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501. We had to take a … route because the main road was blocked.


502. We can say that we have had a … meeting. (FRUIT)

503. His conduct is … to a priest and people don’ t go to his church. (BECOME)

504. My neighbour is an … always forecasting the end of the world. (ALARM)

505. Her … amused but also annoyed us all. (ECCENTRIC)

506. The castle was given to them in … (PERPETUAL)

507. Uncle John is the kind of person who can … others. (MAGNET)

508. After a long time, our plans have come to … (FULFIL)

509. The President’s successful visit abroad has … his position. (FORCE)

510. We all look for … sometimes, don’t we? (PRIVATE)

511. The … of troops took place gradually. (WITHDRAW)

512. They took up … in Australia going to the outback. (RESIDE)

513. This time he made a … decision that pleased only some of us.

514. He made a … speech against the government’s resolution. (FIRE)

515. Don’t be … by this failure as you still have one more chance. (HEARI)

516. I forgave him, eventually, although it was a … apology. (LATE)

517. Our shop can supply whichever … (REQUIRE)

518. My new neighbour is a fairly … person. (PEACE)

519. I fear that the future of our bank is … (PROBLEM)

520. The measures they have taken are … (DEBATE)

521. The signature on this document is … ; is it yours ? (LEGIBLE)

522. I’m afraid your dress is … for such a formal dinner. (PROPER)
523. My daughter is … to dust and hay. (ALLERGY)

524. She told him that piece of news for his … (EDIFY)

525. The … industry has striven in the last decades. (PHARMACY)

526. The singer on the stage had a sweet … voice. (MUSIC)

527.1 won’t allow any … whatsoever in my business. (INTERFERE)

528.1 can say that your clothes are really … (FUNCTION)

529. The woman accepted her fate with … (RESIGN)

530. We need someone with a real sense of … to the job. (COMMIT)

531 . She had long … hair which increased her femininity. (SILK)

532. The scientists studied the problem of … in subzero temperatures. (SURVIVE)

533. The manager’s suggestions met with some … (RESIST)

534. The … of the Earth round the Sun takes a year. (REVOLVE)

535. Everybody admired her … buttons. (PEARL)

536. Profits have risen … since the last meeting of the board. (SIGNIFICANCE)

537. The … of Romania’s independence took place in 1877. (PROCLAIM)

538. Alex is a … young employee who should be promoted. (RESOURCE)

539. Her efforts to improve the school have been … (EFFECT)

540. The president made an … to the new state of affairs. (ALLUDE)

541. He was accused of … to the party. (LOYAL)

542. It is … to drive a car without a driving licence. (LEGAL)

543. I know that her new hobby is … (EMBROIDER)

544. Margaret is such a … woman, always insisting on the rules. (PEDANT)

545. On Sundays the church is full of … (WORSHIP)

546. We all admired the … arrangement of flowers. (DECORATE)

547. His mates used to mock at his … but now they look up to him. (BOOK)

548. Our firm has entered into an … with a larger one. (ALLY)

549. Now that she lives abroad , she visits her grandparents … . (YEAR)

550.1 am curious to see how the … will react to the new law. (PEASANT)

551. She has retired and receives an … from her former employers. (ANNUAL)

552. We felt … by bis arrogant behaviour. (LITTLE)

553. His work sank into … after his death. (OBLIVIOUS)

554. There’s a clear … of liberals in the government. (PREDOMINATE)

555. In this case, our … is accurate. (DEDUCE)

556. He sticks … to any task, no matter the obstacles. (MAN)

557. In order to live all … needs must be satisfied. (BODY)

558. Mike’s … of Liza was unsuccessful. (COURT)

559. The two friends shook hands … when they met again.(VIGOUR)

560. Some fashion models appeared like … figures a few years ago. (SKELETON)

561. Such embroidered blouses are a … of this region. (PECULIAR)

562. He was surprised to find out that the machine was … . (DEFECT)

563. He’s too mother-… for his age. (RELIANCE)

564. What have you … the coffee with ? (SWEET)

565. Is she the only … of this house ? (OCCUPY)

566. I noticed a look of … on my daughter’s face. (ENCHANT)

567. I hope all my plans will soon … (MATERIAL)

568. Immediate measures must be taken to reduce the risk of … (BREAK)

569 Our boots were wet because it was … there. (SWAMP)

570. Who and what are … pronouns. (INTERROGATE)

571. To her surprise, they understood her … well. (AMAZE)

572. The tunes she played on the piano sounded quite … (VIBRATE)

573. This mistake that she made led to her … from her job. (SUSPEND)

574. Her appearance at the meeting was … (DISRUPT)

575. Like his father, he has worked in the …in his town. (BREW)

576. She is suffering from a … infection. (RESPIRE)

577. In the end this proved to be a … experience. (PROFIT)

578 This factory was … many years ago. (NATION)

579. You are an … to believe that such things might really happen. (IDEAL)

580. The rain had … when we left the party. (SLACK)

581. The price of cars is still … for many people nowadays. (PROHIBIT)

582. Stay away from that m a n ; he is said to be mean and … (REVENGE)

583. They had a lot of electrical … installed all about the house. (FIT)

584. He used to be such a restless … man ! (ADVENTURE)

585. This gymnast was a gold … at the Olympic Games. (MEDAL)

586. The … of this painting will take a long time. (RESTORE)

587. Both chambers voted for the abolition of the death … (PENAL)

588. If I may be …. I was the one who put forward this plan. (MODEST)

589. Share prices were … today in active trading. (BUOY)

590. The … to the text was unexpected. (AMEND)

591. We know that the next postal … is at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. (DELIVER)
592. He is a worldwide known nuclear … (PHYSICS)

593. Some people find white a very … colour. (REST)

594. His rudeness was beyond our …(ENDURE)

595. The boy looked at me in utter … (PERPLEX)

596. Fans of famous stars fill their rooms with their idols’… . (MEMORABLE)

597. His … reaction was to cover his face. (INSTANT)

598. I am amazed at the … of your project. (AMBITIOUS)

599. The Chinese and people of the same race have … eyes. (SLANT)

600. There existed great … between the two clans. (ENEMY)

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