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-refers to the conditions of the atmosphere over a

short period of time
-refers to the conditions
of the atmosphere over a
long period of time
- the scientific study of weather forming processes and
weather forecasting

- study of climate and climate change
How do we measure air temperature?
- the temperature of the air is measured by a room
thermometer or Six’s Thermometer.
-the reading in the thermometer tells us how hot or cold
the air is.
-air temperature is higher on a hot day than on a cold day.
- Temperature is measured in degree Celsius (°C)
Six’s thermometer
-Also known as
- has indicators to mark the
minimum and maximum
temperatures for the day.
- a weather report shows the
minimum and maximum
temperatures for each day.
What is humidity?
-Also called as relative humidity
- measure of the amount of water vapour in the air.
Water vapour is water in its gaseous state.
- Humidity indicates of precipitation, dew, or fog.
-Days with less humid – our skin may feel dry because of
little water vapour

- Days that are more humid- our perspiration takes longer

to evaporate.Higher humidity reduces effectiveness
sweating in cooling the body by reducing the rate of
evaporation of moisture of the skin

- Measures how humid or dry the air is.
-Humidity is expressed as a percentage(%), which
indicated whether the air is holding the maximum
amount of water vapour at a particular
temperature or a lesser amount.
- 100% humidity –means that the air cannot hold
any more water vapour. It indicates that it will
- High humidity prevents our perspiration from
drying quickly.
- High humidity prevents
our perspiration from
drying quickly.
What can you say about the
percentage number in the
It shows that the weather is humid.

Explain your answer.

The hygrometer shows that it nearly reach
90%. It indicates that there is a probability
that it will rain.
It means that the air cannot hold anymore
water vapour. It indicates that it will rain.
What is Atmospheric pressure?
-Is the force of air pushing on an
-Atmospheric pressure is one of
the factors affecting the weather
in one place and is measured by
using barometer.
Understanding the features of
-Weather events takes place in the
layer of atmosphere known as the
-What is the weather today?
TEXTBOOK pages 137 -139


❖ Air temperature – is usually higher during the day than during the night
Factors of air temperature
Cloud cover
waves in the sea
presence of rain
❖ wind speed and direction – air moves from an area with high pressure to an
area with low pressure. This movement of air causes wind.
- the greater the difference in the atmospheric pressure , the stronger the
❖ clouds (textbook, page 138)
❖ rainfall (textbook, page 139 )
TEXTBOOK pages 137 -139
the process of turning from liquid to gas
water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact
with it.
the conversion of a vapor or gas to a liquid
is rain, snow— any kind of weather condition where something's falling from
the sky.
Rain falls when water droplets become too big and heavy.
Precipitation has to do with things falling down, and not just from the
sky. It's also what happens in chemical reactions when a solid settles to
the bottom of a solution.
- Altitude
- The higher the altitude the colder the temperature
- It will have more rain.
- Distance from the equator
Identify the red line.
Why are the warmest climate
found in the equator?
- Because they are near to the
- Equator sun
- The sunlight hits directly in
the equator, giving more heat
and light at any given spot.
How ice sheets are formed?
- Ice sheets are formed due to the
cold weather throughout the
- Ice sheets are formed because
of the accumulation of snowfall.
- When the amount of snow falling
during cold periods exceeds the
amount of water escaping during
Distance from the coast
- The distance of the coast affects
climate because the wind from the
ocean is colder than of the inland and
carries more moisture to the
evaporation from the water.
WHy do near the ocean have a milder winter and summer?

- Because the waves in the sea

carry warm and cold air with
them .This heats up or cold
areas the sea.
Trees and plants
What is climate?

- Climate is the atmospheric condition in a certain place over

a long period of time.

What is the difference between climate and weather?

- Weather is the day to day state of atmosphere while climate
is the long state of the atmosphere.
What is altitude?

- Altitude, like elevation is the distance above sea level.

How does altitude affect climate?

- Altitude refers to the height above sea level. Temperature
decreases with increasing height above sea level. This makes
the higher areas to have lower temperature and the lower
areas have a higher temperature.
- In short : the higher the area, the lower the temperature.
The lower the area, the higher the temperature.
Activity 10.2
Pages 64 and 65

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