ ∂  ∂ ∂
e1 = e−(ρ+t) , e2 = e−(ρ+t) + 2x , e3 = e−ρ+t , e4 = e−(ρ+3t) ,
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

where ρ = ρ(t) a smooth function on R4 . For the non-zero Lie brackets of (ei ), we have:

[e1 , e2 ] = 2e−(ρ+3t) e3 , [e1 , e4 ] = (ρ′ + 1)e−(ρ+3t) e1 ,

[e2 , e4 ] = (ρ′ + 1)e−(ρ+3t) e2 , [e3 , e4 ] = (ρ′ − 1)e−(ρ+3t) e3 .

Define an almost complex structure J on M by assuming

Je1 = e2 , Je2 = −e1 , Je3 = e4 , Je4 = −e3 .

For the Nijenhuis tensor NJ , it can be checked that

NJ (ei , ej ) = [Jei , Jej ] − J[ei , Jej ] − J[Jei , ej ] + J 2 [ei , ej ] = 0,

for any i, j. By the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem, J is a complex structure on M . P i

Let g be the Riemannian metric on M for which (ei ) is an orthonormal frame, so that g = θ ⊗ θi . It is

Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara-Algeria
Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, December 14 - 15, 2022

obvious that the pair (J, g) is a Hermitian structure. For the fundamental form Ω, Ω(X, Y ) = g(X, JY ),
we have

Ω = −2 θ1 ∧ θ2 + θ3 ∧ θ4

= −2e2(ρ+t) (dx ∧ dy − 2xdy ∧ dt + dz ∧ dt).

Notice that
dΩ = 2ρ′ dt ∧ Ω,
where ρ′ = ∂ρ ′ 4 ′
∂t . Under the condition ρ ̸= 0, (R , J, ω, g) is an L.c.K manifold with ω = 2ρ dt =
′ −(ρ+3t) 4
2ρ e θ .
We need here the Riemannian connection with respect to the metric g. This is given by

∇e1 e1 = ∇e2 e2 = −(ρ′ + 1)e−(ρ+3t) e4 , ∇e1 e2 = −∇e2 e1 = e−(ρ+3t) e3 ,

∇e1 e3 = ∇e3 e1 = −e−(ρ+3t) e2 , ∇e1 e4 = (ρ′ + 1)e−(ρ+3t) e1 ,

∇e2 e3 = ∇e3 e2 = e−(ρ+3t) e1 , ∇e2 e4 = (ρ′ + 1)e−(ρ+3t) e2 ,
∇e3 e3 = −(ρ′ − 1)e−(ρ+3t) e4 , ∇e3 e4 = (ρ′ − 1)e−(ρ+3t) e3 ,
∇e4 e1 = ∇e4 e2 = ∇e4 e3 = ∇e4 e4 = 0.
Knowing that ω(ei ) = g(B, ei ) for i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} then we get

B = 2ρ′ e−(ρ+3t) e4 , A = −JB = 2ρ′ e−(ρ+3t) e3 and θ = 2ρ′ e−(ρ+3t) θ3 .

Now, since we have

∇e1 B = 2ρ′ (ρ′ + 1)e−2(ρ+3t) e1 ,
∇e2 B = 2ρ′ (ρ′ + 1)e−2(ρ+3t) e2 ,
∇e3 B = 2ρ′ (ρ′ − 1)e−2(ρ+3t) e3 ,
∇e4 B = 2(ρ′′ − ρ′2 − 3ρ′ )e−2(ρ+3t) e4 ,
one can easily check that
∇ei B = f ei + αω(ei )B + β(ei )A,
ρ′′ − 4ρ′ − 2ρ′2 −1
f = 2ρ′ (ρ′ + 1)e−2(ρ+3t) , α= , β=
2ρ′2 ρ′
which confirms that (R4 , J, ω, g) is a 4-dimensional 1-parameter family of K-torse forming l.c.K. .

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Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara-Algeria
Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, December 14 - 15, 2022

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