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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной формеили выберите правильный вариант:

1. I ___ (be) from Russia. They ____ _____ (be) Sofie and Maria. Maria ___ (not/be) from Russia,
she _________ (be) from Italy.
2. She _________ (live) in London, she ___ _____ (not/live) in Moscow.
3. There (be) three parks in the town. There ____ ______ (not/be) any museums.
4. I _ _________ (be) on holiday last August. I ____ ______ (go) to India.
5. She ____ __________ (read) a book now, she ____ _____________ (not/write) a test.
6. Frank is __ __________ husband.
(a) Jane is (b) Jane’s (c) Jane (d) Janes
7. I don’t work____________ the weekends.
(a) in (b) at (c) under (d) a


Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной формеили выберите правильный вариант:

1. She ___ ___________ (work) in a hospital, she ____ _______ (not/work) at school.
2. I ____ _________ (watch) a DVD last weekend, I ____ _____ (not/go out) with my friends.
3. They _______ ____________ (write) a test now.
4. She _____( never/see) a film in English, and you? ____ _____________ (you/ever/see) a film in
5. In 2050 cars _____ ___________ (have) computers, people _____ _______ (not/drive) cars.
6. I eat ___ _________ in the morning.
(a) lunch (b) dinner (c) breakfast (d) supper
7. We don’t need ___ _________ tomatoes.
(a) any (b) a (c) an (d) some


Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме:

1. 200 years ago boys and girls _______________ (go) to different schools, but now they study
2. Yesterday evening I _______ ____________ (read) a book when Alex___ _____ (come).
3. She _____ ____________ (not/finish) the test yet, but I ___ ___________ (already/write)
4. If I ___________ (have) some free time tomorrow, I ___ ___________ (come) to see you.
5. The Simpsons cartoon ___ (watch) in more than 70 countries.
6. You wear gloves on your ____ ________ .
(a) feet (b) head (c) hands (d) arms
7. Someone who wants to be successful in life is __ _________ .
(a) aggressive (b) charming (c) ambitious (d) bossy

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме:

1. Before he went to work he _____ ______________ (have) breakfast.

2. – Sonya and I ____ _______________ (meet) at the pizza house at 8.30 tonight.
– OK. I ______ ________________ (probably/go) there with you.

3. I ____ (learn) English for ten years, I’m learning it now, but I can’t speak it well!

4.If I _ ___________ (be) the President of Russia, I ____ _________ (help) poor people.

5. ‘Will you come to work tomorrow?’ my boss asked.

My boss asked me if I ___ (come) to work the next day.

6. You said they’d gone, but ____i_________ they’re still there.

(a) ideally (b) apparently (c) incredibly

7. Lenny Montano __ how some tricks are done.

(a) claimed(b) pretended (c) revealed


Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме:

1. Things ________________________ (go) well and it seemed that the painting was almost ready.
2. I wish I ___ ______ (live) in Russia. If only I _________________ (live) in a country like
3. By 2020 I ________________________ (achieve) all the goals I’ve set myself.
4. We _____ (talk) aboui the next step in our next session.
5. She suggested ____willnt tell_____________ (not/tell) him until the next day and he agreed
___doing___________ (do) this.
6. Just wait! I’ll get _______________ on you soon.
(a) my back (b) a lot of thought (c) the benefit of the doubt
7. Sure, animalshaverights,buttheseactiviststakeitto_____________.
(a) thetop ( b ) overkill ( c ) extremes ( d ) excess

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