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.-* _ - :-::::--''_*

5 Prunumiation
Linking sound¡
B. PAIR§. Fractice the conversations with a
*. ig Listen. Then listen again and repeat. classmate.
. lÁ/here's\-,
vour dad? ' This\-./is Brian'
. He's work. 1. A: 144rere's Your dad?
___ \Jat '. Nice to meet\2You' B: He's at home.
. He'Jathome. HowareYou?
2. A: This is Sara.
B: Nice to meet You.
T 6 Yocahulary
I Things for teens
A. Q! Look at the picture§ as you listen and repeat'

L" ceii phone *-- 2. skateboard -=-_- 3. 1\'{P3 player -_-** 4' computer _--*


5. DVDs _--- 6. D\rD player -_- 7. video games 8. televisiOn --_-_
11tt{$"'( f'Í;r;
f.' Ék*
g. magazines 10. backpack -.-*.-- 11. bicy-c1e 12. Roilerbiadeso
-=- -.- --
B. Look at the words in Exercise A. Put a check (/) next to the things you have'

É s

Prepositions of place: in, on, above, under, *t, behind, in front af

Where are the CDs? Where's the balloon?

They're iL' the bag.
lhey're : the DáQ. ffi@ It's rbovethe table.
It's ¡n front of the TV.
1 ,r

Where's the balloon? Where's your sister?

It's under the table. She's atwork.

lt's behind the computer, She's at home"
She's at school.

Unit 2
DiscormrÍng grammar 10 Listening
Look at the grammar chart. Circle the A. 13) Listen to the conversation. Circle the
correct answers. €orrect answers.
1. What are some examples of prepositíons? 1. Where's the family?
a. the c. under e. in front of a. at the park
b. at d. an f. in @ at home
2. I¡Vhere's Liza?
2. What usually comes after a preposition? a. at the computer b. on the phone
a. a verb b. a noun c. an adjective 3. Where are Andy and Brian?
. a. inthebedroom b. atschool
4. Where's Robbie?
a. in the bedroom b. in the kitchen
5. \Alhere's dinner?
a. in the bag b. on the tabie
B. e9 Listen again and check your work.
PAIR§", Take turns asking and answerinE the
1. l4lhere's our teacher?

2. Where's your English book?

3. Where's your backpack?
4. Where are your pens and pencils?
5. Where are your notebocks? §\-\ '.'1t-.

8 Pna¡ce
A. PAIRS. Compete with another pair. Look
at the picture. ln three minutes, write
sentences that say where the objects are.
Use prepositions.
Eor example:
The video camera ls abqrc the bed,


B. Count your sentences. Who has the

, ,"1F,É i
m«:st i

Have a (ompetitionl Gc to
page 68.

Unit 2 f7

9 look at the pictures. Write in, on, under,
or above.
Prepositions of place:
in, ofi, above, unden at,
beizind, in frant af \

";rI"".M l*¡pd--'tY
i' I'
Get started
7 Underline the prepositions in the sentences
1". The bags are on the cart.
2. He put the Rollerblades@ under the table. tr*
3. Is my notebook on the desk?
', ""t-dffi
4. The DVD player is above the television. ffitr&Pr.
5. The cell phone is in my backpack. t

Move up
I look at the picture. eomplete the sentences trO wr¡te a sentence for each picture in
with ,n, an, unden or aóoye. Exercise 9 saying where each object is.
Use words in the hox.

¡¡ t¡ llt backpack t¡ag CDs table

illt li
§\ 1. The backpack is above the babl§.
\ 5.


L. The DVD player is Pf the teievision.

2. The magazines are -.-- the table.
3. The skatet'oard is -- the desk.
4. The computer is _-*-- the desk.
5. The cell phonc is the backpack.

82 unit 2
L l Clre te the correct pre¡:ositions. Then write
the correct sentences.
1. The video camera is {at /@ the bag.
The video camem is in lbe bag. fRx
2. Is Paula {an / at) schooi today?
3. The notebook is on the d,esk {wñer / *t} tne

4. Is that a Jerurifer Lopez poster (at / above)

the desk?

5. Sueisnot (at I oti home

6. There are some video games {in I aboae) the 13 loof at the picture. Write questions and
backpack, ánswers using Wñere's, Where are, and in,
on, under, above, ar in front af"
1. thtl carnera ,l the hacknack
Q; Wherab the aamara?
Reach for the top
A; Itb in the backpack,
12 look át the picture ln the next column. 2. the posters / the bed
Answer the quest¡ons with the words
in parentheses and ifl, on, abavé, under, Q: Where are the pootera?
behind, ar in front af. A; They're above the bed,
1. \Alhere is the backp ack? (the bect) 3. the noteboak / the chair
The backpack is under the bed.
2. Where are the books? {the CD ptayer) A;
4. the CDs / the chair
3. Where is the cell phone? (ttrc ctesk) Q:
4. l4lhere is the wind aw? {the teleaision) 5. the computer / the desk
5. lArhere is the camera? (the ba.ckpacl)

6. the television / the window

6. IAIhere are the video games? {the computer} Q:

Workbook 83 I

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