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Radiation Therapy

Activity No. 4

Name: IZZY MIE D. AMODIA Date: March 11, 2022


 To identify the linear energy tranfers and relative biological effectivenes,

 To define the relationship between LET and RBE,
 To explain how high and low linear enegry transfer in ionizing radiation , and;
 To explain the biological effects in RBE in LET.
 If using Microsoft word, use Times new roman 12; or
 You can write your answer in a short bond paper.
 Your answer should be legibly clear.


1. What is dose fractionation/fraction?

-The dose fractionation/fraction is extension of total dose over a period of time (days or
week), in order to minimize unwanted radiation effects on normal tissue.

2. What is dose protraction/protractionation?

- The dose protraction/protractionation is the The time in which total dose is to be

3. What is linear energy transfer (LET) in radiology?

-The linear energy transfer (LET) is the average amount of energy lost per unit track
length in tissue by a particular type of radiation.

4. What is Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) in radiology?

- RBE is a ratio of dose of reference radiation/ Dose of that particular radiation that
would be necessary to produce the same reaction.

5. Explain the relationship between LET and RBE in biological response.

-The RBE-LET relationships are correlated with local energy deposition in small
regions of the cells. It shows that single-track lethal damage is composed in part of a
type of damage that is not repaired by delayed plating and is very strongly
dependent on LET with maximum RBE values up to 20, while another component
consists of potentially lethal damage that is weakly dependent on LET with maximum
RBE values less than 3. Potentially lethal damage and sublethal damage depend
similarly on LET as DNA double-strand breaks. The sector of single-track damage
which is not repaired by delayed plating is hypothesized to be caused through a
repair-exchange mechanism involving two double-strand breaks induced close
together. The identification of these different components of damage leads to an
interpretation of differences in radiosensitivity and in RBE-LET relationships among
various types of cells.

6. Explain high and low LET radiation.

- High LET radiation is like alpha particles, protons or neutrons it is much greater
than that from low-LET radiation like gamma rays. Because the living tissue can more
easily repair damage from radiation that is spread over a large area than that which
is concentrated in a small area. Of course, at very high levels of exposure gamma
rays can still cause a great deal of damage to tissues.

7. Explain the biological effects of RBE as a function of LET.

-The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of radiations as a function of linear energy
transfer (LET) is analyzed for different types of damage causing reproductive death
of mammalian cells. Survival curves are evaluated assuming a linear-quadratic dose
dependence of the induction of reproductive death of cells. The linear term
represents damage from single particle tracks and the quadratic term represents
damage due to interaction of lesions from independent tracks.

8. Define half value layer.

- The half valye layer is the width of a material required to reduce the air kerma of
an x-ray or gamma ray to half its original value.

9. Define half life.

-The half life is the average time it takes for the number of nuclei in a radioactive
isotope sample to halve.

10. What is specific activity of radioisotope?

-The amount of radioactivity or the decay rate of a particular radionuclide per unit
mass of radionuclide.

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